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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Geomagnetic north ordinarily moves erratically about.
  2. The rumors I've seen suggest Rosetta will be dropped in 2026, so it might have two years to go. Apple has never supported Vulkan. Vulkan is the work of the Kronos group and provides a standard, cross platform graphics API that runs natively on many modern operating systems, but not macOS. To run Vulkan on macOS, the MoltenVK library is needed. MoltenVK maps Vulcan to the underlying graphics frameworks of operating systems that don't have native Vulcan support, but do have a native graphics API, or allow direct access to the graphics hardware. In Apple's case, MoltenVK maps Vulcan to Apple's Metal graphics API. Apple will not be dropping Metal, nor will it allow direct access to Apple Silicon, so MoltenVK is the path forward. Since Vulcan and Metal have fundamental architectural differences, MoltenVK mapping will be sub-optimal, though still better than OpenGL. I've been expecting the demise of SL on Mac for over a decade. I'm happy to wait for another decade.
  3. ...makes her special guacamole to place in the fridges of all the Mac using moles while they're sleeping. I love chipotle. Coughing and wheezing count as "vocal", right?
  4. The first family pet I really remember was our huge tomcat, Alex. He was nearly the size of a bobcat and was a hunter, through and through. He'd wail to be let out of the house at night, so he could prowl around the neighborhood for prey. We'd find him sleeping on the roof in the morning, having left some part of the night's kill on the porch. Dad taught me how to get Alex's attention by pretending to be prey. I'd put my hand under my skirt or top and wiggle a finger to play mousie. I loved watching him crouch for the kill. On rainy nights, Alex was happy to stay indoors with us. He'd roam the house after we went to bed, looking for movement under the blankets, particularly mine. One of those nights, he slipped under the blanket at the foot of the bed and attacked my toes. Not wanting that little bitey monster to cause any more pain, I laid as still as possible. He knew I was under there somewhere, and that I was good prey. After a moment, I felt him crawl up under the blanket and begin slithering along my legs. I twitched and he froze. A moment later he slithered a little more. I twitched again and he froze again. Eventually, he worked his way up until I could feel his whiskers on my face. I couldn't stand the excitement any more and I pounced on him. Let me give all of you a little advice. DON'T DO THAT!!! Alex exploded into a screeching demon from hell, leaving me pretty scratched up. Mom and Dad thought someone had broken into the house. When they turned on my bedroom light, the curtain and half the things I'd had on my desk were on the floor. Mom put Bactine on my scratches and tucked me back into bed. Alex was nowhere to be found... ...until about an hour later, when he returned to the foot of my bed, where I'd carefully tucked the blanket under the mattress. When daylight broke, he was sleeping next to me. I'm still looking for a relationship like that here in SL.
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