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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: aren't you like auto premium when you buy a sim anyways? or are you talking about leasing from another resident? No, you don't need to be a premium member to own an island. However non premium island owners will get access to the premium sandboxes and free gifts according to an LL spokesperson.
  2. amarock Amat wrote: SL is a typical Free to play method You can login and do waht you wish, but you need to buy things to enhance your expeirnce.. It' is the new style for games now Indeed, LL were way ahead of the curve on this one.
  3. Nice perks but I hope you're including all concierge level customers in this too being as you don't need to be premium to be an estate owner it would be a tad churlish to exclude them.
  4. Via a script do you mean? http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llSetTexture You'll want to know which face is which. you can select a face on the cube and then press Ctrl, Alt, Shift, T, which will show you which face number you've currently got selected.
  5. There are a lot of tutorials, I found this a great place to start with regards to Blender and the intro touches upon 3D modelling in general: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro You do need patience but there are some useful tips there that will help with other tutorials.
  6. if your transaction history is saying you've paid one week then you've paid one week. Do you pay the exact amount? Hippo needs exact payments, also does the landlord let you pay for two weeks? If not you'll get a refund.
  7. Yes you can change the time left with these boxes. You should go into your transaction history on the website here and get a copy of your payments to the rental box.
  8. KittyCat Ninetails wrote: I also do not see what the difference is with the textures we all buy and the maps. They are both really a texture. What is the difference between this fantastic texture I buy from Twisted Thorn for example..which comes with the tos that I cannot sell or give it away free to anyone or sell it to anyoe..and a sculptie map of a teacup? Both take a massive amount of skill and time to make. Both of them take some real person behind the screen making them. But no texture maker would dream of making those kind of restrictions on their textures. They may say I cant use them on any other grid. They may say that I cant sell or give em away. But they do not try and control what permissions I put on what I build with them, or what I do with the items I make from them. What is the difference? Textures are usually used as part of a build, a sculpt is pretty much the basis for the build in many cases. I would imagine we will see the same with Mesh, you will get a mesh item that is pretty much the finished article and if you sell it copy/trans it undermines their business model.
  9. Why on earth would you want to convert all your products to mesh? Prims are mesh, they work, they are lovely, there's no need to convert existing items to mesh, they already are Mesh.
  10. The notecards may have been badly worded but texture sellers don't want their textures going full perm from someone else, if you sold your items mod/copy then I'm sure all would be fine.
  11. Aletheia Zuta wrote: every day this week has tried to make big prims lol r we there yet? :matte-motes-delicious: All week if you're using the right viewer and on the right channel, I've been replacing my floors already!
  12. Freecilla Kuhn wrote: The Inworld search does not make money for LL the way the marketplace web pages do so it is not an issue. However inworld classifieds make money for LL in a similar fashion to the marketplace and classifieds aren't getting the exposure they should. Classifieds should be on our profiles like picks are.
  13. I am unable to untick "Allow Mesh Objects" in the region/estate window, I don't know if this is a viewer or server side problem. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-26727
  14. There are a couple of problems with the calls for anyone to own a homestead, the first one being that it was LL lowering the price and requirements (you used to have to buy four at a time) of homesteads that was at the heart of the great Open space fiasco. They sold like hot cakes and the system couldn't handle the overheads. Then there is the issue of Land Barons, whom, love them or loathe them, do pay a hell of a lot of tier to Linden Lab, they also save Linden Lab support and billing calls because they handle them as their customers need to speak directly with them, rather than going to Linden Lab. Tier has always been the barrier to people being direct customers of Linden Lab, Land Barons offer more options in terms of land size and price.
  15. ralph Alderton wrote: 1. When people say it's no fun, that could easily mean it's no fun to look at, or it doesn't inspire me to have fun in a place that doesn't look good They could mean that but I doubt it's a big issue, at the heart of Second Life lies social spaces, it's what people can do and how easy it is to find things to do that will hold people. ralph Alderton wrote: 2. When they say they can't afford it - it may mean for this much money it doesn't look good enough for me to continue paying and doesn't inspire me to keep paying Again I doubt this is a big issue, paying people have been hooked by something, however you're right in so much as it's an experience to dollar decision. ralph Alderton wrote: 3. Runs slowly on my computer - because of all the poorly optimized poorly made junk overwhelming their computer Personally I often hear people who try SL say it looks old fashioned and rubbishy. I agree I have not questioned the 16k people a day who try SL and don't like it But what's amazing is that 16k people a day are intrested in trying Secondlife - that is AWESOME. I truly believe if Secondlife looked more enticing, more attractive, it would compell people's attention and increase their desire to explore and learn more. The effort it takes to learn Secondlife is not supported by a thrilling and beautiful virtual environment - if it was more beautiful and there was less junk people would be more ready to make the effort Optimisation you have a point, people using larger than needed textures or running too many scripts, a decent discussion with Linden Lab on these issues would have potential. If Second Life "looked" more enticing is an issue beyond the visual experience, but you're correct to suggest that if it looked visually stunning it would hold people's attention more at the start but no matter how good it looks, it has to offer something for people to do. When I was a lad a game called Dragon's Lair arrived in the arcade, it was at the time visually stunning, unfortunately it was a bloody awful game, Pacman and Galaxians were far more fun and they didn't look as good, not even close. If people landed and right away had something fun and easy to follow to do, they'd probably stay longer. I'm not saying the visual aspect isn't important, I just don't think it's as important as you think it is and let's not forget that one huge appeal for Second Life is user generated content, don't underestimate how much fun people get out of playing with the creation tools and even if what they create is widely considered junk, it's their junk, they can build from that base, it's a big draw.
  16. ralph Alderton wrote: Clearly the Lab don't think junk is a problem and don't think the way Secondlife looks is a problem. And that IS the problem. LL don't perceive, they don't GET why people are not staying and why the churnover is so incredibly high. Imagine saying to a 3D game company - hey it doesn't matter what the game looks like. Top 3D game companies entice new users with exciting screenshots of their games prior to release. They spend millions getting the art style and graphics right. The SUPERABUNDANCE of junk IS a problem and IS damaging the growth and popularity of Secondlife Not a popular opinion, not even considered a problem, but it's true none the less. The SUPERABUNDANCE of junk is hurting Secondlife Again, where is your evidence? I'd argue that the real world economy and the rise of mobile computing have had a big impact on the growth of Second Life, I don't know of anyone who has told me they are leaving Second Life because of freebies, they can't afford it anymore, it's not fun anymore, there's nothing to do, it runs slowly on their computer, I've heard all those reasons but never had anyone cite freebies as a reason.
  17. ralph Alderton wrote: Chelsea, nearly 2 years ago I suggested and supported the idea of listing fees to reduce the amount of clutter and junk building up at the Martplace And 2 years ago I said SL will not and cannot grow in these circumstances and I'm very sad to say it but I was right. The grid is smaller, concurrency is less, user hours less etc The SUPERABUNDANCE of junk IS a problem and IS damaging the growth and popularity of Secondlife Not a popular opinion, not even considered a problem, but it's true none the less. The SUPERABUNDANCE of junk is hurting Secondlife and I'm not happy about it:matte-motes-crying: I trust you have evidence to backup this claim, you've done surveys and ran reports yes?
  18. Josh Susanto wrote: If there's some 3rd choice that would satisfy the OP, what would that be? Charging hundreds of dollars to be a content creator has been on the agenda before.
  19. Freebies aren't the cause of low retention, it doesn't take someone long to figure out they can pay for items, those who will leave because of freebies wouldn't stay if freebies are eliminated because they want freebies, so low quality freebies or no freebies at all isn't going to make an iota of difference to them, well other than no freebies would probably make them leave sooner.
  20. The marketplace is a low cost, low risk option to sell loads of items, it's no surprise that prices are tumbling, tier costs are tiny for a marketplace option, rent a few prims from a landlord for next to nothing and away you go. The marketplace continues to grow, the size of the world is falling, there are bigger issues with the marketplace than freebies and low cost items.
  21. Am i the only one who was a victim of the stuck im's fiasco that resulted in the arrival of im's that were months out of date a while back? Many a confused conversation when that happened. I prefer notecards, as others have pointed out notecards help people get to the point, they are easy to organise, if you prefer im's then that's your preference, there's nothing at all wrong with asking people to fill in a notecard, some merchants even have a set notecard that has sections for asking your question to enable them to give you the right support.
  22. Brooke Linden wrote: Hi all, Today we released an additional social networking feature on the Marketplace: Facebook Like. You can still comment on Facebook (and other social networking applications) using our AddThis widget. Please let us know if you see any issues or have other suggestions. Thanks! Brooke The Facebook like button is extremely intrusive and tracks people's activites whether they are Facebook users or not, whether they click it or not, how about you at Linden Lab being upfront and honest about how it works.
  23. Aili Panthar wrote: You shouldn't use the review section of a Marketplace listing to leave a 1-star review to complain about items that didn't get delivered. I see this all over SL Marketplace and I had it in my own store too. This is abusive behavior. People will surf the Marketplace, see that an item has a 1-star review and decide the product is crap. You should only review things after you receive them! This is a flaw in the review process but if someone is reviewing an experience and didn't get their item, then yes they will often leave a poor review, it's not abusive, it's also not the fault of the seller.
  24. Dakota Linden wrote: Greetings Lillipilli, If the product was removed/blocked you will be unable to edit the listing. You will need to submit a Support Case to have the product unblocked so that you can bring the listing into compliance. Good grief, is this really the only option? Don't get me wrong, I know people engage in dodgy marketing practices, I can recall on the old xstreet the practice of white on white text that hid a whole range of keywords.
  25. I don't generally do reviews when i blog but people do offer me items for review. I also don't follow SL fashion blogs, but I would imagine there are people who would ask for a freebie for a review.
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