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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I hate that chart! It may work for some body types but there is a wide range them on this earth and for me it was a shaming tool that lead to years of abuse to my body that resulted in permanent damage trying to reach an unobtainable goal.
  2. I don't really have a budget. I try not to put real life money into SL these days, although I used to before I started hosting. Back then I used to rely on hunts for most of my wardrobe unless it was something I really wanted. I would buy chunks of Lindens ($5,000 - 10,000) when ever I got low (about $8 US dollars every 3-4 months) and spent most of that on tipping in clubs. Once I started hosting I never needed to buy Lindens again. Since I retired in both RL and SL I have been spending a lot less time in SL. So I don't buy very much anymore since I'm not there. I sold my mainland (which I'd held for about ten years) since I was there so little and I didn't cash it out to RL so I have enough to tip when I go to clubs and buy whatever I want, but again I'm not there as much so I spend less. ETA: Oh and I have two annual premium accounts, one of which I am dropping when it comes up for renewal.
  3. As usual, I follow the beat of a different drummer. I lost weight. More than likely because my main entertainment became walking with friends because it's safer to be outside with people than inside.
  4. I don't share your frame of reference, that reply meant nothing to me.
  5. I accept your apology, no need for reparations. But I would like to know what you meant by "old pain in the ass ultraboomers". All of us boomers are old now and some are pains in the ass, but what did you mean by ultra?
  6. As if all elderly women are former housewives. Are there any women in the US of A that are just housewives these days? Everyone in my generation combined housewifery with a career. Some were lucky enough to get more than 6 weeks off to have a baby.
  7. Do I detect a little disdain for the aging process? Let me remind you of the alternative to aging, no-one gets out of here alive.
  8. I have done this in the past. Mostly when I was in relationships. I used to leave my desktop on all night while we slept in a couple of relationships, long, long ago. I especially liked waking up in the morning together. Going to bed together before logging off was also nice. But I've been single in SL since August of 2020 and I hardly spend any time in SL anymore. I don't even change my clothes every time I log in anymore.... and my desktop died and I don't want to overheat my laptop.
  9. I didn't meet Mr. Rogers until I started babysitting. I can remember my fascination with how enraptured the little boy I baby sat was as Mr. Rogers talked to him. Later I bought a book he wrote and read articles about him and just generally followed his career. Naturally I put him on for my daughter, but she relates better to animals than people and she was not a fan. Dinosaurs, not puppets were her thing.
  10. My daughter was born in '92. She also cringes now about Barney. In fact there are were some shows that I enjoyed more than her, like The Wild Thornberrys and The Rugrats and Sesame Street. I was sad when she didn't want to watch Sesame Street anymore. And Mr. Rogers was my hero, even though she never really got into him.
  11. Yes, I enjoyed them too. To this day we still talk about long necks (my favorite) and sharp tooths (daughter's fave). And I just adored Ducky! After the 500th time they wore a bit thin, but, I have fond memories of the pleasure and excitement my daughter had when a new one would come out.
  12. And all this time I've been relating to you as an old friend and now I learn that you didn't know I was Kattaonia. Surprise Hugs! I've never hidden it, and I thought I'd mentioned it a few times in the forums but then I felt like I was talking about myself too much and I guess you missed it.
  13. Aww! I watched more Barney than I ever wanted to because my daughter loved him. I inwardly cringed at his sugary sweet vapidness, but he was a dinosaur and my daughter just loved all things dinosaur. I was so glad when she moved on to The Land Before Time and Disney's Dinosaur, followed by the Jurassic Park series of movies. I've watched a lot of children's television, over the years, most of which I liked, but not Barney.
  14. Having had a recent brush with mortality, I find that I am energized and hopeful. The future? Bring it on! I wanna see what happens.
  15. Sometimes I miss Katt too, but really she and Kali are the same person, just in different years, but Katt was wounded and I didn't like feeling that way. Kali is a lot stronger, and a lot looser. Anyway, when being Katt meant feeling bereft and heartbroken, I had to let her go. Sometime I think about putting on the rose colored glasses and letting my hair go white again but still as Kali (but I'd have try and replace so many different auburn hairs!). I guess I never really took the rose colored glasses off mentally, just stopped wearing them. The LWL was a wonderful slice in time, a treasure memory for me as well.
  16. That's sort of like how I see my alts Kali started out as my first alt but she's been my main since 2012 - She's me like Cinnamon is you. Kattatonia was my first av and she retired in 2012. She very rarely signs in, but I did bring her in and updated her look when mesh heads came out. Then I brought her back to play tiny Empires but I don't really play TE any more. The rest of my alts do not socialize. They were created either to re-experience being a new user or to play TE. Some of them had brief times when I used them to do something different. I had a tumbleweed that I used to go to clubs to listen to music in the background while I surfed the internet. It didn't socialize just hovered in the grass. And I had one that was my sex alt. She didn't want relationships just sex. I haven't used her in quite a while. I rarely get the whim for spontaneous anonymous sex. One I've been using to try out different Belli homes. I'm taking her of premium when her year runs out. Over the years some of the alts developed personalities. The Sex alt. The music alt. One was kind of goth. Some would make different fashion choices. Some were male. One went to see what Gor was.
  17. I used to host at Junkyard Blues but I retired in both RL and SL in July of 2020.
  18. I remember one of the reasons I came to SL was because I read about Philip starting SL after an experience at burning man. I wanted so badly to go to burning man but my health couldn't handle the festival in a desert. Then I heard their was virtual burning man in SL and I made an account. I like the way Philip thinks.
  19. I use it to help me remember things about whoever's profile I write it on. If I meet a jerk, I copy the chat text into the notepad. Nobody else can see my notes so I'm not violating terms of service. And it's there if I see the person again and I know to steer clear of them. On my friend's profiles, I write things to remember about them like birthdays, dj's music streams, things they said that I particularly liked etc.
  20. Thanks, I've probably skipped them. I'll look around, but not too hard. Doesn't sound like something I really want to read so if they are gone, no big loss.
  21. which ones? Do I still have time to read them or are they gone already? I've been too busy to read much. I pick and choose the ones that look interesting to me.
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