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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Thanks Patch for allowing residents in Bellisseria to decorate for holiday's. I really hope this doesn't turn into a whole big controversy. If you find something distasteful or gaudy just tolerate it please. The time frame is really minimal. I'm guessing half the people in Bellisseria aren't even on the forums so posting what is and isn't tasteful isn't really going to help. Let LL take care of it and if it really bothers you then file an AR. There are people that don't even celebrate holiday's so whether tasteful or not they still have to tolerate it. Happy Holiday's!
  2. No, I didn't mean that. I didn't realize all the different houses were available. I know that houses stay with houses, etc. Someone said they already do that so there that.
  3. I did a search and did not find anything on this. I apologize if it's been discussed at length! I was so happy to finally get a camper in Bellisseria. My neighbor even said hi and the Bellisseria Citizens Group is great. Started to move around to get ready to unpack and move in. It too five minutes to even rez things and I could hardly move. Now I realize with so many people in Bellisseria, on different regions, there will be an increase in lag but this makes it almost not worth it to even live there. I gave up after an hour and TP'd back to my mainland skybox and no lag at all. Went to a club, no lag at all so I know it's not my computer. What I like is some help on what to set in my viewer (Firestorm) to help reduce lag. If anyone has ideas please post.
  4. Why are people abandoning their house? I thought it was to get the they wanted. Is it for location only?
  5. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that you could choose any of the camper options to have. I assume all the houses use 1024 of land. Why would it be that hard to have the houses and houseboats do the same thing. That way LL could release either house, houseboats or campers and residents won't have to worry about what house they are getting because they can change it to whichever one they want. All they would have to do is choose the option of what they want. Even if some houses only had 512 they could just put those houses in. I did just get a camper which I'm very happy with but that was what made me think of this. I have no idea if this is how it works already or if it has been discussed. There might be an obvious reason why this wouldn't work *have worked*.
  6. Nothing to do with this current outage
  7. Please, please make sure that you know the basics. I have helped a couple people now and it's a bit frustrating to have to teach them how to right click. At the very least go through the tutorials when you first come in and read some basic guides. I do love helping people but I don't want to give you a six hour lesson on flying, teleporting and how to open a box. That's just me and after I wrote that it sounds kinda bitchy but it's honest.
  8. So you are saying that you got a house on the very first try without ever refreshing your page when every other person has had to refresh and refresh in order to get a house? Lucky you! Of course now i'm sure everyone wants to know exactly how you accomplished that. Maybe write some tips so we can all get one.
  9. Maybe if you spent more of your time IN SL rather than posting incessantly on the forum you might get better. Then you could actually work for LL and what you say might actually be based on actual experience. <------passive/aggressive smile.
  10. That's exactly what i'm suggesting. I'd be happy to provide what you are asking to LL if they choose to ask me. I actually don't feel the need to justify anything to a random forum member.
  11. Perhaps Patch should hire more qualified people to create their regions. I personally know many people that can take a blank region and terraform, landscape and theme a region in a matter of hours. They should also consider less custom landscaping if it takes that long. Of course all this is a marketing scheme. Announce new homes you know everyone will want one, make them hard to get and make just enough to keep the interest of the customer. Not that i blame them. It's brilliant marketing. How many more people did they get to sign up for premium for a chance at a "new and improved" home. Was it a coincidence that they raised the price of a premium membership just as they started releasing new homes? Nope. How many people are now on their website 24/7 trying to get a home. There is always a reason a company does things they way they do and it's more likely about increasing profit than anything else. I work a full time job so unfortunately I am unable *and unwilling* to spend my precious free time refreshing a web site.
  12. Actually the "fairest" way would be to submit your name and then go by date of creation. This still means i wont get a house but at least I won't be refreshing pages for endless hours when the houses were released at 9:00am. At least give a time frame. LL should have had known that the demand would be over the supply or LL doesn't know their customers very well.
  13. I think it's ridiculous that you have a premium membership yet you have to leave it to chance to get a better house. What they should have done was charge a higher premium price if you wanted a better house and released enough for those that upgraded. They don't even tell you when they will be released so that everyone can get a chance to get one. I don't have the time or inclination to sit on a web page to get something that i should have to begin with. The premium membership is no longer worth it.
  14. Do anyone know when these houses are released? Just checking every once in awhile does no good if you dont even know when they are released.
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