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Randy Pole

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Everything posted by Randy Pole

  1. You are not permitted to share or give (sell) your account to another party whilst you are alive without the consent of Linden Lab. So in extreme and warranted cases it is possible for someone to take over your account whilst you are alive as long as Linden Lab agree to it beforehand. For example if my mother who has dementia and I have Lasting Power of Attorney for her had a SL account I could apply to take control of said account - it is up to Linden Lab to decide if I can in the end though. You can bequeath the account to another party for them to access it once you are dead. Linden Lab Official:Death and other worries outside Second Life - Second Life Wiki
  2. No such thing exists - you cannot ever hide yourself from the map or nearby avatar list unless you are a Linden Lab avatar. Set parcel privacy and people will still see your dot on the map and name but they will not be able to actually see your avatar (on any other avatar on the parcel) unless they are on the parcel as well.
  3. Please do not take this the wrong way but.... You can answer all the questions you asked yourself just by actually trying to experience Second Life for yourself. If I had a dollar for each time someone posted a thread about getting information for a research article I'd have enough to get myself back to Hawaii thanks.
  4. Highly likely there will be some silly Halloween style ones - they have done it before.
  5. Personally I've never put up Christmas decorations in real life until the first week of December and they are taken down the first week of the New Year. In SL I follow the same schedule and it's all very toned down instead of the gigawatt in your face light shows that got popular a few years back. Then again I am probably just a grumpy old sod.
  6. As the General Discussion forum is general in content and type of reply you may find posting to an alternative forum will target your audience better. For example the merchants forum might be a great place to meet those creators or resellers that you want to reach out to. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/311-merchants/
  7. I use MFA with my iPhone and the built-in password manager that does an encrypted sync via the cloud so I can also access it on my desktops. No worry about losing access if phone update goes wrong as the data is all stored in the cloud.
  8. Long ago LL did have a vanity name service. This was when SL was big in the media and attracting Corporations. For a huge fee you could purchase your own name - mostly aimed at celebs. edit / should really read all the thread before I reply!
  9. Second Life actually did have ratings like or similar to this and they were dropped due to being abused and also causing grief or concern to residents.
  10. So many people continue to have little suns in geostationary orbit around their head thinking that it makes them look better when it fact it has the opposite effect (unless in a photo shoot).
  11. Also please remember that if your home happens to be in Bellisseria you cannot have any selling or tipping there. I know the OP mentions their own sim but I am assuming they don’t mean their own private island if they are unaware of selling items in SL.
  12. Whilst I might upset many long time "oldbies" I do think that LL need to reconsider their stance on recycling the surnames previously used as there were hundreds of great ones there that people would want (and all the silly combinations will have been taken 'cause that's what we all did with a disposable alt when a new surname came out).
  13. I've seen some strange names out there. Heck I see one each time I log on.
  14. That and running it on an unsupported processor. The OS itself will be dragging performance of any application down as your machine is not built for it. You would do better reverting to whatever version of Windows you were on before you somehow managed to get Windows 11 on it.
  15. I'd not say that the Senra avatars are great but they are a great start. The process of putting one on and then changing it is a bit too clunky but I understand why LL went that way instead of a HUD to amend the avatar - you can directly reference the objects in the library. As with any mesh body it is all in the hands of the clothing and skin designers - if they do not support it then it will only be worn for as long as it takes a new resident time to save up for a replacement.
  16. ISPs sell the bigger bandwidth is better thing but if you are a “normal” user you don’t really need a bandwidth in the high hundreds. Streaming 4k UHD needs 25Mbps min and ideally 50Mbps. Having 500Mbps means you can download faster than the SL servers can send data so higher bandwidth will not achieve anything unless the connection is directly into the data centre.
  17. By all means apply for job at LL if you think you can do better and especially for that price - I am sure they would love to hear from you. Mobile app is in the works - do try and keep up. It's been all over that web site you hate so much. I'm not sure that a mobile app is the way to go though. Great idea! Let's stop designers creating anything new in mesh and everyone has to use the same body. This is NOT the way to go. Yes it is complicated for new residents but they do not need to jump right in and pay loads of L$ until they want to. The new avatars are getting there and will get better with designer support and skins. It's a beta test grid first and foremost - the fact that some use it as a free way to upload stuff is not the purpose of the test grid. You seem to dislike just about everything and yet maybe you need to take a step back. Maybe consider attending one of the many sessions hosted by the Lindens about the various parts of the highly complex infrastructure that they have created and engage in come constructive dialog with them.
  18. Not sure if the location you are intending to use is the one you got via premium plus - if it is then you would be able to have a hangout place but you are prevented by the covenant from having any form of commercial activity and that includes tipping.
  19. Any of the latest (in last 2-3 years at least) releases from Vista will have full bento anims (other stores and products are also available elsewhere).
  20. It's not often that a guy with an Aesthetic mesh gets to put on something new these days but here's old me in my new overalls on the ranch.
  21. I have no problems with people posting on the forums from their additional accounts providing that they are following the rules and not falsely inflating posts using these additional accounts.
  22. Only homes currently available appear on the page. As victorian homes are not (as far as I am aware) part of the regions currently being added they will only become available when someone else gives up their own home. You therefore need to refresh the page (really only about each minute) and be patient - or settle for the "second best in your opinion" style for now and try again later. Sorry - as someone who tried for a long, long time to get a houseboat I feel your pain.
  23. Moderate is the way to go unless you sell content that requires the store to be adult. Also note that land prices for adult parcels on the land auction site are considerably higher than mature. I would assume that the same goes for rentals.
  24. Getting back to the OP the account name (username) is not personal information with regards to data protection as it is not the name of a living person (unless you managed to obtain a name that does actually match your own RL name). Remember that SL is one huge database and deleted key fields from databases when links to that key may exist (calling cards, created items etc.) would result in untold issues. Whilst you can elect to delete your SL account think instead of it as being made inactive and totally unable to log in to. The longer that goes on for the more difficult it is to restore the account because the data has to be recovered from backups and they are not kept forever. So whilst a breadcrumb trail of the account still has to remain the actual avatar and its inventory will in fact be zapped - this I know because it happened to me.
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