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Jinx Lavarock

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  1. Hey sometimes anime avatar user here. A lot going on in this thread I had to hold myself back from touching. I won't, but I'm just gonna say it's generally really upsetting and unfair to lump in any anime user in with people into l*li. That's like an entirely different thing that I personally don't want anything to do with. I just like having a stylized avatar it really is exhausting and distressing to think I could be tied to anything disgusting and harmful simply over avatar style preference. And as far as questionable creators go, the anime head/avatar market is pretty dire. There's barely any currently supported up to date options as is. So I understand gravitating to certain more popular creators. THAT BEING SAID! Not everyone is aware of what's wrong. I only found out pretty recently a creator I made mods for and admired was. Actually well, not so great to say the least. Going forward I actively want nothing to do with them but I hope you get what I'm saying, sorry it got long I guess I'm just kind of tired of certain mindsets on this. Also I know I know. People get angry and fight on forums. I really don't want to. In fact I started avoiding this site out of anxiety and will go right back to doing that after saying this. But just in case: yes I'm aware some people have questionable anime avatars. This isn't about them, or at least the ones doing it on purpose. There's also plenty of realistic human avatars that are involved in creepy stuff so I really don't get the blaming of every stylized avatar. Very sad to see in a world that's intended to be a place to be creative and yourself. This stuff tends to super upset me but then I realized a lot of sl users would consider a Spamton avatar a child because it's a short stylized character and honestly that makes me laugh so bad I'm sorry. World's first middle aged child. Plus thankfully not everyone makes those wild assumptions. Hooray for nuance yayy That's really all I wanted to say haha alright bye‼️😁👍
  2. Hi. Sorry for the lateish reply. Sort of scared of this site LOL. But yeah I talked it over with the mods and it seems like there's not really much as far as in world lgbt groups? So yeah. It's on the table. I guess I'll keep you guys posted for when that is set up and ready to go
  3. Unfortunate experiences have made me realize I'd like my own space for sl users to hang out. It's open to all, and has somewhat of a focus on creation but also is meant to just be a place to chill. I hope this is okay to post? https://discord.gg/khht8gZkdq I just simply want to make friends in a space that I can ensure is LGBT friendly,etc, that's all. Feel free to share the link around, I made sure it never expires. Back in the forums even though I posted a while back and ran away out of sheer anxiety, here is my second attempt to post here. Maybe I'll post more. also mods I'm sorry if i posted this in the wrong place again
  4. So currently you can ignore users which hides their stuff from you, but it's currently one sided and they can still see/post in your threads. Perhaps this is common in these spaces, but some users like to start trouble and it would be much better, and safer in many cases, if they couldn't interact with you at all. Thanks.
  5. I understand what you mean but you have got to stop saying gay vs straight clothes. What I'm getting is you want something less leathery and revealing right? Try explaining what you mean instead of assigning a sexuality because that is going to bother people
  6. How my 25 year old ass looks popping in here to make a dumb joke Jokes aside that's interesting so many of y'all are older. Explains some things about how sl works which makes it honestly more unique than places like imvu
  7. You know what man I'm sorry. I see where you're coming from. Body diversity in sl needs to be better
  8. If you're looking to be a "straight man" whatever that means, there's other bodies
  9. Oh I'm good with ebody. I personally don't use a fat Avi but their representation in world is important to me after seeing my girlfriend go through so much with it. The Erika body comes with a lot of more adult things that I'm not interested in and I think the creator updated the bodies waist to be skinnier. Unfortunate. It seemed promising at first glance though. I think the og person that wanted a bigger body was @Dragon Hijinks
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