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CIrce Lyvette

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  1. I don’t share this with IRL people but my husband and I will be celebrating our 10 year partnering in second life this March. We met IRL 2011. “Vince” packed up his life in Vancouver and moved in with me 2013. We were married on an Alaskan cruise in Juneau in 2016. We could not be happier together! Circe and Vince.
  2. I figured out the group owned thing. It’s awesome to have the extra 10 % tier ! i hate orbs. I don’t see why anyone has them to be honest. I don’t even use ban lines on my land. Anyone is free to use what I have. Thank you you all so much for the help. I appreciate it.
  3. i figured it all out!! THANK YOU ALLLL SO MUCH. I appreciate it. very much.
  4. ahhhhhh. Ok. ill have a look. The thing is, I have an extra bit i want to drop so i was trying to sort it out. But ill look there and see if i can figure it out. thanks so much for your help. appreciate it
  5. ok. i thought i was sorted lol. I am overthinking this i know it. If my group has a total of 2048 m2 of land (donated by my husband and myself), how much extra can i have? 205 m2? which really translates into an extra 192 m2 because its a multiple of 16 m2. correct? *head hurts*
  6. Ok. Now im wondering, can i ask for an additional 589 m2 in the abandoned land next to me? and how do i figure out the coordinates?
  7. Hi, I have looked around but i cant seem to find confirmation of this or more information (Or at least, not to clarify what i think i read on SL itself). I am a premium member and have 3 parcels of land on the mainland. My husband has one beside me. If we both "donate" our land portions to our private group, it doesnt change our monthly tier costs correct? What is the benefit of lumping our land together as "group" owned by both of us, vs keeping it separate. It allows us to not worry about property lines in terms of building/decorating correct? Is there anything else? I read all the SL information, but i just want to clarify because i found it a little ....confusing. I appreciate all comments. Thanks. Circe
  8. Hi, I have looked around but i cant seem to find confirmation of this or more information (Or at least, not to clarify what i think i read on SL itself). I am a premium member and have 3 parcels of land on the mainland. My husband has one beside me. If we both "donate" our land portions to our private group, it doesnt change our monthly tier costs correct? What is the benefit of lumping our land together as "group" owned by both of us, vs keeping it separate. It allows us to not worry about property lines in terms of building/decorating correct? Is there anything else? I read all the SL information, but i just want to clarify because i found it a little ....confusing. I appreciate all comments. Thanks. Circe
  9. Hi there, I use the coco doll body and I have figured out how to fit most clothing that I come across. If you look me up on Flickr you can see. Or contact me on SL inworld and I can demonstrate. https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=Circe lyvette
  10. I resell gachas and use the same image for different items from a gacha set. I can mass edit different items with descriptions, prices etc, but I cannot do this with images. Is there a way to add the same image to a multiple edit of different items at once? I do it individually at the moment and it is so time consuming. Thanks in advance for help and suggestions. Circe
  11. If i would like to have a smaller parcel but want more prims, can i purchase a larger piece and keep most of the prims..divide my land and abandon it or sell it uber cheap? Im just wondering because I dont really want a parcel larger than 1024, but I really would like to have more prims than is typically allotted to that size. Is this possible?
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