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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Great article that gives a positive feel to our beloved Second Life!
  2. My man played a couple MMOs. If there is local chat --- it's from a gold seller. I even saw one of those in world here other day when I took a short tour of the SL20B areas. Couple of avatars saying over and over "3W ***** c o m --$Lindens---2000 5$---1043" - the last 4 numbers change on each shout. Attempted to lodge an AR report, but the client crashed and burned on me.
  3. If they make military grade virtual worlds --- maybe the Lab could use some of their tech. Maybe help with the lag. Would be nice to go to a SLB without crashing 69 times.
  4. Patch should apply to be a presenter on the Price is Right! I can see the announcer saying "And you can win a new Chevy Bolt! The car has blah blah blah." "Also today we introduce our newest prize presenter --- Patch Linden!"
  5. I think the car thing is limited to the US due to the silly laws around the planet regarding issuance of prizes. A few years ago a MMO my man was playing was offering iPhones and stuff to top winners. But didn't happen when the game publisher ran into legal issues on sending phones to many countries. They ended up awarding game currency to the winners.
  6. The music industry always been fussy to work with throughout many decades dealing with music rights.
  7. Funny thing DJs in world been streaming music since forever. But there has been 22,000 topics on that already.
  8. You think they would used something outside of Fakebook. Not everyone uses that --- I sure don't. As for the build, there were some nice things there like the arches indicating each area as you travel the path, but I did see some boo boos. But that can happened to anyone building stuff and something this large some things can escape the eyes. Some of the games in the Skill sim didn't work properly --- clicking on some things it sat there but selecting "Touch" from the client's pie menu made it function. Could be a limitation of Singularity since that viewer hasn't been updated in ages and I didn't try on any other client.
  9. A while back I have heard of the "NUX" thing from a vendor that services our RL business. Nothing related to SL --- but that phrase has been used before.
  10. Forgot those! Hair or shoes installed in bum: L$599 per occurance. Crossing a sim/region: L$250!
  11. Fees like: Log in fee: L$500 Log out fee: L$169 Crash out of SL: L$2500 Logging in naked due to Mesh taking 44 years to rez: L$250 per minute until fully rezzed. TP fee: L$569 Boat rez: L$200 Flying: L$450 Meet or see one or more Linden staff in world: L$550 per Linden, 3 for L$1299. Message board: L$100 per post, L$1000 for starting thread. Getting the thread locked - free! And so on..... And probably some others. I still use an old school flip phone. And it's in the car in case need directions or if the engine craps out.
  12. That cannon probably a lot safer then the bridge below. I have great concerns about it as there's no support pillars and could collapse at any moment --- putting any avatar using it at risk of dropping into the sea below! Whoever built it need to go to engineering and bridge building school! Was gonna lodge a support ticket, but there's no drop down menu selection for unsafe bridges. 🤣
  13. Quite a few. When I had my in world venue I let one go when someone told me he replayed an older show more then once. I recorded him and the audio was exactly the same. Performers come in many categories: Real where they use actual instruments, even if it's a guitar. Looper where they use as looper for other effects. Backing Tracks where they sing to it or play their guitar to it. And Fake, using a recording. Might be some others I can't recall atm.
  14. Reminds me of another canned show "performer" but he will remain nameless due to the name-and-shame thing.
  15. Kick does have categories for SL as I found a couple people streaming stuff from Second Life. Twitch prohibits SL claiming it's due to adult things in SL. I don't know if the top brass at Twitch, which is owned by Amazon knows, but Second Life does have many musicians that would like to do full simulcasts into Twitch. Funny thing Twitch is owned by Amazon --- who also owns the AWS servers that Linden Lab leases for SL. I think the Lab should approach Twitch and work out something so the performers can do their thing - but if adult stuff is shown, like by non-musicians, kick those. Heck Twitch does allow the hot-tub shows. Allow SL too.
  16. Maybe who knows. Secretly they could be paid something. I have a CRS (Canadian Revenue Service) person who visits my bar and I'm going to pull him aside and ask him. I'll just say "can a for-profit company legally use volunteers?" Maybe I'll get a straight answer. He also has knowledge of the US IRS agency too. I'm sure all over for-profits use volunteers or extra help in exchange for swag.
  17. There should be paid comps. If the Lab could do that, even a small amount --- it could the Mentor program a good thing this time around. Adding --- I was showing this thread to a lawyer friend and she said the Lab would be opening itself to some legal stuff since it's a for-profit company using free labour. Many other MMOs dropped their volunteer stuff cause of the legal stuff.
  18. Thanks, I learned something new today. Don't know how many times I tried to grab stuff just to have someone's plant or whatever getting selected and preventing moving things or putting back into inventory.
  19. From reading through the posts --- I believe the Mentors should be a paid position thing. Maybe keep the government tax agencies happy.
  20. I like Therapist. After being in SL, sometimes one needs a therapist.
  21. One of my amateur radio friends was saying he was a mentor in the SL's early days and enjoyed it. They was in the wild west days of the web. She's aware they're returning it --- but had concerns that the program might run afoul of legal stuff nowadays since the IRS and CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) now have rules affecting online stuff. She's checking with an attorney friend on this.
  22. I remember that with the AOL. Not sure if someone not employed by the Lab could make a group for a mentor type thing not under the control of LL could skirt around that issue. The Lab could send a guide or post one somewhere on how established Residents can assist new people with onboarding. I was a volunteer for the original XOOM clip art thing in the late 90s for their message board. The IRS got on their rear and they closed the boards. A staff did make a board on DelphiForums for a short time until that was eliminated.
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