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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Supply oxygen for one; transportation to ships, whatever they can. National guard too. As far as bury the dead, possibly.
  2. I added a link up above. I don't want to get involved in the media circus in Washington but I have no TV so if I go to main page news for coronavirus updates, I see the headlines and see the photos. I mean the media circus in Washington is taking up the media while important coronavirus news is over-looked. I just wanted to add I don't understand why our American leaders aren't calling on the military to help.
  3. I'm still negative. I have had many tests. I am glad I did not get it and am still negative. I just read Los Angeles is like a "war zone". It's terrible! I don't know what we are going to do but I am sick and tired of the circus in Washington taking up the media whilst coronavirus problems get pushed under the rug. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/hospitals-look-like-war-zones-in-southern-california-paramedics-say/ar-BB1cze7t?li=BBnb7Kz
  4. Winter in the desert South West is magical and peaceful. It is my favorite season. Winter here in the Southwest I do find spiritual. Jim Morrison spoke of the same feelings about the desert South West. Weather for us this Winter has been mild and more Spring-like than previous Winters. Still a drought. Rained once in December since January of 2020. So for 2020 it rained once over a 12-month time span that I remember anyways...we might have had mist-like barely sprinkling perhaps once or twice other than one rainfall we just had in December. I worry about problems though about this polar vortex splitting. Stay safe and warm and chop lots of wood everybody!
  5. Would I? Maybe. I'd say it depends but most likely I'd pick it up and throw it in the trash so the cats wouldn't eat it because most human food needs to be kept away from cats or they could choke. I'd give them treats like meat I personally shredded just for them from a whole chicken I would use for chicken soup for example. But, food needs to be in small sizes for a cat. So, food on the floor is a danger with cats. I've had to pull things out of a cats mouth becuz ex hubby was not so mindful of that.
  6. I think it's safe to say that was Philip Rosedale's vision. We could sign on and begin having fun the same day. Now, it's sign up and be rejected if you don't have a mesh avatar. Once newbies look at the cost and hassle of making a mesh avatar, they are gone and off to simpler worlds. And, some probably leave because they have to deal with a rejection and rejection is painful. Philip Rosedale did once have a simpler world. Others may think we looked awful as Classic avatars, but the lighting and viewer were different to enhance the Classic avatar more, and it was fun. I think the motto was "meet friends today" and "start creating today". That's not so today unless you want to live a SL as a semi rejected hermit in a Classic avatar. It's funny January you mention sims for Classic avatars only. When I first joined SL I was told many clubs were allowing mesh avatars only.
  7. Need to get past the coronavirus economic fallout which could take a few years. Banks could collapse. A rush to bonds could cause a liquidity crisis. Business could go bust and those jobs will disappear. I think it's more along the lines of what plans creator's have to weather the coming financial storms. If a creator relies on SL as their income or a good part of their income, do they have any plan B or C even to stay afloat? I think a lot of people are just taking this one day at a time...but for the future of business, I'm not too optimistic at present. However, I am an optimist. I have never felt so pessimistic in my life ever. So, my prediction is it could be "rough".
  8. It's possible but I remember more of the quote now going "people are dropping the Legacy because of the 5K update for BOM" but I'd have to go through all my posts to find the thread. However, the forum was completely silent about it...so something obviously was not worded right but that sure made me steer clear of Legacy after their "history". And with their previous history, why should I have doubted it? It was their pattern. And, Bento is not an update like BOM is. Legacy does now appear to have corrected some problems and some are still like a tennis match...one say it's fixed and not a problem, the other says it's not fixed and it's still a problem to whatever the problem may be. However, the body has a demo. Lots of items in SL don't even have a demo. Although a demo isn't always 100% with certain items as my first two mesh heads were a total disaster. My first mesh head was a Genesis (not to be confused with Genus) and I'm thinking it works with appliers like every other head but then come to find out Genesis heads do not work with appliers BUT only their appliers and you have to buy their skins only and their skins are terrible in the shading - super light face, dark body, even darker neck. Then I bought Strawberry thinking it's fully modify when it's really partially modify as not all sliders work and that head just never worked out for me and the lip was like a unilip on the top. I finally found some lipsticks through Izzie to work on Strawberry but it still wasn't what I thought. I never knew partial modify existed until I got into the mesh body and head items. As far as Legacy, it's come a long way. Choose what you like. As far as triangles - Maitreya has about 150K triangles; Legacy female has about 750K triangles. Take the demos to busy places to see how the demo runs.
  9. I'm wondering if that is how it was in the beginning because a forumite, a regular user, said she wasn't going to use the Legacy body anymore because they were going to charge 5K for the update to BOM. My answer was "oh, throw that to the curb already" after I had heard so many negative things about Legacy from the forum in a thread that was over 200 pages long; I couldn't stand seeing somebody taken for 5K after all "the other things". And, the thread went completely silent. No one said a thing that one did not have to pay 5K for the BOM update until now, many months later. This has turned a lot of people off (among other things) this having to pay another 5K for a BOM update. But, again, the forum was entirely silent at that time.
  10. It's kind of a quarantine where I live but I live in a communal type apartment building where we share elevators, front and back doors, mail, etc. However, it is volunteer for about another week or so as our building has been marked as Covid Outbreak. However, since this supposed outbreak, I have not seen one person sick which is making me wonder a lot or else our mostly quarantining in our apartments is helping a lot. I order what I need through the internet. The Health Department is here. This is mostly occurring as a kind of quarantine as the Health Department spoke to all of us who were "exposed" and told us there is no where to send us if we get sick. I have had on a mask and social distance and use my sleeves to touch elevator buttons and open doors, etc, so if I was exposed I was exposed with mask, social distancing, not directly touching things with my bare hands, etc. So, that may be a good thing. We were tested today at about the 10th or 11th day since exposure here. We now await results. Seems some people are asymptomatic and/or many people are asymptomatic, as we've had people test positive here, self-isolate and then emerge just fine never having had any illness. Anyhow, to further make things further weird. I just got news my niece is pregnant with her second baby and her husband was sick with Covid-19. The husband recovered from Covid-19 BUT my niece has never tested positive and does not have Covid-19. So, it's even possible to live with a person with Covid-19 and not catch it.
  11. Well, I'd have to take your word for it because that's not what I heard AND seen typed right here on this forum, and I know people who dropped the body because of no free update to BOM because they did not want to pay another 5K for BOM updated Legacy Body. I've never owned the body, so I cannot confirm one way or the other.
  12. On certain animations ALL the bodies can look terrible in the shoulders. It's the animation and not always the body. The armature can only do so much when it's animated like a doll; the armature of the mesh bodies is not like human armature as it has no joints like humans do. So, no matter what body, adjust the shoulder width as needed, as some slump can be cured a bit on the mesh bodies by having a wider shoulder but not all. The answer regarding problems with Legacy as per your OP. The problem was mostly NO free updates for the body, not even for BOM. Maitreya for instance has a petite add-on for 599 lindens I think it is while with Legacy you have to buy a full body perky for 5000 lindens. Again, with Maitreya and BOM - free updated BOM body at no cost with Maitreya; Legacy you had to pay another 5000 Linden for a BOM Legacy body. That was part of it. Prior to BOM, the HUD had to work via the MEDIA area and it was extremely lag-intense. I'm not sure how the HUD works now. There were other issues as well which can be found by googling Second Life Legacy Body vs Maitreya Body for example. That should pull up some of the old threads. However, it is what you love ultimately or she loves that will matter. The bum from behind has a pretty big gap as do the legs so be sure to try on a demo. There are things I like about Legacy and things I don't. The gaps at the base of the bum and the leg gap are the most I don't like. I would not want to pay for any updates at 5000 linden each time either.
  13. I agree with that for sure and have said so before...but it's the Legacy Athletic Body, Swimmer Shape, which comes with purchase that I think is totally hot. Not all men would want to keep that shape though as most like to make their own shape...but swimmer shape...best male body in SL for sure. As far as disputes about Legacy vs Maitreya. Maitreya is an exceptional company and goes way out of her way to add a lot of cool stuff at no charge when she updates and Maitreya's updates are free. Legacy...well...their history still has me steering clear of them plus what I really want is a super thin ballet dancer or super model type of body with great bone structure. I'm just NOT into Kardashian stuff nor look which I feel has been done to death already. I felt for newbies for men since they didn't buy the body and then have to pay another 5K linden to upgrade to BOM, it's a good body for newbies, the men's. But...most men don't want an item with a history like this from this company. Most men do not seem interested in Legacy men's. Men are more cautious that way.
  14. I've been making some new shapes...but keep in mind they are fantasy shapes mostly for Fairies, Elves, Mermaids...things like that...so I made the body a bit "fantasy" too as I think a fairy body might look different but that's just my perspective about fairies. I usually don't dress my fairies in a traditional way...it's more like fairy becomes human and tries to fit in kind of thing....
  15. I just searched for LAQ. The search came up LAQ Decor on Marketplace. It's empty. There is nothing in the MP store. Did they go inworld only? I'm not inworld right now but I wondered why they would close on MP.
  16. Yes, shopping with all that snow and the decorations was very difficult. I just noticed that again yesterday and gave up. While I know creator's want to decorate their sims, some may not want to plow through the lag even if a freebie or a discount. Oh, yeah...this could definitely be a huge part of the problem. I don't think it's so off topic. I believed the OP was discussing current issues which very well may include the cloud making them frustrated. I've had my frustrating issues recently too but I've had frustrating issues in the past also which get fixed. Bake fails I had forgotten about those until BOM re-emerged. But, I know...things could change but we don't need to overtake the thread about the future of cloud computing either. It will change as it changes. I'm kind of excited about it in a way. May open up things on lesser devices too...maybe even phones. Almost everything in life has it's pros and cons.
  17. Are you sure about the "hardware" part and even the "wifi" part. First, hardware. I thought the cloud was kind of like borrowing another person's computer. Are you sure hardware is all that as most computing will eventually be cloud based from what I've read. Imagine what the cloud could be like in a few years...it could be pretty awesome and no need for all that hardware because with the cloud, it borrows the hardware. The need for graphics chip as we know them could become obsolete. Gaming rigs could be different so I wouldn't include those into SL and the cloud. Second, wifi. I've been wifi only and it was okay pre-cloud. I don't know how my wifi is post cloud because SL has far less lag in the cloud dealing with heavy mesh avatars it was never meant to deal with in the first place. So, wifi, I'm not so sure that is the OP's issue. It would be better, however, if the OP stated what the issues are. It could be SL burn-out too plus Covid stress. But, I have problems in the cloud and these are my most recent - items won't detach, shaper won't allow me to make a new shape. It lets me move the sliders but then just shuts down with no new shape made and I've never experienced that before in SL.
  18. Yes, very true. SL has always had "problems"....most were lag and/or a slow marketplace. I've had some problems too but since the cloud my lag is way better so I'm riding it out here. But, if it's stressing the OP out...look, I took two breaks from SL before. I have NOT been here the whole fifteen years since when I first started. I've been here maybe seven altogether but I took several years out in between. I painted for a couple of years instead and tried writing songs. Find something else to do.
  19. What I read is many health care feel the PPE has been enough. As far as my cold and our building being exposed, it's so weird to have this mild cold. I have no fever. The health department was here and we are having our temperatures checked twice a day. I have no fever and will be Covid-tested again either tomorrow or Monday. I am ready for the vaccine whenever it gets here. I don't have allergies. All the vaccines I've ever had in my life (most as a child) were an "Angel-send." I was so glad as kids we had all the vaccines we did because my Mom and Dad didn't have those.
  20. No, they'll all complain about punctuation or lack thereof which I could give a flyin' flip about. Some people text on phones which isn't easy, thus lack of punctuation quite often on the forum. Re: COVID-19 But, on to other things re:Covid...I've heard some health care professionals are refusing the vaccine. Meanwhile, on the flip side, seniors camped out overnight in Florida for the vaccine with overnight temperatures in the 40's which is cold for camping out. Vaccination hasn't been off to a good start in America. Covid stress...I think it's a real syndrome and I think I have that. I also wanted to say we got news in my building that we were exposed. By whom, we don't know yet although rumors abound. It's been about eight days since the news we were exposed but I have been fighting symptoms that seem like a mild cold with a little bit of sneezing and a dry throat. It's kind of scary yet my symptoms haven't gone anything over what I'd describe as a mild cold. Coincidence? I don't know for sure.
  21. Yep, and now that I see the picture with the V-like waist, that's the Kim Kardashian corset picture I show in my post above. Kim Kardashian could not expand her ribcage to breathe in that corset it was so tight and had to go through training so she wouldn't breathe other than extremely shallow breaths. Women don't look like that naturally. The legs look crazy weird too...like a balloon. I do hope we get more styles of bodies, but we need some smaller for a variety, not more of the same. I have ballet dancers in my family, we are slim with very long thin legs and arms and our limbs are made for ballet. There are beautiful women of all shapes and sizes, even small-breasted women are beautiful.
  22. Yes, the best sex for me was when I loved the person. Nothing else can compare to that so casual sex I can take it or leave...it's not so great, so I leave it. I reserve sex for rl love and relationship this is the main reason I'm not interested in cybersex and it feels intrusive in my own home and space. I don't want someone I don't know on the internet getting too friendly with me that they want to be in my personal real life space.
  23. Even *if* I were interested in a curvy corset-like body, which I am not, with the current economic situation and the fallout which could be years of a vicious economic downturn, creator's need to start thinking about reducing their prices, not raising prices. It is better to sell two or three or four of something at a reduced price than none. The price for this Kardashian clone is way over-priced. As far as other bodies, something different like a super model super thin body I'd be interested in but more in the ballpark of a Maitreya body as far as price. And, to draw in a younger crowd, if possible, SL needs more youthful looking options and I'd like more youthful looking options. This just looks mature to me, mature in age, not mature rating.
  24. That works out good for you. But not for me. I was going to send some creator's a notecard to please start sculpting some smaller lips so we can have a variety of lip looks as humans are quite varied. I'd love to see a super model thin type body too...at least it's something different and I'd be interested in that. More Kardasian clone's, no. At least Kupra has originality to it.
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