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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. None of these parcels are suitable for clubs, only adult parcels are suitable for adult ventures. PG / General Rated 4096M Land For Rent in Sawsnake, ideal for commercial or residential use, nice views, 936 prims, L$1400/week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sawsnake/186/161/24/ Moderate / Mature Rated The following parcels are in Bedos and are suitable for commercial or residential use: 512M, 116 prims, L$175/week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bedos/148/198/34/ 1024M, 233 prims, L$350/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bedos/177/205/33/ 1024M, 233 prims, L$350/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bedos/240/176/37/ 1024M, 233 prims, L$350/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bedos/208/174/37/ 4096M, 936 prims, L$1400/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Bedos/167/63/43/ The following parcels are in Molay and are suitable for residential use only, no commercial parcels, sorry: 512M, 116 prims, L$175/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Molay/160/170/26/ 512M, 116 prims, L$175/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Molay/153/141/31/ 512M, 116 prims, L$175/Week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Molay/118/108/32/ Adult Rated The following parcel is a roadside parcel in Kama Center on the continent of Zindra, so this is suitable for adult ventures, commerical or residential usage is allowed: 1024M, 232 prims, L$350/week: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kama%20Center/180/234/35/
  2. I was never a fan of how adult content office hours were so Zindra centric in the first place, I think opportunities were missed to have a more coherent promotion policy because of that, although to be fair, groups like Zindra Alliance were formed as a voice of Zindra business owners.
  3. Ginette does have an axe to grind, but I do have sympathy with the exclusive right to Zindra aspect of this, although the people who have the most right to complain are the people who use Zindra in their parcel name, there aren't many of them. However if your land is in Zindra, you should be able to use the name, it's a silly situation to not allow it when that's where a parcel is located. The problem is that the new welcome hub needs to be found, Ginette would be better coming up with a better suggestion on how the welcome hub is high in relevancy without the exclusive rights aspect, the search term is valuable.
  4. I like the look of that, very well done.
  5. Innula Zenovka wrote: The idea, as far as I understand it, is to make sure that when someone just enters "Zindra" as a search term, the new welcome centre and its environs will be at the top of the results, which seems to me a not unreasonable aspiration. How important it is to restrict the use of "Zindra" in parcel names in order to achieve that, I don't know; someone who understands how search works -- if there is any such person, that is -- would need to comment. But that's the idea, I think. Well when I searched Zindra earlier, there were a few at the top such as So and So's Zindra Store". Zindra is odd in that it's the only continent name I know, I know there used to be a map of continents in the building where Jack, Cyn and Guy had offices. Zindra the continent name though is the one I've seen most widely used, the whole exclusive rights deal seems a bit off but yes, I agree, they do need the welcome centre to be found when people are searching for Zindra.
  6. Have you tried using planar rather than default?
  7. Suella Ember wrote: I am going to play devil's advocate a little though and suggest that classifieds should remain out of profiles. Classifieds are paid for advertising that I believe should be the domain of search only. I disagree a tad here, being as they are paid for they should get extra value, not less.
  8. Even creating classifieds is a pain in the arse in viewer 2/3, let alone finding them.
  9. Do not buy a grandfathered sim at a premium rate, grandfathered sims lose grandfathered status on transfer, you will pay USD$295 a month when you take ownership.
  10. Not many people use it in their parcel name, it does however seem a tad silly not to be able to use Zindra in a parcel name when it's on the Zindra continent.
  11. I purchased one and all the items remained, I had been renting the sim so some of the objects were mine anyway, unfrotunately I can't remember if we had to state that objects were part of the transfer.
  12. Is it your script Pamela? I'm only asking because if it is you might be able to find which command has became borked.
  13. I haven't been to Ahern for ages, looks like nothing has changed.
  14. Well you have more than one item with the same issue so why not try changing it for one or two and leaving it on for another and seeing the results.
  15. ralph Alderton wrote: But the main issue with 0 - 10L$ content is PRODUCT PLACEMENT. This low quality, low cost content should not take up the first pages when searching Relevance. Free and cheaper content should not be given priority placement. Linden Lab don't make any decent commission from it and the merchant themselves don't make any real money. Agree and disagree, the low cost content, quality is subjective, should appear if it's relevant, however it certainly shouldn't get priority placement, unless of course someone has paid for a featured listing. ralph Alderton wrote: What other web marketplace would put the worst content on the best shelves You mean cheapest content, Ebay certainly would if it's relevant to your search, there have long been arguments on Ebay's boards about this, but for example they have in the past given priority to people who list with free shipping, the argument largely centres around there being no such thing as free shipping, or another factor is what they call competitive pricing.
  16. qwerty Atlass wrote: I don't expect an answer for that, but maybe someone could hand me a list of words that the marketplace reacts on so I know not to include them? They won't provide us with a word filter, we've asked. Inworld certainly has a moderate word filter, I didn't realise they'd implemented it on the marketplace too. An example I've found inworld is Gorean, that's a moderate word.
  17. I don't know enough about Maya but in Blender you can show normals, little arrows appear showing you which way your faces are pointing,
  18. 1. Linden Lab don't have anything to do with the Phoenix viewer other than probably feeding them some information. 2. Mesh code is planned to be incorporated into the Phoenix viewer by the Phoenix devs.
  19. There are a hell of a lot more merchants on the marketplace than there ever were on XStreet and on Xstreet it wasn't hard to sort your listings by price.
  20. I've read this time and time again from Ralph, in the past there have been other suggestions such as content creators having to pay hundreds of dollars a year for a licence to sell goods. Some people won't buy the cheaper items because they feel they are inferior quality. That's the market. If you don't want to get into a race to the bottom then don't join in, higher priced products do sell. Price your products as you best see fit.
  21. In Maya try adding a face where the gap shows in Second Life, as someone earlier said, it looks like your normals are all pointing outwards and Second Life doesn't recognise the inside faces.
  22. On the beta grid with the project viewer it's called land impact, not prim equivalency. Rez two very basic mesh objects, each will have a land impact of 1, making a total score of 2, link them and the land impact score for the linked object is 1, because those individual items have a land impact of 0.5 in reality but on their own fractions aren't calculated.
  23. UV Mapping is a pain in the arse! True story. The basic principle is to try and make it flat, think about how you'd cut it in RL if you were trying to make that object flat. Sometimes, depending upon the shape, it can end up being very tricky. However, the other thing to look at is adding materials, if all you want to do is allow people to add a texture, then you might just cut it down the middle and assign textures for front and back. Go to the beta grid, test your uploads there and see how inworld texturing works on your upload.
  24. Chelsea Malibu wrote: In short, SL just does not have the ability to reach large audiences everyone thinks it does. The numbers don't add up and never have. What was once 80,000 concurrents is now 30 - 40k yet somehow, the economic figures never change. Regardless of how many users there are, the financials never change. Anyone question this? The truth is that LL is doing a great job of destroying SL on it's own and I gaurantee the freebie, or the 10L junk item is having no affect on this place. The bot ban fixed some of the artifical concurrency figures but there do seem to be less people here in my opinion, that should actually make things better for the remaining content creators, not worse. the freebie and 10L stuff is not harming the economy here in any great way, some people won't buy items at those prices as they assume they must be poor, most of the people who do buy those items, do so because it's what they want.
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