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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. I believe that screenshot was shown as a comparison. As in, "this is how it used to be, but now it's not." See:
  2. I don't know anything about security orbs, I don't use them myself. The one I made only messages you when a stranger enters your parcel (and only once, until they leave and come back).
  3. No, because the UV map dictates how the texture is applied. Different UV map = different result. If you have a body with custom UV maps, you'll be fine as long as you use custom textures that match with the UVs.
  4. If only I knew how to script. So if anyone who scripts out there would like to make a device like this and put it for sale ..... I'd certainly be in line to buy it as I'm sure others would find it valuable as well. I created one and listed it on MP, but I've sent you a copy so you can use it right away.
  5. This is a totally blind guess, but that seems to control the "rotation" of the sky -- it orbits the sun and the stars around the sim.
  6. It saves correctly because "1||2||3" and "4||5||6" both become 1, which is a totally valid face number even if it's not the one you intended. The function itself expects a list of single values. There's no way to denote a range of numbers in LSL.
  7. To clarify, you can't directly call a function from a separate script. You need to send a message to the script you want to call a function from. That script must also be listening to some kind of message, and call the function when all the criteria is met.
  8. This is impossible because dialogs do not support sending money.
  9. The camera position while in mouselook cannot be adjusted in any way, definitely not by scripts. That said, anything attached to your head (any part of it; skull, nose, ears, etc.) should always be hidden while you are in mouselook. You can also go into your Preferences and toggle "Show avatar in mouselook" to hide your whole avatar if it gets too much in the way.
  10. These are already covered as far as I know, definitely the first point at least. Non-item listing includes: "Creating Demo Product Listings without linking the Demo to the Full Version of the product."
  11. Most of the information you'll need is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_Mesh_Physics And from: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Physics_Optimization "Tip: Cubes, spheres, and circular cylinders are the cheapest shapes to use. Up to 14 cubes equates to the same value as one cut hollowed cube. Other shapes, such as pyramids, with no cuts, twists, hollows, or holes, or any shape set to PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL for a potentially more accurate (albeit more expensive) r for its physics shape type are more expensive. Any shape that contains holes, cuts, twists, or hollows (such as a torus) fall into the most expensive category." The same applies to mesh. Fully convex shapes (no inward curves) are the cheapest. Triangle density in the shape also affects physics cost. Convex Hull doesn't automatically mean "lower LI," it's just a different calculation.
  12. There are many external services that already exist for LSL scripts to use for grid-wide communication, but that's specifically not what this thread is about. The idea was to create an in-world network without requiring any external services, like a database or Google Spreadsheets. This can be done, as I demonstrated, but in the event that all of the sims go offline at the same time (like when the grid goes down), they must be manually put back online.
  13. But @Rolig Loon, have you forgotten my explanation about attachments and active groups? You get a list of the avatar's attachments with llGetAttachedList. You just take the first attachment from that list, and use llGetObjectDetails with OBJECT_GROUP. You will now have the group that attachment is in, which will always be the avatar's active group (if any).
  14. "It's free real estate land impact."
  15. Is this item available somewhere, like Marketplace or rezzed inworld? Trying to make guesses from a vague second-hand description doesn't seem as productive as being able to inspect it.
  16. If these are private sims, LL "can't" (won't) do anything about giving you access to the regions. However I think each person who has items rezzed there could ask a Linden to go in there and return all of your items. If the people are paying for some kind of a service / land, they should contact the person they're renting from for a refund. If they aren't getting one and it's a significant amount, they may be able to abuse report the land owner (assuming they're also the renter) for fraud.
  17. Yes, but the solution I gave only applies to textures where one side is transparent and the other isn't. I'm not talking about textures with repeats (so they appear tiled), what I meant to explain was that textures -- even at 1x1 repeats -- are tiled. That's why the solid bottom of the texture is visible at the top. Here, I've illustrated it: (Click on the image to enlarge it. This method works with any image though, it doesn't have to be a smooth gradient.)
  18. I can answer both of these questions either way, but it seems to me that you are literally unreasonable so I'll spare the thread. You can PM me if you really wanna have this convo. Edit: Thanks for proving me correct about you being unreasonable and declining my invitation to have the conversation.
  19. You people bother trying to move? We can move our cameras through walls instantly and lag-free! I haven't encountered any vendor that has a distance limit either, unless it's one of those freebie givers. That's because "what is reasonable" is very subjective. There is no true "objective reasonableness" because humans are not objective (nor often reasonable). I still tried to look up what "objectively reasonable" meant, but all I could find was a court case where the judges determined that "objective reasonableness has to be determined on a case-by-case basis." Nice.
  20. This is a side-effect of the way textures are drawn (basically tiled infinitely). What you're seeing at the top is actually the bottom of the same texture. The "true" solution that works even in cases where you can't change the scale of the texture (like particles) is to open the texture in an image editor and make the last line of pixels on the opposite side transparent before uploading it to SL.
  21. Super easy solution with minimal confusion: New HUD works the same as before, except when the user clicks on it (or does whatever used to unpack it), they get a dialog that says "Which type do you want?" or similar, and the options would be "Maitreya", "Belleza", "Both", etc.
  22. What does anything you're saying have to do with this topic, then? Ending Second Life's legacy as a mostly open-source platform still wouldn't solve the problem OP is having.
  23. It's literally impossible to copybot scripts. They are the one thing any viewer can't touch.
  24. As a scripter, I know the answer: Barely any. As a lazy person, I know the issue: Laziness.
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