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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Just the other day, creepy, sebaceous, mouth breathing salivator floating just beyond the edge of my sky house parcel: “Mmmmmm, pretty lady. Mmmmmm sexy lady.” ”Mmmmmmm” I was in tears laughing out loud.
  2. @Scylla Rhiadra, I settled on a mesh body some time back, during that period of time when you were stranded on a desert island, under a rock. There are times when I’m wearing enough clothing that it doesn’t really matter, where the quality of a mesh body is superfluous, and I still have some fitted mesh outfits ( for my system avatar body ) in my closet that I still like to wear. As for a mesh head, I’ve not found the process of looking for one terrifying, or daunting, so mush as just..... disappointing. I made my own shape back when I started, adjusting and adapting the body and the face over the years, without a lot of advice or feedback. The process seems to have rendered me with a look that can’t be even loosely approximated by any mesh head I’ve demoed . As such, I’ve stopped looking. As with, I’m sure, anyone else here, I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Although, I won’t be shy about staring at you blankly if I don’t have an answer.
  3. For the Halloween party at the Hangout, we still have two shifts open for hosts. Party Hosts welcome the guests and if there's a performer during the shift, assist with streaming setup. If you're interested in being a host, the available shifts are SLT noon to 2:00 PM, and 10:00 PM to midnight. We have a simple google doc for signing up. It can be found here.
  4. right now I'm ready to log out for the night. But there's a song I really like streaming in my house. I can't click the button until the song ends..... Ten more seconds... almost there... ... almost.....*
  5. Moon River as performed by Audrey Hepburn. I'm right.. aren't I?
  6. I recently got done upgrading a world clock I made 9 years ago. I changed it to mesh, reducing LI and made it Daylight Savings time accurate until 2030. An EU friend told me the other day the EU has decided to do away with DST. It figures.
  7. I've always had a good sense of direction. With the occasional exception of IM windows, my track record (which I guess is just a general consensus among peers, really) of knowing where I am at any given moment is very good.
  8. Today I saw a coyote running through a mown field across a road from a school.
  9. I remember it used to. Or at least I remember it seemed to. And we'd get colder winters than we do now. I grew up in a small town that is barely bigger now than when I left it. This recent Summer was marked as being the one which made us break down and buy two window air conditioners for the house. We can't help you with this.
  10. The particle system functions themselves have no provision for cycling through particle textures. But a script can be written which could cycle repeatedly through a list of textures to use as the emitted particles. The script would need to be always running and this use would no longer be considered a prim property.
  11. I'm 52. I'd still rather be too hot than too cold. Like you however, I prefer 60 - 80.
  12. If I were to make an art installation, an themed adventure area, or any other build wherein an experience would be useful and conducive to the visitors' enjoyment, I wouldn't make accepting the experience an admission requirement, insofar as it doesn't interfere with others' enjoyment of said experience.
  13. I've noticed when scaling the moon, or other celestial body, stars in the starfield do not seem to be properly occluded by them.
  14. I’ve found that finding unanswered questions is kind of like playing a gacha.
  15. I used to be a forum lurker and terrible SL recluse. Now I'm much more active and social in both. I've known of you for quite a while. I feel fairly confident in saying that I'm probably not the only one who hopes you'll stay for a while, at least putting up a hat rack somewhere.
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