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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. I'm assuming llSetKeyFramedMotion isn't quite ready as it doesn't seem to work on Le Tigre and the code doesn't turn red when you enter llSetKeyFramedMotion in a script. I have got it working on the main channel, although the code doesn't turn red there either. At least I can play around with it for a while before rushing into making anything this way
  2. You need to iterate through the list for each click, select that particular element and then set the texture. To get your head around the basics of this, add a string variable and then set that string to a number in the list: String texture then inside the touch event set that string to an element number in the list: texture = llList2String(textures,0); Then set the texture using the string variable, rather than the list: llSetTexture(texture, 0); This will set the texture from the list on face 0 of your cylinder. llSetTexture wants a string value and a prim face.
  3. Isle Of Dee Presents: Full Moon Concert and Dance Party on Saturday, 12th November, from 1:00 to 3:00pm SLT Lyn Carlberg taking the stage with his guitar, to bring us an hour of song. He will be followed by DJ Cataplexia Numbers playing from her “Songs from the Wood” set, for us all to dance to! Dancing, wine, fun, laughter and good company. The event is OOC, but we would be glad to see everyone in medieval attire, for the sake of… well, for the sake of looking medieval! Bring your friends, and enjoy this excellent community event! THERE WILL BE A CONTEST, with Linden Dollar prizes, in the second part of the evening. Prizes will go to those “Best in Red” (not necessarily IC), as voted for by the dancers. Dig deep into your inventories! SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dee/165/130/4001/
  4. Do not, under any circumstances, tick the owner makes contrbution box when deeding private land to a group, I don't even know why that box appears on private land.
  5. HMRC don't see inworld transactions as being within the scope of VAT, therefore even if you VAT register, you can't offset it if all your services are paid inworld, there's nothing to pass on. Being VAT registered isn't cheap, you will almost certainly need to pay an accountant, it's because of these overheads that small businesses don't have to VAT register, turnover is somewhere around £65,000 a year before you must VAT register but if all your supplies or services are outside the scope of VAT, you can't register, even if you cross the threshold. You could go the paypal route and charge via that, then your transactions would fall within the VAT scope but be careful here, it could very well turn out more costly and it's certainly less appealing to consumers.
  6. Qie Niangao wrote: I don't think it would hurt to give a bit more hint at the beginning about how one "collects" crystals. The wording of the instructions made me waste too much time fumbling around the workshop -- it seemed like I must be required to get something there to work -- before I finally decided to venture out. Maybe that's obvious to folks with games experience, but at least for complete non-gamers like me, it should probably be a little easier to get into at the start. No it's certainly not a gaming issue, I spent too much time there too, there were crystals in the workshop, it was logical to think you had to somehow collect them or do something in the workshop to enable you to collect them.
  7. Try a premium sandbox, look for the hills where they give away the premium gifts http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=&collection_chosen=destinations&isLeftColOpen=True&sort=dg_order_asc&category=101
  8. Sy Beck wrote: In short Ciaran, nope. Why can't they email this stuff or put it on a login screen or their blog? Apologies to LL if you have. Don't get me started on their lack of using their own blog to their own advantage, it drives me nuts, I find out about these things on third party forums and sites, I'm certainly with you there Sy.
  9. Linden Lab have created a new inworld game, currently only available to premium members but eventually to be rolled out to all called Project LR. Basically you avoid the flumps, avoid the water, collect the crystals, follow the quests and stay alive. Anyone noticed the portals to get in or playing this? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Project-LR-Frequently-Asked-Questions/ta-p/1057471
  10. Premium members currently get access to project LR, it's coming for all soon but perks like this with early looks are nice.
  11. Estate land for sale are parcels that can be purchased and then tier is paid to the landlord. Estate land for rent are parcels where there's no upfront fee and you pay rent to the landlord.
  12. There have been others reporting this, I haven't got this problem but someone else mentioned it earlier in the week: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Item-Unavailable-In-MP-Listings/td-p/1183499
  13. Void Singer wrote: I'd like to correct a misconception here: taking and deleting have exactly the same effect on inworld content... it ceases to exist inworld. With the exception of unintended results .... I ain't afraid of no ghost!
  14. This is a side effect from the switch from vote to watch, I've never watched many Jira's because of the email issue, I either bookmark the ones I'm interested in or use filters, I've never bought the idea that you need to watch it to be interested, LL never worked that way on votes and I doubt they do on watches.
  15. I still don't understand why that blog post wasn't in featured news, the blog layout means people are going to miss that and although it's largely mesh centric, the changes to how objects appear under about land is something many users need to understand.
  16. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I would say your story is good enough to stick with it. I guess I wasn't mincing words well enough to understand the question as asked? Maybe..............but I believe a sim can be divided up to have adult content and mature content and the sim, itself, carry the mature rating. I hope this back and forth gave the OP the answer he/she was looking for anyway. No, unfortunately not, setting your parcel to age verified only doesn't override the region maturity rating, if you host adult content on a mature sim you can be abuse reported, even if you have parcel restrictions.
  17. Which viewer are you using? There is a moderate content tickbox, which is pretty much redundant these days. Maturity ratings are set at region level for both mainland and estate.
  18. No, this can't be done. Maturity ratings are set under the region tools, you can't have a region setting of mature and a parcel rating of adult, there is no option for this.
  19. Melita Magic wrote: I regularly see estates offered for $250 USD just before tier is due, in the land resale group. I hope that won't ever be outlawed. Sometimes they even pay the transfer fees. Basically they want to dump tier. This is the market who will be most afraid of this promotion, initial reports, with a few hours to go, suggest this has been a successful promotion. If LL extend this, the bottom will fall out of the second hand sim market. LL could waive the transfer fee or drop it to a much lower level, say USD$25 instead of USD$100, it is in LL's interest for there to be a second hand sim market.
  20. Well on the plus side, it's something you won't forget to make sure people check if the issue ever comes up again
  21. Mine are fine, I have seen reports elsewhere of poor performance tonight, maybe the place where your magic box is hosted is having some communication issues.
  22. You need to submit a ticket or phone them up, you shouldn't be being charged anything other than the first month's tier payment via this promotion.
  23. Have you tried testing it with a different URL?
  24. The option to upgrade Homesteads to full sims has long been there, it works out at the full setup cost minus the homestead setup cost, minus any extra money. Three homesteads is free, you are technically in credit as USD$375 * 3 is greater than USD$1,000 but you don't get the credit. Two homesteads works out at USD$1,000 - (USD$375 * 2) which equals USD$250. One homestead is USD$1,000 - USD$375 which equals USD$625. The promotion doesn't mention this as an option so it looks like it;s not available but someone upgrading from one or two homesteads will be moving to a higher tier level, so it would make some sense for LL to encourage it.
  25. Well it's a decent question, usually you need three homesteads to upgrade to a full sim, you pay the difference in the fee if you only have one or two. Unfortunately there's no mention of it in the blurb, although it does say: "This promotion can not be combined with any other promotion or discount". Which suggests it's not an option, it's a shame you can't get an anwer out of Linden Lab though, it would make sense for them to let you do it if you're upgrading from one homestead to a full sim.
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