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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. You have mentioned a few times you have no friends and now you say you don't want to engage inworld because you had to one to talk to - for a decade? Why do you engage in a platform that gives you so little pleasure and not find something else to spend your time doing.
  2. Why would you not contact support directly for this information? It seems to me that for such important transactions of large sums of money you'd want to get the answer directly from the billing department.
  3. Face it...the reactions are exactly what everyone thinks they are. All this justification and explanation is BS.
  4. Wow! almost $1000 real dollars. I had no idea people paid this amount of money for mainland.
  5. I think if you are getting your COVID information off a Second Life forum you need to re-evaluate your news sources. Personally I don't think a thread like this should even exist on the SL forums. Do tell me how a forum moderator will even know that this information is wrong. Are they to do research and vet every post for accuracy? Threads that have nothing to do with SL? SMH
  6. Pretty sure she just wants money. LOL
  7. There is a reason why this forum is known for what it is. Of course everyone that contributes to it being that way will deny it but that's ok.
  8. Personally I think they should be disabled.
  9. Wouldn't that be advertising? I guess there is a thin line for that.
  10. Can you give an example? You start.
  11. Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 and hot dogs buns come in packs of 8? Serious question!
  12. To watch? or play? I think bowling is the most boring sport to watch.
  13. Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
  14. Well to be quite honest it's more than a couple of thousand if you really want to do anything. The furniture alone costs that just for one set.
  15. Typically you paid for phone service and the phone came with it unless you wanted an upgrade and then you paid monthly for it. I upgraded from a corded phone, which came with the service to a cordless version.
  16. I have a male avatar that I play but I'm not transgender.
  17. These are all really good ideas but beYou is a whole system within SL with separate assets that are kept on their servers, etc. Someone that doesn't know how the beYou system and scripting works can have all the great ideas in the world but it has to work with their system. Non of these items can be modified or have scripts put into them. They just would not allow it. I do think they are working on a restaurant system *not really positive* but at this point they have not. I believe that they used to also have an option to be able to serve someone but when they redid the dining tables that went away. @Orwarmay have better information. So right now the option is to come in and order the food, have the person make it and then put it on the table to serve it or have that person make it ahead of time because some dishes can take a lot of time and just serve it when they come in. I made simple Zuccinni bread and from start to finish it took me 25 minutes. The other option is to have a take home store, which many people already have the meals boxed up and ready to unpack and serve at home. I suppose if you gave people rez rights they could take it and eat it there but then what would be the point? Why not just buy it and eat it at home.
  18. Good to know and might be a good reason to want one of those prime spots on water. If you don't have to rez on the rez spots what are they there for? My guess is for non residents?
  19. Actually opensim is exactly like SL. Most things are free there so have at it. It doesn't work as well and the content is limited because it's mostly ripped from SL but you don't have to spend a dime there. Do you tell your landlord they are ripping you off when they raise your rent? Inflation happens.
  20. You do realize that even if LL changed it (and I'm sure they won't) that doesn't give you any more advantage of landing a prime spot than it does now right? Also what is a prime spot for some may not be for others. I mean, even if I get a waterfront house I still can't just plop my boat in the water and take off. I still have to go rez it at a rez spot in order to use it. At least that is how I think it is.
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