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Laurel Aurelia

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Everything posted by Laurel Aurelia

  1. @Bagnu If you like Aylarl's skin then you should definitely go check out Session skins! They are ultra realistic. I have a few of them as well. I know they make for Catwa, Genus, and Lelutka. Angi Manners does wonderful work.
  2. Calla was definitely my first hair too, I think they must have had a store near the starting area because I remember going there on my first or second day. I look back at those pictures, and I was definitely a mess, but at the time you couldn't even talk to me. I thought I looked amazing. Other stores: Frangipani I think it was called. Marlys with cute vintage wear. Naughty Hair.I even found some old Elikatira hair that she partnered with rl brand Aveda to make.
  3. My avatar has basically the same general look/coloring for the entire 13+ years I've been in SL. Blonde/Light brown hair and brown eyes that is based on my rl looks. I have always been shorter than the average SL avatar, but within the last two years I've gotten a little taller for no other reason than my constant tweaking of my shape has naturally guided me there. It's fun to look back at older versions of my avatar and see how she's evolved and in some cases stayed the same. In a virtual world where you can be anything, I am a little boring and basic with my everyday style, but that is okay! I love themed parties, and will spend a lot of time creating outfits for them, but outside of these social events you are most likely to see me in jeans and a tank top. However, I am very picky about how things fit and how they are textured. I love little details that I know no one will ever notice but me. For example I have two hair ties from Evani that I wear on my wrist, and there is nothing more quintessentially "me" than that as I always have to have a way to put my long hair up. I love reading everyone's responses btw! And @SassySam87, please share with us!
  4. I decided to try on some of my old clothing and hair. Hair is from Surf and Co - Hudsen and the outfit is Last Call - Casablanca. I didn't attempt to squeeze my fat mesh feet into prim shoes, though maybe another time.
  5. I still have a lot of my old stuff that I've squirreled away. Two of my faves that I think have not been mentioned yet are Paper Couture and Boing Fromage.
  6. Typically how I handle big events is, I leave avatars on long enough to see who is around me, I get myself out of the landing area and away from any of the displays. THEN I turned everyone off, then start camming the event. Walking around a bustling event is so much slower to me than just moving my camera around. I grab my demos, and leave to try them on. Come back and buy the stuff later. Leaving and coming back to buy later usually ends up saving me some lindens, as I get the dopamine rush of trying on cute things, but I am not impulsively buying things without know if I do really like it. Only time this doesn't work is when buying furniture and I want to see the animation, but you can usually get the gist of what the animations might be by a visiting a mainstore. I wish more stores would put their demos out in their notices.
  7. I think it depends. Most stores these days in world and even on market place have a redelivery service. In stores, you will either see a sign in the front that will direct you to a terminal which you click on and it will often open an external webpage with a list of all of the things you've bought from that store. Sometimes redelievery is built into the vendors themselves. If you click touch on some vendors, you will get a blue pop-up and there may be option there providing the vendor you clicked is a product you already own. The reasons why I keep a copy of the unpacker: 1. A store is using the old school just click and buy method with redelievery only happening by a notecard. 2. I usually keep a fresh copy of my head and body that I don't touch in case something happens. 3. I am fortunate that I have friends who make things and they will send them to me on occasion so no regular redelievery there. Everything else I delete, and I try to do that immediately because my memory is very short , and I will sometimes forget if I have unpacked something already. I do move these boxes into their own organized folder and even have some of them boxed depending on what they are. Bless you for trying to get on top of your inventory. I definitely recommend trying to establish those good habits now before you turn around twice and have 100k+ items like me >.< Welcome to the forum and SL!
  8. Both Addams and Blueberry also have options for blazers , but my two faves are from Tetra (Stretch Blazer) and Fashionably Dead (Bossy Blazer).
  9. I love jewelry . The store I probably patron the most is Yummy by Polly Partridge. I've been wearing her stuff since I started SL a zillion years ago. I mostly wear her rings now. She has a couple of sets that are very minimal which is a style I prefer. I like that I can selectively turn off rings so I don't have to look like I am wearing every single ring that i own. Another store I love is Avaway. While I don't wear them so much now that I've switched to Legacy, I absolutely loved their rigged Maitreya necklaces. She has some very simple, and elegant designs and I don't remember them being very expensive either. There are some nice rigged necklaces now for Legacy too. I wear one from Tetra on a regular basis and another from Rebel Gal . Both are long multi chain necklaces that would be near impossible to wear otherwise. Other places I go: E.Marie, Minimal, Swan and various other gacha bits and bobs.
  10. I guess you are referring to the icons because I see plenty of text otherwise. I felt they were pretty self- explanatory although the eyelash icon is kinda creepy to me. >.<
  11. In the Firestorm viewer I show as 1.80 meters or 5'9ish. I've been in SL for over 13 years and have always been around this height, and honestly used to be even shorter. Height really doesn't matter to me as long as you are in proportion with the rest of your body. I find the taller you are the harder it is to get those proportions right.
  12. It is a beautiful head, but it wasn't right for me either. I also use Lake. It is great to see the variation though for people who maybe were looking for something different. I think it might appeal to people who like heads like Babyface from Genus since it does feel a bit more youthful with fuller cheeks and I think the upper lip is bigger as well. Forgive me if it's not, I am just recalling my early morning try on before I went to work. All in all, an excellent addition to Lelutka's collection.
  13. Hey TwoDeez, Consider posting this in the Inworld Employment section. Also think about posting pictures or providing a more in depth descriptions of what you like/don't like to help all of our talented avatar makers out there assist you better. Good luck!
  14. Oh BOM aka system layer eyes still need your genus mesh eyes to look right. Does your Gloom eyes come with an applier as well or just the system version? Since I am not on my home computer with no access to the genus hud, there are few things to consider. If your skin is applier , you will need a special alpha to wear that leaves your eyes "visible" while the rest of your system head is made invisible. Does Genus have a bom activator just for the eyes on their hud? If you are wearing a bom skin and just have your eyes alpha'd , you would just remove that alpha and genus mesh eyes would take the texture of whatever system eyes you have on.
  15. What you are describing sounds like texture thrashing. Whirly Fizzle discussed this ages ago, but she gives a great answer to what is going on in this thread : One of the things that she points out is how the huds we wear often have high rez textures that can contribute to thrashing issue.
  16. Oh I see now! This is the skin Pepe did for Epiphany and you happen to have a version that does not come with brows built in. I think the brows on your other skin are painted onto that particular skin so you will need to use different brows unfortunately. Genus has two that are built into their hud. A store like Simple Bloom might have something similar to your old brows.
  17. I agree fth29288! I love seeing how everyone customizes their looks!
  18. So what you have attached is the with "Pepe Skins-Omega-Poppi brows" is the brow shaper that came included with your skin applier and the shape made by the skin designer . If your skin applier does not come with brows already on the skin, the only way you would be able to wear them with an applier skin is to use a 3rd party brow either from the Genus Hud or another designer which will take up your tattoo layer on your Genus head. I see brows in your picture! Are these brows not the ones you want to have on?
  19. @Bagnu I actually noticed in one of your pics that you were playing with some of the stuff we suggested which is awesome. A lot of making good pictures is just time and experience. One of my favorite tutorial series for sl pictures was done by the very talented Anya Ohmai, a zillion years ago, but I think a lot of what she talks about still holds true.
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