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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I don't think so. My favorite was Bill getting the five finger death punch in "Kill Bill" though but I must admit I hated the wedding scene in "Kill Bill". I'm not much into action movies but a few I have liked are the Terminator movies and The Lethal Weapon movies, as well as "Kill Bill" 1 and 2.
  2. I'll have a look. I do love that just about every clothing maker has Maitreya. That's been one of the biggest selling points for me as what I want to do is not to make a human necessarily but perhaps more like old wooden dolls so I'm going to need some unique "doll" type clothing and there are many like that for Maitreya. I will be making old wood looking BOM skins soon. I also love what Maitreya did with the Petite add-on which I bought for 299L at her half price sale not too long ago. But, many of us are saying, we love the petite BUT the butt is too big. So deformers are what we have now for smaller Maitreya butt. Even if Maitreya came out with a deformer for the butt, I'd think all new clothes would need to be made. Creator's are scaling back. Economies globally could have some difficult headwinds ahead. It's all a we'll see for me as far as spending in SL. Sales sure. Prices as they are now...no, not much. I build so I have more inexpensive things I can do with my time - like making textures. I'm cautious with money right now as spending takes confidence in the economy to spend.
  3. I must have a guardian Angel. I am very lucky to report that I have an appointment date for the COVID vaccination. I am staying in as much as possible and all I want to say is that this vaccination will take place "soon". I have not been in COMPLETE isolation when I was exposed to someone with coronavirus a few weeks ago to which I am still testing negative. However, about all I do is get out in the hallways and walk around so my legs don't go numb from sitting too long; however, it's difficult to exercise as it's hard to breathe through a mask. Vaccination soon for me and some freedom I hope. Counting down the days...but soon. I plan on getting Chinese food take-out as soon as I can after vaccination.
  4. Oh yeah! That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing that. Easy get demos from the notice. I gotta say I couldn't be happier with the Eastern European look of SASHA and the thinner lip. I can't wait to try it! I still believe some creator's should consider having their older lines be more affordable but my saying this is not just meant for Lelutka. There is an older Catwa head I'd like to have but at 5K lindens it's a no-can-do for me; if it were a cheaper older Catwa head, they'd have a sale from me.
  5. See, this says a lot because it's true. I do not see speaking about "the Kardashian lip" as demeaning. That is what it is called in the cosmetics world and it's been everywhere and I mean everywhere. SL just needs more variety. Chubby as you say Robin is needed too but I'd like super model thin like Kate Moss. I am new to Lelutka. I bought AIDA for the Black Friday sales last year at half price. It's not easy to find a BOM skin that fits the origins line too well. While I did get a somewhat smaller lip on AIDA, the mouth still did not look good for animes so I turned them off. I use Catwa mostly but Catya by Catwa has the most versatile shaping - you can see that just by searching for shapes of Catya and how many shapes there are for Catya and one needs to always remember with mesh heads that they are partial modify. But, I use the static head, no teeth and no animations. First of all, the teeth are there and are not moveable. If I make the lips smaller, there are teeth there, so mesh will break and teeth will protrude. Then, I could take the teeth out on a Catwa head but it looks ridiculous smiling with no teeth. Anyhow, Lelutka just came with four or five new heads. The new head with a thin lip line is SASHA. Though IRINA may have some possibilities. ________________ EDIT to add: I also spoke in this thread about what I think the plus could be here and that is a more stable HUD than Legacy. However, tinting hands and other parts is a big off turn to me for any body, even my dream body of a thin model type. I never want to go back to tinting parts like I did with Slink...even elf ears are difficult to tint. I also agree that the price point is too high when there are other bodies like this, not to mention as far as hourglass creator's are leaving that out now. It's also a bad time to introduce a product with what could be a large economic worldwide downturn. Lowering prices if you want to sell is a better option, not to mention you have to tint parts. With having to tint parts to match, it's not worth this price point.
  6. Of course they are editable but then the teeth may not sit right nor the animations work right. I have been making as small of lips as possible but then I HAVE TO use the static head and still with smaller lips you may need to squash the head and then pull the chin up and that means hairs may not fit. So, then you have the rigged hairs and have to adjust your head to fit the hair and so that blows the whole trying to adjust the head for thinner lips. It's not as easy as it sounds. But, Lelutka did just come out with a thin lip head. I saw it yesterday and I am going to try it. Heads are partial modify, they aren't full modify as the teeth have to sit somewhere. What I'm saying is I have to use the static head and have no teeth as the teeth can and do protrude (break through) the mesh if one wants smaller lips. The teeth are not moveable. So, that's left me with static head, no teeth and no animations as if you try to re-arrange the face for smaller lips, the smile is way weird let alone using any of the other animations besides blink. However, Lelutka just came out with a thin lip head. I'm excited to try it.
  7. It's possible but the buttocks on Maitreya is still too big even at 36 wide on the legs. Oh, many, many people say that we could use one size smaller for Maitreya plus I was speaking about a super model thin type of body with a great bone structure could be fun as we don't have one like that. Maitreya for smaller, thin or petite is pretty good but many use a butt deformer for their butt to go smaller and there are numerous threads on this forum regarding just that - how can I make my Maitreya butt smaller. Legs at 40 plus for Maitreya is mostly needed or else the butt sticks out far too much. And, no there aren't many heads with smaller lips as you said above. However, one did just come out now and it's one of Lelutka's new heads I just saw yesterday. The Kardashian lip has been a very real thing and especially even in real life that it took over the cosmetic industry, and that is exactly what the beauty isles full of lip products call it "the Kardashian lip". There is the "Kylie Jenner lip" too for a little variety. lol
  8. I'm not sure what you mean by the demos should still be in group notices as the heads are available for both demo and purchase in the store now? I was surprised! I saw at least 4 I did not see for the Black Friday sales. I haven't demoed them yet. I probably will this weekend. I still like Ryn a lot though and might like to have Ryn one of these days. I think in SL, just in general, should put a lot of the older stuff to a permanent sale price or cheaper price. If heads were cheaper I'd play more. At higher prices, no, it's too much money. I don't understand the logic with some creator's and their high prices. Why not sell two or three at a cheaper price than none?
  9. Oh, yeah I know about the human singers and live shows...I meant a festival. Our festivals are usually for a whole weekend of live entertainment. I don't think the human crowd has those that are like a festival for a whole weekend. Keeba is a human singer whose band is made up on tinies. The singers at our tiny music festivals are usually human with the exception of Songbird perhaps. But, mostly humans come to entertain us. Humans are welcome at our tiny festivals also.
  10. The tinies, which are not child avatars by the way, are an asexual crowd of mostly small humanimal avatars although there are petite fairies and bees and dancing flowers - all kinds of "tinies" make up the tiny community. Dinkies are the most adorkable, imo, because of the way they can dance. Tinies hang out in large groups and we have events that can go over 100 because we are such low lag avatars. When I stumbled upon the Dinkies one day and then decided to become one, I've had the best SL I could ever hope for. We get together to just have "fun" and enjoy live music. Music in some ways is kind of dying out because people like to voice chat on Discord now that's why I think the live events are just more fun. Humans should follow the tiny tradition and have live music festivals like the tinies do. Our next live music festival will be for Mardi Gras most likely as well as a large parade of floats and without lag! Discovering the low lag experience of what I named "Tinyland" was pure fun and freedom to me. In the cloud I have less lag now so I have been making some sort of human avatars for photos, although I'd say my humans are a hybrid also and more like fairy, elf, or an Angel. The human mini skirt and mini club dresses I got sick of those and needed other things to open and stimulate my mind. But, if you get a chance, look up Keeba Tammas and the Tiny Maniacs as it's really a great live show. Keeba has been singing on stage since she was 5 years old, that's why I think she can relate to the tinies so well.
  11. I don't engage in SL sex at all. I noticed the title too and wondered how surprised she'd be that I am usually a Dinkie, a small cat avatar, and my social life consists of the tinies which are mostly small animal avatars other than cats. I hope we have a Mardi Gras parade this year with the floats we make, that was amazing last year pre-coronavirus. The tinies are vastly known as the asexual crowd. Our tiny small avatars are not built for slex but the Dinkies are the most adorkable dancers I've ever seen!
  12. Are there four new Lelutka heads out or not? I'm not sure... I just went to the Lelutka store and the last time I was there, which was last year for the Black Friday sales, I did not see these four heads I see now.
  13. I'd say if you look in the Destination Guide, it's usually full at the oldie's clubs (real oldie's, then oldies including 80's and Classic Rock). I just snapped the screenshot below. I don't go to clubs much anymore as I am burned out on the music, even the blues, and have been for quite some years now. I will go to a live music event or weekend music festival with live artist's every now and then. I hear the clubs on Bellesaria (spelling?) are fun and not just for the premium member residents alone who live there but I am not 100% sure on that. Skill Gaming is quite popular too I hear.
  14. I was just taking a wild stab at it as Boston is probably the city made of bricks. But, oh yeah, Sansar...looked up the Wookey buyers of Sansar which it says are head-quartered in San Francisco which is funnily enough not a city of many brick buildings.
  15. Yeah, Dust Bunny and Scarlet Creative most definitely my dream homes. But, what made this a dream home on Butterfly Hollow too was that the lighting changed by itself according to the time of day. That is very cool if you can figure out how to have the lighting change according to the time of day. But, now with EEP, I'm sure the lighting could be great but, for me, it's too expensive. I'm with Marianne, I'd need to win the lottery first. haha
  16. No, that would be melt not meld. My sisters and cousins and I learned to play a game called Canasta as children, although we played even higher levels of Canasta called Bolivia and Uruguay. In these games we have teams, so when one thinks they have the most fantastical amazing hand one needs to ask their teammates "can I meld?" or let team players know one is ready to meld by saying "I'm ready to go all out". What melding does though is it joins the value of your hand with your team players hands (which one does not know of course, so one has to guess, as all hands are private). Meld means to join. So the final tally of your hand laid out on the table is joined (melded) with those of your teammates and the final score is of the whole team. The team has to agree that you can meld though or go all out first.
  17. I had my SL dream house at Butterfly Hollow. It was a Dust Bunny Gacha Home in a Victorian style. The lighting in that home from Butterfly Hollow is what was so amazing and how the seasons would change. The Dust Bunny Victorian home is no longer on Butterfly Hollow though as it was a lot of prims so I guess the land owner decided to take it out. I cannot afford a dream home in SL. I have had nice homes that are more like a studio. Dream homes are out of my price range and the Butterfly Hollow home is no longer there. Plus, I cannot afford a studio to work in and a home. Most of the photos I do have of my dream home on Butterfly Hollow are on a private FLICKR account. My dream homes are still the Dust Bunny Victorian Gacha home as well as a few Gacha homes by Scarlet Creative but I don't have that kind of money to spend on SL for the land, all the prims, the landscaping, the lighting. Heck no. Be blessed you can. Here is one photo from my home on Butterfly Hollow, it was my dream home...now a long ago dream. The home on Butterfly Hollow was surrounded by water. Must cost a fortune! The person who runs Butterfly Hollow is a great sim builder especially with lighting. If you need any help with lighting, she might be one to ask. Her lighting talent is exquisite although I lit this picture but still her lighting was an inspiration to me to achieve higher.
  18. I think the closest America translation would be to "go all out" meaning more or less fully do it with nothing stopping you, putting all your cards on the table. However, going all out reminds me of the card games I used to play as a girl with my whole family. Melding is also a card term for certain card games as is "go all out" or "I'm ready to meld".
  19. I like Josie Maran's Color Stick. Very natural and stays too. Josie Maran is one of the prettiest women I've ever seen and she says it's all due to Argon Oil. She has great products.
  20. Hmmmmm. My friends and family seem pretty okay to me...lol. No further comment. (just kidding) But, anyhow...intelligence is an interesting debate and why it would be declining. I threw out there genetically modified food and sugars as food as the reason but I have not studied it nor do I have anything factual that is why I was being deliberately obtuse. But, gmo's and sugars, food for thought there, eh? Does a Ceka style... hehehe (too)
  21. I know. I already answered above and said I was being obtuse. I should have said I was being intentionally obtuse.
  22. It's been said for decades that people as a whole are dumber simply because of television itself and not any one particular show. Less reading is most likely the factor if indeed people are dumber because of television itself. But, remember there is a difference between intelligence and knowledge. I haven't owned a TV in six years but it was still overkill with the Kardashians with it being everywhere in the cosmetics isles and magazines. Variety is the spice of life. As it's a new year, I hope I find some new things to enjoy. We could use some "good" changes.
  23. I was being obtuse. The maybe should have been a giveaway I was not serious. I just wanted to say that about sugar and genetically modified food, and rag on the Kardashians a bit. OmyGawd, it has been such overkill with the Kardashians and cosmetics and especially "the Kardashian lip", just overkill, killed it already, and Taylor Swift too.
  24. I've never even seen one episode of the Kardashians but their nearly taking over the cosmetic industry along with Taylor Swift was enough for me to know it's enough and enough is enough just like no is no. No, I do not want "the Kardashian lip" every time I go to the cosmetic isle. However, saying the reason that people in the "westernized" world are getting dumber due to the Kardashians could be sexist towards women and I think women are very smart. Two of the smartest people I've ever known were women. So, maybe it's due to genetically modified food and sugars?
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