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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: Yeah, I don't think they can be bothered anymore. That said, Arbor's very success is now proving its downfall: There was a time when the group could raise enough of a fuss that it was hard for Linden enforcers to ignore. Now the few of us who still get in-world apparently aren't enough to get any Linden's attention. In any case, repeated ARs for these offenses seem to get no attention. I did learn of another site of this abuser's handiwork: in Monty. This one is a particularly good reminder of how much damage the adfarms did to the Lab's bottom line: There's quite a nice store next door -- now rare on the Mainland -- but try as they might, they can't overcome the intentional, aggressive ugliness next door. I'm guessing there are dozens more, but being individually owned, I can't see the total area -- which wouldn't say much anyway: like the old adfarms, somebody paying a ridiculously small amount of tier can scar whole continents. It doesn't help that, rather than just derender the objects, people are "covering" them with crap that ends up looking worse than the original problem. (I know that derender isn't working as well as it used to but it still would be better than a kajillion horizontal Linden trees.)
  2. Rhys Goode wrote: I am genuinely surprised that you were successful with the DCMA, given that the copy cat had built it from scratch, using your work as a model, and not just copyinging the prims somehow, and retexturing. And especially if they took design that was originally executed in prims, and re did it in mesh. My understanding of copyright law is that unless I steal the actual prims or textures, and as long as I do not call it the same name and represent it as the same build, re doing an existing design is perfectly legal. It's quite likely that the other builder chose not to answer the DCMA because it requires sending real-life information in the response.
  3. Scooter Hollow wrote: Copying is copying, regardless of whether you do it quickly or slowly. If you rewrote The Hobbit line by line, it would still be just as illegal as if you had copied and pasted it from a word document. Writing, yes, but not the appearance of a built object. In the United States, designs are only protected by copyright if there's a "design patent" taken out on it, and the design patent can be considered invalid if someone can show "prior art" that indicates that there were similar designs before. Very few designs are so unique that it can't be shown that others did similar things, and many industrial/architectural designs will be similar due to their being built to suit the same conditions. Architectural drawings can't be copied though, and the laws in Europe are much more strict.
  4. 1) Most mesh clothing and body attachments don't respond to physics - you won't see them move even if the physics are working. 2) The physics slider you need to push to the right isn't part of the physics wearable. Go to "Preferences" - "Graphics" and hit the "Advanced" button. The slider will be to the bottom left of the menu.
  5. Marrionetta wrote: I've had this issue both in the SL viewer and the Firestorm viewer across two accounts and many pairs of (adorable) shoes. MOST of the time when I slap on a pair of shoes, they attach correctly to the bottom of my feet. But after I've been playing for a while, sometimes they start riding up around my ankles. They're still -attached- to my feet, and other players seem to see my shoes normally, but I see them floating around all weird. Like so. None of the controls in the avatar health menu seem to do me much good, and changing the positions on my shoes makes them appear way low in the ground for others. (Client side issue) Once I restart my viewer, the issue is usually fixed, and if I've changed the position of the shoes then I have to reset the shoes to where they were, which is a pain. Is my only hope to restart? Does anyone else have this issue? Should I just amputate my avatar's feet and accept that this is my life now? To wear cute shoes on ankle stumps? URGH. SEND HELP. It may be a problem with another piece of mesh you've put on in the meantime that has modified the joint positions of your avatar. The LL viewer had changes to the appearance code some time ago that can aggravate this and Firestorm doesn't use this code so how you look can be mismatched. This viewer was put together to patch the changes in the LL viewer: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/
  6. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Nevertheless, as we seem to agree, it matters not. LL have the forum they want and no wishing on any mere, forum participant's part is going to change that. ...Dres I don't see how you could expect anything different. Think of it this way - if you go into a small owner-operated store it's not uncommon for you to see a cat or dog hanging out there. If you go to a store that's part of a chain, you'll almost never see that. The reason is that the owner of a small store is in a position to judge whether or not the benefit of having their pet there outweighs any possible mayhem that may be caused - I used to shop at a vintage clothing store run by a woman who had both a white and a black cat living there, basically guaranteeing that anything you bought would have some sort of visible cat hair on it. If you couldn't deal with that you probably wouldn't shop there. However, in a chain store any mayhem would quickly become the problem of someone miles away who Does. Not. Want. To. Deal. With. It. And honestly, shouldn't have to deal with it because Fluffy being there doesn't improve their life in the slightest. So Fluffy stays home because the hand holding the money says so. In a forum, any moderation that isn't strictly mechanical will require some sort of judgement and at least be percieved as "taking sides", and the moderator will become the de facto voice of the company. If the conversation is about the company's product itself then the company has a reason to work something out. However, if it's just people talking about unrelated subjects it does the company absolutely no good to get involved and be seen as taking positions on these issues. It's different for a company than for a voluntary group - for instance, take a look at the Firestorm JIRA. You'll probably quickly notice that one of the major voices of Firestorm on the JIRA... well... let's just say "has a way about her." Now imagine how it would look if that same voice was coming from someone with the last name of Linden. SLU will always be better able to tolerate "lively" discussion because the moderation only represents the forum itself and in the end the forum's business is discussion anyway.
  7. Nak Benelli wrote: On three sides of my small plot of land is abandoned Linden land. Still the sky above is full of skyboxes all the way up to +4000 meters. What are these? Junk left by former land owners? "Habited" boxes on "squatted" land or what? Go to that abandoned land then check "About Land - Objects." If it shows objects on that land you should take out a ticket to have them removed; otherwise those builds are actually on other people's land and there's nothing you can do about them.
  8. maggiessunrise wrote: I have waited way over the 45 day mark will i ever get the 300 L's a wk. they said i would get? You should have gotten the weekly L$300 as soon as you became Premium. You should contact support (we can't do anything about it in the Answers forum.)
  9. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Lets see, Onlive is endorsed by LL.. How much of a cut do they get? If i am premium already, why would i want to pay $9.95 a month more to use this? Why don't premium members get a discount since this is endorsed by LL? Is it really that much of an issue to use a laptop instead? Why would I want to use this on my PC? I can use any other viewer for free. Now to address a few points.. You say to use a Mystitool, which i have, but how well could you realistically see that on a tablet? When was the last time you actually saw 70+ avs in a club? I haven't seen that in years. Most Tablets today are $500+ USD, for that kind of money you can get a very good used PC from a reputable local computer place. I paid 300 for mine, it came with a 650Ti card. Apparently SLGo is useful for Mondy and not for you. Therefore, Mondy should continue to use it and you shouldn't. Pretty simple if you ask me.
  10. Medhue Simoni wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: That said, many people are a bit too liberal with lible. And, as many libertarian philosophers have pointed out, you can't own your reputation. Reputation is something that exists in other people's heads, and you can't own other people's perceptions. I think Walter does a nice job in this video explaining the libertarian view. I'm glad to see that at least you did not say that Lible didn't exist. I think the real point of this comes down to 2 things. 1- should jealous people be put in cages for their lies? If not, then why would we write laws to do this? Maybe counselling would be better. 2- In a free market environment, if you are going to spend your precious time making up or entertaining gossip, you'll be spending less time actually doing something productive. Hence, as a long term plan, it's not logically something people should not want to spend their time doing. I also think it is much less of an issue today, because the internet allows all of us to much more transparent and express ourselves on a more even plane. 1) In the United States and most Western countries, libel is a civil offense, not a criminal one. In these countries nobody is "put in cages" for it and in fact laws concerning libel are largely to carve out exceptions so that certain people can't be sued for it. 2) In a free-market environment anything that people will pay for is productive. Gossip is and has been big business for as long as people have paid for information. It's not very useful, but then neither is an animation overrider in the grand scheme of things.
  11. Benson Gravois wrote: Anyone know where i can buy an eyebrow shaper or something? I like my shape and skin but my eyebrows look to cross and stern? You can probably just edit one you already have - the "hair" wearable object is really only used to edit the shape under the eyebrows and odds are you have an editable hair object in your inventory - they come with library avatars, for instance.The object you need to edit looks like a head in profile and is one of the "must-wear" parts of the avatar. Go to the "Eyebrows" section - usually it's only the last three options in that section that will do anything. You can also create a new one but that would involve shrinking the helmet-hair part of the hair object into your head. To do that go to the "Appearance" panel, click on the button with a picture of a gear, select "New Body Parts" and then "New Shape."
  12. Sy Beck wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: I ought to have commented on this when you mentioned it earlier. If this GD forum appears to be a help forum, then it's entirely to do with its users, and nothing at all to do with the moderators. People can discuss pretty much anything here. You are doing it yourself with this thread. So there is no need to rename or remove it. It is exactly what the users of it make it. Evidently wrong. I could name a whole host of people who used to contribute significantly to this forum who have either moved on because of the moderation and them not being able to express themselves freely or have left SL for something else. What's left is the remainder who predominantly use it as a help forum rather than as a General Discussion forum, which I am ambivalent to, but if it walks like a duck ect..... Anyway, my son is tugging me away to go assist him in the rescue of that iconic female trope Princess Daisy, which is probably I fear going to turn him into a gorilla hater more than a misogynist. I wasn't here during the "good old days", but from what I've seen of the aging "rock stars" of that era the "discussion" was the equivalent of holding a treat over the head of a little dog, thereby making it jump, snap and yap so intently that you can lead it all around the room until you eventually cause it to fall down a flight of stairs. I'm sure it was entertaining for the one holding the treat and the dog participated because that's the way dogs roll, but for everyone else it was probably, "Yeah, yeah, same old Youtube video from three years ago."
  13. ReenaWinters wrote: Hi there I need some help on how to edit my SL Profile - i tried to press the button to edit my profile but it won't let me. And another thing - it shows that i'm a guy which I'm NOT. Which leads to my Avatar's behaviour, it "acts" like a guy too. Ugh! (faceplam) Is this the "new normal" for all SL avatars - even for female ones? and another thing - I can't use my Arrows on my keyboard to move my avatar. Need some help there too. Thanks ReenaWinters You might not be able to edit your profile yet because your account's so new it doesn't show up in search yet. How exactly is it "showing that you're a guy"? There's nothing in either the Web profiles or the Legacy profiles that says anything about the gender of an avatar - in fact, the only thing gendered about ANY avatar is the shape, and the same avatar can use either the "male" or the "female" shape freely. In fact, many slender male avatars use the female avatar mesh. If you're referring to the blank default gray "face" icon that appears in a profile without a picture that's the same for all avatars. As far as the arrow keys, you may be trying to use them when you have a viewer menu opened. If you want them to move you while you have a menu opened you can go to "Preferences" - "Move and View" and select "Arrow keys always move me."
  14. Quinn Lysette wrote: hey if ur using an AMD graphics card why does havin hardware skinning on makes the avatars have missing bodys parts not all of them just some and with hardware skinning off the body parts are visible and everything looks better why? btw what is hardware skinning Because AMD writes their OpenGL drivers by taping a paper lunch bag around a cat's head and having it walk around on a keyboard for a while. That's pretty well established by now. AMD has somehow broken rendering of rigged meshes in OpenGL in their last two betas. Considering that the cards worked before the new drivers and Nvidia cards have no problems, the location of the fault is pretty clear.
  15. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I upgarded to the latest SL Viewer, hoping to see some benefit from the latest improvements to HTTP Pipelining as well as CDN (It doesn't seem to cope well with large numbers of avatars in a region) With that viewer I am no longer able to select my home location at log-in. Luckily, it was my "Last Location", but it's awkward when the program suffered what appears to be a dropped connection during a TP. I cannot reliably predict what my Last Location will be in that situation, and there may be clashes between avatar attire and parcel age rating. I am looking at the "clean install" process recommended by the Firestorm team, but I don't want to mess around with reloading caches at a weekend. Has anyone else seen this "Home"problem with the latest version? If you switch accounts between logins, especially if one of your accounts has "favorite places", occasionally the word "home" won't end up at the top of the location list next to the "Log in at home" button. Clicking on the "down" arrow on that list will allow you to bring up "home" as an option.
  16. Joerg Garmes wrote: I wrote it in the german question section alright, but i think here i can get faster response. Hi there, I get extreme graphics Error after closing Second Life (Firestorm, Singularity and CoolVL Viewer) and then is only possible to the desktop to see normally again to reboot the system. This is really scary annoying. : smileymad: System: Windows 8.1 (all updates current) Viewer: all viewer (Firestorm, Singularity and CoolVL Viewer) to date Graphics driver up-to-date (NVIDIA GeForce GTX760) I'm an old SL users still of former days and never had such a problem. On Windows XP and with Windows 8 not. Only in the last few weeks I have it, so it is not necessarily to 8.1, because it ran so ever without this phenomenon: matte-motes-bored: Maybe someone else has this problem or know a remedy. Lots of love Joerg Garmes Does the display turn into a mess of colored dots, and do you use a screen color adjustment program like "f.lux"? Custom color profiles in f.lux can cause problems with SL.
  17. wdwalker wrote: Did SL viewers crash I could not log on with the official SLviewer and it will not reinstall I finally went and got Singularity There was a recent code change to the LL viewers that will cause that problem with quite a few users - not a majority by any means but a significant number. It affects the current release version and the two release candidate versions. Right now the project viewers shouldn't be affected yet.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: One last comment here and maybe there is a clue to all this (why I run out of texture memory). I can go to a clothing optional location with a lot of Ava's present with basically no problem. But if I go somewhere like a club with a lot of Ava's wearing Mesh and the crashes can happen very fast. It's handling all this extra geometry that's overloading my computer. While I'm not on a high end system I'm certainly not using a WalMart special either. I'm 3gig processor with a GTX650ti graphics card. I'm willing to bet that one of the things causing your crashes is keeping your RenderVolumeLOD at 4. You're making the viewer hold more data in memory than it was designed to do. Turn on "Show Info-Memory" in the "Develop" menu and compare your memory use between a LOD of 4 and a lower one. Increasing LOD was a kludge to accommodate bad sculpties and was never expected behavior. Mesh should be designed to use appropriate LOD scaling so keeping LOD set that high shouldn't be necessary anymore - I keep mine at 2.5 only to accommodate a few old sculpted items. Unfortunately, some mesh makers make really rough models for lower LOD's because it decreases their land impact and people who've pushed up their LOD because of the old advice for sculpts won't see the problems. Incidentally, it's system memory you're running out of, not video memory. I used to get the same crashes - they stopped when viewers started using "Large-Address Aware" memory mapping which takes advantage of a 64-bit system's ability to recognize more installed memory.
  19. Every website developer should "coddle" IE, regardless of me using it, because IE is the default browser for the most widely used operating system. It's a simple as that. Any website developer, who creates websites for other people/companies, fails if s/he does not "coddle" IE. Microsoft Paint is the default image editor for Windows computers (using your definition of default). It doesn't support transparency. Does this mean that alpha textures shouldn't be used because they "fail" to "coddle" the Microsoft "default"?
  20. See if you can use either of the beta viewers or the Snowstorm project viewer from this page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers The release viewer has new code in it that changes the way graphics cards are detected but those beta viewers don't have it yet (as of this morning.) The new code may be causing problems with your setup. Please add your comments to this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7776
  21. See if you can use either of the beta viewers or the Snowstorm project viewer from this page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers The release viewer has new code in it that changes the way graphics cards are detected but those beta viewers don't have it yet (as of this morning.) The new code may be causing problems with your setup. Please add your comments to this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7776
  22. Wycked Vella wrote: Its not that it wont load things properly it just wont open up all the way just closes out. Every other client ive used works fine it just seems to be with this new update and others have same issue. Dunno maybe im stuck to have to use the firestorm or whatever. Would be nice to be able to use regular client tho. See if you can use either of the beta viewers from this page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers The release viewer has new code in it that changes the way graphics cards are detected but those beta viewers don't have it yet (as of this morning.) The new code may be causing problems with your setup. ETA: Please add your comments to this JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7776
  23. The new avatars are only a "digital rubber full-body mask" over the old avatars. All you have to do is go to the "Appearance" button, click on the "Wearing" tab, and detach the mesh avatar parts (shown by orange boxes) and the "alphas" (shown by white T-shirt icons with a grid of lines. That will leave you with the old avatar your free clothes were designed for.
  24. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: I went to see, out of curiosity, the only thing left is the ugly hot tub. ETA: That was the Hooktip location. I took a look at some of the extortion plots too. Ironically, some of the nearby "legitimate" plots looked just about as bad though.
  25. nikita Jefferson wrote: In all case the profiles are bare and all 2009, they don't have time to make a conscious decision to leave, they seem to be programmed to arrive and leave instantly, and they do not answer messages even though it says they are online. There is some purpose for what they do, but as they come and i see them leave the instant they arrive i am banning them, maybe after i ban them all someone will ask why. Yes there could be a million reason why, but that is why i am asking if anyone has had the same experience This thread sounds similar: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Brendens-and-Natalyas-landing-on-sims-and-leaving/td-p/2856392
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