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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. It’s happened to me twice while I was shopping, pretty popular stores too. Couple more times that were totally dubious, also while shopping. They’re sugar daddies. They do exist in SL, people that post looking for them probably ran into one or heard about them. They are real.
  2. I never saw a high waisted mini skirt in RL. Only in SL!!!!
  3. I’m no expert on male bodies, sooo forgive my ignorance. I thought signature only made bodies, not heads too?
  4. Knocking on 10 years on my original account.
  5. Wow, the good old fake bake. That takes me back to the applier days.
  6. That’s great! Good luck.
  7. Y’all are terrible. Now he’s back peddling and afraid. Besides you using the bootleg version of the Maitreya kit..... There’s quite a few gotchas involved in rigging without avastar. So much so, most people just get avastar. So I know you’re using blender 2.8 and it’s easier for you so far, but you might have to roll back to 2.79 until avastar for 2.8 comes out. It’s either that, or explore some other options as far as rigging. You’re using a kit that is very new, a version of blender that is also very new and you’re kind of new to all of this? roll back to 2.79, install avastar and try it that way. Also join the avastar group in-world.
  8. Yeah, a smarter move probably would’ve been to release the dev kit first. Make a big hoopla about that, so some clothing options would be available. Original mesh creators don’t really grow on trees. Now it’s going to be a chicken or the egg thing. “It’s nice, but nobody makes clothes for it. I’m not buying it.”Or “It’s nice, but nobody’s buying it. I won’t create for it.”
  9. Here are some quick snaps I did before I run off to work this morning
  10. Quick run down: It’s a very nice body. It comes with omega preinstalled and is BoM ready. It’s super responsive to the shape sliders so doing a shape for it was a snap. I just threw a fresh catwa on it and was good to go. The shine is gorgeous, I’d say it has the best out of the box shine I’ve seen yet. It seems to be comparable to Maitreya, but Maitreya sizes don’t fit. Actually, it’s more comparable with Belleza Isis, which is also comparable to Maitreya. So it’s definitely in that market. The only minus is clothing obviously. There were a couple of outfits at the signature store. Just as my sister and I were critiquing the body, a designer sent an update with an item for Alice in it. So time will tell how much support it actually gets. I haven’t had a chance to snap some pics, really weird weekend. When I get the chance I will share though.
  11. Right, so if she has the free version, its not going to alpha precisely because the alpha cuts are too big. It's going to be feast of famine with the alphas.
  12. Well, the first question would be, why aren’t you using appliers? The second is are you using a mesh body with a system head? If so, why not look for skins that still include system heads?
  13. It came out and was put aside by the creator so he could focus on Gianni and Gerald. So there wasn’t a real push for it. From what I understand, it wasn’t very good before and has been redone. So it’s basically an unfinished project that finally got finished.
  14. Now I’m confused. Do you have a free body or the retail body? You originally said you had a free body, but you just showed the hud of the retail body. Which body do you have and which version? 8.5 or 8.6?
  15. You can take a linden home and abandon it later. The catch with buying mainland, you have to find the parcel yourself and you also have to buy the parcel, either from LL or a private seller. Private sellers tend to jack up the price. You can buy through LL directly by filing a ticket or through an auction. The auction is it’s own little mini game where you’re usually going up against the private sellers that I mentioned before.
  16. This is correct. You also would have access to premium sandboxes. Where you don’t have to worry about griefers or clutter. The few people that you’d share it with are usually doing their own thing. So you can create to your hearts content until you find the right parcel for you.
  17. There are different versions of the body. I think the most current version is 8.6. It's possible that the clothes are for 8.5, which would cause clipping issues.
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