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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I know, I create. The work involved is just un-effing-believable. I've never worked so hard at anything in my entire life. I'm small potatoes though and not corporate as just doing the little I do can be frankly exhausting. Just exhausting. And, people can tire of it in a day or less. As far as what bodies I would do, for those not corporate or having any help, I'd say approach creating for SL like it's your wardrobe you are making. Make clothing you'd like to wear and then share some of your wardrobe and put it up for sale. It's a good approach to get started too. I also couldn't afford all the bodies. Working to the point of exhaustion for peanuts, no, not worth it to buy all those bodies in the first place. It's also not worth it unless you do advertising big time. And, to advertise one item on MP is $3.50 per item per week. That's a lot of money, especially if the item does not sell. I was surprised to to see how quickly Kupra grew too, but I think it's cute, although not for me. I'd like something different but more like boney, super model thin, with real bones and bone structure showing. As far as Maitreya's popularity, I loved it from day one but after three years maybe I'd like something new one of these days but more on the thinner than Maitreya scale.
  2. I was thinking about what you said here and this could be the reason why a lot of products labeled as organic say 'no added' chemicals or preservatives. We only have so much control though. How to clean the water so to speak, I have no idea. It's interesting also that many foods labeled 'no added preservatives' aren't entirely truthful either as salt is a preservative and many organic products contain some salt. I have two sisters who are absolute salt junkies. I love salt too but when I tried Lays Potato Chips with Sea Salt I dream about those things. Those Lays chips with sea salt are sooooooooo delicious, the best I've ever had. After I am vaccinated, I plan to go to the store to buy Lays Potato Chips with Sea Salt (true story here lol.) I really am.
  3. Yes, the LOVE pillows I felt a single could purchase and decorate with also as they are kind of retro and sort of "hippie days" inspired and for any time really or singles, the same with the cupids. The thing about Shabby Chic is it tells a story, the cupids have a bit of a broken leg and a broken wing...it's a bittersweet tale with Shabby Chic often that can be about family, friends, lovers, memories of that which was made up of moments of one's life. The French are very romantic at heart and cherubs have always been a large part of their decorating. I am a romantic but I don't think I am too terribly sappy as a romantic though. But, after 26 years of two relationships one right after the other, I love being single. I would buy a love pillow for me for instance. There is no reason to have to have a partner to remember LOVE, as we are daughters, sisters, Mom's, cat Mom's, friends and we have those kinds of love too. I don't see myself as a loser because I choose to be single. If I choose to have a rl boyfriend, it would have to be occasional, nothing too serious.
  4. I've never made nor sold Valentine's specific items in SL before this year. I came up with some ideas, so I made the items and sold them. After such a lousy year I felt LOVE is not a bad thing to remember, and they sold quite well. My items were inworld exclusives only. I'm glad some of my friends picked them up as I also feel they could be for any time too. When I made these, I never once thought I was being commercial probably because they could be used anytime because cherubs are a very large part of antique French decor and Shabby Chic. IOW, cherubs are an every day part of French decor.
  5. I have begin to delete multiples and sort a bit. Some things I've done - deleted demos, deleted items that are not my body size and now delete all items that are not my body size when I buy something; taken all of one store's name and put everything in a box and then labeled the box that store name (this one I did because I bought a bunch of new items I'd prefer to get use out of now), I deleted almost all Classic clothing, keeping only a few tops I'd like to wear as an under-thing. All of these took about about three weeks. I am at 150K items. I have also deleted a lot of sculpty items I won't be using anymore as I am all mesh now. It's not easy, but if it gives you some peace of mind, decide how you'd like to sort a bit. Also, remember you don't need to keep all your items as you can get a redelivery. For me, it's that I have a bazillion textures I need to figure out how best to sort now. I need some kind of texture holding HUD, or something like that, where I can view a whole bunch of my textures at once.
  6. This is true. The science of health and our food can vary and vary day-by-day sometimes with a publication always coming with some new finding. One medical journal says this, another says that's changed and now this. I find science much like that song "weird science". I ultimately think science is weird because it's ever changing, especially as it relates to our health. I suffer from hereditary high cholesterol and eat only egg whites and no other sources of cholesterol for that past few years, although I've had hereditary high cholesterol found in my early twenties. I've always had it even though my diet could be considered "health food" centric and my youngest sister too who could also be considered living a extremely healthy lifestyle. *shrugs* Why my youngest sister and I have this is a mystery. I also have a friend who was a vegetarian, didn't smoke, didn't drink, didn't do drugs, exercised daily and came down with brain cancer. This brain cancer was thought to just be hereditary. However, I prefer lighter, delicious meals without heavy meat by choice and taste as to what I prefer. So, I think I could easily adapt. Heavy meals I would not like to adapt too.
  7. I'm not exactly sure what kind of meat you are speaking about in the far north? I also heard the far north people sustained on a lot of fish. Fish has Omega3 which can lower the bad cholesterol, I think. Anyhow, I'm just waking up with coffee...so not sure of what you are referring to and what was their whole diet. I'd say animals are organic, yes, but animal fats are the leading cause of diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Also, organic meat is far, far different than what most of us have eaten. It is way leaner and there isn't that much of it and has far less fat than the main farm grown, genetically modified meats we eat today where the animals themselves are fed genetically modified sugars to "fatten up", the corn especially.
  8. You know, the thing is Gopi, you haven't tasted the foods I have. If you had, you'd be like bring on Heaven. Yes! Yes! YES! But, you nor anyone cannot know what you do not know. It's all the way it's cooked and grown. There are heavenly organic growers and cooks but my telling you that is still not you tasting it. I'll never forget the roasted cauliflower salad I had. My boss and I flipped out over it! That cook was astounding. "This is sooooooooo good" me and my boss. OMGeeeeeeee! The problem is I live in a sun belt. What about other's who don't? One thing about the planet and us, the planet and humans were meant to consume that which is organic. The planet does not know how to dispose of man-made chemicals. Neither do our bodies. Animals fats are shortening our lifespan. I have no doubt about that.
  9. I would have no problem. I was a lacto-ovo vegetarian for 11 years, eating dairy products, organic whole grains, vegetables, nuts, beans, fruits, tortillas, a bit of tofu but not much. If I'm forgetting some foods, I'm tired right now. I stopped drinking soda at the age of 17 and eat very little sugar. I also eat no junk food whatsoever currently but if I do snack I go for potato chips about 2-3 times a year. So, I would have no problem whatsoever. It is what I would prefer. My diet changed for certain reasons by adding chicken, turkey and fish and a little meat but I'd still prefer to go vegetarian again. I also worked out six days a week, so it is a complete and total myth that vegetarians are weak or unhealthy, quite the contrary.
  10. She looks made of wax or plastic, but more like life size figurines at the Hollywood Wax Museum. As far as the movements and the arms looking more realistic, I think that looks pretty darn good. The legs look a bit weird or cartoonish to me and not like Legacy at all, or perhaps one is just turned in weird. I often wonder what avatars will look in 10 years or so. We're pushing it now with Legacy at nearly 1 million polygons. What I'd like to really to know if we could have in the future the ability to derender all items that aren't ours, then the lag in our house would be gone.
  11. All of "this", all these happenings that occurred in 2020 and carrying over into 2021, has a lot to do with a virus too which is not a political thing. How this has all become political is kind of surreal to me because all I know is all these "stressful" events that occurred in 2020 and now 2021 has given me an ulcer. I fear I will have some phobias from all of it too. My sisters and I would like to go to out to eat after we are all vaccinated and then I started feeling uneasy about it - like I have a fear of restaurants now. If my sisters and I could eat outside, I think I'd feel better about going into a restaurant. Many of you are free. California has been in lockdown since November. So I have phobias now. I don't mind sharing on a message board how all this has effected me and it's not because of politics. Right now with the impeachment, it's not a whole party here, it's Trump. I think Trump was unfit for office. The last thing I read in the news before Trump was silenced on social media was Trump saying "I'm not feeling well". I think this thread won't last long either but I do agree with you the more you can talk to those close to you, the better.
  12. All of it is troubling to me, Bree. 2020 was one heck of a year and I've said to others it was the worst year of my life. We are emotional and sensitive creatures. Even many animals are emotional and sensitive creatures. But, with all the super-charged emotional and dangerous events it's better to talk about your feelings than not, imo. Talking, thinking and expressing how we feel does helps us gets through life. It is like Scylla said "a process". It's a process dealing with all of it.
  13. Is she a doctor? Regarding the cake and the bedside manner, it reminded me of when I was six years old. I became very ill and started throwing up blood. So, I was hospitalized overnight at age 6. I insisted my Mom be allowed to stay with me and the doctor actually let my Mom stay overnight in the hospital with me. Soon after my Mom and I woke up the next morning, the doctor brought me in ice cream, a lot of ice cream. He had the greatest bedside manner ever, I thought. I was able to eat all the ice cream and went home that afternoon with my Mom shortly thereafter and was all better. No more stomach problems. I forgot what I had now...gastro something or other or maybe it was called gastritis. He was cute young doctor too but my Mom was taken, sorry.
  14. There is tons of great stuff at The Black Forest. Terrific games as well - games of all kinds.
  15. Oh, no problem. If anyone Google's female hair extensions they will see what I mean. No, I know what you mean that it's not dissing because it looks real to where you can even see where the real hair might have been blended in over the hair extensions, and what would be the real hair looks real and then hair extensions look like hair extensions. It's really quite remarkable what these creator's did to where it's so life-like. They have long tape in hair now. I'd be afraid the tape would pull out my hair.
  16. Yea, I wrote above about the styling HUD, and that's what I did with the long ROSE hair that I bought but I bought the BLOGGER PACK and I just checked and the Blogger Pack comes with both HUDs including the styler. I wear that ROSE hair with one side behind my ear and pushed back, I'm just kind of remarking on the pictures with all that hair that covers up our top body. All of their pictures aren't with the hair covering the body but a lot are. But, that is also the way hair stylists put hair extensions in our hair in real life and then the hair stylist throws all the hair forward like in the pictures.
  17. I'm afraid this is true. So, "good" is subjective also. Some of these high triangle items were made to use as props for 2D photography within SL. So, do you want good as in optimized for general use in SL or for photography within SL or what? More to the OP: I agree with The Sea Hole. I started my SL with all 1 linden clothing from The Sea Hole because I didn't know what the heck I wanted to buy yet. But, The Sea Hole clothing is still very good and the price is practically free. If you want some 2D props for SL photography, pick up some second-hand resale Gachas on the cheap. Don't use the machines, look for second-hand ones on MP or in resale Gacha malls and yardsales inworld. ALL THINGS GACHA group inworld could direct you to some cheap yardsale items.
  18. Cheap is subjective. What price range? Also what style? Do you mean for apparel or furnishings?
  19. Well, it seemed a bit one-sided to me. But, it's neither here nor there. A lot of Americans have had problems from lockdowns to masks to people in my building complaining that only one can ride in the elevator at a time and how stupid that is. I just comply with what the signs say now. But, even after my vaccination, I'm going to go shopping with a mask and gloves for awhile.
  20. Well, no, not exactly. But, I mean if you have great ones...why cover them up with all that hair? Plus, no one could see my cute top. I tend to buy a little past shoulder length. Truth has "hair extension" looking hair too similar to Doux in their newest hairs.
  21. Yeah but why blame only Republicans? I live in a very diverse building of all colors and religions including Middle Easterners. Arabs and Jews live here together, and my building is so diverse that there are all different kinds of beliefs about COVID but honestly have nothing to do with Trump or Republicans or Biden nor even our own state Governor, Governor Newsom. It has more to do with them personally plus what information they are all getting as I don't know which person is watching what news channel for example and there are all kinds of news channels and even news channels in just about every foreign language here. Generally, what I see and hear from many who live here is just confusion more than anything but it doesn't have anything to do with any political party.
  22. Why does that not impress you, Luna? It did me and especially because there is a new strain, the U.K. variant is pretty much thoroughly here in the U.S, and is thought to spread quicker. I mean don't people care? However, I feel this thread is dead. It just keeps going around and around and is getting no where. This Could Become the Next Major Superspreader Event, Experts Warn In the lead up to the Super Bowl, the nation's top health officials, including Anthony Fauci, MD, were warning that small indoor watch parties could lead to a spike in COVID cases. And while living room get-togethers could end up putting a dent in the current downward trend of infections in the U.S., there's now concern that the biggest gathering of all could have dire consequences. Local officials are concerned that public Super Bowl celebrations in Tampa—where the home team, the Buccaneers, beat the Kansas City Chiefs—could become the next major COVID superspreader event. Read on to see why this could cause major problems for Florida and beyond https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/this-could-become-the-next-major-superspreader-event-experts-warn/ss-BB1dvkZM?li=BBnbfcL
  23. Speaking of DOUX...you know I was looking at hair extensions just recently and those hairs in the link above from Rowan's post look like how hair extensions would look. I always thought DOUX had a bit too much hair but now I see it's really based around hair extensions. I absolutely fell in love with the ROSE hair though. That is gorgeous and not too much hair and doesn't cover up our great ta-ta's too much either. I mean if you have great ta-tas why cover them up? Yeah, yeah...I know that's what the styling HUD is for. But, still I like hairs that don't cover up my breasts. On MP, there is a place where you can choose from a menu NEWEST FIRST to see new products from any creator you wish too. The drop down menu is a bit to the right and somewhat near the top of the page and it may say RELEVANCE. Click on that word RELEVANCE and then click on NEWEST FIRST. You will need to go to the DOUX MP store first or any store and THEN the word RELEVANCE will appear a bit to the right and near the top under each store's name banner.
  24. Yeah, I wasn't sure about the whole thing because I know our state and local governments still have their own jurisdictions. Thanks for clarifying that. Then it would have to be deemed necessary at the state levels as a health hazard to not wear masks, I'm guessing. But, if things couldn't just go from horror movie to worse, this was just released: (If it was released before, I don't remember. I think the below was "hinted" at but not documents were released before.) Startling documents released Monday point to heavy-handed interference by top Trump administration officials last summer to downplay the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, through suppressed testing results and altered guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on reopening businesses and schools. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-team-suppressed-covid-tests-weakened-cdc-guidance-to-protect-president-report/ar-BB1dv874?li=BBnb7Kz
  25. It could be partly that but I was lying in bed last night thinking how the ring of power has taken some over in our congress. Congress against Trump showed who really had the power and now they've tasted that power and don't want to let it go, like in the movie The Lord of the Rings. Plus, in simple terms, Republicans are somewhat going "well, you didn't listen to OUR president, so now we won't listen to YOUR president". And, even simpler, "I only listen to Republicans" but some democrats are doing that too..."I only listen to Democrats". It's nuts. It's nuts. Democrats are going to try to push the COVID RELIEF BILL through without Republicans. That's the last I heard. But, the responsibility still falls on her whatever she believes or is trying to pull especially when, oh I guess it's not her president, has set forth a national mask wearing mandate. This is horrid actually. I have never witnessed a government so dysfunctional that it's becoming dangerous.
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