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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: Granted, there are some savings: No setup fee saves US$1000, offset by the US$295 advance tier that ordinarily would be billed in arrears. So that sounds like a US$705 savings, but in fact hardly anybody is buying directly from LL now, with so many sims on the secondary market going for little more than the transfer fee, plus tier. So, call it half-off, maybe. I just doubt that's going to be enough to spur many folks into an immediate purchase. I guess we'll find out in another week, when Tyche releases the stats. Estate tier is paid in advance, the setup fee includes tier for the first month. This is why when it comes to a second hand sim people want to know when the tier due date is, the person selling won't pay tier to LL again if the transfer is completed before the tier due date. The person buying works out how much they think the purchase is worth based on how long it will be before their first tier date. The second hand market has been greatly improved since LL made if far more secure, so it is a healthy market.
  2. Melita Magic wrote: I know it's a server cost thing or something, but I don't see why it's 292 for one island estate region, but for that same amount you can get 1.5 regions of mainland. With that pricing why would anyone opt for the island first? The Maths can get a bit complicated but in theory LL can make more money from one mainland region than they can from an estate sim because of the sliding scale of tier. If you have the opportunity to own a full mainland region, then yes you can get better value than estate land, although you want have the estate tools, the USD$100.00 a month difference is hard to justify purely for the extra tools and landscaping benefits.
  3. To close Hallow Dee'n Festival week, we bring you again the DivaDemonDJ, Jo Heartsdale for a Dance Party extravaganza. At the close of this unforgettable week of festival, this is an event not to miss - two hours of excellent music, dancing, fun, laughter, banter, and the Vintners' best wine! . There will also be a "BEST IN HALLOWE'N COSTUME" competition with CASH PRIZES, so dig into your chests and cupboards, and find some spooky outfits! Bring friends. Medieval costume appreciated, but not obligatory SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dee/163/126/4001/
  4. There was a bug whereby if you searched for the SKU and it had numbers in it, you would not get a result. So for example if you had a SKU of Myproduct11, and searched for Myproduct11, it wouldn't be found. I think this has been fixed, I can search for my own items by SKU with numbers in the code. Having said that, if I do a partial search for my SKU, then nothing gets returned, so maybe that's the bug. So if my item was Myproduct11 and I searched for Myproduct or Myproduct1, I'd get no results, if you have all letters, you seem to be able to do partial searches.
  5. Sy Beck wrote: How come nobody who has ordered a sim in the past week hasn't been on to complain....or maybe....nobody has been ordering sims in the past week(s)? Or maybe the only people ordering sims are getting deals like this, LL do deals with large estate owners, I don't know what the terms are but deals do exist.
  6. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Yeah, I feel your pain but I don't recall the $1,000 ever including the first month but they do change things..A lot. The setup fee has always included the first month's tier, you pay for an Island and then pay tier a month later. <
  7. This is a weekend deal only, plus these forums ain't what they once were in terms of activity.
  8. Gooden Uggla wrote: This "Land Sale" by the Lab will actually result in a smaller grid by the end of the year. They're shooting themselves in the foot again... Estate owners will bail out of any empty full sims they have. The sale only lasts the weekend, if this were a permanent deal the bottom would drop out of the second hand sim sales market.
  9. It's not free, it will cost you at least USD$295, which is better than USD$1,000 but is far from free.
  10. Qie's comment about the smut peddlers was tongue in cheek.
  11. Well it has definitely been opened up, I've never seen this section before.
  12. This really depends upon what the item is, I make all my scripts no mod, in a finished item, the item will appear to be no mod because of the script, yet you'd be able to resize and texture it any way you wanted.
  13. The channel is important, listening for everything on channel 0 will not make you many friends. According to the wiki, llRegionSay is the most efficient chat use: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlListen llRegionSayTo might be useful for you, both of these of course only communicate within the same region. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRegionSayTo
  14. div align is depreceated and has been for some time, you might want to use CSS.
  15. As part of our Hallow'Dee'N festival: This is the plan, Scottish Drum & Pipe Band Virtual Albanach will be playing for the first hour and then Demon DJ Jo Heartsdale plans to play for the second hour. 1pm - 2pm SLT - Virtual Albanach 2pm - 3pm SLT - Demon DJ Jo Heartsdale Medieval attire is preferred but not mandatory, kilts can be worn for those that way inclined! SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dee/163/126/4001/
  16. I use Twitter, there are plenty of Second Life users on there as well as Linden Lab official accounts, Plurk is also popular amongst Second Life users.
  17. They have been advertising recently, Second Life adverts started to appear in Google Adsense slots, not sure if it's still running.
  18. Supply Linden sales had all but dried up by the time they stopped reporting the stat, so from that point of view, more sinks would have been advantageous to reduce the number of Linden dollar sales by residents and let Supply Linden fill that void. Supply Linden used to sell over L$1oomillon a month on a regular basis, that was a damn good income stream.
  19. They can't cash out the 5% though, Xstreet could, but they did it the same way as residents do, by selling it. Unless of course the Marketplace is its own independent company, which would put a different slant on matters as they'd be operating in the same manner as XStreet did, but I've seen nothing to indicate they are.
  20. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Right, L$ are sold for real money. Perhaps the purpose of this particular sink is to cash out even more of that money that was purchased. In that sense, if those sink L$ are cashed out, it's sort of double dipping, eh? What Supply Linden does or doesn't do is irrelevent, without some comprehensive accounting of how LL itself uses L$. Sell it, cash out the sinks, print more in the name of economy. Sounds like another conspiracy theory doesn't it? Rewind a bit Dart, the only way, the absolutely only way you can turn Linden Dollar water into US Dollar wine is by selling it. There's no other way of doing it.
  21. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: So you don't think LL is capable of cashing out their own currency? A sink in a manufactured psuedo economy where you make all the rules of said economy. Do the math, tier on mostly small to mid sized parcels of land tier, vs. 5% on a million products. Then you'll understand why they seem to be shooting themselves in the foot with marketplace vs in-world sales and how they're really not shooting their feet at all. Cashing out their own currency is what Supply Linden does in effect, he sells Linden dollars direct, that's straight profit, they also make income on commission of resident to resident Linden dollar sales. However Linden Lab don't save commission, it's a sink, it gets destroyed like all the other sinks such as inworld classifieds and show in search place fees. The only direct commission on the marketplace would be via a paypal transaction.
  22. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Think again. L$ is as good as cash even to LL. Residents aren't the only ones that can use it as real money. Otherwise there wouldn't be a 5% commission, after all what does LL need with fake currency? A sink? Really? It's outside of labor laws, workmans comp and all the icky stuff that the rest of the world has to abide by. There were rumors a ways back that some Lindens were paid in L$, although there was no clear proof of that. It also prohibits us from having any sort of consumer protection, and legitimate recourse, refunds and what have you. This is something that needs stronger legislation all around. Marketplace commission is a sink, yes, that's exactly what it's for. Whether it has created a big enough sink to give Supply Linden room to sell Linden dollars again (which was a good income stream) I don't know, because they don't publish that stat anymore. Why would LL need to collect Linden dollars? They can print them anytime they want. You are however correct on consumer protection issues, but that's a different tangent.
  23. Ai Velde wrote: For me, I still keep an in-world shop to cater to people who prefer it. Although having in-world shops seems as if it's on a course of becoming obsolete with certain product types. Anims, prefabs and furniture etc etc will always require in-world stores, among other things. However, in-world skin/clothing/makeup/accessories etc etc shops may end up being a waste of money some day (tier/rent costs and all...). :matte-motes-bored: Right, I've touched upon this before but Second Life has its very own bricks and mortar challenge where some items are better suited to a web based market than others, I agree with you about prefabs, anims and furniture, they are all better viewed inworld, items whereby the picture is a large selling point, will probably be better suited to the marketplace.
  24. nikita Jefferson wrote: I could go into a lot on this subject, but for LL MP is purely a money maker, they tax every sale which they cannot do inworld. Yes LL has every right to make money,it is all their servers, but in the process in world shopping has dropped drastically. It doesn't quite work the way you seem to think it does, Linden Lab cannot bank that "tax", they can bank tier payments from inworld stores. The commission fees are a means to an end, but it's an indirect route of income for LL, not a direct one and it's difficult to quantify how much money it generates.
  25. Are you sure you're not getting confused with Blondin's Wednesday meetings, which were for all communities, but during the adult changes were largely dominated by adult content concerns, Chilbo folk used to come to those meetings, they weren't interested in the adult aspect, it wasn't an adult community meeting.
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