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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. That's on her, not Trump. Trump isn't even here. Do you think Trump has put on evil spell on her or something?
  2. It isn't. It's what happened and then states took over. There were states saying "we're not New York" and didn't want to lock down at all even though California had been in lockdown for quite awhile, I think it was March 3rd California started. All the infectious disease experts said it would eventually get to the more rural towns which it did and their reasoning at the time is because people were fleeing New York and other big cities and going to their vacation country rural homes but that was only part of why it would eventually hit rural towns/states as well. Governors and mayors have jurisdiction now and have for a long time to issue lockdowns, at least in California they do. Dealing with America is like dealing with 50 separate countries in Europe and then magnify that county by county, and I don't think people who don't live here understand that. We have the vaccine now and it's inching along. What we really need is a congress who will respect and work with our president and I hope we get there sooner than later. With Trump, it was mayhem and I'm glad it's over. However, I do not put all the blame on all Republicans as many are quite good people and our neighbors, friends, co-workers and more. It is time to move forward and knock off all this bashing stuff. It's gotten old. My Governor and Mayor had jurisdiction over me, not Trump and have since March 2020.
  3. Thanks for that clarification. I do remember hearing something about it now but I also thought people weren't supposed to leave the state of California because we were in lockdown. Many self quarantines were voluntary at Thanksgiving time and I had a friend who did self quarantine for 14 days after seeing her son on Thanksgiving. But, in all fairness to Qie and others with their resentment towards Trump, Trump later vacillated a lot and once it came near for his rallies, he did seem to throw caution to the wind. I live in L.A. County, so I followed more or less what was going on here and didn't plan to attend any Trump rallies either as I'm not a Trump supporter. But, I feel Trump is water under the bridge now and let the authorities deal with it (the happenings at the Capital and the insurrection) because for one the whole Republican party is not to blame and because what will happen will happen. President Biden could pardon Trump though. Ford pardoned Nixon.
  4. California has been pretty strict compared to other states with lockdown since November although I'm not sure what is enforced via penalties and what isn't. I've stayed in and ordered everything over the internet or we have one person who goes to the store for a bunch of us as we have at least 110 people in my building that would use common doors, elevator, etc. Imagine having 110 different people touching your doorknobs every day returning from who knows where. That's why I don't go out at all now. I have plans for after I am vaccinated to go out and about and rebuild a life but I want to stay well prior to vaccination. As far as the protesting, I simply mentioned it because it is one thing we are allowed to do here. However, the protesting has turned into protesting the Governor himself with protestors calling for a recall against the Governor to oust him. I'm not with that. The Governor acted according to the law here.
  5. I was not a Trump supporter either. I've often said to this board "it's not all about Trump". Our Governors and Mayors were given jurisdiction. Many states were very lax and eased lockdown way too soon, imo. However, as far as fines and things it may be needed. American's take their freedoms too far. However, even with lockdown of California, the Governor is not disallowing protesting. We still retain the right to protest (anything, nothing specific) in California during this lockdown. But, I can definitely say California adopted a plan similar to what Australia and New Zealand have. It just did not work here. It's a complete disaster zone here.
  6. I don't know. We are in lockdown here. People weren't supposed to go anywhere in the first place. But, I've not heard of that.
  7. You also are bordered in so to speak. America has no borders within itself. We can drive and fly in and out and all over every state without needing a passport, nor need of anything else to be allowed in. It's like being able to drive and fly in and out of 50 countries say in Europe. Hawaii was the first and only state early in 2020 to have those who arrive into the state go into 14-day isolation.
  8. I agree with you @Drayke Newall that the early plan was similar to Australia and New Zealand as I heard that too. But, state and local governments wanted control. With the United States and COVID, it is like the 50 states are 50 countries in Europe. A pandemic is a mess here. However, Biden has been able to mandate certain things from a federal level, i.e., for one, a federal mandate that all people wear masks. I'm still in lockdown in California and have been since November while other states are not. In short, the United States is like 50 countries in Europe, but Biden may unite some of that hopefully. Some people in California want Governor Newsom recalled. As far as what I've read, Governor Newsom had no choice but to issue the lockdown because it's a law regarding emergency room capacity. In parts of California we went to minus zero emergency room capacity.
  9. I believe in America there is something called the "Do No Harm" act(?) which could change things as far as archaic if not outright erroneous discrimination. I think it's a good act. I don't believe any religion should be able to harm anyone and Jesus didn't either. Actually, Jesus said: "Love does no harm to it's neighbor" and "that love is the fulfillment of the law" (the OT laws of Moses). Unfortunately if we have to fight religion with religion and truth with truth, then so be it. As far as striking at the "root". I agree. We need to end the "ghetto" of America where people were put when their land was taken from them. We need appropriate and affordable opportunities for all.
  10. Yeah, really without going into details as I have plans now and must go. I'm angry at COVID, it's going to change the world period.
  11. I'm angry at this COVID for taking jobs. It worries me a lot and sometimes I've almost felt worried sick but I am grateful I have people I can talk to about my worries though. I just hope we can create jobs again and get back on track soon. I REALLY HATE COVID. We need to do some things different now and into the future.
  12. I see you laughed at my post and it's not funny one bit. There are oppressors with the money and guns and the authority in other countries who are not white but those oppressors are of a different color. We need to lift people out of poverty and high crime areas. It's the only way to win - better opportunities for all.
  13. All the working class people have been placed there from time to time. All the little people and the working class are subject to exploitation from the authority that wealth and nepotism afford the select few. The other select few in this world are those who are highly gifted and may end up in film or music for a few examples, and in America, rich enough for a great education. Even communist super power countries have their "preferred" gifted who are rich. The little people will never be able to defeat nepotism and wealth. My Polish white family has been thoroughly, thoroughly f'ed over as have other whites. The working class is all people. Crime is keeping others in jail and thus not able to be hired. Poverty is the real villian.
  14. I said I visited IMVU for one day many, many years ago and found it was far too limiting and the avatars weren't as good as for SL. These are okay that you show in your pic but the av's you show above are years and years later. But, I'm going to tell you straight up here that I am not going to IMVU to create as I have at least $500 dollars worth of textures and other full perm items that I am under user license to use only here in SL. I am not going to get messed up in that! Even though I make many of my own textures, I still use a lot as is. Plus I have more work here in SL than I could ever accomplish. I could build for SL through eternity and never finish, and that's the truth. My MP store may seem small but I sell a lot of limited edition exclusives only inworld. Plus, there's no Dinkies in IMVU, so I will stay with my tiny humanimal friends. But, to state this short, I ONLY create for SL and will never go anywhere else as I could never finish here in the first place. And, if I wanted to chase money...I'd do that with real life work. I agree with this.
  15. Actually that title of the news article made me laugh..."The Trumps Are More Corrupt than The Bidens". It sounds like something from kindergarten. Does anyone remember that song from a long time ago, "Sowing The Seeds of Love" by Tears For Fears...and the line that goes "and the politics of greed"? Oh yeah that. Um hum. Like we're dumb or sumthin.
  16. Superpower Fountain of Youth, i.e. the ability to turn back time and end pain One Musician Bob Dylan One TV Show A home shopping channel as I'm a designer and I love looking at and being inspired by other's designs, use of color, etc....so I'd be a designer on the show.
  17. I hope so. America is unraveling because of "parties". So, I hope the members of our congress realize they are missing the mark as far as consensus, let alone even being able to work together. I think this party stuff is archaic if not becoming impotent and useless to bare anything worth their salaries.
  18. Politics is weird like that. LOL But, I knew once Biden was in we'd hear the other side throwing a bunch of odd punches after the beating Trump took. Someone even came on board to call people "liptards" in another thread. Geeeeeeeesh. It's so childish. Just ignore it. I kept telling people to ignore a lot about Trump because he's an attention bleep and Trump probably has polemia among other things. Trump was outrageous on purpose. Politics aside, we all here are still "the little people". I knew Biden is suspected for corruption. A headline over the Summer of 2020 read "The Trumps Are More Corrupt Than The Bidens". People should really one day just realize we are the little people and politics IS corrupt. I'm so sick of the mudslinging like that's going to help anything. I wish we just had a mature government, without party politics, made up of great economic, secular minds to help all people.
  19. Wow, but it's possible as my ex did work for hospitals (plural) as well as went to many out-patient clinics for his job so I could have been exposed to other things, but with CFS so little was known about it then and there still isn't much treatment. It was Swine Flu that year though where there were minor precautions here in the states which were basically we were given anti-septic wipes upon arriving into the grocery store and were told to wipe down our carts before grocery shopping. My ex encountered minor mask wearing that year of the Swine Flu as hospitals began insisting upon it for all employees but became lax afterwards. Otherwise, there was no lockdown nor talk of pandemic during Swine Flu, not that I recall anyhow. Many hospitals added hand-sanitizer dispensers at that time as well as people starting carrying their own hand-sanitizers for out of home use while traveling to stores, etc. Anyhow, my ex worked a high risk job I'd guess where he could have been exposed to many things.
  20. I don't recall my doctor saying anything other to use a humidifier, rest, take aspirin kind of general flu treatment. He did blood work but I don't remember him saying anything about antibodies at all. I had chronic fatigue syndrome for a very long time. It did seem though that we were better, then kiss, then sick again and repeat. It was quite horrendous. With CFS, I am far more active in the last six years or so than I have been since my 20's. I think being single after 26 years finally gave me a chance to do the things I always wanted to but couldn't due to time and other responsibilites, so I pushed myself. Chronic fatigue syndrome is like having a low grade flu all the time. It's horrible!
  21. Nope, nothing more to the story. First him infected, then me. Then we were better. Then within a few days or a day, kissing. Then within a few days sick again a second time. Then recovered a second time. Then kissing again. Then sick again a third time. We were sick three times within the course of about two months. It was that Swine Flu. Horrible. How our immune systems were working...well, he was quite healthy and athletic, no smoking, no drinking. Me, a bit immuno-compromised and had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome at the time which I seem to be better from now. We were both in our thirties at the time so not immuno-compromised from age. As to whether we each had fully recovered in-between kissing again and becoming sick again, it seemed so to us that's why we resumed kissing again. There is nothing else except I was so sick for months from that and used a humidifier for the first time in my life. What I learned about humidifiers is they work great but are a bear to clean. I've also read minimally about that year of the Swine Flu. I read it took us (I gather meaning the world) 22 months to acquire herd immunity.
  22. It's interesting that this came up. I think all these viruses are in our mouth, perhaps from food, but these viruses seem to thrive on the moisture in our mouth. I remember that year of the Swine Flu. My ex husband worked in hospitals and brought it home to me as he did many other "things". But, that one year with the Swine Flu it was so horrible because we kept re-infecting each other through kissing. First he recovered from the Swine Flu and then I did a few days later and we kissed and both were infected and sicker than heck again all over. So, we both were sick again and then we recovered a second time. And, then once recovered a second time, we starting kissing again, and became infected with the Swine Flu a third time! So, in the course of about two months, we were both sick three times with a horrible Swine Flu. I think abstaining from kissing is very important from what I learned. I am not sure we can kill all germs in our mouth with mouthwash but we know we can kill some but I still say we need masks and every precaution. Mouthwash is kind of like washing our hands. It's the kissing that can really make you sick though as I know I lived it. I just wanted to say something about the mouth that really does work and that is Hydrogen Peroxide and that it helps remove and relieve phlegm and even says so on the bottle itself, at least my bottle does that I purchased at CVS pharmacy. If any of you ever have any phlegm, mix half hydrogen peroxide with half water and gargle for 30 seconds and you will probably cough that phlegm out within hours. It works great; however, it is to clear phlegm from colds and sinus issues, not protect anyone from coronavirus.
  23. It can be both, and it is also a biblical issue. But, slander is falsely accusing your brother or sister, not telling others about products that are no mod - although I don't see the need to do that. A vast majority of clothing is no mod and many of us already know that. I also just made a few new outfits just these past weeks and everything is copy and mod for the accessories that need to be fitted as these are items for tiny cat avatars (Dinkies) and need unrigged items but the dresses, panties and shoes are copy only. Why did I do that, the dress or outfit is not going to look right in other colors if one tints it. It was my judgement call on that. Although I do offer low budget tint your own clothing for Dinkies, these just didn't fit into that category in my opinion. Yeah, pretty much this. There are full perm kits people can buy to make their own clothing.
  24. This is just precious so I had to give Etheria Parrott and me (lol) credit for this as I designed the outfit. Dinkies rule! Thanks Etheria! SL just has the best artists all around! And, claws are by Ing.
  25. We can pay anyone in SL and we can also pay our alts. At least I know I can. You pay someone through their profile where it says PAY (near the bottom of the profile area). Mine are working alts for my building business as testers though and have never really had a SL so they are not full mesh avatars. I would never spend that kind of money on my alts that are just for testing 1, 2, 3...etc. One of my alts is just in the default free upon starting avatar. The other I gave her some 1 linden Classic clothes from Sea Hole.
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