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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Gordon Bennett make it stop! Ralph stop it, just make better products and take some marketing tips. If you'd post on your main you'd embarrass yourself.
  2. Jesus Christ change the record Ralph, it's not Mesh products you have a problem with, you hate competition, just deal with it.
  3. You could also try positing in the international forum: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/F%C3%B3rum-em-portugu%C3%AAs/bd-p/PortugueseForum
  4. Marianna Vita wrote: by refresh you mean relog in market place? yes I did that a few times and yes, I have put the new item in the magic box... but I keep getting this message and no create button anywhere I hadn't listed anything for ages, so my memory is fuzzy, but when I went the other day I had to sync box, manage inventory and then tick the item in the inventory list. I could have sworn there used to be a create item link.
  5. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Actually, if you own the sim, you can set it up so you are copied on all abuse reports for your sim. That has never worked as far as I'm aware.
  6. Try the Mesh viewer here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers It will only work on the preview grid.
  7. Have you used the project viewer on the beta grid? The uploader is much more intuitive and in my case for sure, helped me understand what the release one needed in terms of info.
  8. WADE1 Jya wrote: Yeah its a small hindrance, it just would mean the baddies will put a bunch of alts on reserve & age 'em. Bingo! This is the issue with all of these age restriction ideas, the bad guys will just plan ahead.
  9. There's a limitation to how many materials can be assigned, I think the limit is 8. I'm not sure if that's the problem but as a test you could go to the beta grid and see how it comes in with only 8 materials assigned.
  10. Post in the Mesh forum, Charlar or someone will see it there, there's a sticky for people who have passed the IP test but can't upload, your problem is slightly different but you may get a Linden response there.
  11. How on earth would you know if they abuse reported them? You can ban a person from your region for any reason you like, that explains the answer LL gave you.
  12. I've only seen this once and when I closed down the upload screen and opened it again it allowed me to calculate fees again. I also sometimes find that when I click to load from file, the browse button doesn't come to life, I have to select load from file again to wake it up.
  13. Maeve Balfour wrote: Long shot.... Have you tried just using the current Viewer-3? I'm thinking that mayhaps the mesh project viewers are no longer current, since V3 is able to work with mesh now as standard. The latest project viewer is very much current, there's a new upload screen for mesh models with extra funky dropdowns, it's much more intuitive than the current release of the viewer.
  14. Tried your suggestion Alisha but had exactly the same results, I'm reluctant to create a Jira as it's almost certainly something I'm doing wrong, I'm a real noob at this, I never created sculpts and have only just started with Blender, as much fun as it is, the texturing issues are driving me nuts!
  15. I've uploaded a mesh cube, assigned materials to each face, accidentally made it so my textures fit on a 1:1 ratio, by accidentally I mean I pressed e in blender whilst in the UV window and the box for the face resized to the size of my texture, which means my UV layout isn't how it first was but it's a cube and it works so I'm not sweating that yet. Anyway if I use the inworld tools to copy my selected mesh by usiing build copy selected, alignment is out. For example my original 2 x 2 mesh cube is at 155.598 my copied one comes in at 153.653, not 153.598. Is this expected behaviour with Mesh? It's not a biggie so I didn't want to create a Jira about it and it may be that I'm missing something with how mesh is calculated.
  16. Have you opened the image in the UV window and resized the uv map?
  17. Are you selling your builds full perm? A lot of texture artists do have conditions that you don't sell items full perm if you use their textures.
  18. Bonadea Avedon wrote: actualy there are more viewers than just v3 and firestorm dolphin and kirstens also support mesh and Phoenix http://hg.phoenixviewer.com/phoenix-sg/
  19. Mikki Miles wrote: the dropdowns have no effect on the uploaded items, it's just for gathering infos for LL Thanks, I have only uploaded building components so didn't know if choosing the other menus would change some of the defaults or something.
  20. The latest project viewer is much more user friendly too when it comes to LOD, that was what finally helped me get my head around LOD, for items that need to be viewed well from further away you can use the previous level of detail, this of course has cost implications but then you yourself can decide what's best or whether it will work. There are also dropdowns for the type of item you're uploading, building components, clothing etc. I'd advise people to go play with the project viewer and use the beta grid, this saves money for a start!
  21. "Classifieds are sorted by price or by relevance, depending on where they are displayed in Search. The highest-paid classifieds appear on top when searching in Everything, and the most relevant classifieds appear at the top when searching in the Classifieds section." http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Classified-advertisements/ta-p/700049
  22. Toysoldier Thor wrote: Lets just agree to disagree. You say Mesh is far less laggy than 30 scultpy but then turn around and think that 4000 vertices is HORRID for mesh when I can get 4 Sculpty maps to = 4000 vertices. Of course a 600 vertice ugly mesh mountain is going to be less laggy then a very well defined set of sculpties. So if your objective is to remove lag then get rid of sculpties and mesh. Lets go back to the day of prim cubes. SL is supposed to be moving forward in advancements in realism of experience. Then you turn around and promote that we should all ration mesh to vertices less than 1 sculpty could have done already. Thats advancement Medhue?? LL claim that the old system is not a realistic way of measuring resource usage, Mesh will be measured in a fashion that LL consider more realistic. If LL were to use the same measure for all content, it would cause chaos, Sculpts and Prims for the time being seem to be considered legacy items and won't be measured the same way. This does mean that in some cases Mesh won't be a wise choice, for the time being at least. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/FAQ_for_mesh_content_creators
  23. Toysoldier Thor wrote: So when you walk by the club in your cool Meshed clothing and hair - until firestorm supports Mesh effectively and is a mainstream viewer to replace phoenix, you will be an invisible avatar to me (and the major of SL residents that do not use LL Viewers) Considering I usually go bald, I'm not a fashionista and rarely go to clubs, that's an extremely unlikely scenario you're dragging up there to try and prove a point Firestrom has been released with a Mesh beta version because people were asking for it, there's a demand for it and yes it is buggy but the devs released it because of demand.
  24. You haven't specified what you want it to give, are you trying to give someone the script?
  25. I don't know if you ever use the official viewer but when there's an upgrade it gets advertised to you, if you have the auto upgrade ticked, which is the default, it downloads it for you and tells you it will install on next run, you don't have to go out of your way to get it.
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