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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. Is that your HUD? Did you change your LoD or Graphics setting? Or change anything else? I think it's full bright too not glow but I don't think that is the problem. I think GRAPHICS setting is too low, personally, but I could be wrong.
  2. I did not know that but deleting scripts does cause a hassle in general for all SL products for the CSR and the creator's, I'm sure. A lot of users don't get the you have to make a copy first, then modify, then delete scripts from the copy one has made only. As far as someone in this thread mentioning removing layers, I don't know if this EVO line has removed the layers because it's BOM only. But, I'm guessing here what is meant by "removing layers" to mean the onion skin layers or something...? What "layers" might customers want to delete other than onion skin layers which I'd have no idea how to do.
  3. From what I read above from one poster it's that one cannot delete the scripts. My guess is many items don't include delete the scripts because of newbies and creator's have to make a decision here in regards to newbies because most newbies don't understand what copy and modify means. What copy and modify means is to make a copy first and paste that copy into your folder and then modify it and then delete the scripts from that copy one has made. Many newbies will just modify their item, delete the scripts, and then their item doesn't work anymore which could lead to a hassle for customer service reps and the creator. That's my take on it. I think creator's just had to make a decision to include a delete scripts option or not and most choose not for reasons I've stated above. What they could do is put a version available for sale with a delete scripts option alongside the main version for purchase but even that is confusing.
  4. Maybe she made a cylinder and a box to wear, perhaps while building and she builds inside the cylinder box, and she doesn't want people to enter it or stand on it; she wants to lock it as the states in her OP about locking the cylinder and box. That's the best I can figure out.
  5. OMG. lol I don't know if I have any. I'll check though.
  6. For things we buy, yes. But, what do I need to modify on Lilly? I can modify her shape, her skin, her make-up, her eyes. It's great, although I did buy AIDA half price for the Black Friday sales and she is my favorite. I wanted something younger, about 18, and AIDA fits that bill very well. But, I just wanted to say that the Dinkie Nourishment I give out as a free product is in no way bad. My no mod Dinkie nourishment can still be moved and rotated with a no mod product plus I make it for the original Dinkie shape and if I change the Dinkie shape, I adjust the drink to fit that shape and give out both the nourishment and the shape for free. Someone made the mesh cup for me and she said I could use it for free if it was copy only...but it is not a bad product at all. It's actually very adorable and works fine. You want a mod product, make your own.
  7. There is a free skin at Mila inworld. It fits on Lilly.
  8. When I saw Jeff Bezos on television in about 1995 when he was talking about his new internet adventure: Amazon, selling used books on the internet. The thought inside my head was "oh, that will never work". What made me think that is we can get books for free at the library. So, I thought it would fail. Jeff Bezos is now on his way to becoming the first trillionaire. So, since I doubted Bezos all those years ago, this time I will keep my mouth shut. But, my machine runs way better in the cloud. So, that is all and my 2 cents as it stands today. EEP is what I am having a problem with but then again I'm a bit fried right now and need to chill. I will learn EEP some time after Christmas.
  9. Male and female have many unisex characteristics these days from hair to platform boots to sweatshirts for a few examples. There would be no way for the viewer to know other than, well...you know, private parts the avatar is wearing perhaps. But, imagine the viewer scanning for what private parts the avatar is wearing. I think it's safe to say 'not gonna happen'. But, not really expanding on what you said up here about the above being possible, well...of course it isn't, but some technology is truly quite amazing and somewhat "magical", especially those machines one can talk into and the machine will type every word you say. To me, that is truly amazing. I wouldn't mind having one of those machines myself.
  10. I think parody is considered fair use that's why the use of the photos used in the memes here on SL forum get a pass most of the time. To really be fair use for parody, you'd have to add a word bubble and some parody is what the poster above I believe is saying to your poster. IOW, change it; parody it, don't use it as is. I think the changing it or parodying it especially is proof you are not going to sell it as is or something like that. Look up fair use parody.
  11. However, the so called "stimulus" that finally passed in America was only a $600 payment plus a $300 hundred dollar a week unemployment, which is below California living level if single. California has been in lockdown for three weeks and lockdown is going to extended beyond the three weeks now. A one time $600 hundred dollar payment and 300 hundred dollars a week for Californians is not enough. It's expensive to live here. So, it's a reverse stimulus as far as I can see in that if people have had to put things on credit cards just to live and are behind in payments, they don't want to spend money so it's a reserve stimulus now. New York has also had lockdowns though I don't know much of the details nor what's actually going on in all states. So, the above could change.
  12. Yeah, read it wrong. This is why I need time after what I've been through. I am waiting until after Christmas and going to be reading before I install it. It's just I went through so much crap with all that testing with the fetching thing. I'm frazzled and need to just relax through Christmas now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is me for a while. I'm going to take it easy.
  13. Oooooooo, thank you, thank you, thank you! Why didn't I think of that, duh. I was wondering about that message of asking 'do you want it to be the default handler of all virtual worlds' thingie or however it's worded. I think I checked no. Above, it says to check yes. I checked no because I don't have any other virtual worlds...I thought that might be for open sim people or something. So, yes...I'll read all of that. It's so odd in this thread with the different user experiences. I also didn't want to bring my issues to the forum until I got through to FS support. For some reason, I could type in FS support inworld group chat but the message would not go through. I wanted to know what they might suggest first. It took several days before I could get a message through to FS support inworld. It finally went through and we went through the "fetching" thing and I checked everything BUT after that I knew I needed a time out to rest after checking all that.
  14. Okay, I will. Funnily enough, when I made my new alt about oh 10 days ago, I went into the Second Life EEP viewer and had no problem but also had no inventory. But the lighting was pretty. When I went into the Second Life after clearing my inventory cache on this account, it was all way screwed up - all textures, so I've been through the wringer here for the last 8 days or so but I tested everything the FS support team gave me about fetching but as soon as I reinstalled the BOM viewer, all was fine.. Now, I think it will work as long as I can set it at 2048.
  15. Oh, I see it now. I didn't see that before. But, when I said to the FS support team "the viewer texture memory buffer only goes to 512", I got no answer. Mine didn't show any way to set it higher that I could see....? I'm not sure what is up here on my end.
  16. I see some of you saying no problem. So, what it could be on my end is I'm a Wifi connection. Perhaps a 512 viewer texture memory buffer is not compatible for those on a wifi connection. I tried everything to correct the fetching from the link I was given from the FS support team. Nothing worked other than re-installing the BOM viewer with a 2048 viewer texture memory buffer.
  17. I tried that and it did not work one iota to help. And, FS when I finally contacted them told me I had a fetching issue. Well, to fix the fetching issue, it reads you need a viewer texture memory buffer of higher than 512. I tried all the steps and I mean ALL to improve "fetching" I was given, none worked. So, for now...I'm off it. BOM with a viewer texture memory buffer of 2048 solved all the problems.
  18. Look under GRAPHICS > HARDWARE and see what your VIEWER TEXTURE MEMORY BUFFER is set too on the EEP viewer. On two FS viewers, the EEP one and the top one available under OLDER RELEASES for FS downloading both have viewer texture memory buffer set to a maximum of 512, which was not "fetching" many of my textures not even my skin. So I scrolled down and saw the BOM viewer still available for download. It's numbers start with what Ceka has listed above 6.3.2. Don't download the first 6.3.9, texture memory buffer is the same - max 512. The 6.3.2 BOM viewer has viewer texture memory buffer up to 2048 and that's the viewer Ceka and I are talking about 6.3.2 and you will see it at the bottom of the photo. 6.3.9 has a viewer texture memory buffer for 64-bit set at 512 too and caused the same problems for me. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_older_downloads
  19. That's a viewer from Hell as far as I am concerned. It's horrid. I would not rez many items in my home; nor a prim with a Christmas Party invite on it. It's viewer texture buffer only goes up to 512 and it wasn't fetching a lot of my textures, while the BOM viewer goes to 2048. I'm back on the BOM viewer edition now. The buffer needs to be higher as BOM skins will be 1024 now. It was thrashing my skins as well, or in other words, not fetching. EDIT: More info: I told the Firestorm inworld support people the viewer only has a texture buffer of 512. So, I asked the FS inworld support..."are you sure you haven't mixed up the viewers?" To which I got no answer. For 32-bit, texture buffer needs to be at 512. For 64-bit, it needs to be 2048. So, I dunno what's going on or what they are thinking here.
  20. Yeah, I kind of figured that. The thing is though with the higher quality meshes that look so realistic, the LoD is about 2. So, I set my LoD at 2-3 a lot of the times. Sculpts need a LoD of 4, that's mostly why I left them behind plus sculpt maps can be very boxy for things like dressers and I like curvy things - antique style. Since I have mostly high quality very realistic mesh items for my home, I keep my LoD low. I also set my LoD low for Gacha shopping sims which helps to greatly reduce the lag as does a lower LoD at shopping events reduce lag. There are many people in SL who run their machines on a lower LoD now, I'm not the only one.
  21. If you've noticed but then I doubt if you would have, I don't post in the peeves thread very often. The little peeves in life never bothered me very much real life either. Change what you can, don't dwell on the things you can't.
  22. Happy Holidays to you all too! I see a bit of "everything", just like Second Life.
  23. Oh yeah, yeah...true. I was thinking of making bump maps for some artworks I want to plant on a prim the old-fashioned way made from a box. Does it need to be included or would bumps and other kinds of maps generated elsewhere still work? I doubt the new buyers would give up the upload fees altogether they can make here. But, we've talked about this subject in the forums before and to me it remains a hypothetical because I am not a geek and I am in the intermediate stage and not the ultra advanced like some of the highly detailed mesh created today. As for sculpts, I've moved on. I want to be 100% mesh now plus prims here and there.
  24. A lot! I'm always saying to myself "I'm feeding Govenor Linden too much again". I do try to upload a texture to local but I can't really see it that well, so I upload at least 3 or 4 that are useless. And, I can't really see on Aditi very well at all; it's too bright for me. But, bump mapped mesh objects really are better quality and that needs to be uploaded, plus the work on the AO's and the UV's need to be uploaded from Photoshop or one will end up with a very flat mesh object. One can still buy everything inworld even textures but the objects won't have much depth without the maps. Mesh is amazingly gorgeous. The biggest problem in reality with SL right now or very near in the future is a possible vicious economic downturn. There isn't much to say about a possible vicious economic downturn as all any of us can really do right now is take it one day at time as we try to find a way out and past cornavirus.
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