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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Coca Cola? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Coca-Cola
  2. Indeed Ralph, Turbosquid names Second Life as an example of what can't be done when you purchase an item there, however this is the Turbosquid who sell items with a standard royalty free license hey
  3. Zalandria Zaius wrote: Make sure you are in edit mode to turn the normals on other wise Mesh Display doesn't show up in the properties window. I got all excited then got confused and had to go look it up. Well it wouldn't work for me yesterday, so I gave up, tried again today after reading all the tips here again and not only did it work, I also figured out how to make sure I can make it physical so I can walk inside it. I may have been in object mode when I was trying it last night, that would explain why it wasn't behaving how I wanted.
  4. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I think that inworld shopping will always have its place. No it won't, it's simply not cost effective for people anymore, this is Second Life's bricks and mortar issue, unless you have a product that absolutely needs inworld viewing, we're going to see fewer and fewer inworld stores.
  5. ralph Alderton wrote: I totally agree Phil Secondlife is a 3D world and the SL Marketplace with it's SUPERABUNDANCE of dross is clearly bad for the virtual ecosystem. The SL Marektplace has a negative influence on the inworld community and inworld activities. 1. It stops people exploring 2. It stops people interacting 3. It stops chance meetings, romantic encounters - who you gonna meet on the SL Marketplace 4. It makes it less likely that creators will buy land for an inworld shop and presence 5. It reduces inworld experiences - why bother making a shopping experience when you can just sell from a box 6. It makes SL a colder place No wonder there are less people logging in and concurrency is flat. Part of the charm of SL is the inworld shopping experience. 16,000 new registrations a day (apparently) yet concurrency remains flat - around 65k concurrent users online. Land ownership and concurrency was far better when the SL Marketplace was not intergrated into our SL experience. Coincidence ? or contributing factor ? Is the SL Marketplace helping to make thing better or worse ? I'd say worse. Secondlife is a 3D world, the marketplace reduces it to a pitiful 2D experience. Stone the crows, I'm in agreement with Ralph! I'm screenshotting this!
  6. Ratings lack consistency, one man's 3 is another man's 5. Featured items on the marketplace are paid for adverts.
  7. Thanks Mikki, I'll try that, I'm using 2.5 version, as I'm not rigging I felt it might work fine for my needs, I know there are some issues with folk who are rigging, they're going back to 2.49.
  8. MaxTux Wonder wrote: can you take a picture of your work in blender and of your upload? lol the inside of my upload is transparent, so when you're inside it's like there are no walls.
  9. Parrish Ashbourne wrote: Ralph, I couldn't find your store or your profile. Ralph won't post on his creator account, he never does when he comes into threads like this with his complaints about too much competition.
  10. ralph Alderton wrote: Actually, I don't think anything should be sold full perm, NOTHING SHOULD BE FULL PERM Full permissions is what's wrong. We need new permissions Without the original creator who made the sculpty, texture script, mesh whatever - there could be no sale. So we need royalty permissions so every time there is a sale, if you made the sculpty/mesh/texture/script, you get a piece of the action. A tiny royalty from every sale would be healthy Full perms are bad for creators like you Madeliefste, you should be getting a royaly for every sale of every product that includes any component created by you. I'm actually on your side Madeliefste. I want you to receive royalties for your efforts not just a one time payment. Give it a rest Ralph, your protectionism type ideas have never been popular, how much did you want creators to have to pay upfront before they were allowed to create? There's a huge market for people who sell full perm items, that's why they do it, supply and demand, you want to stifle the supply, which decreases the demand naturally, be careful what you wish for.
  11. I'm at a very noob level with Mesh and Blender, I can make a building into a nice shape, need to figure out the finer details, such as working doors, but I'm trying to make it so that textures show on both sides of a basic cube shape, when I upload it there's nothing inside. Now, I'm thinking that duplicating the original and flipping the faces might be the way to go, I have tried this but it didn't seem to work but I'm wondering if that's the right way to try and do it anyway or whether there's another way of doing it.
  12. Prim media is flawed in a big way, mesh isn't in that category, I think a lot of TPv's will adopt mesh, it's a whole different ball game.
  13. Products are more consumer led than supplier led, shared media simply didn't grip users and when you consider the security issues on top of the usability issues, that's not that surprising and I say this as someone who likes the concept of shared media. I wholeheartedly disagree that TPV's should have to support the feature set of the official viewer, especially when the feature set includes features people aren't taking to.TPV's are about offering choice, that's how it should be. On the other hand, Linden Lab shouldn't feel obligated to support older features just because they are popular with people who use TPV's. You can put a prim in your packaging that opens a web page without using shared media though http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlLoadURL
  14. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Fair enough. I have to ask the big question ... did anyone see noticeable sales benefits from that forum? I made sales based on those forums, same with the old land rentals forum. I also got to know about products via those forums that I'd then go and look at. There are advantages to systems people browse compared to systems people search.
  15. Ceera Murakami wrote: I agree, The new social networking version is pure crap. Even if I switch to the "About" tab, which is - DUH! - , what I want when I look up someone's profile, I get less useful content then before. Follow the fads, and to hell with function or what the customers need or want! That's The LL way, lately. *sigh* I like the new profiles, for a start they seem to load faster. However, in terms of functionality the feed should not be the first thing you see, you should see the about page first, feed should be the last thing people see because people who want to use the feed, should know where it is.
  16. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Tend to agree that it wouldn't be all that much of a boost to sales for the shopper, having a broad mix of products. Not that showcasing new products is a bad idea, but in forum format it would be messy and subject to gaming. (release 7 new colors, and get 7 forum posts for basically the same product, thereby increasing reports and moderation for instance). Restrict it to Piof and ban those who abuse it, third party forums manage such forum areas by having rules about them. These forums should never have been done away with in the first place.
  17. There are forums that went away when LL switched to the Jive forums, those are the ones before these ones, that should never have went away. The Land forums were amongst them and landlords rightly fought to have them reinstated. Classifieds and New Products should never have been removed, they are worthwhile forums.
  18. This is not a good idea at all, Mesh is being rolled out to volunteer regions under the proviso that it might break, letting people buy content that might break is a tad off. Do you know something we don't Brooke? There's a stark warning on the Mesh Volunteer wiki page: "Don't sell things on the marketplace - we're not looking to test marketplace yet. Also, you'll likely end up with angry customers. " http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/LiveVolunteers
  19. This would depend upon what gets linked, for flags such as payment info, age verification and mesh upload status, I don't see any downsides. If the linked information were public, that would upset some merchants who work away on an alt because they have less distractions, so that wouldn't be good.
  20. You can find your mesh upload status (and a link to the test) on your account page. I don't really have a problem with mesh being restricted to people with payment info, although I do find it silly that you need payment info on your alts and need to take the test on your alts, rather than just linking them all.
  21. Jo Yardley wrote: There are lots of myths in SL, even after being here for a few years there are still a few I am not sure about. Lets try and bust a few myths but please keep it to the point and useful so it can be used later to find these answers back in stead having to fight your way trough dozens of jokes and silly answers. Myth #1: holding your cursor over a texture makes it load faster... Myth #2: megaprims cause lag Myth #3: most lag is caused by avatars CONFIRMED: Yes, avatars generally cause a lot of lag especially when wearing scripted objects, clothing, etc. So fight lag by removing things from your avatar that you don't really need. Myth #4 Too many scripts cause lag. Add a myth to the list you'd like to see answered or add an answer! Scripts reserve memory even when they're not using it all, so a lot of scripts could indeed cause performance issues.
  22. Thanks for that, I'm not so in tune with the back story so it's nice to hear a perspective from someone who has more affinity with it.
  23. lol I copied and pasted and missed off the l at the end of html, thanks for posting the correct link.
  24. You can sell sex beds on moderate rated land and you can set the parcel to show in search, you can't invite people to get nekkid on said sex beds in the store.
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