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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. I was suffering during the whole video too, luckily the poor guy didn't get hit by any car I've had two encounters like this. The first was on I-94 between Milwaukee and Chicago, mid-day. Two ducks and their chicks decided to hitchhike. I stopped my car, straddling the left two lanes, and flagged down a car to straddle the right two. After several minutes of honking, quacking, yelling, laughing and general madness, we got the tour party turned around and off to safety. I don't think I've ever seen so many smiling faces on the Interstate. Some years later, at night, I encountered a magnificent snapping turtle trying to cross the Milwaukee River via bridge. I'd been bitten and tail whipped by one when young, and wasn't looking for a repeat experience. I tried to coax her off the bridge with my feet, but she wasn't having it. It was just a matter of time before a drunk came along and killed us both (that's another story), so I called 911 for someone with gloves. Two squad cars later, after trying to figure out where she wanted to go, we got Ms. Wiggly to the river bank. I'll never know for sure if we'd got her to her destination, or back to her starting point. Think twice before accepting my help. I imagine the beaver in that video escaped without harm. S/he was probably in only a bit more danger than the person wielding the camera, and possibly as oblivious to it. Every day I see new road kill, or evidence of predation in my yard, I am thankful I'm a human.
  2. Are we gonna have to have a Triumvirate of the Adorable, too? I'm not giving up that appellation without a fight.
  3. Amelia, we were beginning to think you'd never join us! Welcome aboard!!! ...nails your shoes to the forum floor.
  4. ... beams aboard while the cloaking field is down and rearranges all your furniture.
  5. I guess you're just not as memorable as me? Or have a better memory? Take your pick. I do recall you being a little cautious during our brief Hippiestock photo shoot. I don't know why people find me intimidating, which probably explains why I haven't been able to shake giving that impression. I was eager to put you at ease because I enjoy your humor and was hoping to draw out a little playful snark. I did actually meet a few lurkers while composing the Hippiestock photo, but I was asking for that, much as Scylla is doing here. In the years since, I really recall only one person IMing me (at The Far Away) and mentioning their knowledge of me from the forums. That wasn't actually the reason they IMed me. It was Feynman.
  6. Though I don't often have time for a good chat, I do welcome random civil IMs. How I approach them depends on the IM and the context. Curiously, the most common topic for random IMs has been Dr. Richard Feynman, who's last name appears in my profile. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that an appreciation of Feynman can get people to break the ice with him.
  7. In my home, the chopsticks are safe. It's the food you should fear.
  8. In the dozen years I've been here, this happened only once. ...pouts as her unused autograph pen leaks. (Now you know, I'm not pitch black, I'm India black.)
  9. Instant coffee? What the hell is wrong with you? Turtle slippers/bathrobe and pink crazy straw? ...swoons
  10. Hey! Four is better than nuthin... ...and it ain't over yet. C'mon you lurkers, don't make us chase you down!
  11. You're at a red carpet event? May I have your autograph? Rookie move! Monsters lurk behind trees to catch those who run to hide behind them. The indoor equivalent of this is to hide under your bed. Has anyone ever survived that? No! Honestly, it's a miracle humanity survives.
  12. In the interest of science, I’d be happy to help you find your upper limit, which I’ll be equally happy to suggest as the forum edit time.
  13. I list defenestration as an interest in my SL profile.
  14. I quite enjoyed teasing the couple who turtled their sunfish after yelling at me "Real kayakers don't pedal!" We can all be snobs on the water, until you encounter a Redneck Yacht Club. You can't pedal or sail past one of those without being offered a line... and a beer.
  15. Quotes are no more authentic than edited originals. Every quote is an invitation to edit it. I do that all the time.
  16. Yes, I imagine moderators can see our edits... if they look at our posts. There's ample potential for subterfuge to escape their attention. There's good reason for LL to wish to minimize the attention moderators must give us. Allowing edits indefinitely affords us the ability to keep informational posts up-to-date. Logging those edits publicly is the sunshine that disinfects.
  17. If the purpose of a forum is to be instructional or to catalog or track information (Answers), it makes sense to have edits open indefinitely, with a change log. I think that covers your desire, Aeth. Making the changes viewable without cluttering the current version might be non-trivial. Ultimately, informational posts would be editable by more than one (qualified) person. That's similar to how the Wiki works (or once did). If the purpose of a forum is to afford general discussion, long term unlogged edits probably asks for trouble. A happy medium might be to allow uncatalogued edits within some short period (an hour or so), after which edits are logged for view by all. This allows removal of emotionally charged content after the poster cools off, but prevents malicious manipulations. Logged edits could also show up in "Unread Content", making sure that updates to informational posts are seen. I imagine my idea is well outside this forum's capabilities.
  18. I am well aware of such and it still vexes me. During my years wandering around Answers, we endured endless re-asking of the same questions. That's a different environment than GD, as most questions were asked by people who'd never visited the forums before. It's faster to jump in and ask a question than to search for similar questions previously answered. Conversely, it was often faster for me to craft an answer directly than to refer the inquirer to other threads. That would require me to search (though I did maintain a folder of bookmarks to common questions). I'm lazy, too. GD, though a different animal, is still an animal. Love's "ego" argument holds more water here. I can well imagine people starting new threads at least partially for the attention they'll receive as OP. It's also not uncommon for threads to lose focus. Making a new thread on an existing topic reintroduces... the topic. As High Priestess of the Derail, some blame for loss of focus can be laid at my feet now and then. For that reason, I am slow to vex. I could imagine you being vexed by my behavior. It doesn't help that I find you adorable when vexed.
  19. Oh but we cannot have that whatsoever! Oh no! There must always be a new thread, rehashing the same things over and over and over with very little new added in, don't you know! Goddess forbid that one of the older threads is dug out and pushed forward with a comment/post that is an actual response to it instead of wasting time and such with a new thread! This is a variation on RTFM, isn't it? Welcome to human behavior!
  20. I don’t know what the hell this is, but it makes me happy…
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