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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Is that why Discord became so popular? lol Can it hear Discord chat too?
  2. Now you can spy on your SL spouse to find out if they are cheating with this nifty little gadget. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/How-do-you-know-your-partner-is-cheating-Find-out-right-now/4175958
  3. The problem with the "is it worth it" has nothing to do with reality of the law, however. It is the law in California that hospitals must leave 15% capacity of their emergency care open by law. That is why California is in lockdown...most of lockdown is to slow the spread, not avoid it completely. To avoid it completely we'd all have to live in a plastic bubble like in the movie "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble".
  4. Man, I missed a whole bunch of photos in this thread in Banana. I think this was because my house was lost due to EEP viewer and I was trying to fix it FOR EIGHT DAYS! And, by lost, I mean it wasn't rezzing even AFTER I went back to the old viewer. It was a horror. Glad I got to see all the photos now...
  5. I love Gachas on the second-hand market. It made it affordable for me to decorate my clubs and tea houses - very affordable. Another pic from me is ANC and their Gachas are amazing as are the things in their store. There is just super creativity in ANC, imo. For dark, moody...check out DRD (deathrowdesigns) she is extremely, extremely creative. She has goth to Halloween to Shabby Chic.
  6. Okay, I agree with Nomad, Nutmeg, Hive and Apple Fall as these have a lot of antique and vintage styles. Nomad is the most creative I'd have to say and whimsical but I love a touch of whimsical in real life too. Half Deer has cool things for lights. I am very much into antiques and have been since age 13 with my oldest sister introducing me to antiques when she got her first apartment. Nutmeg is really great but it can be heavy prim-wise and be kind of messy but I like a lot of their single items. Oh, and DRD is extremely creative too.
  7. It can be awkward when an avatar begins to chat up. Many female avatars think when a man says hi or hello he wants something and I'm sure you know what that something is. And, I think that's where the hostility comes from. It is not a myth that many male avatars will start to chat up a female avatar and the female is propositioned pretty quickly. It is quite common and is mostly from newbies but not always from newbies. As for me, I am not interested in an internet romance of any kind as I came to SL to create, so most of my friends have been female. Right now I have three males friends and have not been propositioned once by my male friends; two are builders like me. So, it's been a good experience to have some male friends too. Right now I don't have enough time for the friends I have (about 25 friends) as I build here much of the time and building takes a lot of concentration. It takes time to build real good relationships here in SL too; it takes time and effort. Groups are a good way to make friends because you see each other a lot. EDIT: I just wanted to add that I've read London City has a nice group of regulars there to chat with. Also, maybe consider becoming a Premium Member as there are events in the Premium Member living spaces, and that way you will see a lot of regulars and get a chance to really know people just like in a real neighborhood.
  8. Yeah but, yeah but...they already kind of are "bobbitted" in SL. You have to use ADD I think. LOL. I don't know I've never owned one nor been a dude in SL. But, one has to use ADD/DETACH. LOL
  9. I run white vinegar through my coffee pot to clean it. So, vinegars et al could have similar benefits....but I wasn't sure about the patchouli remark. I was thinking more along the lines of patchouli is musky. As far as smelling like "feet", nothing smells as bad as feet.
  10. I'm not sure of the benefits of malt vinegar. But vinegars kill bacteria and fungus. Two doctors now have said I have "atypical eczema" caused by ....? So, it's caused by a question mark; an unknown. The apple cider kind is just not as horrible smelling. Malt vinegar reminds me of a fish fry at my sister's house. Good memories.
  11. No. I've been trying a lot of things though. I have tried apple cider vinegar for my hair before. Hmmm... I have some; I will try it. I am under the care of a dermatologist but they are closed now as Southern and Central California have zero emergency room capacity. I really do, however, believe this is stress related from everything Covid. Even with an almost relief bill now for American's and those with green cards or whomever, I still don't feel any relief from the stress. I relaxed several days after Christmas and did a whole lot of nothing. It was good to have a complete time out like that....but stress like this is difficult to overcome. It's like my heart is racing from so much anxiety about everything.
  12. Dry skin. I could vent about it. I read my dry skin problem I'm having could be due to stress. Of course I've been using hand lotions and creams but nothing is working at present. I have never encountered my dry skin not responding like it has in the past few months. Nothing works, not even for five minutes of relief.
  13. I said SL was porn but that was in a comparison with romance novels. I simply think it's porn because it's very graphic and I'm only speaking about Marketplace alone and how graphic it is on there. Now written sex is also considered graphic but I think most romance novels are milk toast compared to how graphic stuff is and again I'm only speaking of Marketplace alone. 0.0 Some of what is sold on Marketplace is even repugnant it's so graphic but violent, even. But, ultimately, I'm speaking of SL as porn in comparison to romance novels though. Not all sex in SL is xxxxxxxxxxxx-rated. However, really, ultimately, each person needs to take care of their own SL and RL.
  14. OMG, Bree...reminds me of my next door neighbor when I was married. She divorced her husband in her 30's. The house was put up for sale after the divorce. Then she had a yard sale on her front lawn...her lawn was half covered with romance novels AND that was all for her yard sale...just hundreds and hundreds of romance novels. I never knew my neighbor read romance novels but I always wondered if those "grass is always greener" kind of fairytale romance novels she was reading caused her divorce or were a part of it. I don't think romance novels are on par with the porn here in SL...but what do I know...I'm not a part of it. I am a G and PG player. I've never even owned any quote end quote "female part" add-ons of any sort. I don't want to date nor get involved on the internet. I'm not open to it though I did date in SL perhaps less than a handful of times, I thought the peeps were players. As far as the OP and his wife...it's their relationship, they need to talk. Yes, it's cheating, imo...it's secrets.
  15. LOL, Tarina. Lots of people like it. Too each our own as they say. I like Blueberry and would love a sale longer than a few days because I had an awful time caming in and couldn't get too much at all as my camera just wouldn't go in any farther. Other people would say barf to Blueberry, and it has too many triangles. So, see, it's a too each their own. I do not, however, shop only at Blueberry nor do I count the triangles either for the clothing I buy. I'm just too busy for that. SL has less lag for me in the clouds now too.
  16. They weren't expensive clubs though like you'd think with a whole sim or half sim. One landlady gave me 800 prims up in the sky for my Dinkie, Tiny and Titchie club for about 20 dollars a month, and the other club was built where stores would go in a shopping sim and my landlady there and I would run the club. The land wasn't too bad as far as price but it's the advertising and paying for the workers and/or entertainment that is expensive. I only had only one DJ at one of my clubs and we had a "best in" event twice a week for two hours. It was fun, we played trivia mostly. The land I still had to pay for but it wasn't like a full sim nor even a quarter sim. It was all the other stuff that was expensive. Plus one of my landladies where one of my clubs was in her mall, paid for half...but we had time differences and she had the stream rights...so that caused problems. But, I loved that club. I loved dancing there...I made it kind of magical like Disneyland. Both were really pretty. Below is just the stage of my Dinkie, Tiny and Titchie Club but the whole club was kind of magical with the all the lights and stuff...it was just way pretty. I had some cool hunts there and the patrons tipped me well for the hunts which helped a lot! (The club in the photo below is closed now although an ad may still show up.) But, I do build for myself too...it just has to be within budget, but with Covid...my budget is so small now that I have two small stores I rent in a mall and a studio I build on. I was going to have a house there but then I decided to build for awhile right now. I can't even afford both - a house and a studio right now. My club even had shooting stars. I put in way more lights than shown in the photo below...this was a mere beginning. But, again, it's gone.
  17. I had two goals or dreams perhaps for SL. I wanted to start a club...I started two clubs (for Dinkies and Tinies). Beautiful clubs, very different than most bare boned or bar-style clubs. And, I wanted to have a tea house. I had two tea house and they were gorgeous. Mostly I decorated the clubs with highly detailed and very inexpensive Gacha items. All have closed since Covid-19. I cannot say if I will ever have the desire to go through all that building again. Dinkies and tinies are tiny avatar humanimals so we are very low lag avatars so we could enjoy the high polygon items in the club without lag. It was horrible to have it happen but I made it through. You will too! Here is a bit of my tea house as I was building it but it's gone now. They are all gone now because of Covid. The last one is me with a box ready to box everything up. But, I agree wholeheartedly with the statement "sad day for me...but it had to be done".
  18. I have a laptop but I use a laptop tray with cooling vents. Doesn't a laptop sitting on your lap feel hot to your legs? My laptop is just for music and headphones and cheap and not for Second Life. I have a desktop and a 19" flat screen monitor for SL. But, I was still wondering, doesn't the laptop get hot on your legs? I'll put a picture below of what a laptop tray is (but mine had cooling jets - you can find laptop trays on Ebay and Amazon and other places). This is just an FYI post. p.s. Best of luck getting a great one!
  19. Okay, I had to make the skirt texture for the skirt below. I think LIVER is kind in the "muled wine" category. So thinking of muled wine, I felt I might be able to make the color. This is what I came up with - no photo enhancement, just shot in straight Midday because that is a greenhouse I am building right now and I build in MIDDAY. My lipstick kind of matches, too.
  20. Oh my gosh, after changing tons of things - shape, hairbase, clothes, going into the Second Life viewer too and lots else can't remember...I took Emma's advice above and did a CHARACTER TEST and it worked. I have not rebooted nor anything like that. One thing that was weird though when I was a cloud and trying to change, some items would not detach at all. When I went into the Second Life viewer I was able to detach clothes and change but that didn't work either when I logged back in FS I was still a cloud. I felt I tried about everything. I didn't see the CHARACTER TEST right away and then I saw it in parenthesis under AVATAR > Avatar Health > and then there is a place to chose Male or Female Character Test. Then I just changed with an outfit (outfit feature) back into my avatar I was currently using and all is working well now.
  21. I searched for what to do if one is a cloud and I've tried 101 things and nothing helps. There is nothing on the grid status I see. Of note, I am currently NOT a BOM avatar. I am an onion layer applier skin avatar at present. I've changed hair, shape, clothes, changed different settings, clicked lots of stuff, yada, yada...what to do now? Still a cloud.
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