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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. And lips like carp or sturgeons. The tuchus is where they keep the caviar. Some just can't help but cling to the Piscean Age, is all. *begins work on some proper, mother-of-pearl caviar spoons, prepares to become SL rich again*
  2. Really, while I think scripts and such should be able to detect an avatar's age for utilitarian purposes, I do feel it should be optional to reveal your join date. Not because hiding or not hiding whatsits, but because people just really like having the option of revealing such things. Like how if we had an option for showing what country we lived in, some would immediately enable it, and some would just leave it unticked, and some would try to get it to display Japan instead of the US. All part of the fun, really.
  3. ...Whether or not people should be allowed to play child characters, and whether or not to treat them worse than you would treat actual children IRL.
  4. Here's how I see it working inworld, if people are allowed to hide their account age: If they hide it so people will think they are older, people will think they are younger. If they hide it so people will think they are younger, people will think they are older. Either way, people will assume the person with their age hidden is somehow inferior to themselves. Then they will also go and hide their account age, as well. After hiding their account age, they will go about loudly proclaiming their account age to everyone, to show how honest they are, while still keeping it hidden. It will thus become the new big thing.
  5. Great post, very informative. Thank you for your thoughtful input! http://spamadsoutthewazoo4u.holymoly.domain.corn
  6. This is true, I totally forgot it does this. Wearing something when that "wear slot" or whatever is occupied will bump off whatever's worn there and replace it.
  7. I have all my settings set to maximum and I'm lagging, why? And why is my computer so slow? I have every toolbar!
  8. Scariest creature on the horror sim, go me.
  9. Logged in on top of a live fiction reading. Go me! \o/
  10. I used to work on my outfits (playing dress-up dollies, basically) when my home sim was empty. Now it's never really empty very often. I've even left my old lurking spots for new people to lurk in, so they can have the same nice lurky feelings. Now I just work on my outfits in the middle of my build when nobody's right there with me and I figure the dots on the mini map are all preoccupied or AFK. I doubt anyone would cam on me watching grass grow for an hour, waiting to see if I'm suddenly going to try on a new dress anyway, I'm not that paranoid. Besides, pants alphas. I just know better than to try when the sim is actually empty on occasion. If I try working on an outfit when the sim is actually empty, someone I've never met will, without fail, immediately appear and fly up to where I am and try to get me to chat with them out of the blue.
  11. In my youth, I did a year in a maximum-security facility in Alabama for necromancy. If you're into necromancy, don't ever go to Alabama. Just saying.
  12. I've joined groups before just because I liked their Mission Statement/Descriptive. If you're active enough in it a lot of the others will be, also. Sometimes a little TOO active, but it takes time to get to that point, so no worries just yet.
  13. I've also had the same issue before, but it generally only happens in coffeeshops, or when my ISP is throttling our connection speed because we're late on paying (they don't just turn it off, they just reduce service quality, because we normally pay extra). I've also had issues like everything seeming broken, avatar never loading, etc., all due to insufficient connection speed, but the most common was getting halfway through the loading screen, and then nothing, as described above. Not diagnosing or anything, but I thought it'd be worth mentioning.
  14. Every time I script a monster rezzer from scratch, I get the Grey Goo Error until I fix it to only rezz 3 per session. It literally says "Grey Goo Error". My first impulse is always to run away, it's such a shocking thing when it happens. It's horrifying, and hilarious at the same time. XD
  15. Sun's coming up, I have to retire to my crypt for the day. Have some sweet tunes, and see you next time, you lovely people. ^-^
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