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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Asylum Utherwurldly wrote: But my friend is under 18 and is allowed in moderate Your friend is being naughty! Under 18's are restricted to general.
  2. Under 18's are only allowed into general rated areas.
  3. I think you may well end up chasing your own tail here Dakota, categories are always going to be ambiguous to a degree, someone made a good suggestion the other day about people paying a fee to list in two categories, that's an option for sellers on a very large site that allows people to sell RL goods. I know the idea is to keep categories meaningful, but when there's clear ambiguity it's time to call it quits and work with, not against, the ambiguity.
  4. Suella Ember wrote: I don't want to speak for Dakota, but I've seen her answer that very question before. Her answer was that it is about education. Yes, they could simply move the item to the right category, but then people will keep potentially listing in the wrong category knowing that it will just be moved by LL if needs be. It would potentially breed apathy when people are listing rather than them thinking properly about the right category for their listings. It makes more sense to have the user recognise their mistake so that they can address it and be aware for the future doesn't it? The problem being we keep seeing people making the same mistakes, listing at root level, which even though it looks like the right category, isn't the right category, or the case the other day where someone listed an item in a category that was perfectly feasible, only to have it be delisted and had they not came to these forums, they would not know there was an alternative category to list their item in. The problems aren't really from people listing shoes in the textures category, they're from people listing shoes in the shoes category or decor in the decor category, the flow of information should be improved.
  5. Saturday 18th June, 2011 The Citizens of Dee proudly present: Full Moon Concert and Dance Party This fabulous monthly event starts at 1:00pm SLT with the lovely Essence Balisimo taking the stage, and continues at 2:00 with the legendary DJ Cataplexia Numbers leading us this month in an hour of bellydancing! “Essence is a vocal performer. She comes to SL to enjoy and share her passion for music as you will hear within every song she sings for us, as we are an Essential part of the experience! She will enchant your hearts and let you feel the true pure emotion that each song was meant to give! Essence has a wide vocal and musical range, including however not limited to R&B, Country, Pop, Rock, and Classic Rock! You never know what she’ll be adding to her expanding repertoire!” Come and join us, and bring your friends to dance, to chat, and to laugh! All are invited. To maintain and enhance our medieval/fantasy atmosphere, we would prefer you to come in suitable costume, but this is not compulsory. This will get you to the Isle: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DEE/58/154/22 This takes you to the Moon Dance Dell itself: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DEE/85/200/2999 See you there! 
  6. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Delisting it rather than recategorizing it trains us to be more dilligent. If there was no consequence for improperly listing, a lot more products would just end up 'any old place' and some merchants would even double list into slightly wrong but still likely to hit on search categories. Pulling them down causes people to not want their stuff pulled down, so they work to find the right place for it - thus requiring less maintenance work on LL's end. However in the OP's case the item was in a perfectly suitable category and still got delisted, that really isn't helpful.
  7. Dakota Linden wrote: Taya Carver wrote: Got a message that 2 of my items were removed because they were listed in the wrong catagory, and asked to relist.. The thing is, I have 20 of these items, and they're all in the same catagory, and I believe they are in the correct catagory, they are wall decals used to decorate your home. So why shouldn't they be listed under Home & Garden > Decor ? I also have 3 listing enhancements on these items for the landing page catagory. I am concerned that this will affect them. Greetings! There is a category dedicated to wall decorations, located here: Art » Wall Art and Murals Since the Marketplace Listing Guidelines specifically state to select the most appropriate category for a product listing, if a catgory does exist for the type of product you are listing, it should be placed into that category. If it isn't placed into that category, it is subject to being unlisted. This is where your rules get silly because it's a toss up whether that category is more approrpriate for a wall decoration than home and garden/decor. Removing someone's listing in this scenario is churlish in the extreme.
  8. Cheers Qie, that makes sense, it scans and now it's done whereas llSensorRepeat scans and scans again.
  9. If I'm running llSensor, rather than llSensorRepeat, should I use llSensorRemove? The wiki says it's for removing a sensor set by llSensorRepeat, but I'm wondering what happens with a normal llSensor if it's not removed, or if there's a reason to remove it, will a scan timeout?
  10. A friend of mine is having awful trouble with a server on Magnum, permissions changing and builds disappearing, I haven't seen any other complaints on these lines and don't see anything in the notes that would suggest potential for such issues but thought I'd mention it just in case others have had similar issues.
  11. Masami Kuramoto wrote: Why is it wrong to ask uploaders for their RL ID to prevent copyright infringement? Those people you mentioned who upload their own photos won't be affected at all. Residents without payment info on file need L$$ for uploads anyway. They may get them from a friend, so why not ask that friend to upload the photo in the first place? If the friend refuses to do so because the image is in fact a stolen texture, great! Isn't that exactly what we want? All I'm asking for is consistency. I don't see why anyone would have a problem with that, except those who wish to be treated better than others. There are people who buy Linden dollars from third party exchanges, often because they can't buy them from Linden Lab, the PIOF plan leaves them out in the cold. If one of my alts goes and buys a texture pack, I am often forbidden by the TOS of the texture seller of transferring them to my PIOF account, so I can't download them, edit them and get them back to my NPIOF alt without breaching that TOS, and there is no way I am putting the redundant info of my rl details on my alts that Linden Lab already know about as they've flagged them as being able to access adult despite being NPIOF and not age verified. If you start taking such basic features as texture uploads away from those who are NPIOF then you're causing more problems than you'll cure.
  12. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: New subsite called Bargain Basement .... any item under 10L should go there. This way people who do not want to invest money in the game have a clear place to find alternate product. I know before I put down some hard cash for this game I bought a bunch of free and really cheap items until I was sure that I will stick around a while... I believe SLX had a section for free items. It was a great tool... Most of my items are <10L, not because they are shoddy, but because I think that inexpensive and high quality are not exclusive. It's mostly 1-prim decorative items, and I sell enough to pay my Premium membershop and rent a nice parcel for a low-key shop. Buying inexpensive items does not mean people should be relegated to your "Bargain Basement" and it doesn't mean they are not investing money. It means they are being thrifty. It would be easy to clear out the dead wood with a simple database procedure that flips the "listed/delisted" flag on any number of parameters. But, our Linden overlords haven't done it yet. A bargain basement may well be to your advantage, indeed I'd wager (were it allowed) that after a while people who sold more expensive products would be complaining their products don't get seen because people shop in the bargain basement.
  13. Have you got an alt? If not, create one and see if the same thing happens.
  14. Josh Susanto wrote: That is: when LL gets a commission on something, it is not a new revenue, but merely a reduction in liability. Or I'm wrong? OK... somebody clarify, please. Marketplace commission is a sink, it gets destroyed. Listing fees would have been the same. Sinks are needed, otherwise you have too much money around which would cause major economic problems.
  15. If they won't refund your L$7,500 and you're sure the person whom you're talking to is the person you paid rental money to, then you can abuse report them for land fraud.
  16. We still have this bloody awful word filter plaguing these forums, when will it be replaced so people can use completely PG words again?
  17. Canoro Philipp wrote: General Discussions! yaaay!! a place where we can talk about anything! Except the **bleep**-a-hoop tavern.
  18. Which viewers have you tried? I've been having some really horrendous performance results with the latest viewer 2, but other viewers seem fine. Others aren't having the same issues as me so I'm suspecting something is borked with my viewer 2 install and I need to do a full uninstall and re-install, haven't had the time to poke around. Also are you getting these results everywhere or do you only sail on certain sims?
  19. http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llRemoveInventory If numberOfNotecards > 1 { Remove first Notecard re-read notecard }
  20. When I used notecards I give them instructions telling them to edit the notecard directly. Include a couple of screenshots in your instructions, they'll get it.
  21. I'm writing a script, which may well never get completed but that's a different story. Anyway, this script will have dynamic dialog menus after scanning. The dialog menu may well need more than twelve buttons, which means it will need a next page, previous page in certain circumstances, so it's twelve buttons per page. 1. Is it better to have one list that gets updated when I change page, so for example page one's twelve buttons would, when next is selected, empty the contents of the list and then add contents from a different point in the main list for the buttons on page two, or is it better to have one list for each page? The latter would mean more emptying and I'm wondering if those empty lists then take up much memory space. However the former would mean emptying and adding when someone went back and forth. 2. Is it better to compile the script in mono? Mono looks like it has more potential for handling larger lists.
  22. Definitely try a different viewer. On Saturday I couldn't do a thing with Viewer 2, switched to a third party viewer and all was fine. When I get more time I'll try and see what's up.
  23. I had this on Saturday, couldn't do a thing. Logged in with a third party viewer and all was well, very odd.
  24. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: 1 meter = 1 meter. Anything other equasion is a fallacy. () Except outside America where 1 meter = 1 metre.
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