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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I really resented FB coming in and dominating the market when I liked MySpace so much better. FB forced everyone's page to look the same where MySpace allowed everyone to be creative with HTML. And that insistence on only real people being allowed was such a drag too.
  2. When I first started reading this thread and saw all the pictures of people from SL, it prompted me to remember all the people from my own SL that are gone. 9 friends on my list will never log in again because they are dead. That's less than 5% of the people on my friends list. At a guess I'd say at least 75% of my friends have left SL for parts unknown to me. Some of them could be dead as well but I just never learned of it. I am still in touch with the rest. That says more about the fact that I rarely turn down a friendship request or unfriend people once I've added them than it does about anything else. But of course we all know that everyone on most friends lists are not real friends. Real friends are the ones that we become friends with over time with shared experiences, confidences and consolations. To the OP: I don't know you but I know the pain of loneliness that prompted you to start this thread. It sucks. I also saw many people telling you that they've heard your story before and that you should get help. As has been repeated in many posts, this forum is not where you should go to seek that help. If you don't like the way things are, I can tell you this: The only thing you have the power to change is you.
  3. You make some good points there, carry on. The hypothetical undecided people might be worth it and if not, then having a little harmless fun and indulging in a sense of superiority can compensate for the time and effort.
  4. I've never understood why anyone wanted to watch somebody else play games. Playing I get, watching? not so much.
  5. I really don't see the sense in arguing with strangers on the internet about this. I don't see anybody changing their minds.
  6. I got vaccinated as soon as I was eligible. When my state opened up I stopped wearing my mask. The only places where masks are required now are medical facilities. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Covid is on the rise again and even though it's not required, I've started wearing my mask again when I go to the grocery store and I'm avoiding crowds. I never stopped the sanitary measures like hand washing and wiping shopping carts down before use. I've eaten in restaurants since the reopening a few times but now I am reluctant to do so any more until the numbers stop climbing.
  7. I don't regret leaving California last July. The weather alone was reason enough to make the move.
  8. Thank you about the adulting. Adulting is very hard, especially when one has technically been an adult for over 45 years and still don't always act like one. Yeah, I was very surprised. I find myself talking to him. Not that I believe he can hear me, but who else can I talk to about this? So I suppose I am talking to myself. Misanthropes Anonymous, heh heh.... didn't they start a meeting but nobody came because, you know, people would be there.
  9. This is a logical fallacy, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument Next thing you know we'll have big brother breathing down our necks.
  10. I lost my dog once and had to go back to the maker's place in world to get him back. Have you tried that? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zoobyland/126/129/21 Also try joining the group and then asking for help within the zooby group. secondlife:///app/group/fc43d42e-3ba3-b77c-cdf3-5ec035f7a230/about
  11. I'm an alt myself. My original av retired and I took over. I don't think that alts are inherently evil. I certainly do not want to give up my privacy and I don't want anyone to have to give up theirs. People are complex. Do I want them to be less so? Hell no! It is the journey of a lifetime to know and understand yourself, and no two journeys are the same. I think that when people are able to know each other, it's always an incomplete thing. You may think you know someone, but how well? In Second life, the possibilities to partially know others are endless and amazing and sometimes more intimate than RL And sometimes it's painful. Life is like that.
  12. I kind of understand the temptation to be somebody new. And I can understand that once you've deceived people you care about, you have to keep doing it because you don't want them to know what you've done. This man continued his lies for over ten years. His partner of ten years never knew until after he died and she tried to contact the man she thought was his best friend who could never respond because, well, he was dead too. In a way I feel like I was lucky I only was involved with the alt and for less than a year and it ended over 3 years ago. I've already grieved the death of the relationship and moved on with my life. And I mourned the loss of the friend a few months ago when I first learned that he died. Now I mostly just feel bad for my friend, the woman who was deceived for over ten years by her partner. They had a good long lasting relationship in SL, one I envied more than once. They were both good friends of mine. It boggles my mind trying to wrap my head around it.
  13. Requiem for an imaginary man. So, what is real anyway? I just learned that someone I was involved with for a time may have been the alt of another person I know who died recently. I had no clue for the duration of our time together and it ended badly and took a long time for me to move on. Now I understand a little bit better why it was never going to work out. I don’t know how I feel any more. Am I upset about the big lie? Not that much. This was not my first rodeo. I’ve gone through mourning the loss of a partner before and learning that I didn’t know the whole truth about him either. After much agonizing and floundering around trying to learn what I could I finally decided to cherish the happy memories and let go of all the rest. He was just somebody that I used to know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVNT4wvIGY
  14. I've caught 2 different houseboats today just by doing the occasional refresh, not auto hammering. Nice locations too. But I'm not really in the mood to decorate another houseboat... So I will prolly release again.
  15. yes it was. I happened to see that post before it had any replies. It had over 45 views before someone took the bait and replied. Strategically posted on the weekend so it could get the most bang for it's buck too.
  16. I'm not really back. I check in here at the forums more often than I go in world. I go in world about once a month or so just to say hello to friends. I can't seem to get really engaged anymore. Up until a year ago I went in world almost every day and had from the day I first logged in. Addicted, yes. Now? Not so much.
  17. Since I started out as an alt, I put my first av's picture there.
  18. The last time I played GoH the Log Cabins had just come out. So I've yet to decorate a stilt home or a chalet. I still have my trad in SweetMarsh that I adore. I'd like to at least get the content creation packs for all the models.
  19. I thought I'd like to play game of homes again since I have a premium alt that hasn't claimed hers yet and I went looking for that thread "When did you last see a Bellessarian home available?" and found that it had been locked back in April. What do people do now?
  20. It's been a year since my real life circumstances changed and It amazes me how much I've forgotten about how SL works! I did something and lost my Baked on Mesh set up and had to go through the tutorial just recently to get it working properly again. About all I can manage these days is to change my clothes and tp to a club to see friends.
  21. It's so nice to see that traditions continue to be honored. The holiday flame/rant thread lives on!
  22. It looked like this and it was about 15 years old in 1971 when I learned to drive. It had some amusing failings. The clutch fluid leaked and I was stuck in reverse once when I was cutting school and couldn't leave a parking lot. After frantically pumping the clutch over and over I finally got free. It died in a car accident when the brakes failed, going about 5 miles an hour, and plowed into a Cadillac which was not damaged in the slightest but my poor little car folded up like an accordion and bled radiator fluid.
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