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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. You can have 'em! I do think the comparison to childbirth is incomplete, though. I did not give birth to my emergency backup kid, but he's been a pain in my ass for decades.
  2. All of his snakes carry low impedance signals from things sharing common grounds (rack gear). The pairs inside his fat snakes have maybe two turns per foot, the flat Cat 7 cable I tested has four twists per inch. I did both crosstalk and frequency response tests and found the Ethernet cable to be superior. If crosstalk is a problem, flat Cat7 will help, as pairs maintain their orientation along the cable. Move the offending signal to a pair that's not adjacent to the victim and terminate any unused pairs to ground. I'd be a bit more cautious in high impedance and ground mismatch applications, but even there I think Cat7 is worth considering. I weigh less than half as much as Mac and I'm almost twice as old, so I favor lightweight solutions.
  3. I have several rolls of the stuff, ranging in width from 1/2 to 3 inches. I will now imagine you doing this... We've got a lot of work to do, Scylla.
  4. Your digital snake is not the same thing as we're contemplating. Mac's board is all ancient analog. He has old analog 8-channel snakes, which are about 3/4" in diameter and very heavy, with individual XLR connectors on each end. It takes thirteen of those to feed the board. I proposed using flat Cat-7 cable to gather four channels. Thirteen of those take less space and weight than one old snake. I love the "digital snake" idea, as it puts the conversion to digital as close to the stage/performer/instrument as possible. I am, however, unable to put a dent in Mac's love of all things analog... and knobby.
  5. Here's my guess: From your perspective at the end of the bolt, you might have perceived all the branches as one. They were farther away, dimmer and radiating from the bolt in all directions, so the bolt would appear as fat far away, coming to a focus at your feet.
  6. Yeah, my emergency backup kid has a 50+ channel board in his studio, waiting to be re-connected. He estimates that the total weight of the snakes and individual cables from his original installation weighed over 300 pounds. I wondered if he couldn't replace those heavy snakes with shielded Ethernet cable, which led us to discover this...
  7. You probably saw a "bolt from the blue". I've never seen one, but I've heard them. I'm jealous of your experience, Ceka. I've seen several lightning strikes fairly close up. They look exactly as you've described. One bolt struck a neighbor's house at the gutter, traveled along it, then down the spout, fanning across the lawn. In the following days the lawn revealed a pattern that could best be described as "looks like lightning". https://www.google.com/search?q=lightning+strikes+on+grass&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiawvbHosT5AhWbs3IEHQJhC0YQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=lightning+strikes+on+grass&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1CoA1ioA2CABGgAcAB4AIABQogBe5IBATKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=utX3Ypr9IJvnytMPgsKtsAQ&bih=1178&biw=1363&client=firefox-b-1-d Here's what some strike survivors look like... https://www.google.com/search?q=lightning+scars&client=firefox-b-1-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4uayuosT5AhXhEGIAHbTOA28Q_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1363&bih=1178&dpr=2 The most impressive strike I've seen was in my neighbor's yard, when a bolt hit one of their massive willow trees. We were sitting in their gazebo at the time. The entire trunk of the tree (all we could see from the gazebo) lit up. The energy from the bolt was so high that it vaporized water in the trunk's cambium layer, causing the cambium and bark to launch explosively out onto the lawn. One large branch died, but the bulk of the tree is still standing, over a decade later. The least impressive strikes have been on local cell towers, which don't bat an eye. That is, of course, expected behavior, thanks to Ben Franklin.
  8. Yes, but once their mind is numb, I can get away with pretty much anything.
  9. I think the most important reason to dial back graphics settings is to maintain usable FPS/responsiveness. I don't worry about GPU loading. You can lower graphics settings for normal use and jack them up for photography. If your computer was designed by competent engineers, it will protect the CPU and GPU from overheating. I don't imagine you're in-world, taking photographs for more than an hour or so a day. That's not a heavy workload. Enjoy yourself, Seicher. Post the results.
  10. @Scylla Rhiadra made me a lovely tee shirt that says "I Only Give Negative Feedback". Snugs either didn't approve, or wanted one of her own. I can't hear her rant with all the blood rushing to my head.
  11. Hey, it's my favorite Martian! So lovely to see you, Perrie!
  12. A short story but a sweet one. We’re rooting for you, Kali!
  13. Add Maddi, Madi, Mad, and my all time favorite... Mad Bag Lady
  14. I wonder if there are gender reveal thingies in the marketplace that work in damage-enabled areas.
  15. Since getting my first Miata, I find myself attracted to roundabouts, and sometimes unwilling to exit them.
  16. I routinely mistype "madelaine" when attempting to log in. In-world, knowing other people will have the same problem, I often say... "Call me Maddy, I can't spell Madelaine". They don't know how serious I am.
  17. Own it, Ayashe. We all screw up. We here also know you're a smart cookie. Seeing you cringe over an error makes us (or at least me) cringe, too. Stop that! Yeah, it's hard, but we should all learn to let typos go, unless they're hilarious. Then it should be a pile on.
  18. ... and this is how it starts, Amberly. I place the blame firmly on your grim little paws.
  19. I call that image "The Needle and the Damage Done".
  20. Not all things awesome, I hope. I count on you and others to bring me awesome things in return.
  21. In my experience, those people unwittingly engage in self-degradation.
  22. Absolutely! That's how I found my last partner.
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