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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Years ago I was on IMVU for one day. I didn't like their avatars as much as SL. I truly think digital art is a real art form and some of us are downright infatuated with it, but I also think it's the 4000 credits from IMVU that would get users in more than anything. We need the egg game here in SL - something like match so many of a certain egg color and win a prize, a good prize. People say SL's draw is it's sex but I say it's the art. If SL didn't have the artistic standards it does, the sex part doesn't look very appealing. Plus, I think a lot of people love avatar customization and that's why they want a sugar daddy/momma so they can buy all this cool stuff. If they couldn't buy all this cool stuff, I don't think they'd be all that interested in a sugar daddy because there wouldn't be the drive to get the lindens in order to have all the cool stuff.
  2. I've thought about it and will consider it but I have to agree with Silent that it won't reach the outside world. Although if there were Linden Eggs, it would be cool if shop owners and clubs, etc, could buy them for a nominal price not a fortune price. Maybe certain colors could match for certain prizes. Digitally created items have reached the heights of a true art form. I think SL could be ready to break out again. Although often I think for a lower in age demographic such as those youngin's 18+ just getting their first apartment and car and everything else, that SL is too over-priced for that demographic of say 18 to 26 or so. But, I think digitally created art is truly art. I hope SL can eventually reach a younger demographic. I love your idea of the eggs, Bree. SL needs that.
  3. So, in general, it seems to me there are some problems with "search". However, I just wanted to say from what I've read and heard inworld is the cloud does not seem to be the cause of the problem BUT the cloud is magnifying the problems that were already there, almost screaming "fix me" to the probs that were already there now that SL runs in the cloud. I'd just like to say one thing about search that goes far beyond finding a name of a resident though and that's people paying $30 for an ad as stated in the OP. That could lead to a huge loss in revenue and maybe then ADs should be put somewhere else like on the forum somewhere. I use the DESTINATION GUIDE mostly and that works just great like it always did for me. EDIT to add: Regarding difficulty searching, perhaps that is what is causing the Marketplace problem - it's taking a long time to search and find the username to deliver the items too?
  4. I have had some problems with this. So I use SEARCH a different way - see screenshot below. I bypass the WEBSEARCH part and click open an individual tab such as PEOPLE, then type the name in that white box there and that works. I haven't experienced other things you mention above but I've never had any problem whatsoever with group chat or groups, although I've heard other people have. Me, no, never. But, Marketplace YES...super slow. I've gotten a bit used to it now though. What I do is close my Windows window after a purchase and then click on RECENT or click on stuff in my inventory and then suddenly my items will arrive much quicker. Second Life is probably near 20 years old now and it wasn't meant to run all these heavy polygon items. The cloud allows ME to have a social life in Second Life and rez these high polygon people, and I can shop inworld at events and it rezzes in a jiff. The cloud is amazing, give it time.
  5. Yeah this...the robotic age. Although robotics have been here but still people worked part of the "robot" or machine on the assembly line but now machines do not need people. I'd say also more DNA and new ways to rejuvenate or manipulate cells including cloning and more GMOs. So, "the cellular age".
  6. Two questions. * For prizes, why couldn't one just have a random prize giver in their store, club or land? and second question: * Why couldn't these kinds of "givers" be scripted to give out one prize per username? Wouldn't that eliminate the need for bots if it's one prize per username? Also, I like the idea of an egg. And, further, color coded eggs that perhaps if one gets enough of a certain color, they win a specific prize. Somehow, the eggs would need to be turned into a terminal of some kind of retrieve their prize.
  7. I agree with this too. If it's worthwhile knowledge that helps you get a project that you really like or love completed, a tip is a thank you, but I still would be myself. I have always kept a budget for tipping, and 200 is my usual average. Write down any questions you may have too and then ask for some private time for those few questions as it may help you get a project completed that you really love, or the instructor may be able to direct you to a specific class you need to get that project done.
  8. Oh, I see. I thought it might come from another game but I wasn't sure. Thanks. I still like the wording Linden Eggs though but then people might not "get it". Hmmmmmmm. I wouldn't mind putting Linden Eggs in my little booths inworld but then most of us creators usually have group gifts or freebies but I think Linden Eggs rather than group gifts might not be such a bad idea...then people can hunt anywhere and everywhere at any time they like. Is there any way creators could have eggs too?
  9. That sounds like fun! But, why not call them Linden Eggs or something else other than Easter because Easter is only for a short time? Or is this a short term idea at Easter time only? As far as the premium account I'm not so crazy about that, but I think a small plot of land or a gift certificate would be awesome too! Gift certificates are a great way to get people into your store as well.
  10. It sounds like it would be such a long shot for a chance to win. So, maybe some additional smaller prizes too...and nix the job idea.
  11. The best place for this kind of personal ad is in the WANTED section below. You would write WANTED in your title and then explain what you are looking for. The thread may get moved there so look below to see where the WANTED section is just in case it does get moved.
  12. My go to will probably be Catya from Catwa for awhile. I bought AIDA at the Black Friday sales because she's cute and not too young looking as Baby Face from Genus can be, and I wanted something that would be for the age of about 18 to 20 as my avi's were about 35 for a long time and I needed a change. And, fitting BOM skins to the origins line is not so easy, so I went back to applier with AIDA. I will definitely get RYN as I absolutely love it and I think RYN will be my 2nd favorite to Catya. I cannot wait to try these new heads though. SASHA and IRINA are said to be designed after EASTERN EUROPEANS on the Lelutka webpage which is part me as I am half Polish in origin (no pun intended).
  13. Merchants section? I was thinking that too. I will think about starting one. Not right now though because I have plans. But, I'm also thinking it seems we will cross those bridges when we get to them. At least that seems to be the plan in play for the time being until more are vaccinated at least.
  14. Yeah, the new world economies are something I have been wanting to discuss BUT since they are not here yet it's more like creators and buyers will cross those bridges when they get to them I guess. Having sales is a large part of business in the real world. That is how business' in the real world make it by enticing buyers in. It's just a fact of business. I was also wondering 'what if' creators could put a few items on sale at BUY IT NOW prices and when they are gone, they are gone. Sort of like sellers on Ebay do with their buy it now feature, but not quite.
  15. It's not complaining. LOL I'm presenting it as a possible plan B to shore up cash now for creator's overall and it wasn't even really directed at Lelutka. I found a few companies recently that do have their older clothing line at reduced prices and thought that's not a bad idea. As far as coronavirus and it's aftermath, it's been said it's going to be "a new world". A new world is on horizon. What that new world post-coronavirus will be...it's not known yet. It might be prudent to shore up some cash now. Look how many shoppers went out for the Black Friday prices, it was a lot and sales could allow creators to shore up some cash as well as keep the lindens flowing. And, this was no typical Black Friday. It was a coronavirus world Black Friday. Sorry if people see it as complaining. It was more a plan B thought out loud. However, each seller will, of course, decide how to price their items as this "new world" emerges.
  16. When I said their older line, I meant the origins line and then added I would pay half for an older Catwa head at half price of 2.5K but at 5K I will pass on that price. I know how long it takes to create items but with a possible vicious global economic downturn looming some creators might consider putting their older items on sale. Once items are created they just copy over and over and over until forever, no limit. It's better to sell 2 or 3 of an item at a lower price than none, and I've heard creator's had a bad year overall last year. It could get worse. Do they have any plan B or even C to weather such an economic downturn? I thought it worth mentioning as an idea about older items which I know don't sell quite as much.
  17. This was said about video games also when my step-daughter was growing up but she knew what was real and what was not real as did her friends. I read a bit about what you suggested to read in your OP and it's way weird. Other theories are that some kind of "creator" has made us and is simulating things around us rather than just the stars and galaxies existing simply because that is how they are and not via some "creator" making stuff up. It's a pretty in-depth study. Articles also suggest that beings other than earthlings are simulating "us", homo sapiens, but the article further went on to say...why us? There doesn't seem to be an explanation as to why it would pick homo sapiens nor what is so special that an outer space type of being would pick us.
  18. You're welcome, and if you need additional private help it may be available. But, if I ask for private help I tip an additional 200 lindens or so. It all depends if the instructor has further private time or not which maybe I'm asking for 10-20 minutes for some private time for certain questions I may have.
  19. Kreatures. LOL I never got into breedables due to having six cats in real life was enough to take care of plus all the other things I had to do throughout a day with working part-time and the other time being a part-time housewife. About a year ago someone was talking in local chat about how when the horses first arrived one could get like 150K lindens for one horse at an auction. That's a lot of money...150K lindens when horses first started. Will these "kreatures" be auctioned too?
  20. I just read that too about the N95. Look into the Face Shield on Ebay as these are much, much cheaper. Face shields are worn by a lot of people around me in the L.A. area, and the Face Shields are washable. You wear the face shield over your mask. Pretty much all essential workers have been wearing the Face Shields over their masks in the L.A. area, even like delivery people. Now us non-essentials are wearing it also over mask.
  21. I haven't taken many classes but for the ones I did take I tipped 200 lindens for a class. I only have so many lindens too. It kind of depends what you have and what you get out it. 50 to 100 is considered a fairly low tip in SL from things I have read and 500 to 1000 are for the big spenders. I'd say I fall into the medium range from what I've heard but it depends on your personal budget.
  22. First thanks for your response about me getting the vaccine "soon". Truthfully, I wish it were NOW but I cannot wait. I am happy about it, very happy. My next door neighbor, however, will not be getting the vaccine. As far as her not getting the vaccine, you know what, it's out of my control so I'm not going to engage with her about vaccines. She is an adult who has made her decision. Maybe after she sees me get my vaccinations, she might change her mind but maybe not and I am not going to engage with her about it as like I said she is an adult and knows the pros and cons. What I wanted to say about masks is that there may be evidence now cloth masks are NOT adequate. I do NOT use a cloth mask and have not used a cloth mask for months. Many around my area are wearing masks PLUS a face shield now. One article I read about how to test if you have a good enough mask is to attempt to blow a candle out while wearing your mask. If you cannot blow the candle out, it's a good mask. If you can blow the candle out threw your mask, it's not a good mask. I gave up cloth masks because too difficult to breathe. This is a face shield: https://www.discountmugs.com/product/pfs003-light-weight-face-shields/?quantity=1&print_method=sample&color=Clear&utm_source=google_shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=[ADL]+[PLA]+[Shopping]+-+Coronavirus&utm_term=PFS003-Sample-1&utm_content=sR3nPyFzJ|pcrid|431794373660|pkw||pmt||pdv|c|slid||product|PFS003-Sample-1|pgrid|100111617973|ptaid|pla-1080504870167|&mkwid=sR3nPyFzJ|pcrid|431794373660|pkw||pmt||pdv|c|slid||product|PFS003-Sample-1|pgrid|100111617973|ptaid|pla-1080504870167|&pgrid=100111617973&ptaid=pla-1080504870167&i=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAr6-ABhAfEiwADO4sfScVLt3hPypZkqPI3qU3CbacPe_oipOf4ZCXluSJJSF5h50HgEMeHBoC3X0QAvD_BwE
  23. I wasn't sure, that's why I said "I don't think". I only refreshed my memory by watching the segment below yesterday: (I got the wrong quote here. Weird.) See what Orwar said above. He said Kill Bill has guns in it, especially Kill Bill 2. I don't remember. It's mostly martial arts. Though you are right Orwar, Uma, as the Bride, was shot in the head in the first one. That I do remember now. I hate that scene. The wedding scene.
  24. Kill Bill 1 and 2 I don't think have guns in them. I'd highly recommend anyone watch the "Kill Bill" movies unless you are too squeamish but remember it's like a play, it's not real. It's mostly martial arts. I honestly don't even remember the last one as I haven't seen them for quite some time. Arnold was our Govenator here in California.
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