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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Sierra Zabelin wrote: "Under the TOS the creator can license a product under any terms they wish. " http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Price+Fixing The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 (15 U.S.C.A. §§ 1 et seq.), the first and most significant of the U.S. antitrust laws, was signed into law by President Benjamin Harrison and is named after its primary supporter, Ohio Senator John Sherman. Price Fixing The agreement to inhibit price competition by raising, depressing, fixing, or stabilizing prices is the most serious example of a per se violation under the Sherman Act. Under the act, it is immaterial whether the fixed prices are set at a maximum price, a minimum price, the actual cost, or the fair market price. It is also immaterial under the law whether the fixed price is reasonable. All horizontal and vertical price-fixing agreements are illegal per se. Horizontal price-fixing agreements include agreements among sellers to establish maximum or minimum prices on certain goods or services. This can also include competitors' changing their prices simultaneously in some circumstances. Also significant is the fact that horizontal price-fixing agreements may be direct or indirect and still be illegal. Thus, a promotion or discount that is tied closely to price cannot be raised, depressed, fixed, or stabilized, without a Sherman Act violation. Vertical price-fixing agreements include situations where a wholesaler mandates the minimum or maximum price at which retailers may sell certain products. "Under the TOS the creator can license a product under any terms they wish." So it seems. No laws here, nope. Why didn't you also quote this, from the same article you linked to? Concerted Action Section one of the Sherman Act prohibits concerted action, which requires more than a unilateral act by a person or business alone. The Supreme Court has stated that an organization may deal or refuse to deal with whomever it wants, as long as that organization is acting independently. But if a manufacturer and certain retailers agree that a manufacturer will only provide products to those retailers and not to others, then that is a concerted action that may violate the Sherman Act. A company and its employees are considered an individual entity for the purposes of this act. Likewise, a parent company and its wholly owned subsidiaries are considered an individual entity.
  2. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: Whenever you see a shape or skin that appears with all the lights and shadows, definitely get the demo first. Chances are it's been enhanced with Photoshop and doesn't show the reality look. I'll never understand why some people will just presume this to be the case, simply because a creator has used ALM and Shadows to take their marketing photo. While there certainly are some unscrupulous merchants who do indeed go that route in an attempt to hide the imperfection of their creations, I seriously doubt that someone who makes as good a quality of product as does the Aeros creator, would ever feel the need to resort to such a deceptive tactic. As such, I'd say, with a great about of certainty, that the chances of that particular image having been enhanced with Photoshop are very slim. But then, it's possible you may have never seen an Aeros avatar inworld, with all the bells and whistles... they're really very nice. ...Dres I don't think even advanced lighting will produce the "shiny" highlights on the skin in that picture - especially along the edge of the face - because avatars don't have any sort of reflectivity.
  3. jwjaii wrote: The picture on the marketplace listing is not a "demo." A "demo" is a free, wearable copy of exactly what you're going to get but modified so you won't be able to wear it every day - for instance, a skin will have writing or lines on it, and a shape will have certain parts deliberately deformed. And it's obvious that you aren't actually getting and using these demos that the avatar makers go to the trouble of providing. It seems like your English is just fine for complaining but not for learning the simplest tasks - I'm sure the Portuguese forum has dozens of people who can explain what a "demo" actually is - and you have time to put together elaborate photo displays about the things you think other people are doing wrong but it's too much work to actually learn how to do things.
  4. You're still wearing the mesh starter avatar body. Go to the "Appearance" panel, click on the "Wearing" tab and detach the object that says "Brandon - Body" as well as the alpha file labeled "Invisible Body" if you're still wearing it (but it doesn't look like you are.)
  5. Theresa Tennyson wonders exactly when the slogan for Second Life became, "Someone else's world, my imagination so someone else give me what I want NOW NOW NOW or I'll flounce. Seriously."
  6. Monica Shilling wrote: I purchased an outfit inworld and the pants are mesh and there is no alpha so not able to wear. have sent a NC as well as several IMs to creator with no response to the issue...can anyone advise what I should do? Pants alphas aren't usually that complicated. You may be able to use one from another pair of pants you already own or even from a demo pair. Much mesh clothing is made from widely used templates and you'll probably be able to find a demo of a pair with an identical mesh somewhere.
  7. TDD123 wrote: Thanks for the elaborate answer, Theresa. Makes a lot more sense to me now. I've often experienced the trickyness of riding a vehicle on mainland ( hell , I was even blocked 2 weeks from SL while being ghosted after travelling the grid ) when simcrossing were more sturdy than they are now. It just seemed today to me ( after absence of a year ) that crossing a sim had not improved at all or was worse than I remember. Many crossings fail and my vehicle get catapulted a number of sims away from me. Luckily the vehicle tells me where it ended up .. :robotindifferent: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Basically Jeogeot is in the same position as the older "inner ring" suburbs of a major US city - people would rather live in newer areas with better facilities or older ones with more character. To me that would beg the question : why won't LL then give it's mainland more character instead of leaving such a big whole of waste ? If they made the mainland their own showcase ( which shouldn't be that hard regarding availiable resources from either themselves or others), general user interest would be a lot better than it is now. Why .. some of that land could even be rented / auctioned at reasonable prices or, dare I say it, donatedfor merchants to showcase their work. It would be in LL's own interest. Now it all just looks ... unprofessional, uninviting and boring. The basic problem is that there's just too much Mainland right now. There are lots of nice little LL builds scattered around but much land was added in the boom period of the middle oughts that is unnecessary now, especially as there have been social changes to reduce the amount of open land needed. There are plenty of nice little Linden Lab-made places -- Barney's Bay, for instance -- but there's just too much space. Adding more shinies won't do much good because few people use the shinies that are there now. It would probably be a better idea to wipe out some of the less-interesting continents - Jeogeot and/or the Gaetas - and consolidate. However, there are various builds everywhere and the idea of reolocating some of them will invariably cause the owners to shout, "What? Move my full-bright cubes? My precioussss full-bright cubes? BAWWWWW!!!"
  8. LidoraJaka wrote: Is this possible? I am using Firestorm and I can't raise my Bandwidth limit past 3000. I have a much faster internet connection, but I can't use it because of the limit in game. Anyone able to help? Thanks for taking the time to look at, and read my thread!! Hope you can help :3 The "bandwidth" number only represents a portion of the communications between your viewer and the servers - many other different connections happen and their speed is set automatically. Describe the "lag" you're seeing...
  9. Ayesha Askham wrote: Now let me be clear at the outset: I do not claim to know much about what Linden Lab are attempting to do in the increasing use of the http protocol to download data to our viewers. I cannot be sure that what I say next is true, false or so much nonsense, it is just a thought. Last week we in the UK and other significant parts of the World endured at best several hours and at worst several days of grey avatar textures, invisible objects and in some cases immutable bake-fail. This was the second time in two weeks to my knowledge that the http pipeline had apparently failed. When LL announced to no small fanfare that the http protocol was to be increasingly used to transmit data from SL's servers to our computers, it was questioned in some quarters as to whether this ultimately would be any improvement over tthe existing udp system. Once http was in widespread use, some said, there would be as many and possibly more issues than had existed with the slower udp set-up, and indeed udp might turn out to be faster for many. That struck a chord with one comment recently in this forum, namely that while all this grey chaos was reigning, the use of the Catznip viewer, which has http textures turned off as default, seemed to radically improve the texture-loading matter. I also recall being told that some routers and modems are much better than others at handling http traffic. I just wonder, in the uninformed way I sometime do, if this reliance now on http traffic vs udp, could be at the heart of our recent grey episodes? If you know better I am glad to stand corrrected, but please be clear...I am not using this thread to bash LL for anything. I just want to try to understand what has been happeneing since there appears to have been no "official" word about these problems. First of all, HTTP texture transfers are nothing new - they've been the default behavior for Linden Lab viewers since at least 2010 and probably for Firestorm for a considerable length of time. All avatar textures have been sent by HTTP since server-side baking rolled out. I believe meshes have always been sent by HTTP. Two things HAVE changed. First of all, the Linden Lab viewer has been set up to use HTTP pipelining, which uses a small number of constantly open connections to get data rather than opening and closing a separate HTTP connection to get each file which was how the viewer was previously set up. However, if you use Firestorm this won't mean vinegar to a rabbit because Firestorm doesn't use HTTP pipelining yet. However, it still uses HTTP texture transfers unless you specifically turn them off. The other change does affect Firestorm users. Rather than having all textures and meshes directly from the Linden Lab server farm in Arizona, they're being cached on multiple regional servers provided by a "content delivery network" (CDN) named Highwinds that already was sending out baked avatar textures. Highwinds already provides similar services for companies like Valve, the owners of Steam. The CDN servers are closer to end users of SL and can send the data faster while simultaneously reducing load on the LL servers so they can spend more time calculating avatar positions, world physics interactions, etc. The problems this weekend sound like they were in the Highwinds node in the UK. This would explain why Linden Lab support wouldn't have much information about it. I suspect that turning off HTTP textures bypasses the CDN which may be the reason it worked better for some people.
  10. Qie Niangao wrote: I too am amazed at how empty Mainland seems, but specifically because I know that there is quite an active market in Mainland parcels. It's really quite baffling to me that land will sell at auction, then maybe flip at a profit to another buyer, then maybe get built up, then abandoned again, all in the course of a month or so. I watch this pretty closely and it happens a lot. I mean, it's absolutely the norm for auction parcels. And, incidentally, those auction prices seem to be creeping upward, ever since the news that the Lindens have another platform in the works. I truly do not understand that at all. So I'm amazed that, simultaneously, people are very actively bidding up land prices, and yet quickly abandoning what they bought (and presumably rinse and repeat). But then it's SL, and when has it ever made sense? Mainland is the Land of Dreams Waiting to be Broken. People get an "easy" business idea, such as becoming a landlord or selling affiliate merchandise, and get some land without realizing how unlikely it will be to break even, much less turn a profit. My alts relatives have had lots in various areas and have seen many businesses like this come and go - the favorite was the fearless soul who got 1024 in the middle of a flat, uninteresting area, threw up some prims and started trying to sell Aley Arai's free full-perm spaceships for L$10,000 to L$20,000 apiece in the vain hope that the one avatar in the entire virtual world with less business sense than that merchant would wander through and buy one. These people are also the reason the Lab charges $1000 to set up a sim or else private regions would be started and be deleted so fast you'd see the map flicker.
  11. TDD123 wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: I too am amazed at how empty Mainland seems, but specifically because I know that there is quite an active market in Mainland parcels. It's really quite baffling to me that land will sell at auction, then maybe flip at a profit to another buyer, then maybe get built up, then abandoned again, all in the course of a month or so. I watch this pretty closely and it happens a lot. I mean, it's absolutely the norm for auction parcels. And, incidentally, those auction prices seem to be creeping upward, ever since the news that the Lindens have another platform in the works. I truly do not understand that at all. So I'm amazed that, simultaneously, people are very actively bidding up land prices, and yet quickly abandoning what they bought (and presumably rinse and repeat). But then it's SL, and when has it ever made sense? That's what occurred to me as well last night when a friend was trying to relocate ( aside my attempt to just cruise about on mainland unhindered ) : much of mainland is confiscated by LL and not open for auction ( abandoned lands ), while prices for land are high and never negotiable. There's indeed something peculiar about this much land being availiable when people still pay far too much for mere space. It's not entirely about making sense though why I posted this. I'm just wondering if LL is abandoning maintenance on it's current world completely. This world does not seem to be improved or progress into a better experience ( in regard to using vehicles to use the roads). Shame .. :robotindifferent: Look at the World Map. See all those red hearts? Entire regions owned by the same company who stack up a series of region-sized skyboxes which they rent out. There's apparently at least one more company doing the same thing. Linden Lab has a single landowner per region to deal with rather than a handful of drama queens Premium landowners. It makes much more sense financially to let a non-prime region empty out and then sell it to a landowner like this than to keep it parcelled out. With Linden Homes and the Marketplace taking away the need for cheap land the Mainland is largely of interest to those who operate vehicles, like interesting terrain or want to live in a historical area. Those pictures indicate you were on Jeogeot, which is the least desirable continent for all of these factors. It's big, comparatively flat, has little open water and has no connection to any other continent. It has a good road network but Satori's is almost as good and has the advantage of being contiguous with the Blake Sea area. Besides, road travel is always going to be problematic because ground vehicles react worse to sim crossings than aircraft or boats because of the need to follow the terrain (although I've actually found sim crossings to be unusually good the last few weeks - I can drive from Noyo to Tathlina without major problems.) Basically Jeogeot is in the same position as the older "inner ring" suburbs of a major US city - people would rather live in newer areas with better facilities or older ones with more character.
  12. francinella wrote: Hi everyone, I've decided that it's time to improve my avatar by adding a pair of fitted breasts . I've tried some demos and I've narrowed down the decision to vstring revolution "naturals" or "petites". I'm quite pleased with the shape. However, there is a nasty detail that i've noticed when trying the demos: sometimes the arms/hands are moving through the breasts. Apparently the animations are not aware of the larger chest, and the arms get moved through the breasts (as if they weren't there) - which looks really bad. Is this a known issue with the mesh breasts in general? If so, are there any solutions? (perhaps looking for new AO ... ?) Animations only move the "bones" of an avatar and have no way of detecting the "skin". You can find AO's that are specifically designed to work with larger breasts - I know Tuty's has some.
  13. Hellishly Gothly wrote: I see quite a few Europeans say they see improvements, which is great. I would however be very curious to see what internet speeds and what latency those seeing improvements have. Compared to those that are very much worse off like me. So if you don't mind could you post those figures too please? You're going to see very slow loading until the after regions are cached on the CDS server closest to you (Iprobably Sydney, possibly Singapore.) If nobody near you in RL had visited those regions before you there will be a long pause before you'll see things loading. but after you've visited once them they should start rezzing much faster even if you clear your viewer cache.
  14. SoulBaby Orfan wrote: I accidentally deleted a folder that contained my Life Hud Meter and Food To bring my levels up, in the process of unboxing objects i ended up hitting the delete button not thinking that I had this folder open is there any way to roll me back 2 days before this incident on 10/31/14 around 9pm or so The folder should be in your "Trash" unless you emptied the trash after you hit "Delete." You can open the trash can, select it and hit "Restore." If you have emptied the trash, though, there's nothing that can be done.
  15. Jessi Easterman wrote: I've been hunting for some good fitted mesh clothing for a while now, and it seems like when I search for it on the marketplace most of what comes up isn't fitted at all. So, what are some good places that have a bunch of fitted mesh? What're your favorite fitted mesh clothing items? Right now, Fitted Mesh isn't a great buy because it resizes in a fundamentally different way than the default avatar does so it's difficult to get a good size match. However, the new mesh bodies from Slink, Belleza, etc. are fitted mesh and it will be possible for clothing makers to have clothing that resizes the same way those avatars do - Slink already has a developer kit for clothing makers to use.
  16. Linden Lab wrote: There have been some major performance improvements made that you can read about in our Featured News blog. In addition to the high level changes overview there, a more technical look at the specifics of the CDN changes can be found in this Tools and Technology blog. We would love to hear how these improvements are working for you, and invite you to let us know in this forum thread. Please be sure you're using the latest Official Viewer to experience these improvements. When arriving at certain regions there will be a very long period where it appears nothing is loading, then all the textures and meshes will arrive very quickly. It's particularly noticeable in regions with a lot of custom mesh, such as the Haru Motors main store that sells mesh cars. I'm guessing this is a case of the region not being loaded into the CDN node yet when my viewer requests the data so I have to wait for the node to cache it before it can send the data. I understand that this will happen this week as literally thousands of regions are being loaded into the CDN system that weren't previously but I'm wondering if the CDN system can cache essentially all the rezzed information of the "world" or if various regions will be dropping out of the cache as others are loaded. When the region isn't loaded it may technically all end up at the viewer in the same amount of time because the data shows up very quickly once its loaded but the long "dead" period is bad for the user experience because there's not much you can do while you're waiting.
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: TY. Turning off DOF was a big improvement. Almost as crisp but still a touch of blurring (you can see on the leaves in the trees but I wouldn't normally be looking that close at the trees.) (They changed out the Happy Halloween sign) Firestorm and the LL viewer are basically identical as far as the actual rendering engine - the Firestorm developers themselves say they don't have anyone with the expertise to do much that deep in the system. The main differences you see are different default settings. Turning various settings on and off should make the view practically identical for you. In particular, the LL viewer tends to turn on Advanced Lighting for more graphics cards. Jessica Lyon doesn't like Advanced Lighting for some reason. Advanced Lighting uses a different anti-aliasing system which probably accounts for the differences with the leaves you're seeing.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Second Life 3.7.18 (295539) Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Second Life 3.7.18 (295539) Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Oz Linden wrote: Firestorm and Singularity have not yet adopted all the improvments we've made (doubtless they will soon). You are scaring me. Because if this is what happens after FS adopts all your enhancements I'm either going to need to buy a new computer or kiss Second Life goodbye. I took these shots this afternoon using default graphic settings in both Viewers, Medium High for me. I've got a 3gig AMD processor, 4Gigs Ram, GTX650ti GPU, Win7. I know, I'm a minority and not everyone has my problems. And I've now started getting an error message on log in that I hadn't seen in a long time, "Your clothing is still downloading....." in both the Official Viewer and Firestorm. Perrie, in that first picture I'm pretty sure you've got "Depth of Field" turned on. Texture loading issues won't look anywhere near that. Third picture is probably the fact that LL viewer doesn't have preferences option to jack up the LOD factor and the "Bogarts" sign is badly optimized.
  19. JewelsJewelry wrote: ... well, why not? Does Lindenlab offer basic accouts out of love or because they hope on profits? If attraction of customers is suddenly illegal, world economy has to shut down. You're right - that's why Linden Lab routinely gives free Lindens to free accounts. Oh, wait...
  20. JewelsJewelry wrote: Very interesting comments. Somebody around familiar with California legality? I can think about a illegality of payed games (that the loss of small cent amouts is hardly to name as "loss" is a different topic). So somebody can loose and must be "protected". ok. But why not payout of FREE games? To beat the high-score of somebody else will be completely boring, if I cannot grab "his" money on doing so. Gambling without money is like a soup without salt. Not only to me! All those free games being occupied in the past all time long are now lonely. Nobody is interested in "highscores only"- Why are those FREE to play payouts finalized as well? You may be surprised to know that freeplay games with payout didn't exist out of the goodness of the sim owners' hearts - I assume they were there to dump a few Lindens into the hands of players who would then put them into pay-to-play machines with "higher payouts" (but not high enough for the sim owners not to make a profit.)
  21. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Perhaps it is because they have not been approved to be a designer for many of the "appliers" they utilize. Slink and many others want people to apply to use their brand, the Omega system bypasses all of that. They also did not purchase the applier to begin with. At one point they did indeed have a Slink applier. When Slink found out about it they were not amused and filed a DMCA on them. THAT is why i wont use it. It's sad that a creator can't have a list of approved merchants because someone decided to hack the applier system. Yes, Belleza does not have appliers yet, why should the Omega system be able to bypass that? If i make a mesh body, script it so only I, or approved merchants, can make appliers for it, what gives Omega the right to hack that? It's not cool, or legal. Belleza advertises that their body can use Omega appliers on their own website. Yes, it does say hat, however it also says.. Will you have the ability to use clothing appliers? Our mesh body comes with 2 clothing layer options one for clothing and one for underwear. Clothing creators may apply to receive our developer's kit . That tells me they will have their own appliers and they would prefer you to use them. Why? Belleza's bread and butter is skins, not clothing. Appliers are trivial because most mesh body part makers use mapping that's compatible with the old system clothing and skin maps so its just a matter of shooting a pre-existing texture onto an object. Belleza uses a different foot mapping but the clothing maps appear to be identical or Omega appliers wouldn't work. As a Tricky-come-lately to the market it would be in Belleza's best interest to not require clothing makers to use yet one more proprietary applier kit. I'd imagine that Belleza's developer kit is similar to Slink's mesh developer's kit which would include a "mannequin" and weighting information so clothing makers could make fitted mesh clothing that's weighted properly. THAT information would be dynamite so I understand why it would be closely held.
  22. iRockister wrote: Hello, I would like to know if you have another site that possar create an account with surname. I know in secondlife is to change the name, but even then my name will remain as Resident. Today, I saw the profile of a person with the name '' SushantLecker SLSGO '' ', in which he has 70 days, I wonder how they do it, because the resident name was something not liked = x, by because many already using that name. Told me you have a site that does this, you can create an account with surname, and I do not know if this is legal to do, so I'm asking. detail: my language is not english "Last names" are actually a number that's looked up in a database. The "SLSGO" last name was added to the database to identify accounts with the legal information on file for skill-game operation.
  23. LeslieA68 wrote: Hello everyone! just signed up last night. Having fun looking and reading. Question is I have the av that you get when you sign up. I thought I had seen somewhere while I was reading "steps" to changing your avatar. Like what you need to do in what order for the items you buy to customize the av to work. Such as shape then skin then hair or something like that. And how do I know what items go with what? Like the mesh and non mesh. Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance!! The new mesh avatars are actually just a sort of full-body "digital rubber mask" over the old system avatar most add-ons and clothing are designed for. If you go to the "Appearance" button and then the "Wearing" tab, if you remove all the items with orange box icons and all the "alphas" (icon of a white T-shirt with a grid of lines) you'll be down to the old avatar and can build from there. Your avatar at a minimum will consist of a SKIN, a SHAPE, EYES, and HAIR (which may be invisible because the old "system" hair looks like crap and is usually shrunken inside of the avatar head.) You can then use all things sold as "skins" and "shapes", and what's called "system" or "layer" clothing. You can also use mesh clothing (including some worn by the mesh avatars if you like) but there are shape adjustments you'll need to make for most of it.
  24. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Perhaps it is because they have not been approved to be a designer for many of the "appliers" they utilize. Slink and many others want people to apply to use their brand, the Omega system bypasses all of that. They also did not purchase the applier to begin with. At one point they did indeed have a Slink applier. When Slink found out about it they were not amused and filed a DMCA on them. THAT is why i wont use it. It's sad that a creator can't have a list of approved merchants because someone decided to hack the applier system. Yes, Belleza does not have appliers yet, why should the Omega system be able to bypass that? If i make a mesh body, script it so only I, or approved merchants, can make appliers for it, what gives Omega the right to hack that? It's not cool, or legal. Belleza advertises that their body can use Omega appliers on their own website.
  25. KaynYoungBlood wrote: I am new to mesh avatars. Are new accounts stuck with the ones we choose when we join, or can we purchase shapes and skins to upgrade the avatar? You can have any avatar you like. If you want to use most of the skins, etc. on the marketplace you should change to one of the "classic" avatars first to simplify things.
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