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Elvina Ewing

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Everything posted by Elvina Ewing

  1. for the default fem av lower body mesh, dimensions in the Utilities: x=36.37m y=34.91m z=115.129m FBX Exporter (Version 2011.3.1): Include: Geometry: Split per vertex normals - off Convert deforming dummies to bones - on Animation: on Remove single key - off Bake animation - off Deformations on, Skins on, Morphs on. Cameras on; Lights on Advanced Options: Units >> Scale Factor: Automatic on (scene units converted to: Meters greyed out) Axis Convertion >> Up axis: Z-up Collada: Triangulate on; Single matrix on Which are all default settings. The only thing i changed was Up Axis: Z-up (i did as the manual says).
  2. ok, this is what works for me (tested for default av lower body mesh) Units setup in Max: Meters / meters SLAV plugin on scale 0.1 (instead of 1.0 as it works for you guys) Then select the skeleton + mesh, scale all to 10000% NOT applying XForm, neither to the bones, nor to the model Export to .dae ........ Upload window in SL: scale 1.0, skin weights checked, joints positions checked. The resulting mesh is of the size 0.3637 x 0.3491 x 1.15129 when rezzed in world, and of the same size when worn, so it fits perfectly! ^^ Now i'm going to try some selfmade models in the same settings...
  3. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: How it works for me now is this: - Set both units to centimeters - Run SLAvatar.mse - untick skirt, eyeballs, eyelashes and hair - Set the scale to 1.0 - Load, Create (You will now have a very tiny avatar in max, very hard to work with) - Select everything - Scale up to 10000% - Do NOT apply XForm! - Move everything up so the feet are on the ground (You should now have an avatar that shows the correct size in 3ds max) - export to .dae - add the bones to the .dae file in a text editor - open the mesh uploader in SL - Set scale to 100.000 if you uploaded the avatar, leave scale at 1.000 if you made your own model - Tick the include skin weights box Not sure if I am overlooking some things or doing things not neccecary. I've followed all your steps: - new max file >> Display Unit Scale to cm, system unit setup to cm - Run SLAV on scale 1.0 for skeleton and upper body av mesh. - Selected the bones and the upperbody mesh, right click on Scale button, type in 10000% in Offset World. - Moved everything up so that the feet are on the ground. - Did NOT apply XForm, neither to the bones nor to the mesh. Should i maybe have to apply it to the mesh, but not to the bones? - exported to .dae - added the bones to the .dae file in a text editor - opened the mesh uploader in SL - Set scale to 100.000 - Ticked the include skin weights box; ticked joints positions The result - mesh of the size 2.73185 x 16.79648 x 4.92924 when rezzed on the ground (default fem av upper body mesh). When worn it was the same size. So what am i doing wrong here? It does not work for me! :matte-motes-crying: I've uploaded the same mesh with the scale 10.000 and another one with the scale 1.000 in the SL upload window. When rezzed in world they are of the size 0.27319 x 1.67965 x 0.49292 and 0.02732 x 0.16796 x 0.04929 respectively. When worn, both of them are still the same huge size of 2.73185 x 16.79648 x 4.92924, which obviously makes my av enormous. What's going on? :smileymad:
  4. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Elvina Ewing wrote: Then after a lot of searching i found a post on this forum that said you had to change the default little "Scale=40.0" in SLAV plugin... I mean, why???? Why is default 40? Why there's no warning anywhere about that? That's the eternal inch to meter annoyance... 40 inches make one meter, well 39.4 actually... :i see, what i don't get is why then you are being advised explicitly to use metric scale in the manual here >> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_3ds_Max It gives the wrong impression that, in order to get it to work right with SLAV you must set the units to metric. While it seems to be made for inches.Elvina Ewing wrote: But in the end, when i uploaded the mesh in SL for the 4rth time, it finally fitted!! Then i rezzed it on the ground and it was like 0.001 x 0.001 !!!! I almost lost it. How I do it (which isn't how it should be if you ask me, but it works), is using a model size like you did that works in 3ds max for starters. The result is a very tiny mesh in SL indeed. You can fix this in the upload window, under upload options -> scale. Next to it will be the scale in % and the size when rezzed. I set the scale higher. Depending on your SLAv import settings the scale should be either 4000 or 10000 I think, resulting in a z value of 1.879 i did that at some point, only the other way around, to make the huge mesh smaller but it didn't work. I typed something like 0.2 What i got was a vertically squashed mesh. Looked like it was scaled down only along the Z axis. So i thought it best to stay away from that scale checkbox RebelX Turbo wrote: I know its not straight forward that SLAV with Max for some reason, but if you look up at one of my older posts, ive posted my working bones to download and use, these are correct scale and setup right.. all you have to do is fix your av to it.. i recomend you dont use the scale SL says to use ie meaters to cm.. keep everything in meaters, that way you know for sure it be the same when you export it to SL.. thnx, i am going to do some more tests with different units today and see if i can make it work better. I am definatly going to put a full guide together, with example rig to download on my site when i get the whole proccess working right.. i have got it working, i just need to sort out the texture part, which is proving a bit odd.. when using max exporter textures dont seem to work, but when i use the alternative plugin to max sl has faces for the texture by the uv mapping is wrong.. so im almost there.. a full guide would be great! thnx! ^^ i didn't have any problems with my uvws and textures, aside that you have to upload textures separately. My model consists of 5 submeshes that use 4 different textures. I made 5 models in max, Unwrap UVW-ed them, assigned materials with different IDs, saved copies. Then collapsed the stack and combined them into 1 model using Attach button in Editable Poly. When you do that, it asks what you want to do with material IDs. I chose the second option in the list (i believe it was Keep material IDs). All the elements retained their assigned UWVs and materials, so when i uploaded mesh in SL and applied textures everything looked as intended.
  5. i see i'm not the only one who is having problems with SLAV in 3ds max... I wonder, are there any Max users at all out there who are doind fine creating rigged mesh and what is their secret? I see there's not much interest in this topic, nor haven't i managed to find much help on this forum. This thread seems to be most helpful and i would really really appreciate if Kwakkelde Kwak (or anybody else for that matter)would make a comprehensive tutorial! I've spend 3 full days figuring this out, at least it wasn't a total waste... Here is what i did and figured out... I've followed EXACTLY all the steps outlined here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_3ds_Max I'm working in Max 2011 and using free SLAV plugin with default skeleton and shape. I set up Units to Meters, system units scale 1 unit = 1cm First, i run SLAV plugin at default... Little did i know... I've build my model, rigged it to this default skeleton, saved as .dae. Modified .dae file for it to have 26 bones, with the ones that are actually used in the rig listed first. Then i went to SL and uploaded it with weights on and joints on. When i wore the mesh, it was gigantic!! Like quarter of a sim or something... Then after a lot of searching i found a post on this forum that said you had to change the default little "Scale=40.0" in SLAV plugin... I mean, why???? Why is default 40? Why there's no warning anywhere about that? :matte-motes-crying: it could have saved me hours of tedious work... :matte-motes-crying: Anyway, i started over again. I saved Skin Envelopes from my huge rig, run SLAV again for a new set of bones, with the scale 1.0 Then i scaled down my first skeleton + model to the size of the new skeleton, deleted the old skeleton, deleted the Skin modifier on the model. Then applied XForm to the model to null out the scaling. On top of it i added the new Skin modifier, then added the new 1.0 skeleton to it. Loaded the saved envelopes (which were now enormously huge, but the rig worked just the same). Then I saved as dae, bla bla bla. In SL, when i wore this second mesh, it was still huge. I've measured the length with the prim cube, it was about 8.5 m this time. So i figured, i need to make the skeleton scale 0.25 instead of 1.0 to make it look right. Repeated the whole process for the SLAV skeleton on 0.2 scale. It turned out that SLAV plugin doesn't even support the scale with 2 digits behind the comma, so i made it 0.2 instead of 0.25 When i uploaded this 3rd mesh in SL, it turned out it was twice as big still!!! :matte-motes-sick: It could only mean one thing: i had to make the scale of the SLAV skeleton to be 0.1 to make it work! I repeated the whole process for another time... This time the skeleton and the model was soooooooooooo tiny in 3ds max, it was almost impossible to work with!!! But in the end, when i uploaded the mesh in SL for the 4rth time, it finally fitted!! Then i rezzed it on the ground and it was like 0.001 x 0.001 !!!! I almost lost it. This makes it almost impossible to work with in 3ds max, as well as in SL when rezzed! It only looks right when worn. I mean, is this how it's supposed to work? There's got to be some workaround? Are there some other skeletons we can use in 3ds max than this SLAV? I sure am glad i didn't waist L$3000 on it :matte-motes-crying: I would really really appreciate if anybody could share some other place where to get skeleton for 3ds max that actually work normal! A final tip from me so that people wouldn't have to learn it the hard way like i did and waste hours or days: If you are using SLAV for 3ds max for the first time, don't waste time making any models to rig, and don't rig them. Just save the default part of avatar mesh as .dae and test in in SL first, to see what's up with the scale. ONLY when you've found it looks and behaves right, you can start modeling and rigging on the right scale of the skeleton etc.
  6. Josh Susanto wrote: But if the customer doesn't indicate getting the item for free, that would seem to mean that the money went somewhere. Where did it go? You already know what I think. so, let me see... November 17 :: 20 times Delivery Partially Failed with total of 9397L$. None of these 20 customers had contacted me to complain. Should i assume that they got all the stuff they bought and i'm short of 9397L$ which went to LL pocket? November 16 :: 12 times Delivery Partially Failed with total of 4362L$. November 15 :: 4 times and then it goes 1-3 failed deliveries a day... So what happened on November 16-17??
  7. is this the reason why the general Best Selling list now only shows items that cost several thousand L$ starting with page 3? we've had this kind of bug many times in the past, and here it goes again! is this going to be fixed any time soon or is this how Best Selling list is going to be calculated from now on - based on the price? bye bye my high ranked items... :smileysad:
  8. the more important question is: why can't we change the maturity ratings of the wrongly flagged items ourselves?! even if we completely remove all keywords and all text from the listing?! i have dozens of wrongly flagged items i cannot change anything about, do you want all those links in the jira??
  9. i suppose, if you don't willingly give your US$ to LL you are considered NOT trustworthy enough for the privilege to sell L$. The more i think of WHY this billing and trading limits system is set up to work like that, the more i come to the conclusion that the quadruple dip you are talking about is exactly the whole point! I have opened 2 or 3 tickets with the request to increase my selling limit without this ridiculousness (read: plain robbery) but was told to suck it up and just go buy some L$. I'm afraid it isn't allowed to share links to third party exchange sites here anyway. I would LOVE to know them myself too, as so far i only know 1 trustworthy site which is also conveniently located in my own country and exchanges L$ into euros. The only problem with them is you have to wait like 3 weeks before you get your euros. But i guess i would rather live with that once i start cashing out with them every week or so, than i let LL rob me like that on the unnecessary roundabout exchanges... At least i will have tried everything else before i ever turn back to LL and LindeX as a last resort...
  10. If your sell limit is set at $0 (as the OP said), then you won't be able to sell any lindens at all. In order to have this limit set to something else than 0L$ you'll have to make a transaction with LL. In order to make a transaction with LL you'll have to do any of the following (if i understand it right): 1) go Premium; the day you get charged for your premium account for the first time by LL will be the day of your first transaction and it will count from there. (2 to 7 days - 0US$ sell limit; 8 to 27 days - 300US$ sell limit; level 1 - 2500 US$ sell limit etc. etc.) 2) if you want to stay on Basic account, then you have to get you payment info on file first, then transfer some US$, then buy some lindens. This then will be the day of your first transaction with LL, and then it will count from there the same way. Either way, you will have to wait at least a week, if you do any of the above... I, like you, have my sell limit set at 0L$ even if i've been 3 years in SL. I'm on Basic account and i have never bought L$ from LL. I earn enough and i don't need to buy any L$ either so i'm not going to. The only way for me now (or when XStreet Exchange gets nuked) is to seek 3rd party exchange sites because i don't plan to feed LL on the fees of useless L$ exchanges i totally don't need to make either than to "activate" this ridiculous billing and trading limits system!
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