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Eddy Vortex

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Everything posted by Eddy Vortex

  1. A friend and I resting on the store bench after a long day of shoe shopping. We were pleased to find a store still making Slink shoes for men.
  2. Happy Weekend sale at Nutmeg. Cupboard + painted, 3li, Cupboard Filled + painted, 5li https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA NUTMEG/208/122/22
  3. Today's peeve 1: Demo rings and text stamps should be sufficient enough, but a 3-minute demo is not enough time to figure out which pants will work with the shirt I thought about buying. Forget this. Today's peeve 2: Creators who are stuck in the Stone Age with appliers. BoM? What's that?
  4. A legacy name is an old school SL name, meaning an avatar has a first name and a surname.
  5. Guess I'll have wait a few more days for traffic to die down. I couldn't get in despite being on a premium account. 😂
  6. I thought curries would be hard to make but this one is surprisingly easy. It would be real nice in winter (and year round, I wouldn't mind eating this year round). I like to serve it with rice. Or with noodles (plain spaghetti would work in a pinch) with a bit of chicken stock to make for a noodle soup.
  7. I've made a big pot of Burmese coconut chicken curry. It should last a few days. 😄
  8. I say the same. At the end of the day, what happens inworld has no bearing on one's RL. I'm none too worried about who gets a free peek when changing mesh clothes. Greg's pixel body looks heck of a lot better than his typist's meatsuit. I would put a tip jar out but collecting money is against Bellisseria's covenant.
  9. Spoiling Baby Greg rotten with all these new toys.
  10. The eyes come with the head with preinstalled color choices in the head HUD. You can also choose to use third party HUD appliers or BoM eyes. The options to switch between the modes are accessible from the head HUD. Some eye stores are Ikon, Poetic Colors, and Avi-Glam. There are many others I can't remember now.
  11. Signature is the name of the store that sells the Gianni body. They also sell the Geralt body. When shopping for clothes, you'll see ads indicating which bodies their stuff is made to fit for. As for the HUD skin appliers, they are going the way of the dinosaur. They are attachments you add to your screen, click to apply skin and detach to remove. If you want to change skins or tattoos, it's a bit to do with hauling out the HUD to either click to apply or clear off and detach again. BoM (bakes on mesh) is the newer technology. They come in system skin and tattoo layers where you simply wear; no screen attachments necessary to add and detach. To change skins, simply put on another one or if it's a tattoo layer, take it off.
  12. Thanks for the kind invitation. I promise not to ruin the grass. The neighbor is a prime example of the cantankerous misanthrope taking the stay-off-my-lawn attitude a bit too seriously.
  13. This Akeruka chubby head. Yay or nay? (Don't mind the half-rezzed rug. >_<)
  14. There are plenty of better places on the grid that are more welcoming of all types of avatars. Haters gonna hate and idiots gonna idiot. They'll lump any short avatar, anime or not, with kids regardless of other markers of an adult. Like others have said, be yourself and forget them. Here is Eddy standing next to their brother who is of average SL height. Eddy is scaled to a more realistic proportioned RL human, and gets accused of being a child. One would think their beard suggests otherwise. (hahaha) And here is Eddy again standing next to a child avatar, a 7 year old, for height comparison. Anyone who doesn't know what an actual child looks like is not someone you'd want to hang out with anyway.
  15. I could not believe I pulled a rare gacha on my first pull. It's a first in my SL. I just need to figure out how to squeeze this into my yard.
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