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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Most importantly, you can have text chat show up above people's heads. Check your viewer's preferences: Chat > Show chat in bubbles above avatars Chat > Show typing indicator in bubbles above avatars For the main issue, your viewer starts a second process with voice, called SLVoice.exe. You can find it in your computer's sound settings. On Windows 10 Right-click the speaker icon in your taskbar and "Open Sound settings" Open "App volume and device preferences" at the very bottom. Find "SLVoice.exe" and change the Output to whatever you want, probably Default. (This is where most of your sounds come out normally.) On Windows 7 You'll need to install a new program to change specific outputs. (I don't have any experience with this.)
  2. Debit cards work by themselves, at least my Visa Electron (debit-only, which I got when I was 15) has worked for many years even before renewing it.
  3. You cannot create the effect shown in the video. The absolute closest you can get is by making the object fully transparent and adding slight glow to it. But this does not cause any distortions.
  4. Then let's go all over this again, just in case... The real difference between these functions is that one uses an EEP asset, the other uses a list of parameters. But notice how llSetAgentEnvironment does not have the two big caveats on it. I wanted to know whether this is a case of incomplete documentation, or those big caveats don't affect llSetAgentEnvironment. I accept the apology though.
  5. What? NO. That's ridiculous. The functions introduced in this thread require Experience permissions to work at all. I did not ask to be able to use them without permission. I was asking whether they differ from each other, because that is unclear from the specifications and it would be useful.
  6. The solution to this is to just not accept the Experience permission prompt, or revoke the Experience. Experiences are tied to land, so your EEP will be unaffected as soon as you leave the area. You can also report Experiences for abusive behavior, if you feel truly violated by the particular EEP applied by an Experience you just joined. The argument of "my personal freedom" is quite silly anyway and can be used right back at you. A land owner can make joining an Experience a requirement for entry (and I've seen sims that do this), but who are you to tell that land owner what to do with their land? They're paying for it -- and Premium -- so they're more than within their rights to force EEP on their visitors if it suits them. You don't seem interested in that kind of thing, so they will lose you as a visitor. That's okay.
  7. *Raises hand.* My 3 socially active accounts (but entirely separated circles of friends) and I can attest to this.
  8. VR? You mean my Cardio Device? (Slight epilepsy warning at the beginning of the video.) The weirdest discovery I've had about VR is that I don't get any kind of motion sickness with it. I am very sensitive to car sickness and can't sit in a bus for 20 minutes without being worried about throwing up, but I can play VR games for several hours and only stop because I'm physically exhausted. I don't even have trouble in VR games where you "slide around." (Which is my preferred type of movement and which causes the most problems for most people.) I do often lose orientation though, even though I can hear where my computer is and feel where the cable goes.
  9. I couldn't accept that as a viable alternative if the intention was a controlled environment. (It's better than nothing, but not functional.) People could still override their settings after the sync to "cheat" and it would require some back-and-forth talk between each avatar's attachments and some central object, which would have to rez new temp attachments if no response is heard within some margin of error.
  10. I noticed llSetAgentEnvironment doesn't have the same caveats as llReplaceAgentEnvironment. Can the environment settings from llSetAgentEnvironment be overridden locally, or ignored by the viewer? It would be very functionally useful to be able to force a specific environment onto everybody within a parcel of an Experience, particularly for the purposes of games, combat, or roleplay. (For example, a foggy environment can be used to limit everybody's field of view fairly, same with having a dark/night environment. It could also facilitate roleplay by having all of the characters adapt to the intended time of day, rather than individual preference.)
  11. The redelivery is automatic once it has been requested by the customer. It's like doing your grocery shopping online. You still have to do it, even if the store delivers them to your door. If your customer messages you directly and asks you for a redelivery, you can do that from your Transaction History by looking up the customer's name, viewing the transaction, and pressing the "Redeliver item" button. But that is the manual process, not the feature you originally asked about. You should explain to your customers that they can get an automatic redelivery from their Order History. And just to clarify, if what you want is new update delivery, that doesn't exist yet.
  12. In all seriousness, this isn't the first time I've heard of this bug. Probably brought up by Whirly in some older thread. I can't even begin to speculate what kind of programmer design decision would lead into this, but for those who are wondering how a key/UUID could be "higher" or "lower" than another, it's because UUIDs in Second Life are just a kind of number. For example; 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 would be "0" 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 would be "1" 00000000-0000-0000-0000-F00000000000 would be "263882790666240" And so on.. these numbers get very big and aren't/can't really be practically represented (to humans) with just 0-9.
  13. "Automatic redelivery" enables your Marketplace customers to have their item redelivered to them through their own Order History. They can do it themselves, with no need to communicate with you (this is the "automatic" part) as the merchant. That's it.
  14. But this would lock the script into that one loop, unable to process any new events once it begins.
  15. The "open inventory to the object" is a viewer-setting, not something scripts can do.
  16. There's really only one way to achieve this. The avatar's butt has to be rigged appropriately, and/or made physics-layer compatible. (You must also wear a physics layer.) An animation needs to be made to cause the jiggle when an attachment (invisible prim) is clicked. For some avatars, like the Maitreya Lara, the butt can't jiggle because it just isn't rigged like that.
  17. What kind of AFK tests are you looking for, exactly? Position tracking? Sending them a dialog/textbox with options or questions? Doesn't seem too difficult to make.
  18. Again, it won't work. I specifically tested that to double-check before making a comment on it.
  19. Is it even important to have that detailed of a physics model? (Not sure what the current LI or LI target is.) You could have fewer triangles than there are steps, and just approximate the overall shape of the spiral. A good example is the outside cylinder @Aquila Kytori made. Extrude the bottom edge to create new faces and merge them at the center pole. You can see that it would cover about 2 steps per plane but is still well within walkable ranges. A simpler, continuous plane like that may resize better to different scales.
  20. Sure you can. default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); llTriggerSound("You're pretty good!", 1); } } But there's inevitably going to be a small delay between those sounds, causing an "echo" of sorts. The more they overlap, the louder the sound amplifies. Alternatively, you could try your luck with llLoopSoundMaster and llPlaySoundSlave, but they're a little finicky and don't always sync right at all. But when they do, it's perfect. And no, you can't trigger gestures from scripts. The only way to make an avatar say something in chat is with llDialog, but even that won't trigger gestures.
  21. llSetLinkTexture was released in 2007, so that makes sense, but oof how the legacy of bad decisions live on in current products.
  22. The whole "one script in each prim" was just a result of a wide-spread script product created and used by people with no real knowledge on how to do it better. Forced delays still exist in all of the functions that had them. llSetTexture and llSetLinkTexture are still being used in mesh products today and the delay is extremely noticeable as relatively few hairs are a single piece of mesh. But note how llSetLinkTexture can have an input of -1 which means WHOLE LINKSET, so there's no need for a script in every link even if you want to use it.
  23. This. I wouldn't even care if we got a new UI window called "advanced properties" or something with just a text field or drop list for each prim property. It's so time consuming to write a new script just to get a few properties how you want them.
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