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Elvina Ewing

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Everything posted by Elvina Ewing

  1. i'll just post this here, too lazy to look for the proper thread... Scheduled Redelivery appears to be broken. Just discovered that the items that i marked for Redelivery (to all who previously bought it) on March 23, are still marked as Scheduled, and not as Complete. Today is 26th. Normally redelivery resolves within 24 hours. And i said to my customers 3 days ago that they'll be getting the update shortly... *facepalm*
  2. i think this is the new normal. I'm bracing myself for the coming end of March, when Lindens will (traditionally) most likely come out with some new draconian ways how to squeeze yet more pennies out of their favourite cashcows. Gonna try and take most L$ and US$ out of SL in the last week of March, just in case...
  3. If i banned somebody from my Marketplace store, will they be able to redeliver an item they bought in my store before they got banned? Say, if i make an update and send automatic redelivery to all customers who previously bought it, will they get this update?
  4. i know this is only partially related to the OP, but i don't really feel like creating my own thread as i feel it is not so important... Yet i would like to share a curious thing that happened to me yesterday. It's about reporting listings, but not for spam in this case. My store has been around since 2007, and this is the first time it ever happened to me since nearly 17 years of my store existence... I was so shocked i didn't know whether i should laugh or cry about it... 😕 Yesterday i was in the process of listing 5 new items (different colours) that all have 1 demo. As per usual, - because that is how i always have done it and because it is most convenient to me - i list the demo first, and then bulk-edit-list the other items linked to that item by copying the description from the previously listed demo. So, bulk-editing several listings at time, i hit the Submit button... only to get a warning popping up in front of my eyes that says that the demo listing i just submitted less than 5 (!!!) minutes ago has been flagged and removed for disallowed listing practices because it wasn't linked to the actual product!! 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ I couldn't believe my eyes! Not only someone flagged the listing that was up only 5 minutes, but it also already got removed !? while i was still in the process of adding items to link to it! I mean, just wow! That was, FAST. Also, because of that warning popup, i nearly lost my bulk-listing-edit. It's a blessing that Back button works, so i was still able to use the back button and go back and all the info that i put up in the bulk-edit was still there!! I was relieved that i didn't have to redo all that, i just hit Submit button again and it worked. But i mean, come on. How overzealous can you get to report a demo listing that has been up less than 5 minutes! The only way for anybody to even see that listing at all was, if they were looking at that Category sorted by New Items First. And then, they could have used their logic and think that the merchant was possibly busy right that moment adding the item in question? Anyway, i just wanted to share this curious story about how absurd you can get reporting MP listings. 😅
  5. Why they aren't waving the 10% fee: Because that's the only incentive for LL to even keep trying to fix it, because if it isn't working, it will be their own pocket, too, that will feel it. Maybe 10% isn't enough, so i will not be surprised if at the end of March we will get another fee increase... I'm guessing PR people are out of office celebrating New Years Eve...
  6. thanks so much for the heads up! i vote for "end of year"+"not bought recently" combination as a possible explanation. FYI, half of my store is gone missing! Thanks so much, LL!! *facepalm* I have about 1500 items, now only 731 of them are showing up. Among them are brand new items that were listed only couple of days ago. Like, 2 colours of the same dress, the one that was bought since then, is showing, the one that wasn't bought yet, is missing. The same thing is happening when i go to my Manage Listings page: all of the same listings are not there. So, i cannot even edit them, unless i do the trick that you suggested. Another trick: all those listings are still showing as Related Items. So, from there i can access pages of the colours that are missing, if i want to edit them.
  7. my first mesh head EVAH! yes, i've been managing without one so far 😅 but since this one is free, and i managed to not miss it this time, so i grabbed one too, along with a bunch of other Advent gifts... some stuff in the HUD doesn't seem to work for me, also for some reason the freckles are not showing up, or they are sooooo subtle that i cannot see them. Also, since wearing all those BOM layers i crashed 2 times, when normally i crash like once per month....
  8. i guess you all missed that part... it was this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ZHAO-II-reboxed-SCRIPT-ONLY/845675 and it doesn't work on me, but does work on my alt. so, i still don't understand, - what is causing this? The bento animation in question should have nothing to do with the rest of the body bones, it only animates the wings (supposedly). So priority shouldn't be an issue at all, since it's not animating the legs. There is a JIRA about this, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-41048 , and it is marked as Unresolved...
  9. i have the same problem. I'm making bento wings and made a ZHAO hud that plays different bento animations for those wings. Everything works great, except walking. I have spent entire day now trying to figure out what's going on, and still am none the wiser... At first i thought that it was a priority issue. So i loaded my AO with different priority walking animations, - it didn't make any difference. They all froze while wearing my bento hud. I am using the builtin Firestorm AO. Then i read somewhere that it might be a Firestorm issue, so i got myself a cheap AO and turned off Firestorm AO. The walking animation in this AO has a priority 4, and my bento animation has a priority 3, so when walking the walking animation does keep on working, but the bento animation doesn't work instead. When turning off all AOs, and just using native SL walk also freezes that walk!! Then i thought that it might be a ZHAO specific issue, and went looking for another fullperm AO system. The first one i saw on MP was a totally different system, but the review on it said that it freezes their walking animation, too! Clearly, there is a problem somewhere, but where? Then i tested both these wings and hud on an alt, who uses another non-builtin AO, and she had no problems at all. Everything kept on working as intended, nothing froze, the walking animation kept working and the bento animation too, while walking. So, i really have no clue what causes the issue. Any ideas? PS. could mesh body have something to do with it? I wear Meshbody Classic, my alt wears Maitreya LaraX.
  10. Today's body stats: #1 : Maitreya - Lara : 152619 unique wearers: 30.3% #2 : Signature - Gianni : 33843 : 6.7% #3 : eBODY - Reborn : 30151 : 6.0% #4 : Belleza - Jake : 28089 : 5.5% #5 : MeshBody - Legacy (Female) : 23990 : 4.7% ... #32 : Maitreya - Lara X : 1374 : 0.2% Not bad, after just 1 week! Or was it 2 weeks already?... Re: Belleza Freya vs Gen.X: Me personally, i still occasionally make small new items for Freya, and i will not bother with Gen.X. Because : #14 : Belleza - Freya : 6862 : 1.3% vs #55 : Belleza - Gen.X (Classic) : 650 : 0.1% #56 : Belleza - Gen.X (Curvy) : 639 : 0.1% And it's been like this for what 6 months now? Even Belleza Isis has more wearers atm, than both GenX combined! #29 : Belleza - Isis : 1402 : 0.2%
  11. my shape looks like this on LaraX. I consider this a flat butt. It looks like that because my leg muscle setting is at 95. Butt is at 27, fat at 0. I am going for an athletic look (like in, what female Olympic runners have, not bodybuilders hehe), and the only way to get any muscle definition in the leg is to up the muscle to almost a 100. So, it won't work for skinny folk, who like to be skinny allover, but it does help the butt not stick out like on Katherine's picture
  12. RE: butt dimples... i guess nobody noticed the ad poster in the store when they went there to grab their redelivery? I'm pretty sure there was a closeup poster of those dimples on the wall. I think Maitreya might be actually proud of those, because they were kinda signature of the brand back in the day when Lara was just released. At least that was the first thing i noticed on the original Lara when i first tried it on and that's what stuck in my mind the most... I think it will be very easy to make a BoM mesh patch for those dimples, hell even i could just make it right now if i wasn't so busy with preparing for Xmas Shop & Hop... Maitreya better fix that REAL FAST, otherwise there will be a fix for sale in no time made by some less busy creator...
  13. so, when the new LaraX is released, will the old Lara still be available, and the new buyers will be able to choose between Lara and LaraX? Or will LaraX replace the 5.3, thus phasing out the older version?
  14. approved for what? for old Lara? or for LaraX? i was approved for old Lara back in 2016 and had the rigging kit since then. I didn't get any new kits. I only heard that there is new LaraX 2 days ago from a template creator (not sure she has the kit either) website states the forms are processed within 72 hours, but it can take up to 5 business days.
  15. first time i applied with Reborn about a year ago probably? filled out a form on their website, and also sent a notecard in-world to the creator later. Never heard from them. My store has been around since 2007, i regularly release new items and there are over 6000 customers in my store update group. Apparently they decided i'm not good enough to have their rigging kit? 😒I have applied again a couple of days ago, still nothing yet. It's driving me nuts having to explain every time and again to my customers, that i can't rig for their fave body because i'm not able to obtain the kit.
  16. Hi guys, i've been living under a rock and i just heard there is a new Maitreya body coming out very soon... This thread is 27 pages long, and it will take me forever to read everything, could somebody be kind enough to bring me up to speed on the subject? or to point me to a post that sums up the news, please? Is this an entirely new body from Maitreya? Will i need to rig separately to Lara and to LaraX, or is X more like a tweak of Lara? Today i saw a LaraX clothing template on MP, does it mean the rigging kit is already available??
  17. Thanks Rowan 🤗 I'd been a part of the Fantasy Fair since its inception (i think?), for a very long time in the pre-mesh era. It was indeed the most profitable event for me back then. Since the mesh it became less and less profitable for me, up until the year when i figured there is no point to bother anymore. People were only buying 100% charity items there, and while that's great for the charity, that doesn't really help me... So i stopped doing it, but that was already several years ago, maybe i should give it another try again. I stopped rigging for SLink after i heard that she left SL and there is no more support for the body. I only rig for Maitreya and Legacy now, occasionally throwing in Freya and Classic Meshbody for easy items. I won't be doing Reborn (unless it becomes as popular as Maitreya), because 1) strong personal dislike of the body itself; 2) i don't have the rigging kit. At the beginning of the year i applied with them, first on Reborn website, then sending notecard to the creator in-world, and never heard from them. Considering that i don't like the body, i have zero motivation to apply again. 🤷‍♀️
  18. and then there is also the L$ exchange rate that keeps going up, and this fee increase from last March that never been reverted... People do have less L$ to spend now. As for events, I only do Linden Shop and Hop, and those do really help! but sadly it's only once per year, because even if i apply every time i don't get accepted all the time. I would maybe have liked to participate in some other event, but i have no idea which ones are good. There is one that keeps sending me invitations every round, but the participation fee is L$5000. I wonder who on earth wants to pay that... Past couple of years i took a break from creating and released not more than 3-4 new items per year. The sales went down by almost half, but i figured that's normal when you don't make new things, so i blamed myself for that. Now i'm back and try to release new items much more frequently, and i noticed that the sales did pick up. So, new items do matter, but not as much as in the past, because the sales didn't double and didn't go back to where it was few years ago.
  19. Very disappointed with Senra. I naively thought it would be something like Ruth upgrade, i.e. that they would replace the core system Ruth with a new mesh body that is much more HD, but well optimized. That it would conform to Ruth's size and that old fitmesh classic sizes clothes could be worn with it... 😫😢 Of course they wouldn't do anything like that to destroy the mesh body market, it was stupid to hope... Now about the mesh body itself (Jamie). The worst things: armpits cut waaaaaay to high; way too skinny chicken leg calves and knees that cannot be improved by any setting small breasts impossible at all body muscle slider seems to affect only arms, and even then it has to be set to 100 to have any definition to arms so that they don't look like sticks The positive things are few, i kinda liked the shoulders-collar-bones-neck area, and thighs. I have never worn nor even tried on any mesh heads. I tried on Jamie's head and OMG those lips!! 😱 No slider setting was responding to make the lips less "kissy"/"ducky". So, just no. That's the best shape i could come up with , modifying my own old shape to fit Jamie body, skin, eyebrows. Eyebrows are also modified, set to lowest possible, and it's still too high for my taste. This one is 1.98m tall. Then i thought, would it be possible to make a nice (or at least ok looking) shape that would have more natural curves, rather than a skinny photomodel type... This one is 1.70m and body fat 55. Making it so short gave more definition to the arms and legs right away, but the arms are still too skinny! Love handles slider, strangely, controls the waste line, making it wider, and not the actual love handles area (which should be lower (where the white of the underwear sits). The body fat set so high made a huge gap between the mesh body's neck and the system head, so apparently neck isn't included to react to body fat slider.
  20. "Bulk Redelivery, now available!" thread doesn't answer the OP's question! Somebody else did ask the same question in that thread, but nobody answered it. so, the question remains: Does Bulk Redelivery only work once?? Because i have the same problem. I did bulk redelivery on an item more than 3 weeks ago. Now the Bulk Redelivery button on that item's listing page is not available anymore. I realised that the problem with this item hasn't been fixed properly yet, so now after fixing it i need to redeliver it again. But i can't. What am i supposed to do? A cooldown period of more than 3 weeks doesn't seem plausible...
  21. Greetings! So, i have applied for the official Legacy dev kit on their website, and got Classic Meshbody dev kit sent to me within hours (!!) This was sometime in October last year, and i only just now got around to making something. I made an outfit for Maitreya and Classic Meshbody, i replied to their email with which they sent me the kit, and showed them my new outfit on MP and on my blog. And i asked if i could now please have the Legacy kit finally. I got no reply, so i also went ahead and filled out the application form on their website again. Still no reply. Anybody has any idea how long i'm supposed to wait for a reply? I really want to start rigging for Legacy. Maitreya size for my new outfit is already done, and i would hate having to release it just for Maitreya, and later having to update it again with Legacy size... There was a link to their discord group in that email with Classic Meshbody kit, but this link doesn't work anymore. If there is any extremely kind soul out there who could share their Legacy kit with me, please PM me, that would be hugely appreciated.
  22. the question is: how many people will have made this choice after this... And imagine that everyone suddenly decided they will now play SL for free without any cost to them, how happy will LL themselves be with that choice...
  23. lol, just talked to a friend of mine, a 3d modeller who used to have a shop in SL... well he still has it but he didn't release anything in ages. He asks me: "What's up with SL? I'm getting sales every day!" 😆🤦‍♀️ apparently, he used to get occasional sales every now and then, and now has sales every day. I told him that LL messed up the search and it is now upside-down 🤦‍♀️
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