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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Muletta wrote: The new skill game policy may also have made a difference…and might have given SL it’s mortal wound (at least until it catches it’s breath again). – It is as if the residents, who used to get their income from gaming only, now either have to upgrade to premium, have to get used to a second life without any money at all, or have to leave the world. I find it interesting to hear your and other merchants observations about the latest development in sl. Talk about "interesting" - "skill games" are glorified slot machines. You generally need to put Lindens into them to play and if your level of "skill" is high enough yoou might be able to almost break even consistently. I suppose its possible that there were a few skill-game regions with freeplay machines that may have paid out a few Lindens but I find it hard to believe that anyone ever made a significant profit off of them besides the people running them. As far as the new avatars - the old ones were just as confusing. Trust me. I remember wondering why the "hair" sliders weren't doing anything with my Female Student hair.
  2. Kryalot wrote: ~WE PAY $800/hour HIRING MODELS-no experience need-NEW RESIDENTS WELCOME- event to hire- look for blue box at store for instructions to apply-gowns,casual clothes,low prim furniture,body paint,tattoes,bathing suit,costumes,carnaval mask,new avatars look,pretty flexy hair,pretty avatars, models house, fashion clothes,men clothes, men hair, women clothes,women shoes, stilletos, wedges, pijamas,party clothes,land orbit,land security system.yt7e3nhy67T My SL name is Kryalot and this is my story about this add that appears daily: This is a total scam especially for New residents first you have to buy one of their "fashion items" dress, outfit, etc. and then you have to take your own picture in that "fashion item" and submit it. After that they contact you and tell you oh by the way you need to attend modeling school before you can do any modeling for them which will cost you $4000L Oh one more thing that $800/hour is the max you can make it turns out most only pay $200-$600 per hour. Now you tell me how a new residents can even come up with that kind of money. They will not let you work until you have finished their school you can't start the school until you have finished paying the full tuition and who knows what other traps they have set...I personally lost $1250. First I paid $250 for a dress which I probably could have found for $0, and when I asked if they had a payment plan (thinking I could pay after I finished school and got a job) I put $1000 down payment to start school and that is when they told me I needed to give them the whole $4000 before I could even start school. When i asked for my $1000 back because there was no way I could come up with the other $3000, they said sorry we can't do that, and all during my IM chat they kept say oh this is not a SCAM. Now I ask the people of SL is this a scam or not? The people who set up this scheme can probably get away with it by arguing that it's "roleplaying", but there's no way you'll actually come out ahead financially. "Modeling" isn't a real way to make money in SL because it would be just as easy for a fashion designer to create their own avatar and use it than to pay someone else. Lindens are worth real money in SL and you should be very wary of anyone who tells you that they're willing to pay you a comparatively high sum of money like this for a low-skilled "job" - it's probably too good to be true.
  3. HalleHewitt wrote: On yesterday Saturday the 27th of October I received a tip of 2000L which brought my account total to 4000. On Sunday I noticed it was gone. I checked my transaction history and it showed "Destination: SYSTEM Linden Adjustment 2000L debit/" Can you tell me what happened to my lindens? Thank you for your help. It sounds like the Lindens you were tipped were obtained illegally by the avatar tipping you so they were taken out of the system. You won't be in trouble yourself though.
  4. Medhue Simoni wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Advertising on a mass-media system? You'd build a new, virtual world on a financial model that's rapidly becoming obsolete in the existing real world? Interesting choice... The real world model is much different than a virtual world model. As I eluded to, content was all over the place and there was not 1 source for all of us to goto to find SL videos or things going on. We had lots of independent creators doing different things, but few SL residents even knew of these things. Metanomics was a great show, but who even knew about it? LL could have easily capitalized on all of this and gave everyone 1 source to see all their SL video content. Heck, even blogs. There are hundreds of SL blogs. I have no clue how to even find them, outside of the few I know of. Most businesses that rely on advertising revenue for big-ticket fixed costs such as paid employees and owned hardware/physical space are in serious trouble today because the average information consumer doesn't care for advertising and will avoid it given a choice, and in the digital world there ARE choices. Advertising is only worth large real-world sums if its on something with a captive audience willing to tolerate it and not having other choices - for example, live sporting events. I don't see a way of supporting something the size of SL through advertising because the barriers to creating content are so low that the commercial-carrying channels can be easily bypassed and any given "event" wouldn't be compelling and irreplaceable. Exactly how much much real-world currency would you be willing to spend to reach people watching an interview with someone in a rabbit costume sitting in his parents' basement?
  5. Balsac Pasternak wrote: Hardware: Intel i7, 64 bit Win 7, 16 GB RAM, 78GB SSD Connection: Comcast 100+ Mbps SL works well (certainly as compared to years ago); however to still have rez latency (granted moreso internet based), sporadic viewer crashes, and ongoing group & region limits suggests improvements remain. Specific to: "You are aiming that the cases you cite for improvement are bottlenecked by disk access and data transfer from disk" ..one wonders the reasoning behind 'ongoing group & region limits'? When SL was originally created they decided to make the basic simulation unit that of pieces of land and avatars were just things on those pieces of land. Each region is one simulation and the more things (i.e. avatars) that are on it the more complicated the calculations are until you reach the limit of the ability of the CPU to calculate them. Disk access/data transfer improvements will do nothing to change this fundamental problem. Group issues also have to do with the "region" organization of SL because messages go to a region first and then to the avatars on that region and the system needs to keep track of who is where constantly.
  6. Medhue Simoni wrote: Well, I'm against taxing the merchants more. It's counter productive. What SL has always lacked, was a mass media system. Over the years, there have been a crap load of media generated for SL. If LL had centeralized all of this into one system, they could have sold air time, or commercial time on their network. I guess what I'm saying is that LL should develop a network broadcasting system. We shouldn't be leaving SL to see interviews, sporting events and so on. I know they thought that independent networks would form, and they did, but IMHO, the is also a big part of marketing the platform. From a merchants standpoint, we have always lacked any affective way to advertise. The few we do get, are wonky, at best. Any merchant would pay for a decent way to advertise products. Advertising on a mass-media system? You'd build a new, virtual world on a financial model that's rapidly becoming obsolete in the existing real world? Interesting choice...
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: Ah but you've come up with a non-standard keyboard to make you point. The rest of us use a qwerty keyboard, which means that those 2 characters are miles apart and not even on the same row. But just out of interest, what makes you think 'water' was a typo and not actually meant, huh? Just checking here - your definition of "miles apart" is "touching each other and normally hit by the same finger if you're a touch typist," right?
  8. arabellajones wrote: It seems to be happening in a lot of places. I ask a question, giving as clear a description of what happened as I can, and get a response that is consistent with a bot scanning messages for keywords and sending back a list of URLs. And there's a comment tacked on that makes it look as if the responder didn't even read my question; some trite, rather smug, one-liner about this can happen with any viewer. Gentlemen, I have just reported a problem with your product. Yes, it might happen with some other viewer, but the only way I can fix it is to use some other viewer. It all looks like an excuse to blame somebody else, made on autopilot. And I am left with the uncomfortable feeling that nobody bothers to listen. You try to put everything in your posted question, as you are asked to do, and then all that feels to be wasted effort. And on so many things Linden Labs is just the same. Was there any point in making that AR? You do get an auto-reply for your first AR of the day, but if you make two—you think there aren't days like that—there's nothing about the second. And you never even learn whether your AR had enough information to be investigated. I'm left with the feeling that everything I send to a helodesk is seen as full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. It's as if they have all taken the same course, from the same college in Bangalore which teaches those telephone salesmen that solar panels work on a roof which faces away from the sun, as long as you pay them. Hmmm, everyone acting like they're the same person, saying the same things over and over? Interesting. Have you asked Wolf and Carol if they're seeing similar behavior?
  9. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Sounds not quite right to me. MM boards aren't skilled gaming or gambling. No money changes hands. Same for the lucky boards/chairs. There are two different types of "Mania" boards by the same maker which are often seen together. One is the standard "Midnight Mania" board which will give a prize to everyone on a list when a certain threshold of users is reached by midnight. The other is the "Mini Mania" board where a prize will be given randomly to one of a small number of people who click on the board - for example, it can be set to take 5 names and then randomly give the prize to one of those avatars once five names have been entered. If there's any type of entry fee then a Mini Mania board would be straight-up gambling. We need more specifics about this situation. It's almost certain that this particular board was taken down because someone AR'ed it - I'm not aware of roving governance Lindens going through places on spec.
  10. RavenSkye Waverider wrote: So, there is this guy that goes into about 20 groups at a time, spamming lines so quickly that it lags many in the group, makes people leave the groups because SL doesn't have any proper way to ban from groups (be nice if they would finally put that freaking in already) The group-ban function has been working in Viewer 3 and some TPV's since August.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Mesh Gown - ARW almost 400,000 (girl in background, ~330,000) Mesh Gown - ARW AROUND 300,000 (Man in system clothes tux with a few prims/sculpties, 51,000) Old style Gowns - ARW around 80,000. These were not very fancy gowns. Haute Gowns done with system clothes/flexis/sculpties usually run around 125,000 to 150,000. Nova Convair wrote: Compare that with the avatars on sim and maybe you'll find out that you probably should better kick avatars than objects. But that depends. I've seen more low power avatars lately. You must be hanging out at a nude beach if you are seeing more lower power Ava's. And it is getting more and more like this every where I go. Overall Mesh clothes has been increasing average ARW 50 to 100% and in some cases more. And if you put a dozen Ava's in one place it's adding up to a huge impact. And I've seen two instances of Ava's wearing mesh boobs who topped 500,000. (All three pictures taken at same dance event) ETA: In many instances some people don't realize they are their own walking lag bombs. Peri Mason stands up before the courtroom and addresses the expert witness. "So, Mr Juran, you're saying it must be the mesh clothing that's responsible for these ladies' out of control draw weights? Let's just do a little experiment..." Peri Mason removes her hair and strips down to bikini-shaped body paint. A green "1000" floats above her head. "Now let's see what happens when I put on a pair of non-mesh shoes..." Ms. Mason pulls out a dusty box and pulls out a pair of Stiletto Moody sculpted shoes. She shakes them until the invisiprims finally restart, clanking and blowing out toxic smoke. She straps them on and smiles as the hovertext above her head changes: "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a draw weight of 298,892 from a single pair of sculpted shoes! No further questions, your honor..."
  12. kaymichel wrote: i have a kemono myself and i don´t see a reasony why i t should be considered childlike? It has an anime head and that looks nothing like a child. I think that many people in SL have lost the connection to RL because anything thats not abnormally huge is considered childlike. It is ot the fault of the OPand everyone who wrote here that Kemonos look childlike schould think about what children look like. Did you ever see a child that looked like a kemono? Did you ? Maybe some people sould learn something : Anime does not equal child An avatar does not need Boobs that could sink ships or muscles like Schwarzenegger x 10. No one looks like that so you can´t compare RL to SL and a Kemono is some kind of Furry/Human hybrind so not even a human don´t compare it to one. It would be great if those ban-happy sim owners or people who work for SL would think before they ban someone. I hate ageplay and i agree that those need to be banned but as i said a Kemono isn´t a child, it is an Anime/furry/human hybrid Legally, a "child" is anyone 17 years + 364 days old or younger and that's the definition Linden Lab has to use.
  13. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm aware that there are many factors that contribute to ARC. I know I used a broad generalisation. Unfortuneatly badly made mesh is the norm. And a lot of it is very badly made. I've watched one of my friends jump from 50,000 to 150,000 just by changing from system shorts and shirt to mesh shorts and top. At another club I did see a girl with a mesh dress at only 30,000. That was one out of about 20. I know, nothing really I can do about it. I certainly am not going to play ARC Nazi. But one out of twenty is not an acceptable situation. Can you provide any evidence to show that its the "norm", and that it was any different pre-mesh? Because I'm not seeing high weights on my avatar-creation alt who has a couple of dozen avatar designs with a wide variety of mesh clothing, and I remember seeing pre-mesh avatars with draw weights over 200,000. (Flexi hair - fear it.)
  14. Cameleon Lethecus wrote: Marianne, I love that you made that statement, saying that "you buy Linden Dollars to use it to shop with". Who is to say that a great designer in SL wishes they could start selling their designs in RL, the only thing stoping them is that they know SL residents wouldnt give out ( or would be hesitant to give out) their address to someone they dont know personally. How much would it be worth to you to keep the information private, but still get the item of clothing and support a designer whoms designs you enjoy? Great statement Marianne! Cam Question: If this is about buying RL items, if the seller didn't know your RL address how would you be able to have the item sent to you? And if you're offering to be a middleman wouldn't the buyer need to trust you with their address, despite also not knowing you?
  15. Ona Waffle wrote: I am on a Mac, and have this issue for the first time ever today. Whats changed ? Update to OS X 10.10 Yosemite today. See if turning off the menu translucency in Vista Yosemite helps. The chat lag is usually caused by low framerates and Yosemite's menu translucency may be bogging down your graphics system when its trying to use a high-load application like Second Life.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: Mesh Gown - ARW almost 400,000 (girl in background, ~330,000) Mesh Gown - ARW AROUND 300,000 (Man in system clothes tux with a few prims/sculpties, 51,000) Old style Gowns - ARW around 80,000. These were not very fancy gowns. Haute Gowns done with system clothes/flexis/sculpties usually run around 125,000 to 150,000. Nova Convair wrote: Compare that with the avatars on sim and maybe you'll find out that you probably should better kick avatars than objects. But that depends. I've seen more low power avatars lately. You must be hanging out at a nude beach if you are seeing more lower power Ava's. And it is getting more and more like this every where I go. Overall Mesh clothes has been increasing average ARW 50 to 100% and in some cases more. And if you put a dozen Ava's in one place it's adding up to a huge impact. And I've seen two instances of Ava's wearing mesh boobs who topped 500,000. (All three pictures taken at same dance event) ETA: In many instances some people don't realize they are their own walking lag bombs. It isn't mesh itself, it's badly made mesh - if it even is the mesh. You have no way of knowing what the contribution of each individual worn piece is, only the total. A complete Belleza mesh body, including hands and feet, has an ARC of a little over 8000 (not 80,000 -- 8000. I'm looking at it right now.) Adding a single non-mesh hairstyle just increased the ARC to over 480,000 (this is admittedly a hairstyle that I'm well aware is an ARC bomb.) High ARC's are usually the fault of hair and it is often non-mesh hair. Are there bad mesh items? Undoubtedly. I usually run around 100,000 ARC only because my usual hair is older, badly optimized mesh. With a newer hairstyle I have an ARC 26409 while wearing a mesh biker jacket and mesh leather pants, both detailed down to the zipper pulls; a mesh necklace; mesh strappy, studded heels and rigged mesh hair.
  17. Carol Darkthief wrote: And just what is "Ping User", because that's the only time that phrase is used on the page. Mostly, it seems to be something totally different on Facebook when you try to find it elsewhere on the net, an "are you there" of social networking apps. I have found a reference to it in a book about SL published in 2007, which implies it's another number displayed in the Stats Window. And it ain't there any more. And, I'll be honest, I can't see how you can measure just the one-way time instead of the RTT. It makes me wonder, a little, if you know what you're talking about. But let me know if you can find "Ping User". I might have missed it. They were separate statistics as of late 2005: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/111/5e/76871/1.html Note there isn't a real explanation of the difference. However, the viewer and server are in continuous communication to update your avatar's position in-world - messages are sent and acknowledged constantly. There's no need to send a separate "ping". It would be possible by using timestamps to determine when each update is requested by the viewer, received by the server, and then sent back to the viewer. This would allow both legs of the round trip to be timed separately. You can turn network messages on in the debug console to see this; it's normally turned off because it's extremely spammy.
  18. Mandika Bookmite wrote: Dres: If you spent money on things that don't fit, you'd be angy to. But since it looks like you have the perfect factory-made male AV you don't see the problem women who are different in in Second Life are having. Mesh is just another gimic to try to keep vendors interested. Also just another thing that will make everyone the same in Second Life. For many of us it's nothing but horrible. Does it make you feel humiliated in public, degraded, exposed, and abused because of your body?
  19. There's an obscure security bug in the Second Life internal browser that was recently detected (it's not really a SL issue - the basic security flaw is in a common Internet protocol that has been around for eighteen years but has only been detected recently.) Facebook currently blocks logins from browsers that are effected. This release candidate should patch this issue in the viewer browser: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/
  20. Des Beaumont wrote: While moving ahead and improving SL experience is in the interest of all SL users introducing a completely new platform is something entirely different. Imagine microsoft bringing out a windows that is not backwards compatible would it still be what it is today ?. Actually Windows became "what it is today" because of a very similar process to what Linden Lab will be doing. Windows and MS-DOS existed for years in parallel - most DOS games ran badly under Windows, and Windows programs couldn't run under straight-up MS-DOS at all. Also Microsoft leveraged their near-monopoly of the PC-compatible operating system market to put Windows on every PC that shipped with MS-DOS whether the buyer wanted it or not.
  21. Heavy666 Bolden wrote: I am having problems when logging in, Multiple Region requests, Things not loading properly when logged in, animations not activating in real time, sounds being delayed and scuttled, Touch menu's failing to respond. I work in a Job supporting every mobile OS conceivable, I need some more troubleshooting steps, Here's what I've already done. - Checked Network Connection, Tested My ISP's speed, configured new rules in windows firewall to ensure there is no throttling. Also did a speed test where I am getting 120mbps down and 30 mbps up - Cleared Viewer Cache and history, Uninstalled and Re-Installed the viewer. - Installed a new viewer and having similar issues. I can only conclude that this is either User/Client or Server related. Any Additional steps are appriciated. Thanks. I see you have a SSD. Is your paging file on or off? We got a report of someone having problems with SL if the paging file is off. Also, a number of your issues are symptoms of the individual region you're in being heavily loaded.
  22. Your LOD factor is far, far too high. The viewer is designed to only use a certain amount of memory and will start paging/purging regardless of how much memory high-end systems have, and the LOD setting is a major component of the memory-control system. Even the popular kludge of setting LOD to 4 will cause problems in crowded regions, especially in mesh-heavy regions, and you're running three times that.
  23. Hugnkiss Rhode wrote: I'm using firestorm. How can I recreate the bridge? Go to the "Avatar" menu and select "Avatar Health" > "Recreate LSL Bridge."
  24. Hugnkiss Rhode wrote: I haven't logged on since 2009 or so and I see that I have missing items that I remember having. Some of the items were things I built which I can't find also. I'd say that the majority of my items are there but I still remember a few items which are not in my inventory. Since I haven't signed on for 5 years, I have obviously changed computers so I don't think the cache suggestion will work. I'm currently using Phoenix viewer if that is useful. Are you actually using the old Phoenix viewer itself or are you using Firestorm, which is the current release from the same developers? Phoenix is extremely outdated. With either viewer, one thing you might try is recreating the "bridge" that Phoenix and Firestorm use for their radar, etc. Issues with it have caused incomplete inventory loading in the past.
  25. tweetypie2014 wrote: Hi this is not my first av here on Second life. I want to know why Second life does not have it's own per paid game card like most of the other top leading mmorpgs do like IMVU, World of Warcraft etc. I feel it is time for Second life to step up in there ways of people being able to get lindens with out the risk of putting in there real life info like there bank cards or there Visas etc. If this is to be a game then why not a per paid game card. If would make people feel safer about playing more also people that do not mix online with real life can do that as well. It will not hurt Second life at all it is just another way of people being able to play a game they love that will make them feel a bit safer. It's because Lindens can be converted into dollars. This makes Linden Lab basically a financial institution and they can't deal with Lindens they can't track to a real-life person.
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