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Elvina Ewing

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Everything posted by Elvina Ewing

  1. still, neither of you offered any evidence as of why you believe the uploader does a bad job. I am supposed to take your word for it. Sorry, but i will just treat it as your personal opinion and disagree. My experience is that medium and even low LoDs generated by the uploader of my meshes look fair. It's only the lowest LoD that often looks like a mess, but sometimes it even doesn't. The only tools i know of in 3ds max are Optimize and Pro-Optimizer modifiers. There might be others i am not aware of, but i remember reading somewhere that Pro-Optimizer did the best job. Hence, i never tried any other options. Pro-optimizer, for starters, turns everything into triangles. I did use it to optimize some jewelry but that was only exceptional case, as everything else i ever tried it on did a horrible job. Comparing the results Pro-Optimizer gives to the SL Uploader, i will choose the Uploader. Again, i have no idea how Blender does it, i always believed it did a far superior job than 3ds max's Pro-Optimizer. But again, i am not going to learn Blender for that sake. So, making a decent LoD models in 3ds max will take me a lot of time, because i am not satisfied with the results Pro-Optimizer gives and i would have had to do it manually. Or, learn another program. And again there is this matter of why should i, with this LoD bug apparently making any LoD useless at all...
  2. why? what's wrong with it? it does a fair job in just mere seconds what would have costed me days to do by hand. In the rare occasions when i make rezzable items i do make my own LoD models because otherwise it's impossible to keep the LI low... tbh i cannot imagine any fitted mesh creator making their own LoD models... with the speed at which some well-known creators are churning out new content it would be just not possible... And now you are telling us lower LoDs are pretty much useless atm, too, so it doesn't even matter apparently... i do, i was thinking exactly that... I dunno about others, but me i am not going to change anything in my workflow. I will not butcher lower LoDs of my meshes, because imagine LL will decide to fix this bug tomorrow, it means my meshes' LoDs will be broken and i will have to redo them. You never know what might happen...
  3. So, are you saying that even the Medium LoD is never used? It is always only the highest LoD (original mesh in my case, because i never make LoD models and almost always let the Uploader generate the lower levels)? And it only affects fitted mesh? Because i remembered that back in the pre-fitted mesh days i had this incident happen. Ironically, it is about just that kind of jeweled top i mentioned earlier. I made this top that was decorated with pearls, it was rigged mesh, but not fitted. As usual i let the Uploader generate the lower LoDs, and for some reason i didn't even check what the lower LoDs looked like... So i put this top for sale, and after a few sales i got customers messaging me that the top disappears when they cam away leaving their breasts bare! Apparently, the Uploader generated the Medium LoD degrading the fabric part of the top completely, leaving only pearls! So, this was one of the very few times when i had to make a specific Medium LoD mesh. My question here: so the LoD bug doesn't affect non-fitted rigged mesh? Because apparently back in the day it was working as it should, otherwise i wouldn't have had angry customers with this top... Or it has been changed since then? Edited to add: I just pulled out that old top to test it, it does still behave the same way - disappears at only about 10m distance, so i guess it means that only fitted mesh is affected by this LoD bug.
  4. Thank you very much ChinRey for explaining this but i still don't understand, sorry. Let's talk about what all those bugs mean for average fitted mesh creator like me who doesn't know the math behind it and how to use it to cheat the system. 1) If i just rig my fitted meshes to a normal avatar sized skeleton, upload them in SL in normal avatar size and have SL Uploader generate lower LoDs (thus doing absolutely nothing to cheat or exploit these bugs), will they still be affected by these bugs? 2) Is all fitted mesh affected by these LoD bugs? 3) If the LoD system is broken for fitted mesh items anyway, what is the point of optimizing them?
  5. yeah i've seen these threads earlier this week but i don't fully understand what exactly causes this LoD bug (english is not my native language and i am not all that technical either). From what i understood, this happens just because (??) most fitted mesh is rigged in Maya and Blender, and their measurement units and scale causes the meshes to be uploaded in tiny sizes (when rezzed). As i said earlier in this thread, i work with 3ds max, and i don't have this scaling problem. All meshes i rig come out the normal avatar size when i rezz them on the ground. What i don't understand - does it mean my meshes don't have this LoD bug? Does it mean, that if i manage to scale my rigging skeleton to the tiny size, and then upload my meshes in tiny size, they will have this LoD bug, too? And how about those meshes rigged in Maya that come out really tiny: if you manually scale them up on the ground, and then wear them, will this LoD bug still persist?
  6. that's exactly what i did for my Giant Dandelion plant. At 6m size it's "only" 5LI. At Highest LoD the seeds are all poly's, but starting from Medium LoD it's only texture for the entire dandelion's head. But why do you say that this approach won't work for fitted mesh?
  7. i disagree. It reminds me of this belly dancer jeweled top i saw recently made by another creator. They used a nicely done texture jewels to decorate their top with. I thought wow that top looks lovely, maybe i should try the same approach - less work, less poly's/lag, still looks great. Until i saw a 1 (or 2?) star review on the same top (a different colour listing), where the customer complained that jewels are only texture and it looks fake and they feel cheated and blabla. I decided to stick with my mesh jewels (imagine the poly count). i don't blame LL. But i will continue creating high detail meshes unless they somehow force me to optimize, because i like realistic looking stuff. Sure i will try to keep it on the lower end whenever i can, but when i can't it's gonna be higher poly for the sake of "wow". I am supposed to do it by hand?? And here was i thinking there was probably a way, or a tool, or a program, that i don't know of... Come on, this is 2018!! For real? If that is true, then it is even worse then i have expected... Then definitely no, it's not worth my time. are you even serious? Let's see what "normal people with normal jobs" are being paid for 3-4 weeks of work. I don't think i can ask that for one outfit that i spent 3-4 weeks on...
  8. Nope. Me, as i am sure many other designers too, are perfectly aware of the high polyness of our creations. But we'll do it anyway, because: 1) high detail sells. 2) the workload is already through the roof without the optimization. Me i can not even afford to rig for more than 2 mesh bodies, and if i have to make a choice of spending even more time on my creations than i already do now (3-4 weeks for 1 item average) - i would rather choose to rig for more bodies than to waste time on optimization nobody will care about. 3) the tools are weak. I use 3ds max, and as far as i know it's quite bad in reducing high poly count of meshes. And no, i'm definitely not going to learn Blender or anything else for that reason. so yeah,
  9. what i would have liked to put on my wishlist is only available in world...
  10. and this is also a necro thread and you are replying to someone from 2013...
  11. good question! i've been wondering the same thing myself...
  12. I'd check the merchant's profile first for how they prefer to be contacted, then act accordingly. If it says nothing about that, send both IM AND notecard. My IMs for example are being forwarded to me by email, so i could send a redelivery from MP almost immediately, while if a customer only sent a notecard it will be sitting there until the next time i log in on SL, which can take several days... Proof of purchase doesn't require a picture, you can just copy/paste the transaction number. Alternatively, you could upload your picture online for free on http://imgur.com/ or some other site like that, and send the url to the merchant. And anyway, the only info any Marketplace merchant need from you to issue a redelivery is your name and the name of the item you want redelivered. We don't even really need a transaction number, as we can see what exactly you bought and when by just only typing your name into Order History field, which only takes a minute.
  13. if you try to bulk-edit multiple listings some of which have no titles that won't work. Isn't it an old bug which has been there since the new Viewer Managed Marketplace? I had this problem for years. The workaround is to edit the nameless listing, just give it a name and save (can be still unlisted), and then you can bulk-edit them. Here is one of the threads about it: Is that the same thing you are talking about? Apparently those names end up in other languages tabs... never checked that myself...
  14. this jira says "editing an article reset the saved avatar brands back to ALL brands!!" Mine is showing NO brands at all. (there is no Works With field on the final listing at all) Is this the same bug?
  15. to the OP: The creators do this because they want to earn money with their creations. (a lot of us actually pay our RL bills with our SL income, so it is as important to us as your salary is to you) Let's say hypothetically what you want happens, and there is a rule that somehow enforces the exclusivity you are talking about. What will happen then? 1) A lot of creators will simply stop participating in such events if they cannot earn with an item what they used to earn before, and then such events will die out; 2) those creators who remain will ask such exorbitant prices for their really exclusive item that it would cover the possible income it could have generated had it been continued after the event, that only very few or nobody at all will be able to afford it. Or do you really believe that creators would still sell it to you for the current price, or that they will waste their precious time on something that they know will not bring them as much income as it would have being sold in store.
  16. the only possible reason i can think of: maybe it's still work-in-progress and the final result will be one listing with options for colours and demo included within just same one listing, thus eliminating the necessity to interlink several listings as colours and demos?... i believe this feature was requested by many...
  17. i see what you mean now!! This is VERY annoying!!! So i have 7 new listings to add (6 colours + 1 demo), and they are all supposed to be related to each other. So now i have to first list them all one by one, then go back and edit them all one by one AGAIN, to make them related. This is like 1.5x more work, and it was already such a tedious task that i am sure lots of creators hate the most... *facepalm*
  18. and now the Best Selling link from the bottom left of the home page is not working correctly. When i click on it it is showing me the list sorted by Newest First, i am guessing because this is the last sorting method i used looking at other things on MP...
  19. obviously they don't want to be found, so why waste your time searching for them. Plenty of fish.
  20. poor guy(s)! don't fire them just yet! however, i hope they do know how to swim!
  21. but that defeats the whole purpose of a gacha, does it not? Why would anybody play your gacha machine at all if they can simply buy same item? or are we talking about exorbitant prices for this "buy the whole set no trans" option? the true value is what somebody wants to pay for it. The more of those said somebodies, the bigger is the possibility to resell it for a bigger value. If you can find somebody who wants to pay your reasonable price for your rare cubes, sure you can sell them. The fact that you don't want to bother with reselling it and at least getting your money back doesn't automatically mean a certain item has no value to other somebody. RL example: there are sometimes quizzes on TV where you can win a valued prize. For example, a new shiney car. Or a vacation. Every time i watch these i wonder what would i have done if i happened to win in such a quiz. I don't even have a drivers license. A car has no value to me. I can't use it, i don't need it, i have even no place to store it. Does it mean the said shiney car have no value? I am sure a lot of people would disagree.
  22. people who make a business off somebody else's hard work make me sick. It's just leeches, plain and simple. I cannot imagine why on earth any creator would want to promote people who leech off their work. Sure people can sell extra gacha items they have no need of to get their money back, that's only fair, but to build entire business on other people's work is just wrong. If i were to consider buying an ultra rare set for many thousands lindens from a reseller, i would first message the original creator and offer them the same amount for this set directly. At least they worked hard for it.
  23. what does that mean exactly? can you give a hint what kind of adaptation that would take? Do you mean that it will become more profitable to be a landlord, so this is what we should do if we want to keep making a living in SL - become a landlord? If so, not me, thanks. I am here only to create. I am not interested in "earning my living in SL" by whatever means. I only want to earn enough to sustain myself with what i love to do and what i am good at. If i cannot do that, there is nothing left for me here. I could have had a job in a gaming/advertisement industry that would pay 3x as much as i can earn in SL. I chose to stick with SL, for the freedom it offers me, freedom to create whatever i want exactly the way i want it, freedom to be own boss and decide for myself how i plan my day/week/year. The freedom is much more dear to me than the fat salary. Poor but free. But if i am not free anymore, if i cannot create, there is no point to be here, better to slave away in the office like everybody else does, at least you are always sure you will get paid enough... And so, i don't want to have to leave. I will adapt within my interests, as i have done for all these years. I can only pray and hope that will be enough...
  24. Alwin, please point me to exactly where i have claimed that i muted anyone. Thank you. Also, will you please stop repeating the exact same words i use and bounce them back to me? like you are playing ping pong. You are not 8 y.o are you. If you want to say the same thing about me, at least find a synonym so that it doesn't look so childish and random... Now to the point: There seem to be a lot of people quite hurt by Klytyna's insults, and it looks like more than one person has put her on ignore. It isn't right that someone gets away with such toxic behaviour. I'd say, it isn't exactly undeserved now is it, or are you claiming she is innocent?
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