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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. No, the article quotes the reason as the "Kardashians". I was thinking sugar maybe. So if IQ scores are really dropping, that could not only mean 15 more seasons of the Kardashians,
  2. I had never heard of it but I do not use a man's body as I am only female in SL, so I looked it up on Marketplace. But, that body and those skins have a lot of character and are very artistic, imo. So, use it for all the endless nude beaches there are is my best opinion or porn flicks. If you are not a nudist in SL nor make porn flicks, it's not worth anything to you.
  3. Were you playing with the Maitreya HUD at all such as turning on the glow on the body or anything like that?
  4. I am curious as to why other's are reading more into the OP than what it says. If he wanted slex, there are a million and one ways in SL, starting at free, let alone he has 3K lindens if he wanted slex. So why read more than what the OP says? It's not like he's going to pass anyone an object with a script in it. "Take shopping" I'd think would mean lindens.
  5. It seems like he may be an eccentric...but he'd need to answer that. Although I will say I have had men ask to take me shopping. I spoke in several threads, oh months ago, that someone asked to take me shopping my second day of SL. I could not go because I was on a super slow laptop my first month of SL and with that laptop I couldn't hardly move.
  6. Probably, but what I stated is pretty much the "norm"; however, the arrangements or the particulars are between the couple. But, you may very be right especially in real life when it's with a very old man and a young woman - the man could be too old for sexual relations any longer as I've heard of some men as old as 90 wishing to be a sugar daddy yet they do not state exactly what is involved in their relationship. But, nothing is 100%. His doesn't seem to be a sugar daddy OP. I think this is throwing some people off as to it meaning 100% sexual. As Cindy said, not all kinks are sexual. But, I think the OP sounds more like an eccentric. There are rich eccentrics too. But, he's stating he's not an extremely rich eccentric, however.
  7. No, this does not involve sex like a sugar daddy/sugar momma and their sugar baby would because a sugar daddy/momma relationship includes sex. It is an arranged couple relationship for monetary support. Since the OP says friendship, it seemed more philanthropic to me. Some people like to just spend money as a kink with no strings attached.
  8. Ditto. I had learned this somewhere and now I cannot remember. But, when it came time for a haircut, I remembered. I have not had a professional haircut since pre-coronavirus.
  9. I mentioned Spain in regards to the stricter lockdowns she has been through. It hit Italy very hard, then it hit Spain very hard.
  10. Oh, I'm getting all goofy and hope this comes out right. My best friend in SL is poor and in Spain. Her user name is Miau5estrellas and she goes by the name of Mia Rose. I met Mia when I put out an advert that I would help anyone who wanted to learn Photoshop, and she hollered out to me and we met. She cannot afford a subscription to Photoshop so is trying to learn Gimp so she can make money in SL. She also is a DJ but I do not know if she is making much. She is an absolute living doll, an absolutely lovely person. She is a Dinkie sometimes which is a small cat avatar but she has female adult alt avatars too as I have met one of her alts. This would mean the world to her.
  11. For fashion, sure...go for the gusto! I like it! I like it with a little bit of men's look with it too.
  12. It is going to happen as it is now thought the riot at the Capital on Jan. 6th was an assassination attempt, especially towards Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) whom I do not like either but for her to be put to death, of course not. Being able to impeach parts of Congress should have been allowable for treason towards it's people rather than this "disorderly" reason listed below. I thought members of Congress committed treason towards the American people and I am predominantly liberal leaning although; however, I have been with a party other than democrat before which was not republican at all. However, my reasons for citing certain members of Congress as committing treason towards the American people have absolutely nothing to do with a "stolen" election whatsoever. Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." Since 1789, the Senate has expelled only fifteen of its entire membership. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/jamie-raskin-assassination-party-of-trump-supporters-were-hunting-pelosi-during-capitol-siege/ar-BB1cPXU3?li=BBnb7Kz "There was an assassination party hunting for Nancy Pelosi,” Raskin told Jake Tapper Sunday morning. “So, this cannot be at the level of normal partisan push and pull and just kind of throwing rhetorical bricks back and forth. This was an attack on our country.” "They built a gallows outside the Capitol of the United States," he added, saying protesters also wanted to “hang Mike Pence.” Pro-Trump protesters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 after the president delivered a speech reiterating his belief that the presidential election was “stolen” from him.
  13. Time to raise interest rates(?). Sounds like it me. Or at least soon. If anyone wants to re-finance, they should do it now. Interest rates have been far too low. Key Takeaways. In December 2020, the Federal Reserve maintained its target for the federal funds rate at a range of 0% to 0.25%.
  14. Ivanka is really a Democrat. lol But, actually I think that is true. Maybe she will be one of these new "centrists".
  15. I don't know, I only heard it from Trump's mouth. I've already stated I do not follow social media and never have. I only visit FB once in a great while and 90% of my FB friends are family. I also have not owned a TV for six years now because I do not watch it. I like the shopping shows but can see the shopping shows on the internet. I sound like a Karen here but actually I am a designer in real life and shopping shows show designs. I don't know. The press is saying years of extremists is a very real possibility. I hope not but have no crystal ball. Meanwhile, I want to be vaccinated.
  16. On his exit, he wants to walk down a red carpet while a military band plays; wants a 21-gun salute, and for jets to make a flyover. All of this BEFORE Biden is Inaugurated. Will he ever be gone? He started all this craziness with his Obama is not a U.S. citizen and Obama is a Muslim. Which makes it unsafe for Biden. It's not going to be good for awhile. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-is-planning-an-elaborate-send-off-for-himself-before-bidens-inauguration-he-wants-a-red-carpet-military-band-and-a-21-gun-salute-reports-say/ar-BB1cOgJO?li=BBnb7Kz
  17. Yes, this seems a bit over-blown. However, it is a real thing that happened in California with people carrying signs a long, long time ago that Trump "is not our president". It happened because of Texas saying Obama was not our president and even further Texas wanted to become it's own country because of Obama being elected president. I was just expanding on this saying, not saying that's why Silent may have said it. I already knew she has her own reasons.
  18. That 'not our president' or 'not my president' became popular in California towards Trump because when Obama was elected president, Texas declared Obama was not their president. It's an American thing. If you are not American, you may not understand it. Plus, as many have said, it's pretty much over. Biden and Harris will be on shortly although it feels like forever waiting these last few months/weeks and now days.
  19. I look at it this way, they are going to do what they are going to do. The thing is I don't want to watch it. I have enough on my over-flowing "emotional plate" with coronavirus and the new strain that my nerves need to be quiet for awhile, not to mention what happens happens and I will hear the outcome but I'm not going to get my emotions all tangled up in Trump-capades. I am still angry at my Congress, however.
  20. Globalization is a factor, obviously, for how "it got so bad" here America. Globalization is here to stay I'd gather. However, I do remember one of my first bf's parents telling me to "buy America". They bought nothing but cars made in America, appliances made in America and on and on. I thought they were being over-patriotic because I could get a cheaper car made elsewhere. American cars were expensive...however, they truly lasted longer and people could maintain their own cars with just a high school Auto Shop education. In the end, all these cheap cars have nearly killed the planet...but that's another topic. But, Globalization and super low wage workers have brought the stock market to heights it's never seen before due to the far larger profits companies can make with low wage workers not to mention machines replacing people altogether. Ultimately, all roads lead to greed. India's nominal per capita income was US$1,670 per year in 2016, ranked at 112th out of 164. The minimum wage in China is set locally; ranges from RMB1,120 ($161.07) per month, or RMB10.60 ($1.52) per hour in Liaoning; to RMB2,420 ($348.02) per month, or RMB21.00 ($3.02) per hour in Shanghai. 55,000 Comorian francs ($129) per month.
  21. If you had read the whole thread I posted photos of my Classic head and show how you can really see a real turned up nose with the Classic head. I also said on my mesh head it looks like a piggy nose meaning it's not attractive and does not look like a real turned up nose like on the Classic avatar. First Photo - Classic Head turned up nose - Click on the pic to enlarge to really see the nose on the Classic head. Second Photo - Mesh Head Turned up nose with turn up at 100% and there is NO turned up nose. However, the mesh head has the upturned nose at 100% in that photo.
  22. I just wanted to further say something about this. As far as role-play and many SLifers saying "it's not a game" what that really means is not to use people as a game. What it really means is to respect one another in that role play situation in that the other person has feelings. It's not a game with no feelings is what I believe us SLifers mean when it's said.... "it's not a game". It's not a game of no feelings although there are sims apparently that some feel are sims with no feeling. Violent sex sims or perhaps the name should be pseudo-violent sex sims perhaps are one.
  23. On Marketplace yes IF the item is not boxed and you look under the contents tab. Dela is a hair I started with in SL but I have a bazillion now from all over. However, Dela does not box her hair and see how it reads under CONTENTS below and it says COPY? Well, guess what, that hair is copy and modify. See how it reads in her DETAILS: Hair are Modify (you can tint) and copy. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DeLa-Mesh-Hair-Thea-Blondes/9188894 =DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Thea" Blondes Copy =DeLa*= Fitted Mesh Hair "Thea" Blondes Copy =DeLa*= All color chart Copy, Modify =DeLa*= Mesh Hair "Thea" Blondes (Materials) Copy =DeLa*= hair-thea Copy, Modify, Transfer =DeLa*= MainStore Dress, Denim, , DeLa (113, 111, 23) Copy, Modify, Transfer =DeLa*= "Thea" Hud (Blondes) Copy =DeLa*= Fitted Mesh Hair "Thea" Blondes (Materials) Copy =DeLa*= Mesh Hair Head hide alpha layer 2 Copy, Modify =DeLa*= Mesh Hair Head hide alpha layer Copy, Modify
  24. Yes, but most of those are partial mod and some clothing makers are allowing delete scripts now too. However, even delete scripts is a problem if you don't make a copy and paste it into your folder first. Deleting scripts on the one and only copy is a problem for CSR's. On some mesh bodies (I forgot which now) you can delete scripts also but many don't realize they need to delete scripts on a copy they make only. I would like to see a tinter put into clothing as many hairs have because I often pass on clothes because the colors are too loud. I like soft, muted colors. So, clothing...I would love it with a tinter...just make each color the lightest as possible and then allow to tint to one's preferred shade. But, many creator's say that would look bad tinted, plus other creator's say people will just buy the white and try to tint it and they will lose money. I don't block access to the tinting built into every object in SL. Many do though. I have a bazillion hairs from all over which are modify and I can tint them and even put my own resizer in them. Also, with some hairs that are copy and mod - sometimes the creator puts either an x/y/z/ resizer and sometimes just an overall increase or decrease resizer. I notice this on Tram and Limerence quite often - two different types of resizers. So, I rez any hairs to the ground that have an increase or decrease only script in them and put my x/y/z resizer in them. What I'm saying is some things in SL are modify but people don't know how to utilize it as well as thinking it is no modify at all due to the no modify scripts they contain making the object read no modify in their inventory. But, my post was just general information and not directed to anyone in particular...just fyi stuff about what might be thought to be no modify but it actually is modify. Clothes, well. Most colors are just not my cup of tea...so I would like a tinter but most if not all say no.
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