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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. EmmilyT wrote: I bought a new pc (Windows8.1) Processor : AMD FX-8350 Eight - core processor 4.00GHz (RAM) 16.0 GB System Type : 64-b Operating System, x64-based processor i can get inworld and everything rezzes for me, besides my mesh body,hair, clothes and shoes, not sure why this is please help If you also have AMD graphics, make sure your Catalyst driver package is updated to 15.7. The previous release had the problem you're seeing.
  2. IvanBenjammin wrote: So, this might come off as snarky, but I don't really intend it to be... I'm just curious as to why the battle flag of the losing side of a civil war is seen as a symbol of pride? I truly don't understand. I mean no offense, but the connotations attached to that symbol for most of the rest of the world are pretty negative... You've probably heard the expression, "History is written by the victors." After the American Civil War/War Between the States/War of Northern Aggression/Late Unpleasantness there wasn't much of a crackdown on the Southern states and their leaders, allowing them to create a version of history that referred to the war as the "Lost Cause." People growing up in the South after the war were taught this as history, and people growing up in the North were taught a different version of history. These superficial "histories" were both spun to make that group look like the noble ones; neither was completely accurate.
  3. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: The Confederate States had the legal right to leave the union. All they wanted was to be left alone. Where exactly was this legal right listed? And how does it jibe with the following facts: 1) The "Thirteen Original Colonies" formed the "United States" through the Articles of Confederation as a "perpetual union." The preamble of the Constitution of the United States says its purpose was to "form a more perfect Union." 2) Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of procedures for a state leaving the Union. 3) Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana - states that "seceded" - never had existence as separate entities before they were created by acts of Congress. How could they "return to their prior status"? 4) Article I, Section 10 states that "No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation." 5) Article I, Section 8 states that Congress has authority over military facilities on land purchased from the States. There's no process for returning them. The Confederacy acknowledged that the central government owned these military facilities, as they tried to negotiate for them. This was the situation leading to the Fort Sumter conflict. 6) Finally, in Texas v. White the Supreme Court said there wasn't a legal right to secession (not even for Texas, Mr. Perry.)
  4. BrasilDoll wrote: or! teleport to all my fav locations without searching or opening landmarks and searching...is this possible? That's what the "Favorites" bar is for. If you drag landmarks from the "Landmarks" folder to the "Favorites" folder they'll appear on the top menu bar.
  5. Myjrn wrote: Ariel Vuissent wrote: There should be something in the folder labelled Applier, Kemono Applier, Skin Applier, or something similar. Add that to your avatar. It'll appear, usually, as a rod in your hand. Click on the rod. You may get a blue pop-up box in the corner of your screen. Click "Apply All," or similar, and voila! In theory, at least, you are done. . I spent a good deal of time hunting for what you mentioned and was unable to find it. Either I am blind or something is just not right. Upon a google search I was provided with an option for PURCHASING a TEXTURE applier (somehow that doesn't seem right to me. This isn't like an XBOX, you don't just buy the system and spend more and more to switch things up with new controllers... I don't really think thats right) but upon clear inspection, I was pushed elsewhere for three seperate possibilities that vary in complication. No, it's exactly like an XBOX. You buy a base from person X and then you may want to use a modification/new "game" from person Y, who logically enough expects to get paid for it.
  6. Whiteangel Falconvale wrote: Yes, I have the alpha on. And no hardware skinning is off (For me if its on you can't see mesh at all.) And the wind light setting that made the splotches disappear was one that was something studio 5. If you can update your drivers to the Catalyst 15.7 release that should fix the issue of AMD cards not rendering mesh with hardware skinning on. Then you can turn on hardware skinning and the blotches should go away.
  7. Zane Veliz wrote: Groups are not loading members. I have cleared cache, I have cleared group cache, I have deleted all three of my sl browsers, sl, firestorm, and singularity. Reinstalled and still the groups do not load members. Please help. If the group has over 5000 members and you're not an officer or owner the group list won't load for you. Recent intentional server change.
  8. Medhue Simoni wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: MariMoons wrote: I'll pay you 2k to mesh my body & skin Unless you created your own skin or got appliers for it from the creator, you coudn't use it on your mesh body. Well, she could use the texture tho. Yeah, people might have to contact the creators of some skins, and ask for the actual texture, but I don't see why that is a problem. Unlike "skins" and "clothing", "textures" can be put on any SL object. This means that if a skin maker gave out the actual texture someone could put it on a square prim attached as a HUD and take a screenshot, giving them a perfect copy of that texture. This is why mesh body parts use appliers instead of texture files. The only unique thing about your proposal is the mesh head matched to the owner's slider values. Everything else either has been done (all major mesh bodies use basically the same texture mapping as the SL avatar; Slink and Belleza already distribute their weights to clothing makers) or has been tried and doesn't work (due to the limitations of rigging to bones, a single mesh body can't run the gamut of shapes from a small child to an extremely large adult like the default body can.) The custom head idea might get some traction if you made it as a separate entity compatible with the major mesh bodies already on the market. The people you're trying to sell to are comfortable with multiple attachments and probably already have investments in systems that a new body will be incompatible with. ETA - those observations are mostly for female bodies. There may be a market for a simple male body that will work with current clothing and will allow looks other than "varnished mutant bodybuilder."
  9. Canoro Philipp wrote: is this problem of the viewer failing to draw some existing objects for anyone to see, the same problem with the viewer not drawing pose balls sometimes? is it connec ted with the way the viewer gets noticed of objects in the scene, that the server sends to the viewer (we can prove that the server sends the information because some avatars can see an object and others dont), and the viewer fails to recieve the information and dont draw the object? if the problem is how the viewer recieves information, the problem must be viewer side, what i can think about is that somehow there are packet loses, or something similar, like if the viewer would have a limit of information that can recieve. now, one thing about the objects that fail to draw is that they are temporary objects, objects that can go beyond the limits of prims of each sim, so the server dont count them, it may be that the problem is related to how the server handle those objects? maybe sending them to the viewer in a different channel? The problem is that attachments are sent separately from the avatar itself during teleports, etc. During a bad, slow teleport/region crossing it can take so long to transfer some attachments that they aren't attached in the new region to keep the avatar from being held in limbo waiting for that attachment. Normally this results in the viewer showing that attachment as no longer being attached (because it isn't.) In the problem described in the OP, the viewer doesn't realize that the attachment is no longer there so it keeps displaying it for the owner, while others don't see it. There's a new viewer project in the release-candidate system - "BigBird" - that is designed to do a better job of re-attaching missing attachments after a teleport
  10. ElodeLamashtu wrote: In my travels around SL, any avatar I suppose (not just furries) seem to have diffent stances or things they do when just standing and not being controled to move. They will move around a bit, walk back and for on their own, etc. If I'm just standing some place and talking to people, I'd like for my avi to do that as well but is that something you turn on or have to purchase as and add-on item? It's called an "Animation Overrider" or "AO" for short. You'll need to buy one; it's also possible to make a custom one out of animations you buy separately but that's comparatively advanced.
  11. Qie Niangao wrote: Yeah, no, that's not the thing here. Yes, what's visible and zoomed-in-on at time of measurement does affect the results, but I've found that under conditions strictly controlled to be comparable, the metric can be as near to random as makes no difference. The numbers below are with no other attachments at all, from a fixed (default) cam view. That html table was too difficult to do again, so here are the numbers for my bare avatar with no other attachments, no clothes, no tattoos: "Naked" login: 1,000 + same mesh hair: 55,430 + bow tie: 38,215 - hair: 2,635 + hair: 6,717 For the very same view of the very same attachments (steps 3 and 5), the weight varies by a factor of five. What is more, adding an attachment (in step 3) reduced the draw weight by 30%. I mean, that's worse than being noncommutative: as a metric it's not even ordinal. How is it possible to make any use of such numbers? What viewer are you using? I'm just not seeing anything close to that level of variation and have found values to be pretty consistent for similar outfits.
  12. Whiteangel Falconvale wrote: I am looking to finally upgrade to a mesh body, however with everyone I put on and with anyone that is wearing a mesh body all I see is splotches all over. I am wondering how I can go about fixing it. me and my husband has played with my graphics settings, going from lowest to max, changed the LOD settings, everything we can think of but nothing works except to change my wind light settings, and I don't want to go everywhere in the setting that worked. Anyone have any ideas? Picture added below to show the splotches. Make sure "Hardware Skinning" is turned on in "Preferences - Graphics - Advanced."
  13. Qie Niangao wrote: Back in the day there was "Avatar Rendering Cost" but that flawed metric was replaced and got a new name, "Avatar Draw Weight". In the past few months I've been trying to pay attention to how difficult it is for others in a crowd to render my avatar, so I've been idly checking my Avatar Draw Weight. I noticed it fluctuating wildly for no apparent reason. Finally I spent some time trying to track down what is happening. There are several ways to monitor Avatar Draw Weight, including "Advanced / Performance Tools / Show Draw Weight for Avatars", "Develop / Show Info / Show Avatar Render Info", and by script using OBJECT_RENDER_WEIGHT. The viewer settings appear to show the same numbers, but the script number is different, but displays the same weirdness that I'm carping about. To wit: 1 Draw weight at login 54,504 2 after removing mesh hair 18,924 3 adding back the same hair 47,928 4 removing a mesh bow tie 52,869 5 removing the hair again 17289 6 adding back the bow tie 18924 7 adding back the hair 51935 8 removing the bow tie 52,869 9 removing the hair 17289 10 adding back the hair 29935 Note that steps # 1, 3, and 7 represent the same set of attachments (and yes, they're all fully rezzed), but the weight varies: 54.5K, 47.9K, 51.9K. More dramatically, steps 4, 8, and 10 represent the hair without bow tie with weight varying between 52.9K (twice) and 29.9K. At this stage I can teleport all around and the weight stays 29.9K, but if I login again it's back to 52,869. What's going on here? Is the difficulty of drawing my avatar really changing in this weird way -- in which case I could maybe discover an optimal order of adding and removing attachments for each outfit -- or is this metric just completely useless? How many other attached objects are you wearing? I've noticed similar effects depending on whether or not my shoes, etc. were visible on my screen. Also the number only updates when you change what you're wearing. It's a "snapshot" figure, basically. If you get a value based on a zoomed-in view that doesn't render some objects it'll stay that way until you make a change. There may also be LOD issues at different camera distances too. ETA - the real X factor seems to involve sculpts, which makes sense because they have to be calculated by the viewer instead of reading metadata.
  14. Benson Gravois wrote: For some reason all if a sudden when I create an outfit, I can no longer move it within my outfits folder to specific folders I have as I always did, I just get a circle with a line through it? How do I fix this? The outfit folder was never designed to have subfolders in it - being able to move items into subfolders was actually a bug which was corrected recently. There's a project going on to make it possible to use subfolders in the outfit folder "legally" but it hasn't been released yet.
  15. Renamon Yazimoto wrote: Got any source or info about this or video? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7653
  16. Renamon Yazimoto wrote: Hi I have heard hardware skinning and mesh wont work in SL with AMD cards is that still the case? Still a problem with the 14.12 release drivers but is supposed to be fixed in the 15.6 driver beta.
  17. Nova Convair wrote: Everything has limits. In a game the game designer can not fill up the scene. It has to stay playable for non super computers. In SL we have 1000s of non-game-designers. Hardly imaginable that this will work without limits. Another thing is that LL wants to make money and more resources for a sim means they can squeeze less sim servers on a physical machine. More costs. The only thing you can think about is if the present limits are correct. They are there for over 10 years. With serious competitors around I can imagine that limits would be 10 times higher or prices 10 times lower but who knows. But the definition of "prim" has completely changed over the years. The revised land impact accounting means you can have double the number of simple prims you had before, and I've just bought a couple of two-"prim" mesh lounge chairs that would be ten times higher in "prim count" and look very sad with legacy prims, and probably at least two to four times higher using sculpts. These mesh loungers also hold together visually much better than the equivalent sculpts. (Not all would, of course.)
  18. Myfanwy Acer wrote: What are default permissions please.?i keep getting a message about them,then it says not found.my SL is playing up badly.please help It's a minor thing that has to do with object creation. The message itself isn't a problem in itself but getting the error message is a symptom of the connection between your viewer and the servers taking longer than expected which is often a sign of connection issue.
  19. Ayesha Askham wrote: You may wonder what this has to do with the SecondLife Server thread....read on... Once again services that have a direct bearing on server and simulator support are to be closed due to a US holiday. When are the United States going to realise that they are not "The World"? A global service needs and deserves Global Support, yet once again Linden Lab withdraw many of its services from the Rest of the World due to a local holiday. Many US users of SL will see nothing wrong with this, I humbly suggest that the Rest of the World may think otherwise. No, of course families should be together for what is a very important celebration of US Independence, but to suggest that there would be no-one available to staff Concierge Support is laughably naíve. "World Series" type US arrogance has no place in a Global community. To those who celebrate it I wish you all a Happy Independence Day. Because places like Europe and Australia are known for having shops, services and cetera open long, convenient hours all week staffed with employees who take their short vacations grudgingly, just aching to get back to their customers.
  20. Trin1 wrote: My tier was paid late last night, I'm trying to figure out if it is for the previous month or this month and if known when would I have to move out and sell/abandon my land by if I don't want to get charged again next month? Found a better deal on a rental. The payment was for last month and next month you'll be billed for the maximum amount you own at any time this month, so you will be billed the same amount at your next payment date. If you sell/abandon by the end of this month you won't be billed the month after this.
  21. madman626 Fall wrote: But yet we have state guns law that over ride the Constitution dont we. The Supreme Court, whose job it is to determine whether or not laws are constitutional, has struck down state laws which they felt overrode the Second Amendment. However, some variety of regulation of firearm owners was always intended for the states. This is the full original text of the amendment that became the Second Amendment, as requested by Virginia when they ratified the Constitution before the Bill of Rights was added: 17th. That the people have a right to keep and bear arms; that a well regulated militia composed of the body of the people trained to arms, is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free state. That standing armies in time of peace are dangerous to liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided, as far as the circumstances and protection of the community will admit; and that in all cases, the military should be under strict subordination to and governed by the civil power.
  22. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: irihapeti wrote: there are any number of reasons, and ways, for how a person becomes the first teacher hate, envy, lust, avarice, to name some And still I strongly believe there is something far more fundamental, an instinct, not affected by reason or experience. Racism can be triggered by all the examples you gave, but in no way do I think it explains the "seed" I was talking about earlier. about superiority after an act of enslavement this form of superiority comes with hierarchy (is not the same thing as a belief of superiority. Is a real thing) Enslaved or employed. Ill-treated or well-treated. There is a boss in a hierarchy a hierachial boss whos orders we are compelled to follow, or suffer the consequences whatever they may be. Heavy for slaves. Light for employees. Somewhere in between for indentured servants They aren't the same, but under certain circumstances, one will lead to the other. ________ On your other post I come back because I do not agree with how you see racism. I think your view that racism is based on anything else than something that's rooted inside everyone of us simply is not true. You give the human kind far too much credit in my opinion by stripping it from all animal instincts. We're not all that rational, which makes us a lot more fun, but also very dangerous. I'd like to add one final thing to the whole superiority (and (connected) human lack of ratio) discussion, one that most people can relate to: consider the fact that the vast majority of drivers think they are better than average. (Interesting to see that the numbers I found, differ by country btw). I do not have any slaver or slave ancestors. Like you, even if my ancestors were one or the other, I wouldn't have the need to justify their motives to understand myself better, let alone to excuse myself for any feelings I might have. (I'm not saying I have racist feelings, but I certainly could have them.) I do think looking back at history is needed to understand the present as a whole, to understand human nature. There's certainly an instinctive reaction to someone different -- the whole "grrrrr --- SMELLS DIFFERENT! Bowowowowww!!!" thing. However, if you have a systematic reaction to an entire class there needs to be something consciously built on top of that. A tree comes from a seed, and in fact is genetically identical to its seed, but it's fundamentally different from a seed in many practical ways. The process we call "rationality" has a lot to do with justifying and codifying our instinctive beliefs. A dog or a small child will react instinctively to a stranger as a threat, but then they often change their reaction when they determine that individual isn't a threat at all. If you're taught a type of person or thing is a threat, though, logically enough you'll be reluctant to examine it closely enough to determine whether it's a threat or not, because the process of examining it will expose you to risk if it is a threat. This is the whole "tomatoes are poisonous" cycle. People are also very reluctant to admit they're wrong and will sometimes do mental gymnastics to avoid discovering or acknowledging their errors. At the end of the American Civil War the Confederates were in such dire straits they considered recruiting soldiers from among the slaves. Howell Cobb, one of the real leaders of the secession movement, opposed the idea with the statement, "If slaves will make good soldiers our whole theory of slavery is wrong." If you build your society on the idea a group is inferior then you have to keep thinking they're inferior or the whole thing will collapse.
  23. Domonick12 wrote: http://i.imgur.com/l4QVVPV.png Every time I look at the clothing I see clear or when I put somthing on It is see through just like her If you have AMD video that could be a problem with the AMD Catalyst 14.12 drivers. It's fixed with the 15.6 beta.
  24. Random Mefusula wrote: I can hear them... I just can't see them. The viewing area is black. The plugin that the viewers currently use is effectively obsolete. There's an active project going on to replace it with different software and a project viewer is supposed to be released fairly soon. A workaround is to install an outdated version of Flash for the time being.
  25. dannyboy50124 wrote: If I purchase a yacht or some type of large boat, do I need to own land to use it properly? It depends. If it's designed to work as a vehicle you can just rezz it on the water (there are a number of places that allow that) and you'll be able to stay on it as long as you're "sitting" on it. When you stand up it will probably be returned to your inventory, sometimes immediately and sometimes after a certain number of minutes depending on where it is when you stand up. Also there's a limit to the number of ways you can interact with a vehicle - often you can't walk freely on it but only "jump" from pose to pose. Some very large boats aren't actually "vehicles" though - they're really just the equivalent of a house. You interact with them like any other building but they tend to need a lot of prims available and either won't be able to be rezzed on public rezz zones or will be returned quickly.
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