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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. I believe all my items are fully modify with the exception of some scripts and a few cups. This can cause some confusion. Often items are actually modify but due to scripts they contain which are no modify, the object reads no modify in one's inventory. Often these types of items where the object actually is modify but contain no modify scripts become modify upon rezzing the item. Many furniture items are that way and once the furniture item is rezzed it will read copy and modify upon the ground. Also, many hairs may say no modify in your inventory but that's because of the script not the hair, so I always recommend to people to check all the hairs you buy to see if they are modify. I notice this fools many people because often hair comes in pastels but the hair is modify and all you have to do is tint plus the lighter colors from many hair sellers often come with a tinter...yet many residents still buy the pastel pack. It's better to check the hair and make sure it doesn't come with a tinter before buying the pastels packs. So, I often buy just the white/black and blonde packs because many hairs do come with a tinter or they can be tinted via the SL color picker palette that is built into every object in SL. If you don't know how to find the built in color picker palette built into every object in SL, ask a friend or building school. The OP mentioned the inworld building tools. There have been some problems with alpha blending/alpha masking. Some items need to be able to be put on alpha masking now which is causing some problems so I am sure to make sure all my items are fully modify. A few where you can receive a drinking cup might be excluded from full modify but even with a cup you can still move and rotate the cup or any object even if it is no modify you just cannot stretch it.
  2. Marketplace but I love my little inworld tiny stores I rent inworld in a mall too. I rent my little booths because it gives me a chance to experience living in the world and at the cost of mere dollars not hundred dollars for a sim to have a store. I am not a fan of Caspervend, however, and prefer to use the items or rezzed boxes as vendors. The reason I don't like Caspervend is my stuff is mostly furniture and it needs to be rezzed. Another reason I don't like Caspervend is I'd have to do a lot of pictures and if I had to do all those pictures, I'd just as soon put the items on Marketplace then. I don't have time to do all those pictures and that's why I like to have my little stores in a mall, it saves me from having to do pictures and all I have to do is rez the finished items. So, I'd guess I'd say private sims is great along with those who have land or a home via being a Premium member. I'd hate to see SL go all Premium only.
  3. Differing definitions of game. Role play, to me anyhow, is more like acting. That's why I call it "acting sex" and that's why I don't like it. I am not into acting sex. So, I am a General player mostly plus I don't want people wanting to get into my real life too much nor that intimate on the internet. SL is not all sex anyhow. As far as the OP, it's out of our control. I love the cloud. It's like borrowing someone else's computer. No need to be a geek into the future and do the update this thingy or tweak that thangie ad nauseum, ad nauseum, ad nauseum. The banning of Parler will ultimately create competition. I believe something called Gab may already be in play here. Gab a new social media site or something or other. I do not care for social media nor read it.
  4. I'd say all the Art Nouveau artworks I've sold in Second Life I also had in real life. Art Nouveau was my first passion and love in real life at the age of 12. I also began drawing art nouveau inspired artworks of my own at age 12. Alphonse Mucha still inspires me today. Art Nouveau ended in about 1910. This photo below may be the first Mucha artwork I had by the age of 13. My older sister had just gotten her own apartment and she starting taking me antique shops to view all the art nouveau. It was breaktaking and still is. To me, this looks like it would have been for a calendar. The calendar would have been placed on the bottom where the white part is and then you just tear off a month as it passes. Plus, it has signs of the Zodiac, so I do believe this is a reproduction of what would have been used as a calendar in or about the year 1900 or so.
  5. If you like Boho, Mimikri inworld and on Marketplace has some very cute items. Her stuff is not all Boho but much of what I like and remember is. She has mini club dresses and other club things too. Mimikri is a bit more expensive though but you can buy some of her items for less.
  6. It can be. Just recently I saw a child avatar with a leash on her in photos for a shape. Parts of SL are very creeeeeeeeepy, especially the beaten child that is appearing a lot of late in WHAT CUSTOMERS ARE BUYING NOW. I went looking for a skin recently and saw beaten child tattoo faces and a skin in a Gacha machine in that skin store. I decided not to buy any skins from that store and left. But, I see ads of full frontal nudity on MP under General and no one complains nor does anything. Piercings, tattoos, all kinds of things show full frontal nudity and are NOT listed under Adult. This place could use some cleaning up.
  7. I don't understand your reply. I don't own a TV either. All I really wanted to say was turn it off as there is nothing people in other countries can do in the first place. I am upset, I live here and I didn't understand why you were upset when you don't live here? The media moguls own a vast portion of the world. I have ranted here about this media circus too and just recently in fact as I feel it's taking away a possibility to hear news about coronavirus, how other states are doing, the state of the economy, all kinds of things. But, the media is doing this trump, trump, trump, trump, trump thing. There is nothing one can do but tune it out. But, ultimately, those in other countries cannot help us here.
  8. There is the possibility of the Boogaloo Bois being involved, which are a Neo-Nazi group from readings on the internet, and apparently the Boogaloo Bois (or Boys) want a "race war". I'm not sure why you are upset, Maryanne, it's not your country. Just hope for peace for us and leave it alone. I'm upset, it's my country. Plus, you can turn off the TV in your home.
  9. Yeah, that is unfortunate. Search engines are that way sometimes. I just this morning typed in one very specific word in the Ebay search engine because it is the name of a product. The search engine gave me results that were the closest to that one word but none were the actual product I was looking for. So, I guess search engines throw out some guesses too. Search engines can be kind of stupid, frankly, but at other times very helpful.
  10. As far as Parler, there are extreme right-wing "groups" who want to stage another coup on Inauguration Day. This is most likely the reason Parler was taken down. Violence is completely useless to mankind except in cases of self defense. Monster Truck raiders on the capital or whatever name someone wants to use is also useless and meaningless as people are dead because of this. It also seems kind of transparent, to me anyways, as a way to say do not defund the police in any way. I think it smells "fishy". We need those promised programs for people, not more police. And, most of us in America want reform, not defund entirely.
  11. I'm fine with the cloud and AWS. I think it's a brilliant idea. Parler can go somewhere else...it's just a way to get press for it. To make an hypothetical: As far as individuals or groups within SL plotting to attack a Nation's Capital for example or a what-have-u coup, those persons and sims would be banned, not the whole of SL. It's kind of like this: If you want things your own way, build it yourself in SL. If you want your own media website, build it yourself...etc. I've already predicted Trump will get his own TV network. This just sets that up more.
  12. I'm not saying it's 100% from all residents as there is no such thing as 100% anything other than death in this life; not everyone even needs to pay taxes in rl. Many residents don't reject anyone even if the avatar is still a Classic after years. But, honestly, many might not get a job nor a date until an upgrade to a mesh avatar is more along what I'm speaking about. Also, Classic avatars are most welcome to hang out with us tinies and many do.
  13. We need good windlight for mesh heads too. So, I don't see the reason for stating this? Oh, I thought you were saying the Classic default head is not worth upgrading to have more polygons. I think it might be. And, I'm assuming more polygons into the equation here that's why I'm showing you my pictures on ULTRA with pixels bumped way high in camera as well. But, again, will LL do anything about it? I doubt it but I don't know how they expect to get new blood into SL if someone rezzes in a world who is a reject. I think rejection plays a huge part in that as does the cost, not just the look. Plus, feeling out of place and/or feeling poor as well. Additionally, I think another problem not addressed by LL or the residents, is users need a chance to be a part of the world and to make sure they like it before shelling out 40-50 dollars for an avatar.
  14. No, but I typed in Marketplace search the words Jake and Dress...but type it this way... Jake Dress (no and)...and I came up with a lot. It says 125 pages worth. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=&search[keywords]=jake+dress&search[maturity][]=General&search[maturity][]=Moderate&search[maturity][]=Adult&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[page]=2&search[per_page]=12&utf8=✓
  15. Cool! For lumbar support have you ever tried a lumbar back cushion? I've used a lumbar cushion for at least 20 years and could not sit at any kind of keyboard in any kind of computer chair without a lumbar back cushion. Your best bet is to ask your doctor to prescribe one because those are the best kind but you can find them on the internet as well. The kind I've used is in the link below. I also had carpel tunnel syndrome...wore wrist splints at night for about one month fifteen years ago and have not had one problem since and it's fifteen years later and still no problems. The wrist splints cured my carpal tunnel completely. I do not know if I am a lucky one who had it caught early, however. But the wrist splints were not that uncomfortable to wear at bedtime for a month and it worked! Ask your doctor about prescribing the wrist splints too if you don't see a lot of improvement without them. Also doing the exercise stretches in the link below can help alleviate so much back pain. Ask you doctor if you can see a physical therapist and learn the stretches for the spine in the link below. https://www.amazon.com/Qutool-Cushion-Orthopedic-Support-Adjustable/dp/B074C9F45S/ref=asc_df_B074C9F45S/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=366338115979&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2406171608562613540&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031187&hvtargid=pla-860935747367&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=75871485266&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=366338115979&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2406171608562613540&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031187&hvtargid=pla-860935747367 https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk02MqpzvrJCB5ujdCOXu5Hh0XOE-Vw%3A1610241982728&source=hp&biw=1120&bih=626&ei=vlf6X7rHKYe1tgWkx6GwBA&q=knees+to+chest+exercise+stretch&oq=knees+to+chest+exercise+stretch&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BQgAELEDOggIABCxAxCDAToGCAAQBRAeOgYIABAIEB46BAgAEBg6BAgAEB5Qyw1Y7lNgmFhoAXAAeACAAbQCiAG6G5IBCDYuMjUuMC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWc&sclient=img&ved=0ahUKEwi6noXrmpDuAhWHmq0KHaRjCEYQ4dUDCAc&uact=5
  16. I have picks in that thread for my favorite furniture stores that was posted above. For houses: Trompe L'oeil (has some in the 50-75 LI range). Dust Bunny - Amazing for Victorian, antique and tree house styles - can be high in LI but still gorgeous! Scarlet Creative - Absolutely stunning! Also can be high in LI but still gorgeous and absolutely creative! So, it depends on what styles you are looking for as well as how much LI you have. For clothes: Blueberry.
  17. /me shrugs back because that's so weird. Straight noses are so easy in my experience.
  18. Yes, of course but I'm showing something different. I'm showing how I can make a turned up nose with the Classic avatar but with a mesh head I'd say I look like I have a piggy nose and there is no real turned up nose shape. I have a turned up nose in real life so I've always had avatars with turned up noses. I'm also showing what Classic avatars look like on ULTRA which most rarely, if ever, see.
  19. Let me clarify something about ULTRA. I meant ULTRA for photographs. I can bump my pixels way up in the camera setting and set my graphics on ULTRA for photography. As far as using the world generally in ULTRA, no, far too laggy as you've mentioned. So, I mean for photography only. SL does run pretty good for me on HIGH though. I have posted several photos above these last few posts and look at the nose. Pictures 1 and 2 are Classic Head/Mesh body. Picture 3 is Mesh Head/Mesh body. Look at the nose in pictures 2 and 3. Picture 2 is a Classic head nose with a realistic looking turned up nose. Picture 3 is a mesh head with a blah nose that costs about $20 U.S. dollars. Someone said the nose on Classic Avatars is bad. I don't think so if you look at the nose in the two photos I'm talking about here. And, I would not spend $20 more U.S. dollars for another mesh head that may have a turned up nose. The Classic head gives me a great nose but remember that photo I'm talking about is a Classic avatar on ULTRA for the picture with pixels turned way up in my camera settings. The mesh headh/mesh body 3rd photo I am speaking about is supposed to have a turned up nose too - it doesn't work even with setting it all the way.
  20. I don't think anyone can wear it now though as early in thread it says it comes with pants but no top and there are no clothes for it. I'd say the passing up of this body by creators to make clothes for it could have more to do with the economy than the body itself. However, I cannot prove that as I am not in the market for a new body at this time and at this price most likely I'd pass no matter what body so I haven't tried a demo. It's too pricey and it's not my dream body. My dream body is something different, something unique that doesn't exist in SL right now. But, I wouldn't pay 6.5K linden even for my dream body, not at this time or this year most likely. As a creator, my current creating plans for SL for Spring 2021 are to make a few greenhouses (or perhaps only one style) and that is it because I feel it's not worth my time to create because of the current situations with coronavirus. So, I will create one or two greenhouses, and that's even a maybe. Normally from now through Spring, I'd probably make about 30 items (including stuff for my Dinkie) and I'm debating whether to make even one item right now for the next several months. So, that's production almost at a standstill for me. As a body, it's similar to Legacy. What this body has is the possibility of a more stable HUD than Legacy perhaps as a selling point but if creator's have to raise prices to do more work, it's not worth it in the current economic climate, imo. And, if creator's raise prices on things, that's even more horrible for SL overall. Also, if you have to tint the hands and other parts, that's kind of a turn-off as I did that with Slink feet and wouldn't want to do it again. Just doing one elf ear on my avi yesterday took about an hour to tint and position the darn thing. Good luck, but with parts one may have to tint, it's way over-priced.
  21. Oh man...that's sad. There are "stories" to tell about this problem. Perhaps LL should consider avi's that render not as a human...and maybe change the name to "Create Your Life" or something like that. I have no idea how to help this problem. And, LL saying "business as usual" translates to me as 'users will debate pros and cons but things will change rather slowly...if at all' in regards to some things or most things.
  22. Do you go to Adult places though because I don't? That could make a difference. I'm just speaking of Moderate and not an Adult club at all...more like everybody clubs. I never go to Adult clubs nor sex sims. However, LL should consider it will need new blood at some time and rezzing as a reject is not a terribly wise business plan. lol
  23. I disagree with all of this and wonder if you've ever seen a Classic head on ULTRA with pixels bumped way up? They look downright real. I cannot get that sense of real with a mesh head even at a distance...it's more "doll". I'm sure most people are not rezzing nor using ULTRA nor bumping their pixels up either at first...let alone ever. The picture size that can be put on Marketplace needs to be fixed and allow for a larger file formatted size. I'd say I keep my camera pixels low because of Marketplace as it's a hassle to keep changing them for hobby photography. But, definitely Marketplace needs to allow a larger photo period; it's like stone age. And, then, people could rez with larger pixels for their camera. Plus, I'm going to have to add, Classic avatars are often shunned and rejected. What SL is now is start as a reject and that's not right to do to somebody.
  24. This is a most interesting thought, the mesh vs the non-mesh head. I'd say most men prefer a women who is not the "diva" upon first meeting. Many men look at the mesh head women as most likely "divas" and/or "princesses". While men do like to spoil a woman and make her happy with his wallet, as has been my experience in real life, and I feel lucky that way; but men when they first meet a girl, don't. The non-mesh head female probably seems more down to earth among other things. Was I hit on more as a Classic head/mesh body - yep. As far as can the starter head be attractive. It most certainly can, on ULTRA, for photographs, at a long distance, and in those parameters, as an avatar photographer, the non-mesh Classic head is better because it's more realistic. The Classic avatars are also more in proportion and with mesh heads and mesh bodies I'm constantly saying to myself 'the head is too big, the head is too small, the head is too big, the head is too small, and on and on...and the same with the legs - 'the legs are too long, the legs are too short, the legs are too long, the legs are too short and this goes on FOREVER. The Classic avatar is just more in proportion all around. I have shared long before you were in the forums Rowan that I was a Classic avatar for my first year and a half here in SL because it was complicated to become a mesh head and I came to build, so I felt mesh avatar is not needed as I was working pretty much alone. But, I did take a look around at appliers and could not figure out what to do. I didn't figure out appliers until I realized I needed to put the body alpha on. DUH! So, instead of going mesh head which I could not decide...I decided to get a mesh body first and learn appliers that way. So, I got the Maitreya mesh body and remained a Classic head with Maitreya mesh body for a year at least. I would take long distance shots of my avatar - mesh body, Classic head and she looked real. It still blows my mind how real she really looked. The first photo I've shared on the forums before of my mesh body/Classic head avatar. The 2nd photo shows the face better, but in the 2nd photo you can see I can get a rather realistic turned up nose (which is what my nose is) far better on the Classic head. 3rd photo, a close up of one of my latest shapes...she's not very realistic...and she is a mesh head/mesh body. So, I understand what Chin Rey is saying here. I like doll looks but I'd like more realism too. However, Rowan you have probably the most realistic mesh avatar I've ever seen. They are getting better but how much more money am I going to throw at new shinnies in what could be a drastic economic downturn? Probably not much unless the price is way low. (Lately I've been taking off the eyelashes because I don't like them - they are too fake.)
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