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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. I don't disagree with you at all, and the Facebook comments on third party websites is an extremely disturbing development. Facebook insists on giving away too much information, this simply isn't natural. However Facebook's TOS is clear on the issue of names.
  2. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I understand... but if she does, she only has herself to blame. ...Dres Agreed, I have some sympathy because people have built up networking but they are flaunting the TOS so on their head be it.
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: Yup and SL give an example of this on their Facebook page, although I'm making no comments whatsoever about the status of the person who is listed as an admin for the avi page. Okay then I'll say it, the person's profile of which they gave an example, has the exact same name as her avatar page. Unless her RL name is exactly the same as her SL name, I don't see how that's a very good example. Interestingly enough, right under her name on the page it says "Fictional Character". How that makes a difference, I do not know. ...Dres lol that's what I was hinting at, it's an awful example but I don't want her to get in trouble.
  4. Void Singer wrote @Ciaran Thanks for the clarification... I avoid FB like the plague it is, so I'm not up on the nuances.... I'm guessing though that means you need an account for a live person to create such a page, thereby linking the two together? Yup and SL give an example of this on their Facebook page, although I'm making no comments whatsoever about the status of the person who is listed as an admin for the avi page. There was a chinese blogger who recently got kicked of Facebook for using the name Michael Anti, that's how he's known in blogging circles, his argument was that there's an account for Mark Zuckerberg's dog, so it was ridiculous to delete his profile, but Mark Zuckerberg's dog has a page, not a profile.
  5. Void Singer wrote: does it? because it looks to me like they need to hire an editor.... what exactly would be the difference between an avatar account and an avi page? from Facebooks policy perspective that is? Avi pages are allowed, Avi profiles are not. You can't make a Void Singer profile (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that's not your real name) but you can make a Void Singer page, that's perfectly acceptable.
  6. haha well I had a round of im's telling me I was Ruthed, this was an experimental event so I'm not sure how well it went down.
  7. Saturday May 21st Mysty at 1pm SLT, Mysty Mellison Reads The Fire, this is the first of a two part reading with part two next Saturday. Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, The Fire is a drama reading about a passionate peasant verses a greedy government. The peasant Pete struggles to earn bread during a Paris famine. Join us on our journey as our magical storyteller, Pain 'Pan', takes us through time to the year 1789. SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/DEE/58/154/22 This will get you to the Isle, just a stone's throw from the stage area opposite the old **bleep**-a-Hoop tavern, near the pond. This is a medieval sim and medieval style attire is preferred but not compulsory. See you there! NB This is a VOICE event.
  8. Luc Starsider wrote: Hmmmm.... I wonder if this will change the way LL pushes FB and Twitter as the best places to follow what's happening in SL? [EDIT] And once again I tried to reply to the OP but the reply was to another post. Sorry Peewee. - Luc - I doubt it, for a start Twitter allows pseudonyms and secondly LL have been told time and time again that Facebook doesn't allow pseudonyms and therefore Second Life profiles. LL should stop pushing Facebook on the login screen though.
  9. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Luc Starsider wrote: Then make that into a poll: Which pie is best? And then a million alternatives.... (How many pies are there?) - Luc - You could just go with: Cream pie Custard pie Fruit pie Meat pie Pot pie Pizza pie Pie charts Pie menus I'm severely disturbed and don't like any kind of pie what-so-ever ...Dres ETA: I almost forgot: 10. Cheese pie *waves at Suella* Steak and Kidney Steak and Onion Chicken and Mushroom Balti!
  10. I'm late to this, but Linden Lab have also allowed us a new forum to post events in: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Events/bd-p/Events
  11. Look here: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llGiveInventory Point to note, you'll probably want to change INVENTORY_OBJECT to INVENTORY_NOTECARD.
  12. We'd need LL to open up the API, which as far as I know, they aren't going to do.
  13. You don't have "None of the above" in polls, you have "Pie".
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: Placing an item in a category just because other similar items are in it is a mistake. The other items may be placed wrongly but haven't been flagged - and LL won't go looking. You should look through the categories and find the correct one for your item. The method you describe seems to be sensible, and probably works fine most of the time, but relying on it makes it hardly surprising that people post here, saying that their item was delisted because it was in the wrong category and yet other items just like it are still in that category. Yes and no, I used to do this on ebay if I wasn't sure which category my item went in I'd search for similar, if I saw a category that stood out as being the correct one, even if it had fewer items, I'd list it there. However if there was no obvious category I'd go with the one most people were listing that item in. Josh's example above is a good one, there's no obvious sub category for his item, so he's listed it in the lowest suitable category and I can find other items that don't have a suitable sub category that are listed where Josh has listed his item. If he were to list his item in a sub category, he could still get flagged as that category really isn't suitable, so where does this leave people where there is no suitable sub category? Are they just supposed to not list items? Actually that whole building components category is a bit of a mess, there are quite a few categories that items could fit into, no wonder people get confused about where to put items.
  15. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: How will they use the vendor if it's no mod? No mod means they can't load anything into it. It vends information from my website. So just plonk it down yourself and then there is no issue with next owner perms.
  16. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Suki This is a TEST object. I do not want the person testing to have more than one copy for now, I do not want them to give it to anyone else for now, and I dont want them to modify it. This is not an object you wear with different outfits, it is a vendor board for testing in a single location in their parcel. Is this unreasonable? How will they use the vendor if it's no mod? No mod means they can't load anything into it.
  17. Storm Clarence wrote: After reading the meeting minutes may I suggest: destinations/sports/leisure As SL sports are a destination, sailing/yachting/bumpercars are leisure destinations. No! Leave sports alone, they're slowly getting some vsibility! In reality sports should be in some sort of recreation or lesiure forum, possibly with music/entertainment but the taglines are important, the sports forums is very slowly getting noticed.
  18. It depends upon what you're selling, but you should not do this. However sometimes perms are misleading. Example I sell scripted vendors that are copy/modify, however my script is copy only, the item will look like it's no mod, but you can mod the prim.
  19. As an aside, the SL Office Hours tweet sends me to this page: http://tinyurl.com/Doc%20Dock%20in%20Beaumont%20-%20http://slurl.com/secondlife/Beaumont/25/165/34 It's easy to get to the right place with viewer 2 as I pasted the address into the address bar, but can someone tweak the tweet so it goes to the right SLURL.
  20. I still have a couple of money trees around, yes they get abused but now and then someone has the courtesy to say thank you, very very rare these days I must admit.
  21. Suella Ember wrote It seems to me as though a good proportion of the complaints we see about delisting turn out to be becuase they were listed in the wrong category. People perceive this as a problem becuase they don't realise they listed in the wrong category, or belive the category they put it in was the right category. Given everything Dakota has explained, it seems to me as though the flagging and delisting system is working correctly. Flags are reviewed and a decision is made. There really is little scope for the system to be abused. Someone from LL is either agreeing with the flag and delisting it, or not agreeing and it will remain (and it's also my understanding that if someone is 'griefer' flagging the system will 'learn' their activity as the LL 'moderator' ignores their false flag and that, ultimately, any future flags they make will be automatically ignored). The main problem lies in misunderstandings about how to use the categories, it seems. In light of which I'd like to offer a friendly suggestion to Dakota that an email to merchants and / or a blog post with a reminder and more detail about how to use category listings correctly might help ease seome fo the complaints? The wrong category seems to be the right category but not correct sub-category and delisting without notifying people properly is wrong on very many levels, but especially in the case of someone paying for a feature enhancement. This sort of thing has been going on for ages, we've seen people flagged as not as described, strange words making something adult, and wrong category due to people being in the right area but not the exact sub-category, some people are going to disagree with said sub-categories as they feel the item doesn't fit there. The bottom line really is that the communication is not sufficient enough.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: You keep on about users abusing the flagging system, but the flagging system cannot be abused by users. I, as a user, can flag every item in sight, and I can be nasty and target an individual's items for flagging, just for the hell of it, or to mess the competition about, but nothing will happen to the items because the flags weren't merited. For anything to happen to an item because someone flagged it, the item's listing must break some rule or other. That's how the system is designed and that's how we are told it works. Whether or not any Lindens don't do it right, and just "rubber stamp" flaggings without checking them, as people in the AR team sometimes do, is speculation. If they do, they deserve to be fired. So, assuming that the flagging sytem actually does work the way that we are told it works, it cannot be abused by users to the unjust detriment of sellers. You don't believe this though Phil, you told me in another thread that you think this system works more like AR's and just gets rubber stamped. There is something wrong with the system and how it's managed, that's clear from the amount of threads we've had on this subject.
  23. Absolutely not and you don't want to mess with Disney.
  24. Brooke, from the FAQ: "Incoming Items Folder: Items delivered to you will be placed in a special incoming folder in your inventory. Note that items will now be delivered in a folder from the Marketplace, as opposed to in a box as was required with Magic Boxes. " Does this mean they will be delivered in a named folder inside that incoming product folder? For example if I order a widget inside my incoming folder I'd see a sub folder of Widget and then the items would be in there or would all the items be delivered to my incoming items folder at root level?
  25. Is this the jukebox that comes with numbers on a pad?
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