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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. You can take a linden home and abandon it later. The catch with buying mainland, you have to find the parcel yourself and you also have to buy the parcel, either from LL or a private seller. Private sellers tend to jack up the price. You can buy through LL directly by filing a ticket or through an auction. The auction is it’s own little mini game where you’re usually going up against the private sellers that I mentioned before.
  2. This is correct. You also would have access to premium sandboxes. Where you don’t have to worry about griefers or clutter. The few people that you’d share it with are usually doing their own thing. So you can create to your hearts content until you find the right parcel for you.
  3. There are different versions of the body. I think the most current version is 8.6. It's possible that the clothes are for 8.5, which would cause clipping issues.
  4. It's worth a demo, it definitely looks nice and ticks all the boxes. As far as support? Well....
  5. Well if they’re hanging out on SL Secrets...it just might take them a week to clothe themselves.
  6. Can we reframe this question? Dancing and shopping are really the closest things to standard. Everything else are not standard activities.
  7. Even though I missed the 70s and most of the 80s, those two decades music are my ASMR!
  8. I think it’s more of the traditional “all mesh bodies suck” rant.
  9. I heard Ninjas are coming back When? from the “I heard Last names are coming back When?” thread.
  10. From looking at it in edit mode it looks like you have some kind of modifier on the green edges. I think that’s what you have a problem with right? Im not quite sure what the green color means. In my settings sharp edges are a cyan color. So it looks like it’s some sort of shading issue you have going on there. Possibly two meshes on top of each other. What are your export settings from MD looking like? Can you post that? Actually, I looked at it in object mode and edit mode a couple more times. It’s definitely a shading issue. Select the whole object and recalculate the normals. Give that a shot.
  11. I’m pretty sure, somewhere in SL there are new users logging in. I mean....everybody that logs in asking for help isn’t a troll or being annoying for lulz, right? If that’s the case then blow up the Avatar and Fashion section right now on the forum. The new user experience makes or breaks whether someone is going to use a product or stick with a “game”. It is important to get on boarding right and continue to improve it. Also, how would you know how many new users SL gets per day, month or year? I thought only LL had access to that information.
  12. 2048 is double the max size for a texture in SL. SL will “resize” a texture from 2048 to 1024....but well you really don’t want to rely on SL to do that for you. You also don’t want to just drop a patterned texture onto a clothing item. Set up your nodes so that you can apply your texture in blender and also resize the texture. Then bake! Once you import your bake into SL, then you have a texture that will work perfectly on your shirt!
  13. Well it was a parody. He always pulled from multiple movies when parodying.
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