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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Could you please explain to me how a +2.5% increase in credit processing is going to put your SL-based livelihood at risk? Sincere question. I mean, you were already paying for all the other fees, VAT, etc. What is the income-deadzone where a slight increase will make your situation unbearable, and how are you not in it already?
  2. (Forgot to respond until I heard a beep from this tab.) You don't need to store anything from llGetOwner, the value returned by that function can be used directly in the if-check. (I write that line a lot.) The reset is there only because the value returned by llGetOwner won't change when the owner changes, unless the script is reset. Edit: Turns out the above is just wrong. That said, @Sunbleached, have you tried just waiting a moment after the first click? The llGiveInventoryList function has a forced 3-second delay, so maybe it appears as if you need to click it twice, when really you just need to wait for the delay to pass?
  3. I don't have any chat logs from you, unless you are @ainst Composer who I wrote this for. Either way, can you explain in detail what you expect to happen with the HUD, and what actually happens? Looking at the script (and as I remember it), it should unpack right away if you click the right spot.
  4. Well this looks familiar. Where'd you get it? 🙂
  5. Even if it was true that Sansar was somehow the main motivator for these changes (I don't believe this, though RIP Sansar), it's just flat-out wrong to call it just a flat "price increase" as other things have been made cheaper as well. It's an overall price balance, while it obviously affects individuals... individually. Again, I think your interests are just in a different area of SL and you're not looking at the greater picture (or going way out into the atmosphere with Sansar). That $1000 setup fee still included the first month's rent, I believe, so the actual setup fee would've been $705. (The setup fee right now is listed as $600, but includes first month.)
  6. @Desudesudesuka Did you glance over the part where Premium now comes with double the free land tier, giving you $3 more value per month? But the cost of Premium only went up by $2.49 per month (if you pay monthly) or $2.25 (if you pay yearly). All the other perks aside, the price is relatively cheaper than before. (I don't like how basic perks were reduced though.) That said, I agree that land prices are still too high. I speak as someone who doesn't own a sim, land, or premium but sell enough things to be able to cash out quite a bit. (I don't cash out though, I like virtual expendable income.) But I still argue that Second Life has come quite far with new features like mesh, rigged mesh, fitted mesh, bento, animesh, bakes on mesh, etc. Maybe your interests lie elsewhere, but that doesn't mean nothing has improved. But over what period was that $4000 gained? That's a very important detail you'd have to include in this hypothetical example. With 4K a month, that "land baron" could support 17 sims and still stay in the green. With more sims or less frequent cash-outs, they'd be losing money regardless of the increased fee and they would've already accepted that.
  7. Owning a region (USD per month): $295 in 2017, $249 in 2018, $229 in 2019. (Full region, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $305 to $100.) $125 in 2017, $109 in 2018. (Homestead, setup-cost for new regions lowered from $100 to $40.) $75 in 2017, $60 in 2018. (Openspace, setup-cost of $75 removed entirely.) Owning land: Premium's free land allotment was doubled for everyone (from 512 to 1024) in 2018. 512sqm = $4 per month. 1024sqm = $7 per month.
  8. Let's pretend this is a mesh bridge with a bad "collision shape" (which tells avatars what is walkable). To fix this, all you need is to rez a prim (for this shape, a cylinder is probably the best solution), size it over the bridge and make it invisible. And now your bridge is properly walkable.
  9. To my knowledge, no. (Maybe @Whirly Fizzle can correct me.) The best workarounds known to me is to have less dense rain (fewer objects, larger gaps between or in them) or using particle-based rain instead, which may not look as good and could cause lower FPS for you.
  10. Is this too fuzzy for you @rasterscan?
  11. I don't think it is, in principle. I don't want (and I think this is the big picture that LL is trying to avoid) is a world where we have viewers with a very different set of features, causing creators to make items based on the features of the specific TPVs and adding "You need X feature/viewer(s) to use this" to their product descriptions, as people do/did with RLV and mesh. Imagine if, say, Black Dragon implemented real-time mirrors and custom skeletons for avatars. These are features some people REALLY want, and would drive them to start using Black Dragon. A lot of people would see these people as "broken" (disruptively so, improperly rendered mesh causes a lot of visual problems and bad performance) or just couldn't see what others were seeing. It would be confusing and annoying, and they'd be forced to move to a different viewer to get away from the problems. But what if there was another set of features on a yet another viewer that didn't have mirrors or custom skeletons? Now users are forced to switch between viewers constantly, or just pick the one they prefer and deal with the issues whenever they come up. This should obviously not be something we want to end up in, and that's why protecting the "shared experience" is a good thing -- in principle. (And before you say "then those viewers should work together to share those features," the world obviously isn't that ideal. Even right now we have at least 3 viewers that don't share their main features that users on this forum cite as reasons for using those viewers specifically. Black Dragon's poser and graphical fidelity, Singularity's (which DIDN'T HAVE BENTO) inventory features, and Firestorm's feature bloat.) Away from the devil's advocate speech again, common sense must also prevail. The specific feature of being able to derender objects in-world is a truly useful feature. While we might be able to jellydoll really render-heavy avatars, we can't do the same to that 500K - 1000K+ tri-count (I've really seen these, more often than should be legal.) rezzed mesh object. There is a line that is useful to have, but derendering should not be that line.
  12. Solution: Don't post just for the imaginary internet points. Many people will read your post, like and agree with it, but not click the little button. Just post because you enjoy it. 🙂
  13. Users can't delete their own posts, it all has to be done by a moderator (Linden). You can try to report your thread/post and ask for it to be deleted, but it is unlikely that it will be.
  14. That's the whole thing -- it's client-side and falls into the nebulous "affects the way users view and interact with the world" category. Things like RLV, colored viewer tags, Windlights, multiple attachments on the same slot, end-to-end IM encryption (probably), Black Dragon's animation poser and more accurate complexity calculation.. all have been or still are against the "shared experience." I have no trouble imagining users being able to remove objects from their version of the world, which will inevitably change the way they interact with it. (This should be very obvious devil's advocate stuff, I don't agree with the decision but it is consistent with their other decisions.) Edit; To quote the policy exactly (bold for emphasis): Edit 2: And to add to this, this policy is just for them to cover their bases. I haven't heard of Linden Lab actually banning any viewer as a whole from connecting to Second Life, though I think @NiranV Dean's viewer was off the TPV list for a while. (It is back now, with a warning about "misleading" Complexity.)
  15. Then that's not a problem you solve even by having LL block them from using MP. It's a problem completely irrelevant (out of scope) for this conversation.
  16. Another reason I've heard is "so you can skip the extra advertisement page when only buying 0 L$ worth of stuff." But I don't think charging for a demo is justified if there's no way to get the cost back as the customer, unless it has no watermarks or extra attachments (but I would call these "samples" rather than just demos). Email spam? Make a folder and set up a rule/filter in your email to better organize your inbox. Vendor comes pre-configured to charge a non-refundable 1 L$? Then change it, don't be lazy and think of the customer. Redelivery reasons? You can get redeliveries on 0 L$ products. (I checked.) Gifting to alts? (I have ~5 fully outfitted alts so I speak with experience.) You can open a new incognito window in your browser (or use another browser entirely) and log in with your alt without needing to log out with your main account. You can also run two viewers at the same time. After logging in-world with your alt, the new demos will be in the "Recent" tab of your inventory, you won't have to search for the demos. This isn't true. I hover around 60(-/+ 10)K lindens most of the time, but I won't buy 1 L$ demos because I just won't support things I think are dumb and unnecessary (with few exceptions where I have little choice or even worse options). This ESPECIALLY applies to no-modify objects. I absolutely 100% will not cave in if the full product is no-modify (though I do buy no-mod items with free demos sometimes). For modifiable objects I have made some demo exceptions. TLDR: I have no trouble paying for an expensive product if I can inspect it in-world for first -- at no cost to me. Putting that aside, I'm also the kind of person who will easily buy 5-40 demos per shopping session because I get pretty inspired. If I imagine myself as someone who has to buy lindens (and in limited amounts), this would be a real issue. Again, 5L doesn't sound like much, but I shop pretty infrequently and have lots of free money to burn. If I was more addicted to shopping, had no in-world income, and poor financial situation.. even 1 L$ demos would make an impact over time. You cannot send a gift to someone through the Marketplace if they have blocked you. You will get this error: "Could not find [name] in the Resident records. Make sure you are using the Resident's full SL name and not the display name. For help on finding the Second Life name, see the wiki"
  17. @ChinRey You don't have to latch onto what I say that literally. If I was going to start preempting every asterisk, my posts would like triple in size on average.. until I start addressing the caveats for those asterisks as well.
  18. Post here: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/
  19. There are no quads or above in any real-time rendered software that I've ever heard of. Everything is tris, but I think you missed the point in my quoted advice about how you should still work with quads, because it makes the model the easiest for you to work with. Don't work with triangles, don't work with n-gons that aren't quads.
  20. The forum team probably just misconfigured it when they created the section, or wanted it to only be visible to logged in users, or forgot to change it after the feature went live.
  21. You may want to create a JIRA or talk to a Linden about the issue, maybe they'll be able to look at their logs as well. (Though I don't know how useful that would be if you can't replicate this.)
  22. I should put a big asterisk on my posts, matching the size of the post, that especially the things I complain about only apply to people who refuse help. If somebody was to come in here and say "here's my model, it's 500K tris and I can't upload it, what's wrong?" I would never attack the person for not knowing what they're doing. I would, in kind words, explain to them what the issue is and how models should be created for something like Second Life and how to make their model usable. (Even going so far as to explain how to get past the face/vert limit if needed.) Not knowing but asking for help is totally different from not knowing and refusing to listen.
  23. I don't think that's what she meant. There are tons of ways to programmatically create mesh, but not with LSL.
  24. Without seeing the logs and/or the in-world script's code, this is just a blind guessing game. You probably know that llHTTPRequest has a HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH that determines where the truncation would happen if the request was longer. If you're running just an API server and don't control the scripts you're getting requests from, it's probably just someone's broken script you're seeing.
  25. Hopefully you're also informing the SL creators directly about this. Linden Lab won't/can't do anything.
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