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Rita Munro

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  1. Hallo Leute, im englischen Forum habe ich schon eine Thread dazu geschrieben. Doch auch hier möchte ich Euch kurz erzählen, was mir passiert ist. Ich bin eine recht eifriger Bastlerin und habe über 800 Sachen am Marketplace. Um schneller arbeiten zu können, habe ich viele sculpties und texturen gesammelt. - Das war ein Fehler! Jetzt wo ich die Sachen am Markt habe und alles fertig und gelistet, habe ich die Hersteller von den Building Tools am Hals. Sie schikanieren mich auf Teufel komm raus und versuchen, sich in meine Geschäfte einzumischen. Das beliebteste ist, dass sie versuchen, mir vorzuschreiben, welche Rechte ich meinen Kunden für die von mir gebauten Sachen geben dürfte. Das wäre ja noch schöner! - Darf etwa der Baumarkt mitreden, wer in einem Haus wohnt, bloss weil er dem Bauherren einmal Ziegel verkauft hat? Wie auch immer, die Leute mobben mich und verweisen auf ihre Notecards. Ich habe mir jetzt mal die Mühe gemacht, nachzulesen, was da überhaupt drin steht: In den meisten, die ich mit der Kaufbox aufgehoben hat, STEHT KEIN WORT davon, dass man die eigenene Produkte nicht mehr volle Berechtigung verkaufen dürfte. Nützt mir nichts. Die sind zu doof, ihre eigenen Texte zu lesen und behaupten, ich - haltet Euch fest - ich würde nach Lücken suchen. Ich wurde von einer Gruppe rund um animierte Texturen gemobbt (deutscher Anbieter) bis zum geht nicht mehr. Allerdings gehen immer mehr Anbieter von Sculpties und Texturen dazu über, solche Beschränkungen in ihre Notecards hineinzuschreiben. Auch wenn das meines Erachtens ungültig ist, die Herumstreiterei bleibt. Meine Konsequenz und darum poste ich hier: Ich verwende das Zeug einfach nicht mehr. Es ist ohnehin so gut wie alles nur aus dem Internet geholt und hochgeladen. Das kann ich auch selbst und erspare mir enorm viel Ärger. Diese Texturverkäufer sind meines Erachtens nur sehr, sehr wenige und ganz viele Alts. Und jene, die dahinterstehen, sind selbst zu dämlich zum Bauen. Daher verkaufen Sie Euch Texturen und Sculpties statt sie selbst zu verwenden - , um Euch danach das Leben schwer zu machen. Mein Rat: Weicht dem aus! Holt Euch die frei verwendbaren Texturen und Sculpties selbst aus dem Netz. Das kommt ungleich billiger und erspart Euch menschlich so viel. Ihr braucht nur in Google einzugeben, dass Ihr Texturen sucht. Oder aber von der Blender Library die Linkliste ansehen. Da habt Ihr ganz viele Texturen und Sculpties, die Ihr kostenlos und legal verwenden dürft. Rita Munro
  2. Ich bin ein alter Avatar und habe LL Geldtauschen und Virvox schon benutzt. Beides hat recht gut funktioniert, nur LL hat um einen Drittel ode noch mehr besseren Kurs geboten. Ich habe mein Geld wirklich am selben Tag beiden parallel einbezahlt, und direkt verglichen, was ich bekam. Meine Schlussfolgerung aus dem Einzelfall: Virvox ist serös, bietet aber schlechte Konditionen. Die anderen bieten noch viel schlechtere. Ich selbst tausche meine Lindens daher stets über LL. Da hatte ich manchmal Probleme und oft hat es auch zu lange gedauert. Doch unter dem Strich habe ich stets meine Sache bekommen. Wenn Du keine "payment info" hast, kannst Du das tun: Mach' Dir ein Alt Account. Es geht ja schliesslich keinen Hacker was an, wo Du Deine Kohle liegen hast. Mit dem Alt loggst Du möglichst gar nicht ein, der hat nur heimlich Deine Finanzen. Dann kaufst Du Dir Lindendollar. Das kostet als Minimum 2.50 Dollar, heute ca 2 Euro. Die bezahlst Du mit Kreditkarte oder Paypal und speicherst diese Zahlungsinfo. Danach existierst Du für Lindens und kannst zum relativ besten Kurs Lindes kaufen oder verkaufen. Rita Munro, https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/14052 
  3. Ich habe selten irgendwo dermassen viel hemmungslose Gehässigkeit erlebt wie in Second Life. Die Leute bekommen wohl ihr echtes Leben nicht auf die Reihe. Jetzt toben sie sich anonym aus. Sie bannen andere beim kleinsten Mux, nur damit sie zeigen können, wie extrem "mächtig" sie sind. Oft weiss man nicht mal, wie man dazu kommt. Sie richten ihre Mitmenschen mit infantiler Verantwortungslosigkeit aus und scheinen auch vieles völlig ungeprüft zu glauben, was man ihnen erzählt. Ich kann Euch gar nicht sagen, in welchem Ausmaß ich verleumdet und gemobbt wurde. Meines Erachtens steckt da in erster Linie eine einzige dahinter, die via Alt-Accounts gegen mich Stimmung macht. Ich habe keine Chance, weil die Verleumdungen gerade unter den Amis weitergetragen werden, ohne dass mich je einer kontaktieren würde. Frage ich dann jemand nach dem Grund seiner Feindseligkeit beim Erstkontakt, höre ich: "alles sagen das". - Wer? - Darauf bekomme ich so gut wie nie eine Antwort. Und in gewisser Weise, denke ich mir, diese Leute sind arme Schweine. Klar, können sie ihre ganze Bösartigkeit in der virutellen Welt auf andere projezieren. Und dann? Dann ist die Bösartigkeit immer noch ihre. Wir können sie auf "stumm" schalten, doch sie selbst müssen sich den ganzen Tag ertragen. Virtuell und real. Rita Munro
  4. Noe, Cash leeren nutzt da gar nichts. Da ist ein Problem mit den Anwendungsdaten. Je nach Betriebssystem suchst Du offline auf Deiner Festplatte den Speicher von Second Life. Der liegt in einem Verzeichnis, das heisst "user" "Roaming" "local" oder so in die Richtung. Oder Deinen Betriebssystem Benutzernamen, den Du bei der Installation des PCs vergeben hast. Dort legen alle Programme ihre temporären Datein ab. Du wirst viele bekannte Namen dort finden. Ein Verzeichnis dabei ist auch Second Life. Und da drinnen liegen fuer alle Deine Alts die temp Dateien des Programmes. Die löscht Du einfach weg fuer den Avatar, den Du nicht mehr einloggen kannst. Es empfiehlt sich, eine Sicherung zu machen. Denn mit dem Löschen sind auch Deine Einstellungen dahin und Deine IM Logs etc. Einen Zweck hat das Verzeichnis ja. Danach sollte es wieder gehen. Liebe Gruesse wir sehen uns inworld! Rita Munro
  5. Josh Susanto, the reason that you cannot see any of the defamations is, that Lindens deleted them very quickly. Tigger Genira: I cannot stop warning you of using / buying building tools!! You say "dozens of creators (are) after your blood" for "reselling sculpty maps and textures": This shows you very clearly how many they are and how INSANE they are. Fact is: I do not sell textures and sculpties at all. Everybody can check my items and convince himself, that THERE ARE NO textures under my 600 items. Never the less they accuse me for uploading and reselling their textures. And not one texture and not one vendor but "dozens of resellers and textures in the plural" as you say. If you have a look - there is nothing. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/14052 (oups, I just see, that my items count nearly 800 in the meanwhile) Under the line I wonder, why they do not use their textures by themselves and build by themselves. My answer is: They do not search creativity, but drama. Do not give them an option for!
  6. Blue does NOT belong to the ones who troubled me recently, but he gives us a very good public example, how "they" work. 1) You see him not feeling responsible for his Tos.. He tries to tell the customer afterwards what his tos mean. If the customer wonders and cannot find anything like this, then the customer is guilty for "searching holes" . 2 ) The customer is devalued. Blue is not bothered by the fact, that I am a very old avatar. He is not bothered by the fact, that I have not more than 600 items for sale. All in all there shall be about 2000. He is not bothered by the fact, that I know all about building software. He just devalues, "I want to see anything you built." 3) Step 3 is defaming. He tells a blanc lie with the idea, to move the emotions of the community against his customer which is not obeydient. I experienced this style more than once. WHO READS THIS: Please make up your mind, if you want to be a customer of such vendors. Do you want to have my troubles? Do you want to be difamed in public? If not, rather do not do business with those people. Not even take their freebies or their Midnight-Mania prices. They are not worth the human problems. Rita Munro
  7. Dear Mate-Avatars, thank you so much for all the comments! I followed e.g. the suggestion of Pell Juran to report the guy for fraud. And thank you so much for your kind words of so many, which give me much as person. The hurt emotions of all those hate are painful. And I liked the wise comments about "find somebody to spol your SL" Thank you all for the legal suggestions, e.g. of Josh Susanto And you can see the persisting problem very easy, if you read the posting of Deep Blue: He does not feel responsible at all for his own tos. Instead he accuses me for "searching holes". Deep Blue, why do you think, I would not be able to make my own things? I do not need those Rokkura tutorials in a sandbox, because I took Blender tutorioals at YouTube long ago. Blender is much more powerful than Rokkura (IMHO). I really can recommend everybody to use those YouTube tutorials, because they are that fine and so many. And the ressources of the Blender organisation are gorgous. btw: you need not spend money on Primstar 2, if you do not like to. Those tutorials show you the use of color-textures instead. And I use Gimp since that long. Never the less I personally prefer a software not too wide spread, but in some aspects even more powerful than Photoshop: This is PhotoImpact. Blue, try both of these programs, before you hold tutorials. And this is exactly what I suggested to SL builders: Make your own textures and sculpties! Do not buy them any more. The time you save is in no relation to the unpleasant discussions some people like to have. I regret that I ever used building tools. I have about 600 items at market. They may use in average 5 base-elements. If only 1 percent of the vendors are psychopatic as Sea Warcliffe suggested, this means: 30 people give you troubles. The problem is: You never know in advance who it may be. Smokey Newman thinks, I use the same brush for all. He is right and I really dislike, that I do. But what helps? One drop of poison spoils a whole bucket of water. And if merchants fail to clean their own rows, the customers will decide to stay away of possibly poisoned water. At least I did. And I talk about my experiences to warn others not to put poisened elements into their valuable builds. Rita Munro
  8. Permission Fraud - They Sell You Textures and Hinder You to Use Them I am a merchant and busy builder. This happened to me in MULTIPLE cases: Somebody gave me a texture with a permission notecard like "you may use the texture (or sculpty) in your own builds." Fine. I did my work. I created something new, may be with a tricky script, several more textures. Then I took fotos and put the item for sale. A lot of work behind me. And you know what? As my new build is fresh on the market, I receive a message from the one texture vendor, claiming the permission or copyright ON MY BUILD! I shall take it off at all or restrict the permission or something else. Happened SEVERAL times to me: I searched my inventory for the notecard of the purchase. There I can read, that I am perfectly inline with the granted permission. I show the notecard to the vendor. You know what? - Those guys hand me new notecards with changed permissions and ask me to take off my item. Or those guys claim their own TOS sentences would be "an error" or "a hole" or "mean something differently". And I would be responsible for their lack in language skills. I shall take off the item from market. They threaten you with DCMA, the litter your shop, they difame you in groups. Just because they want to force you under their jurisdiction. It is about might. I received hate-IMs from avatars, I never met before. The guys had diffamed me everywhere. btw: The worst here is a shop for animated textures. So here comes my WARNING: If you can avoid, DO NOT BUY TEXTURES. 99% of them are free copies of the internet. Google shows them to you. Upload them by yourself. This is much cheaper, the choice is much better and you avoid so many troubles. This way you will live a better Second Life in creativity and peace. Rita Munro
  9. Dear Fellow Builders, I am in a very unpleasant situation: I build since long and I made the severe mistake to use building tools. Since some weeks the creators of building tools decided, that "I am bad" and tyrannize me with means like the Mafia. But let me tell my story before. Some examples: 1) I had a texture and a permission notecard came with it. The notecard said, "you may use my texture in your builds". Nothing more. Only some advertising. I did. I build something, I scripted the item and I have it for sale, full permission. Time passed by, several months. I suddenly receive a notecard, with the accusation, that I must not sell my own item with the appended texture full permission. I checked the notecard of the texture-purchase-box and could not find this. Did not help. The seller of the texture called me in public a thief. She was not willing to have a look at her own permission notecard. She kept accusing me and nobody who heard her ever thought of doubting her words. 2) I made a huge framed image from an animated texture: Nicely with frame and a self-written script. I deleted script and origin of texture carefully and put the new item for sale full permission. Some weeks later I reveived a message of the texture creator, that I must not sell my wall-image full permission. I checked the notecard and found there, that I only must not sell it "as is". No word, that the texture-seller wants to control my new items in which I have appended(!) the things. =================================================== Atlthough I felt, that I did nothing wrong, I offered both of them to take off my builds. I anwered them quickily, about one day. This does not help against the Mafia. Those 2 vendors difamed me in those few hours everywhere including in their groups. They sent me the alts of their group members to litter my shop. Like the Mafia. Every item which littered the parcel was set to the group. They owner just commented "oh, my group is large, I cannot do anything." Once the accusations passed on in the groups, their phantasy what I "did wrong" did not end. The accusasations became absurd and everybody tried to find something new. They ended up claiming permission of copyrights of other's freebies for themselves. ==================================== My login-times dropped by 90 percent. I do not build any more. This all is far, far away of the "TAO of Lindens", which I enjoyed so long. My story shall be a warning for every peaceful builder to buy from the "wrong" merchant building tools. And I am afraid, that there may be more "wrong" merchants for building tools, than correct ones. Somehow I have the feeling, they want to make terror, until no merchant dares to sell full permission any more, who does not belong to their "family". Rita Munro
  10. Good Irene did not post the link of the forums, but the link to a graphic. Thank you for the "real" link, I will post it there. Rita
  11. SL is a place of creativity. And on such places there is the question around for intellectual property. This question is ok. But where does the hold of such an IP right end? Where does the freedom for ongoing creativity start? In recent months many vendors wrapped pages of text into their boxes, which are called "their TOS". A dubious development: 1) TOS - What we agree on: If we buy e.g. a texture, we agree on the texture as item and a certain Lindendollar price for it. As we all are under Linden's TOS, we agree on not reselling the texture as it is. Is there anything else we agree? To go into slavery? To pay a double price? Or do we agree to follow EVERY notecard which is wrapped as surprise in our box? Never the less we read astonished on box-opening: "By buying my item, you HAVE agreed(!) to the text which WILL follow."  - -  EXCUSE ME?! 2) TOS intended afterwords: I am a merchant. After having done my building work and my images uploaded, I sometimes receive a notecard with TOS. The sender claims, I must take off my new item because of his TOS. If I read those TOS, I have the feeling, I never heard of them before. By good luck I found out in three(!) cases, that the original TOS were changed to fit for a restriction of my item. Many of my friends as well as myself receive no TOS at all with the original product. 3) TOS with absurd results: One day I bought really nice textures for gift boxes. As I opened them, there was a notecard in, "whatever you build with my textures: you must not give it away with transfer-permission." What?! A no transfer gift box? I wrote an IM to the creator and received the answer, "just make it no copy". What?! Who would pay for a no copy gift box? What a greedy offer. But where does the greed come from? I think, it is not my greed. It is the greediness of a creator, who wants not only his own IP-rights for the texture. This would be ok. But forthermore he wants to control my business realtionships. This looks like a restriction of freedom and not ok. 4) TOS - what they wish: Popular restriction whishes are, that they want you to restrict our own items: You shall not make them copy, you shall not make them tranfer, modify etc. I saw every combination. But the strange desires go on: They checked the items and they(!) judge, if you "did enough" building with their textures/sculpties. If there are not linked to many other items, they think, it is "their work" still. They checked even my prices. They accused me to "destroy" their business by making prices, which are for me customer friendly and reasonable. And they want to make Lindens, Lindens and Lindens. e.g. they think one single persom must buy several times the same thing and must not hand the things to e.g. an alt avatar. No, not even for backup purpose. They make more money, if you must buy one thing several times. So they write it in their tos, of which they implied you would have complied by buying. 5) TOS in practise: Most of us have texture organizer and sculpty organizer, which gives us the ready prim. Sometimes we trash the (sculpty-)texture and just keep the prim. How to find out, where a stuff came from at all? Those notecards usually have the name "TOS" and are mostly not to find again. Even if you find them again, they are one page long. Reading/translating(!) legal textes instead of playing SL? How do you deal with this? Do you have use Excel-sheets with permissions to fulfill all their strange desires? Do you do stop sell full permission at all? Do you obey your suppliers, instead of giving best service to your customers? Every full permission item is a source of build-on and a treasure for the whole SL community. Recently an item came back to me after 3 three years. It had completely changed. I loved it! This is what for I play SL. Under the line I want to put the questions: What does TOS terror mean for the development of creativity in Second Life? What does it mean for freedom of merchandism, for the joy in building? Rita Munro
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