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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. With Vincent Price, yeah. The Return of The Fly.
  2. Life has a way Of keeping you warm and safe Just stay inside And dont dare dream outside the lines Ever, ever, ever ever Never, never, never, never And yet this place That keeps me warm and safe Can seem a cage Where dreams go to fade away A challenge suddenly appears And I turn away in fear Afraid that I won't make it through it Though I know I really want to do it My emancipation starts right here I can fly as high as thе wind blows Just how high? That much, well I just won't know Until I decide to finally lеt go Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows If its true what they say If there's nothing ventured Then there's nothing gained And if fortune favors the brave Then its high time That I broke away One last turn to glance behind And now im running to the best part of my life Another obstacle appears But now you laugh And you say "Well, Iv'e been here" Now you won't really think much of it Because you know you can soar above it Just gotta find the wings to getcha there I can fly as high as the wind blows Just how high? That much, well I just won't know Until I decide to finally let go Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows Thats when I will fly As high as the wind blows And how far it takes me Heaven knows
  3. I've had no issues of this sort, but then I also tend to wait a long time after a new release before updating, because of things like this. I'd backup my settings and try a fresh install, in case it helps, but yeah, should definitely let the FS people know about it.
  4. I can't get voice to work, but I showed up anyway. I do that kinda thing tho. I'm just glad someone passed me a snap with better settings. *props the laptop up on pencils, so it ventilates better* XD
  5. Someone with nicer settings on donated a snap for me to post, also. Thanks Ori~!
  6. Snapshot doesn't do it justice, because I'm afraid I'll crash the laptop, but w00t, yayee for the pile of people hanging out for the live read for Lovecraft's birthday at Innsmouth~! I wish I could display everyone properly, but we get some really fancy folks, and my laptop is an Elder Thing. I'm just glad the stars are aligned enough to take a snap.
  7. I was playing in the sandbox at a playground (because, being new at the time, I assumed playgrounds in SL were supposed to be playgrounds), and other kids were actually starting to talk and try to play, instead of standing around mute, and I was having a nice chat with the girl playing next to me, and a combat squad showed up. They called everyone names, shoved people with battering rams, and the horror clown riding the flying wingwang sat on the teddy bear where a child was sitting. I decided to stop playing in the sandbox and have a talk with him. I took the other kid's place and sat in his lap in the lap of the giant teddy bear, and explained the psychology behind what he was doing, and I'm pretty sure I made him cry. I told him everything would be okay, and they left, and everyone went back to playing. Everything since that day has been: someone acts like a jerk, I throw toilets at them until they leave. I don't have the patience and intellectually adventurous spirit I used to, so I just pelt them with potties until they've had enough.
  8. Can't be helped. King Diamond always makes me think of King Crimson.
  9. He's roleplaying his own father giving him the business over being immature. Protip: Quoting your dad doesn't make you a man. On the other hand though, at least he's decided he doesn't like that aspect of himself, to the extent of projecting it onto others. Once he learns to deal with that part of himself and get through the denial phase, he'll make quite the gentleman, I'm sure. The intent is there, at least. Just doesn't really do much good to point it at others, because when's the last time a lecture corrected grotesque behavior? And yeah, it does feel like a secret ad. "Tired of childish men? Look at me!" XD Aaaanyway, more coffee... /analysis Oh, and I think people act like fools on the internet because they can always log off if it all goes pear-shaped. Pushing the line towards pear-shapedness gives some people a thrill, and they know they are physically safe from retaliation, even if they get the whole grid mad at them. No real consequences, nothing to deter the behavior.
  10. No source given because they don't deserve the page hits, in my opinion. And yeah, I kinda thought that was the point of a monotheistic faith in the first place. Not going to get into all of that here, though. I just thought it was nice that someone somewhere in a position to decide such things was unembarrassed to portray two men unashamedly expressing the love they felt for one another. Now, whether anyone on the forums can understand that love is simply love, and isn't about all those other things people sometimes think about when they see people kissing, well, that's out of my hands. And nice to see you settling back in after your absence, it wasn't the same around here.
  11. No wonder Doyle ended up all shredded like the Hulk, and stuff. Just look at the shoes he had to fill, as a sibling to this role model. And that concludes today's episode of Secret Music History.
  12. This is from back before they met Glenn Danzig and Squiggy changed his name to Jerry. Not many people know this secret history of the Misfits.
  13. I think if I wanted a mainland parcel, without all of what comes with living on the mainland, I'd just make sure nobody but me could rezz anything or run anything, or do anything fun, have nothing on the ground at all, just a space to pass through, and just make a nice little oasis for myself at about 4500 meters up, that fried anyone who got too close, like a bug light. And would only exist when I was home. To anyone on the ground or flying over, it'd just be another empty parcel. No need for banlines or orbs or anything, because all they'd be doing is caroming across it in their go-kart or hovercraft, anyway. And if anyone took the trouble to find my little hangout while I was home and bother me, then nobody could really fault me if I used them as a test subject for whatever evil project I was working on at the time.
  14. Been a minute since I've posted in here, but it deserves it this time. I'm not into politics, and I hate "influencing" and such, and all I wanted was some basic information on Eastern Orthodox saints. I found an article promising me just the sort I was looking for, too: Eastern Orthodox saints whom one would pray to for peace. And the whole article was about how the Blessed Saint Mary, and several other saints, represent defending the motherland, maintaining national defense, and assisting soldiers in defeating the enemy. They apparently now intercede on behalf of those who want to kick butt. Peace through superior intercession. Don't pray for an end to conflict, or that people's eyes will open and they'll see we're all one big family or anything, pray that we can stomp the other guy and come out on top. *sigh* On the plus side, I did find this fun icon of two dudes kissing. That made everything better, but still. Almost wrecked my mood, they did, for a minute there.
  15. I agree with this. If hell is other people, one can always OSGrid it. Now to figure out how to solve the problem of people who want to do SL and flipflop between being disappointed that there's never anyone around, and wishing that every awesome build everywhere inworld was abandoned so they can explore it all alone, and probably naked. I would say give users the godmode ability to turn off knowledge of any other users' presences (or even existence), and to go unseen themselves amongst crowds of users at various popular venues even when everyone is visible to themselves, but then we might all be a little too close to Lindenhood for security, lol. That kinda stuff could really screw with people's paranoia, too.
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