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Fauve Aeon

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Everything posted by Fauve Aeon

  1. Agree! Gals regularly enjoy elevated PERKS
  2. I used to use that a lot. Lately I’ve been learning a decent amount about how dense some meshes are by using inspect, so I’m back to clicking on people again for that info.
  3. highly under-rated post! I almost spit out my drink! I like to collect things I would not IRL, and then collect some I DO IRL...and explore, and more lately create, am taking some sekrit lessons and getting back to texturing as well. Also art installations, fashion pic, etc. I took the Visionaire cass last year but will take it again next time it is offered too and actually graduate this time...I am slow. TL:dr...well a SECOND LIFE, right? gratuitous 'story seed' photo because I can. ((also I got a(nother) new kimono)) In my defense I have only bought one kimono this year (but not saying nuffin 'bout no texture appliers, nope)
  4. New year? New Kimono. Fancy this time a Hikizuri. Worn in a very non-traditional styling, as my usual.
  5. This too. I cam everything though so I don’t just put my ‘focus’ on avatars. But I do like to really cam in close to see their eyes and jewelery. 💍
  6. Food and fashion are 2 of the safest RL/SL crossover topics? I don’t mind. ‘still not gonna eat this tho...’ That is a good thing! 🏵 I’m thinking I’ll do Meatless Mondays for 2020. A RL Resolution.
  7. Nope, and don’t plan to. I was 100% vegan for a little over a year once and the things I loved most were the most wholesome foods that were what they were, not ground up who-knows-what trying to pretend to be meat. There were a few exceptions, but I honestly don’t think I would have wanted to eat this kind of thing. Many of our sides, salads, desserts of fruit compote etc are vegan-based, only sometimes adding in non-vegan things...so eating about 80% things that I can recognize what they were is still a thing for me. Veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes.
  8. I mod them on the fly as the mood strikes. These are from the past week.
  9. Every day I see something new in Bellisseria. A particular leaf, a just-so petal, a detailed brick, a sunbeam, a ripple of water across the birdbath. It all makes me smile and feel very warm. Thank you all so much! 🌸🦋🌸
  10. Sharing them is though, at least in firestorm...nested folders with items in them are sent and shared all the time.
  11. I turned all of these off long ago along with a great deal of my other UI stuff...all the float text, the avatar names and titles are off too and most UI sounds like all the clicks, dings and <bonk> noises are muted. Chat all stays in the box, no toasts, pop-ups (unless I click something and get a script menu). No notices either, except sim restarts. I check those only when I want to see them. I’m supremely un-curious about who is looking at me, I get enough compliments so I already know people do, so I just assume it’s a yep *wink*! I mostly use the mouse-over tool tips with a very fast fade rate if I need info on something/someone. The world feels very different and looks a lot better without all the screen clutter.
  12. Granted but they want to all have a SLelfie taken and posted in the ‘what does your avatar look like today’ thread and now demand ‘like for like’, causing your brain to explode. im double teaming too quickly and I don’t care! I wish I had some champagne.
  13. This is really amusing because I know a couple of people who have just very quietly started over. Shhh... my contribution: “This is 2020, how can ANYONE still be wearing/using/doing *_____*???111? That’s sooooo yesterday! anything ‘ok boomer’-ish or ‘ok noob’-ish...both are lame. Oldbies lamenting ye good olde daze, noobs being clueless and not googling or reading up. Come together, accept that we are *all* the weirdos at the somewhat geeky table! 🤓
  14. Yes, it’s dead but he’s working on a new venture with a refined team. I’m expecting news later in 2020. Agree on the SL platform not being global or catering to a wider audience, but I think it caught enough people that even now a new, more universal one will need to have significant differences (and as you describe, be useful to the diverse user groups that SL does not, or no longer caters to, and there are lots but enough? Not sure) to see anywhere the same member numbers and success. I think the SL inworld building tool not evolving was a big shame, but I’m not technical enough to speculate on how that could feasibly happen, nor what the answer for all the old sculpties and the newer dense mesh I’m seeing is. I’m taking classes so I’ll be learning to correctly decimate and make my things lower poly. dividing by 10 for member numbers seems a lot but I can’t say that you are wrong, just that I am wishing there was at least a more accurate count of the people-driven avatars. very interesting topic and replies to mull over, and I’ll enjoy reading more of what everyone has to say!
  15. Granted, you work hard and are a driven over-achiever in 2020...but it causes you to just become no damn fun. I wish I would quit waffling around on several things, make some decisions and just commence...I’m procrastinating and I know it...
  16. a few non-technical, more social and people-y things: I think that of the people who were interested in virtual worlds who were old enough to come into SL most already have, and those who ‘took to it’ are already invested...in one or more of several ways, and the majority of them will not switch to a new one unless some major disruptive, cataclysm-level of change happens (or SL closes up shop) and even then, they would not agree in a significant majority WHERE to go, so any larger feeling of the current ‘social world’ within SL will not transcend it. I think the overall interest in the general populace for spending time in virtual worlds (as they currently stand) as a hobby or to start a small business has peaked and until there is a substantially new/different platform, it’s not going to see any kind of big resurgence. SL member numbers don’t seem to be growing that much. I automatically take any ’number of accounts’ figure and divide by 1/3, assuming everyone has at least one alt and many additionally have a CS account, bot or one or more NPC. I rarely see over 50k or under 30k accounts logged in to the world when I look at the Firestorm login screen. All of the platforms mentioned are behind or lacking in one or more of the major components that current SL residents use, and all are lacking in member numbers. The DAZ avatars coming into Sinespace seems very promising...until you look at the limited clothing and accessory choices in their MP. I’m still going to check it out, but it may be a world where I set my avatar look and don’t ’play Barbie’ as much as I do in SL. The biggest commodity for much of this is simply time. Ultimately we are all each just one person with 24 hours in our day, and if we divide time between more than 2 worlds/spaces, progress (however you measure it), slows down. Just my speculation, but I think Philip Rosedale’s new venture will be multi-platform, more focused on AR at the beginning (waiting until 2 and 3rd gen HMD get less bulky) and targeted at enterprise and corporate level businesses, with the ability to white-label and package the product...a bit like Sinespace, but with a few major differences too. I think we also forget that the the number of people interested in VR, and virtual worlds for its own sake (outside of playing games) is not the majority of the populace. I think that for a new startup a 2-tier approach, AR with a more immersive VR option sometimes, is more friendly and more easily integrated into everyone’s lives. A somewhat modular and more seamless fit with AR augmenting our everyday things and then having the option to ‘jump into your avatar’ (with similar and already familiar controls and a light headpiece) when you want or need to do the more immersive things.
  17. OK. Last SLelfie in this kimono/accessories for a while, time to change it up.
  18. At movie date night prices, I’ll wait for the home release but I plan on watching it. I’m hoping for the music being good maybe, even if the visuals are ‘meh’...I do like it as a musical theatre piece, I like the songs.
  19. I hope they continue to do these, I was busy but I might have to hop in the next one if they do it Maybe for Fantasy Faire? Hope so!
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