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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I sometimes wonder if it's just that for the younger crowd, instant gratification or if it's much more complicated. I often wonder do people who use SL have a higher IQ than some and are better at figuring out things, or to put it another way are people who do use SL better do-it-yourselfers? I also think with so much to learn with SL, and one can almost learn all the time, if also some users might not like that because they are too shy to ask. Most of us (I'm not saying all) would probably say we have some degree of shyness to ask "how do I ________________ (fill in the blank) questions from our friends. But, what I've encountered even on day one of my SL is there are always people willing to answer a "how to" and then when it's explained it's really simple, and then the next question the answer is simple to do and so on and so on. I also use Google and YouTube to find out how to do things in SL and it's pretty generally all around simple. But, anyhow, I wonder for those who find it too difficult if they just are not good self learners nor ambitious enough to look things up on Google or YouTube or their shyness is also a hinderance. Plus, with the instant gratification thing, I know a lot of the younger crowd just wants to plug into a phone and be instantly voice chatting or something like that. So "instant" is a part of it too. They should have a poll for newbies where they could make lindens and ask them questions of what they like/don't like, etc, then maybe more would be known there.
  2. I agree, those are European pancakes. Polish pancakes are also amazing served with sour cream and French pancakes served with whipped cream and berries. European pancakes are way better than the American kind. I don't eat much sugar in general, so don't want syrup anyways. I love potato pancakes but they are also called "latkas".
  3. I have designed furniture but someone else built it. I design and make my own jewelry also and can also sketch out clothing from a complete creation in my head. I started building things with my Dad when I was very young because his hobby was carpentry, but being a girl, I learned by fetching him things and watching rather than hauling lumber or using a saw. My father and I also inlayed mosaics for his furniture and we did some gold leafing as well. I've always loved building but am not physically strong to actually do it. But I can plan it all out as well as just explain and someone else builds it. This is a beautiful table with antique china pieces as the mosaic. Antique china dish pieces as mosaics are my favorite.
  4. I don't want to derail the thread about detailed skins...but I want a fully detailed lip with no lipstick on the skin itself; I've wanted that since I joined SL. I've been to Skinnery and the one I bought has a flaw that I had to send a nc to the creator and she never got back to me. I guess she feels that flaw that I see is how it's supposed to be; however, the flaw is right where she wrote DEMO on the skin...but she did not get back to me...sooooo. It's the lips that are really difficult, especially if you want a girl of about 18 or 19. I hope someone comes out with a "natural girl" line. Session even has some but the lip is still "lipsticked". It's like for females they expect us just to put on blush, lipstick, eyeliner, giant eyelashes and I don't want that. I have started buying eyelashes that are for men though and those look more realistic to me. But, back on topic, I'd say more unique items that I don't personally already have similar is what I will be spending lindens on going forward.
  5. I've reached this also...too much looking the same...but I do spend time searching for unique items. I don't have any particular pattern, but I'd say I buy more hair than anything else, and now I'd like to put myself into a spending pattern of spending on unique items that I don't already have. What recently got my lindens was I bought a bunch of jewelry because I didn't have much. It's weird you wrote that because I'd like to put myself on a quest to find some unique items. What I'd really like is more skins that look like an older female teen of about 18+ and that needs a natural face, not so air-brushed and not just air-brush and apply make-up look. I want very little make-up so the skin would need to be detailed itself. The men's skins are just more detailed, especially around the lip and that's what I want for a female so I can have that almost no make-up look.
  6. During this time of COVID, I feel like my life is at stake many times throughout the course of my day. It's horrible. I feel like I'm trying to get to safety and/or a great many of us are trying to get to safety but there are times it feels like it's taking so long and safety is still out of reach and I feel lost inside my self and often in times of my isolation I feel hopeless. Would I log into a game that if my avatar died I would also in real life, absolutely not. As far as for a novel of fiction, it sounds like something college students might do as an initiation or whatever that is called. But college people have done some very, very crazy things and some have lost their lives in real life. The real driver in a novel though I think would be something like say you are the last avatar living, you win the money.
  7. It's mostly all those "usual" you list in your OP plus what you didn't list in your OP - DJ, live performer, talent agent, landlord. I will send you in IM here on the forum the name of a group for fishing. They meet every Sunday for years, so I don't think it's "farmed" or else they wouldn't meet every Sunday like they do. This group also has fishing during the week. At least try it and see. I will send you the name of the group in your IM here on the forums. I don't attend the fishing as I build but I am active in that group for lots of events other than fishing. But, people in that group seem to love fishing too. To see the groups calendar of events, it's listed in the groups description.
  8. When I said sell two or three heads at a lower price is better than none, I didn't mean the income for the two heads would come from the same person but rather two different people may be interested in buying at that lowered price. So two people would make up the same one person cost price is my reasoning. With coronavirus, things are changing but it's too early to say what would "stimulate" the SL economy overall as we all need to be vaccinated first AND for it to work before we see the light of day here. I do sometimes think SL needs some kind of "stimulus" but there is no one way formula to do that. We do all, in fact, purchase differently as well as having our own unique income which may or may not be effected currently due to the coronavirus situation.
  9. I'm not trying to shut you up really but it is off topic a bit as many say IMVU is cheaper but IMVU being cheaper or even having 4000 credits does not lure me in as I've checked IMVU and it's not for me even with 20000 credits. So, I do understand that cheaper does not always equate to a sale but we are living in rather unusual times so I had been thinking about what is the plan B or even C overall for many creators in SL. But, I think there is no way to know how retail in SL is going to do until a great many of us get vaccinated.
  10. I have a question about this. We know many things are gamed even in real life. A person recently got 2 million illegal dollars from the stimulus in America. But, let me go back to this hypothetical idea of the eggs and a Linden Egg terminal where one could redeem and/or cash out for some lindens. What if it were scripted so that the eggs would only respond to the owner of the Linden Egg terminal? Since we cannot replicate a username, then a scammer couldn't have Linden Egg terminals in their name and the eggs would not respond. And, the eggs could only be redeemed on say (hypothetical) Linden Egg Island. But, as far as the eggs themselves, are you saying they could just be copy-botted? Hmmmm, well then, maybe the eggs expire in say one month's time and then new winning color sequences generate or something like that. Or what could be in the eggs themselves so they cannot be copy-botted? I also suggested that the eggs be scripted in some way so they only generate one per username. This is a bit different idea than Realms because it could be grid-wide and maybe fun if it could be figured out.
  11. But how does it know how old a newbie is? Why was he allowed on moderate land as a 3-day old avi? I thought perhaps he had an alt and was gifting himself these items. I don't know but it was weird. I don't get involved with slex so it's Greek to me.
  12. It could happen here too. I was propositioned by a 3-day old avatar who asked me to his place. I went because I was curious what a 3-day old avi had. It was all set up for sex stuff and I teleported away because I have no interest in slex. He had it all on moderate. We can buy all the slex stuff and have it on moderate, even a newbie can have it.
  13. I've looked at some of that 50 linden stuff for several months and not found one thing yet I would buy, so I delete the notecards now. I do look at Seraphim though, however, but I only buy on average two items a month from Seraphim as I don't buy just because it's on sale. However, I don't see things on sale everywhere...so I don't know what you are talking about. But, I don't think we can judge the coronavirus economic fallout until at least many of us are vaccinated. There are teachers striking now in parts of America saying they don't want to go to work unless there are smaller classrooms of about 12 and/or the kids are vaccinated. This is not occurring all over America, but teachers are beginning to speak out in certain areas and even striking now. With no school, can parents go to work? Many can't. Teachers are trained in safety. This world is upside down right now because of coronavirus. Banks could collapse. It all looks pretty swept under the rug, but the uglies will eventually come out in regards to the world economies. However, sales are part of the real life business. It's how business' survive. But, real life retail is going to be hit super hard from all of this as many will close and be bankrupt.
  14. As far as what's happening for creator's now is the coronavirus fallout. How long that will be here and how worse it could get. I don't know. Also, I've said, it's better to sell 2 or 3 of something at a cheaper price than none because you are making the money. If one sells two at a lower price, it's still the 5K. If one sells none at a higher price, it's none. But, this topic is for another thread.
  15. Random conversations with "some guy" in Second Life... Guy: Are you really blonde? Me: But, of course, darlink. (Lies through her teeth.) Guy: Do you really have ta's like that? Me: But, of course, darlink. (Lies through her teeth again.) Me - teleports away and goes shopping.
  16. I've never been. So, it theoretically could work. I like the idea of the fact it could be grid-wide. Others will, of course, hate it though, that it could be grid-wide. LOL
  17. When I mentioned it, I didn't know that with IMVU you cannot cash out. Or, maybe you can? I don't know. But, if there is cashing out, with IMVU it doesn't seem to be a problem or they have some kind of "system". So, therefore, I still think a grid-wide egg hunt with eggs you match up to color, or a specific sequence, and perhaps even speckled eggs for a really great prize might be worthwhile to think about. It would need a Linden Egg terminal where one could drop the winning sequenced eggs in to cash out. Since I'm not a scripter, I don't know if my hypothetical egg game above would or could work though. EDIT: I only edit scripts and make them do what I want but I cannot write one from nothing. I just modify to my own liking or have scripts do what I want them too. This would take a scripter to figure out.
  18. So, merchants would have to go through all their listings and check ACCEPT CREDITS? Isn't there any easier way. LOL
  19. See, I never had this problem. I did work in SL on my first stint in around 2006, but I also always bought lindens if I wanted more than I made. I still buy lindens today if I want stuff. As far as retention, I also see there is a difficulty in making a mesh avatar. They aren't that easy and I'm even making one now with my AIDA head I fairly recently purchased and it's taking hours just to find something that looks good on her to wear. Getting her the right shape, hair, eyes, make-up, clothes, shoes...it all takes time to develop a persona. Even just learning the HUD/HUDS takes time. In my first two times in SL which were Classic avatars only, it took me about a month to get my avatar where I wanted it to be with shape, one hair, one skin and an AO and some dances. One you had all those down with a Classic, the rest was just buying clothing and accessories and decorating a home. It's way more complicated than that now. How to make a mesh avatar class for newbies to go to is not a bad idea but it still doesn't exist, not that I know of. I have thought about starting such an avatar making class but I am not that good at it, so I'd probably hire people who are. But, with coronavirus, I have things on hold for a bit yet. As far as retention, it needs work to. Linden Eggs sounds great to me...or something...anything.
  20. I thought that too after I wrote it - how to know it's not a bunch of alts. One sure way is to have the payment go through after the person is verified. Or other ways as you suggest. But, I have no idea how much 4K credits are.
  21. This is true, but if IMVU can do it, shell out some kind of "money"...why can't LL? Everybody (almost) likes money. One resident who is on the forum from time to time doesn't like lindens...she gives them all away. I guess she means her stipend. She doesn't go inworld much, she said.
  22. I see things in his OP...however, we've had so many "SL needs to be marketing" threads that go nowhere. So, I'm just talking. SL does needs to up it's game plan so to speak though. Did you even read Chic Aeon's post? Do you get it that creator's incomes are way down. SL has the best stuff and not as good marketing, and for marketing, there is no paycheck for me. So, I just throw out ideas.
  23. And, 4000 credits (money for buying things) for signing up. I think with "games" or worlds like IMVU and Fortnite were the user base is 13 and up, I can see why VR chat and chat in general has gained so much popularity.
  24. Ewwwwwwwwww, just ewwwwwwwww. Can you imagine you are put in a room with an avatar and the person behind the avatar is 11 or 13. OMG! I might never want to go on the internet ever again. However, I went on IMVU oh my gosh somewhere around 10-12 years ago for one day and I don't remember a thing about it all those years ago. I didn't know the age limit. I wonder if they have age verification and payment info on file kind of things. So many people think SL and IMVU are equal rivals but they aren't for so many reasons. I wish people luck if you sell there but I would not want to be with ages 13 and up for any "game"...even Fortnite is 13 and up and I think it's ewwwwwwwwwww yucky.
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