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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. WE didn't do it! LL did and it's against the LAW. What part of that do you not get?
  2. it's called the LAW. smh..what about that don't you get?
  3. Why make junk at all. There is no such thing as a 'rare' pixel.
  4. This right here...People assume LL has just hastily decided this. Trust me that they have a clear understanding of the laws and thisi is not changing.
  5. That is not how discussion forums work. Everyone gets to participate.
  6. Why would the person that just bought the item that makes the rare item come up just not buy the rare item then? What would the purpose of standing around waiting for someone to happen by and buy the common items so you can then get the rare. The concept doesn't work in reality especially since only one person would be able to use the machine at a time. I can see a lot of issues with that. Like being accused of "stealing" rares they've been waiting for.
  7. Unless people agree NOT to pay such huge prices and force them to lower the prices they will end up costing more than the Gacha's ever did.
  8. The gacha people will still profit and gacha addicts will still buy. The only difference is that for rare items you will be paying an huge amount up front. The new name will be "collectibles".
  9. Not everyone is as technology resistant as you seem to be.
  10. AND now we know the rest of the story. which I kind of figured anyway.
  11. Well Texas better get on board although ERCOT can't keep the power on without rolling outages so it's probably a mute point for them anyway.
  12. At the end of the day people will do what they feel is best. Either they believe that their computer will "wear" out if they continually leave it on or they feel it will last longer if they turn it off. If I've learned one thing from these forums very rarely does one side go over to the other. I, however will go over to the energy saving side from my first original post as I found out that the OP didn't really understand what the law was and posted in haste. I am totally on board with it and believe it is a move in the right direction.
  13. If anything wears down your computer, it's leaving the machine on. Computers build up heat when they are actively processing data and running software. Heat itself can damage internal components, but it also causes your computer's fan to run longer. The more the fan runs, the quicker it will wear out its bearings https://computer.howstuffworks.com/powering-down-computer.htm
  14. Nothing...you could have a friend send you one if you are in one of those states
  15. This is simply not true. Thank you @Lyssa Greymoonfor posting that video
  16. I don't see HOW you can't get political with this? Is the government going to start telling me how much food I can keep in my fridge next? or how much water I"m allowed to use. God forbid they start telling people they can only birth one child. This almost seems like it came from the onion because its so ridiculous!
  17. It's hard to recommend something without knowing a few things. Why do you want to a different route? What is it that you are not liking about Gianni? What are you looking for? What look are you attempting to recreate? There are literally thousands of options in SL. What one person might like, you may not. Do you want to be a vampire, a furry, a girl or a guy? Do you want BOM? Do you want more variety in clothing? Hair? You gotta give us something!
  18. I know right! After a hard day at work I don't want to have to move my pointer over 2 inches to hover over something to see how many posts that they've made! Besides, the number is rounded up so it looks like people have made MORE posts than they actually have. That's a huge difference when they say someone posted 4.2k posts and it's actually only 4,072. I call for a strike of the forum until they put it back the way it was. It's all so 2021 now.
  19. OMG! Could you be any more dramatic? It's a tiny little forum change. If this is what makes you think that there is no more point in going online then you need to reevaluate.
  20. Now THAT is a cool feature! There are other things there as well. Very handy
  21. Shrugs...I like it. The only thing different is the reputation is gone and no one paid attention to that anyway and it meant nothing.
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