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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Best thing for someone concerned about bots is lodge a ticket with customer support.
  2. I like to have fun imploding things. I grab a fair size item, unlink, tick Physical and Temporary, and watch the fun!
  3. Maybe it takes the system time to recognise the alt went from a "scripted agent" mode to controlled human mode.
  4. SL Peeve #344: Many music streams dead as a duck. Went in world recently to help someone with their radio and noticed that. RL Peeve #344: Tuning a RL radio station only to hear a loop saying "We have moved to your mobile device - download the Radio Something APP to hear your favourites." Station had nice tunes on it, but signing off the air.
  5. <-- Thinks of the old X-Files show... “How many times have we been here before, Scully? Right here. So close to the truth and now with what we've seen and what we know to be right back at the beginning with nothing.”
  6. SL Peeve 15: When someone uses rapid flashing stuff or fireworks on the screen that you can't turn off via the Particle setting. More then once I almost got seizures from that. RL Peeve 15: Going into a store and seeing some lights in some parts flashing like mad, especially in a youth area.
  7. Some MMOs would ask to make a video and make it "unlisted" to include in a ticket. Don't think the Lab does that.
  8. My client shows the whole name and there are some scripts in world that still go by the full toon name. So a sploder or a house control thing might go "lalalalalala99 Resident" have won this or opened a door.
  9. Reminds me of the old AOHell sign up --- accounts with name like "Kimmi8675309" or something.
  10. And I wish they would do that again instead of charging customers fees to dump the "Resident" name.
  11. There's some skins I would like --- but their "shine" thing causes me to go no-sale on them.
  12. One of my cousin's that lives in the Sillycon Valley worked at that bank and when he got to work, the Feds were already down. The bank was already in trouble according to some news reports. I still remember the Washington Mutual fall in the late 2000s. Got a feeling Tilia's fine and the Lab and related stuff are in meetings to make sure the Lab and SL don't get affected.
  13. Same here. My man used to play this one game eons ago that was on the desktop. A few years ago they came out with a mobile version then finally they went mobile only. It was some kind of train game. Since the PC/Mac version went away, he no longer plays it.
  14. I tried making a test account using my own domain's email addy - got the same response. Hope they fix it.
  15. The board software does put up a blue box with the text shown as an example below: "You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 6969 days. Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.
  16. This thread is dying.....not SL. Hopefully it'll get moled soon. IBTL
  17. It's like that with most companies out there. Some are real greedy like some social media platforms --- others try to keep a balance on revenue and expenditures. There was probably a lot of meetings with the accountant types figuring the best balance. For example allowing Premie Plus to pay tier with Lindens instead removes some of the money coming in from outside the virtual world. My family owns a small business and many night I'm figuring the finances --- although on a smaller scale compared to the Lab. When money goes from one hand to another, 3rd parties like banks, etc have their hands out for a part of it. As for comments on game type MMOs out there, they can simply raise the price of the virtual goods.
  18. Was the Lab Gab ever attended by the Residents or was it always recorded and filmed for next day broadcast? I know some other meetings can be attended live.
  19. RL Peeve 340: My daughter ordering something from Amazon --- and having the item take 3 weeks to get to her due to traveling over the border twice --- From Canada to US and back over again. It was supposed to be shipped 20Km from one of their WH but their system routed it over 700 Km to Detroit before it came back up here. SL Peeve 340: Almost something similar eons ago in world. Went to TP to a shop and got auto TPed to another sim to click a sign. Once clicked it would send you back. I simply thought heck with that and homeported.
  20. Some MMOs are only free up to a certain level or point --- like the WoW one.
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